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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 133 KB, 566x800, Marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8003957 No.8003957 [Reply] [Original]

What will you do when Marisa steals your virginity?

>> No.8003983
File: 40 KB, 308x418, 1309669647893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lose it again

>> No.8003991

Nothing, because I won't let her. She already has Reimu anyway.

>> No.8003992

Turn into my final form as a loli with 12 hymens that must be fought and pierced in a specific order in order to deflower me. Each hymen is weak to a different element and I cycle through hymen forms every three turns. Each hymen has 270,000HP and regenerates 15,000 every turn.

>> No.8003997

This guy. He provides the good one-liners, eh?

>> No.8004007
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Cry myself to sleep as she took away 24 years of purity and my one chance to become a wizard.

And a few days later, the hunt starts.
I shall have my revenge, hourai elixir, vampire, become a undead.

I would try it all, anything that can give me enough power to take her life.
Even if it costs me what is left of my tainted body and soul.

>> No.8004021
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>> No.8004014

I think that's a good idea for a villain. Very tasteful. I will be taking this.

>> No.8004023

Thats some scary stuff

>> No.8004027

They always say they'll take it but they never do. I remenber the day when I met Mami in an alley and she said she had come to take away my virginity. It was a lie, it always is.

>> No.8004028

>Cry myself to sleep as she took away 24 years of purity and my one chance to become a wizard.
Where the heck did that legend start from?
>I shall have my revenge, hourai elixir, vampire, become a undead.
The touhou vampires are demons, but why would you even need to be undead when your not part of this dimension? For the feel no pain I guess..

>> No.8004043
File: 424 KB, 700x523, 17921275_p10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take it back

>> No.8004046 [DELETED] 
File: 332 KB, 800x600, 1318235850101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your a 24 year old virgin?
and your here?
makes sense.

>> No.8004050
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I'd make her take responsibility and schedule us for a marriage.

>> No.8004055

do i get my virginity back when she dies?

>> No.8004063

Get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.8004065

I'm pretty sure that's how that works

>> No.8004073

No, you need to kill all other unvirgins and the victor will be restored to his pristine virgin state. There can only be one.

>> No.8004070

I'm a 30 year old virgin. If you consider my computer programming skill and talent, I am indeed a wizard.

I don't regret anything.

>> No.8004079 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 391x337, 1309670300795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same fag
Its not my fault its true

>> No.8004083

but she always says she's just borrowing :(

>> No.8004084

>steals your virginity
That's warped logic. To "steal" indicates that one person takes something from another without permission and turns it into his own possession. Now you can't possibly gain "virginity" can you?

>> No.8004094
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>> No.8004102


She would probably accept, as her eyes became wattery with her tears of joy and overwhelm, that was what she always wanted to hear. She would pay for hotel and take you out for a nice dinner, and then for a jewelry store in which you would be able to choose from whatever wedding ring you wanted. She would reassure you that money is no problem, that she would steal the moon for you if she had to, and you would run in glee as a child in a candy store with all your allowance in your pocket, trying to figure out what to buy first. Weeks later, your wedding would be bookmarked in the largest of the churches of a nearby town, your relatives would start to show up and glimpse at you, fashioning the most gorgeous and glimmering of wedding dresses, by the stairs of the church as that radiant day that you've always waited for ever since your childhood came to reality. But you would only wait there, and reality would strike you as a bullet, you would notice in between your worried feeling and the akward stares of your relatives as the groom's side never arrive, everyone would understand. You would be left out in the altar, the priest would later on come and notice the entire comotion and would inform you that the building had not been rented for that day, as you fell in tears, staining your beautiful dress that you would have to find a way to bank back. You were not the first one to fall for such a trick, the priest would say, and you would never see her again, but you would never forget, until the very last day of your life.

>> No.8004110

Quoting you are who?

>> No.8004114

he's quoting himself

>> No.8004120

You can't do that.

>> No.8004124

why not?

>> No.8004126

Thank her.

>> No.8004134

The quote function is specifically for quoting other posts. For more information, refer to http://www.4chan.org/faq#quote

>> No.8004131

To steal my virginity, you'd have to be one of those people who rape for non-sexual reasons. Because you couldn't find me attractive.

>> No.8004139

I've seen people with pages of their favorite quotations. Sometimes some of the quotations are simply tagged "- Me"

>> No.8004145

>quoting other posts
But if I made more than one post, couldn't I quote myself? For instance, what if you're me?

>> No.8004144

>To quote a portion of text, simply place a pointer (">") in front of the text you wish to highlight (ex. ">This is a quote"). To link to and highlight an entire post, place two pointers in front of its unique post number (ex. ">>210981"). Cross-linking to another 4chan board is also possible, by placing three pointers before a board letter, followed by a post number (ex. ">>>/x/1208196")
nowhere does it say you can't quote yourself

>> No.8004148

You shouldn't use it for quoting anything but another post, as it says.

That's completely fine.

>> No.8004153

>We must love one another or die.
-Jack Lemmon

>> No.8004158

>An eye for an eye makes the world go blind.
-Modern Warfare 2

>> No.8004160
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What have I done....

>> No.8004163


Gladly give it to her away.

>> No.8004184
File: 50 KB, 800x800, marisa peek2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geez, she didn't think you'd be THAT broken up about it...outsiders are supposed to like sex.
She could try and teach you magic, if you want...

>> No.8004211


She would not even want to be near me, let alone get me naked and have her way with me.

Sage for shit thread.

>> No.8004239

Steal hers right back.

>> No.8004268

I guess I'd probably just like, do chores and stuff for her for the rest of my life. That is assuming I left this world and went to Gensokyo.

>> No.8004272
File: 174 KB, 849x599, nitorimarisarocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got nothing to say on the subject, so have a Marisa and Nitori riding a rocket powered broom instead.

>> No.8004288

Cuddle with her of course.

In the morning I'd make her breakfast, and hope she'd like it.

>> No.8004297
File: 64 KB, 211x215, 1315801039729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is too late for that.
Some things cannot be fixed, i call for a danmaku duel to the death at dawn.

I will most likely not win, infact i dont stand a chance.
But atleast my tainted flesh shall be put to rest.

If nothing else i will bleed on her, that shit is hard to wash out of clothes.
That'll teach her.

>> No.8004308

How did this thread get 40 replies?

Goddammit /jp/.

>> No.8005502

Because /jp/ is full of pseudovirgins.
