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8003116 No.8003116 [Reply] [Original]

Have there been VNs that made you cry?

>> No.8003119

Nakiges and utuges exist for that sole reason.

>> No.8003158

Nukiges make cry one part of my body, if you catch my drift.

>> No.8003161

It's easy to make me cry. I appreciate a VN that can make me cry tears of glory.

>> No.8003173

I've read my fair share of VNs, but only Higurashi comes to mind.

>> No.8003221 [SPOILER] 
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I've read VNs that are famous for making people cry (Clannad, for example), but I have only once cried to any work of fiction ever, and that was at the ending of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni episode 3: Tatarigoroshi.

>> No.8003222


>> No.8003227

I teared up at the end of Planetarian. That's about it for visual novels though.

>> No.8003233

I think most who played it will agree that Kana little sister can make even any manly man shed tears

>> No.8003237

I have never cried to fiction because I'm ALPHA AS PHUCK

>> No.8003235

Every single Key VN I've read. Symphonic Rain. Also, I often cry at the end of a VN just because it's over. Well, maybe not crying, but my eyes get teary during the staff roll.

>> No.8003240


>> No.8003242

The end of G Senjou no Maou.

>> No.8003251

which of the novels here cited have english translations, besides kana?

>> No.8003253

Little Busters and Umineko are the only ones I can remember.

>> No.8003266

I tear up a lot, but I think the only ones to make me full out cry were F/SN and Clannad.

>> No.8003285

I'm a little girl inside, I cry a lot...

>> No.8003888
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Surprisingly enough, the 'When They Cry' series didn't make me tear up even once. Can I sue for false advertising?

>> No.8003899

Not unless you're a cicada.

>> No.8003909

Can Cicadas cry?

>> No.8003905

Chaos;Head AA end.

>> No.8003917
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Probably this. Not the best VN I've ever read, but damn this route was well written.

>> No.8003935

Saya no Uta was so bad it made me cry

>> No.8003971


Heavens Feel Normal end is the best end.

>> No.8004000

Kirari route was a crappy but effective tear jerker. I wish i never played the "true" ending, delusional mc was the best ending.

>> No.8004011

Al Fine true end in Symphonic Rain and came close with Narcissu.

>> No.8004040

What in your opinion is a "good" but effective tear jerker? Because all Japanese Anime / eroge seem to follow the same tropes.

In my opinion Crescendo is the best utsuge type game in the genre, it actually played out like a decent Western-style drama instead of the usual Japanese over-melodramatic crap.

>> No.8004048

Eien no Aselia did, even on subsequent playthroughs too. Plenty of things have made me at least tear up a bit, most recently the Celenaria fandisc.

>> No.8004054

How was this a tear jerker? MC got together with a sociopath, the end.

>> No.8004060

Any kind of emotional scene can cause tears, anon. It doesn't have to be sad.

>> No.8004078

So I wonder what happened when the two of them went to see Ari...

>> No.8004101
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This was a nice dramatic end I guess, but the tear jerker for me was thinking that in reality the guy would have faced a police investigation upon returning to the hospital and would possibly have been charged with assisted-suicide. Real life is a cruel mistress.

>> No.8004118

>Symphonic Rain Spoiler
Phorni was all Chris's delusion. Ari never came back. It was just Torta becoming Ari for good. Notice how incredibly absent she is once Ari comes back?

>> No.8004157

There weren't any tears, but eatingKun-Kun cramped up my throat and it felt pretty bad.

>> No.8004174

MLA, fuck you age you sadistic fucks.

>> No.8004195

Not one mention of Kana?

>> No.8004224

The first route of F/SN, with Saber. My first playthrough. Cried like a bitch on that one. The Ending with the long haired brunette in Ever 17. I forget her name, but its where your both in the submarine vessel. That made me tear up a bit. Clannad also made me cry like a btich when Both wife and child...you know. Otherwise, I don't think i've cried for any others. Although I have felt sad. and Nacissu pissed me off, should of just took the girl with him and fought to survive to the bitter end.

>> No.8004244

Is Narcissu 2nd Side worth a read? I want a fucking happy ending.

>> No.8004279

Almost forgot about that. It had me shedding many bitch tears.

>> No.8004291
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Countless tears have been shed. Fuck you Witch Hunt you lazy fucks.

>> No.8004335
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Why do people continue to play KEY games? You know what to expect, you know you'll be left feeling like shit, so why play them?

>> No.8004344

because the final ending at the end, after you finish all the other ends, is happy enough to make you feel alive again.except for Air

>> No.8004413
File: 210 KB, 1274x720, 1307372761258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "drama" in VNs is so forced all I can do is cry tears of laughter.

>> No.8004422

It's a good feeling.

>> No.8004442

Because it's better to feel sad than to feel nothing at all, and most of my days are filled with horrible apathy and lack of motivation.

>> No.8004448

Is it your clinical depression, low self esteem and loneliness that fuels your masochism for feeling sad at fictional media?

>> No.8004456

That would be funny if it wasn't true, anon. ;_;

>> No.8004581

There are many VNs I liked which made me cry. Too many to list even.

>> No.8004643

Not being well versed in visual novels, I've only got one example of something making me quite sad (I tend to not cry for some odd reason). Its whenever Isabella dies in "don't take it personally babe, it just ain't your story". Clannad made me especially sad, but it doesn't count since I've only watched the animes.

>> No.8005188
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>and Nacissu pissed me off, should of just took the girl with him and fought to survive to the bitter end.
Well done, you have just spectacularly missed the entire point of the story.

>happy ending
You can answer this one, anon.

>> No.8005196

Just Kana.

>> No.8005214


Don't go Saaaaabeeeeeer ;_;|/spoiler]

>> No.8005232

Umineko made me cry because it went to shit after EP5. It was such a great premise, ruined by...christ I don't even know how to describe it

>> No.8005233

Horrible writing? retarded solution? insulting the fanbase?

>> No.8005234

I was gonna say lack of a Gohda fight scene, but yeah, what you said.

>> No.8005236

Read the Game Master Battler TIP for some "I CANT LOSE IN THE KITCHEN"

>> No.8005238
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The fanbase attracting too many newbies causing the series to receive irrational hate, making it uncool to still like Umineko?

>> No.8005241

No reason to just say, "oh i dont give a fuck" for the last 3 episodes.

>> No.8005242

I've played over 300 VNs, every single Keyshit uguu and other crying games, but only one VN has made me cry, but boy did it make me bawl. MANLY TEARS to the max.

Muvluv goddamn Alternative. Play it. You'll thank me later.

>> No.8005252
File: 130 KB, 640x321, ALPHA at his computer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck

It's like this is /a/ or something

>> No.8005248
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Let's be honest, things started to be fucked since EP3. Beatrice stopped to be awesome to become some half-assed cliché shonen tsundere, goats stopped to be disturbing to become comic relief, whining Ange in EP4, moe useless loli everywhere.jpg (and I love moe, but here, it wasn't at its place)

EP5 made me think Umineko could be saved, but...

>> No.8005253

Muv luv's drama was laughable.

>> No.8005265

I cry at the end of VNs ALL the time and some VNs I simply don't finish because I couldn't handle having the story end and the characters going away.

>> No.8005269

Sad drama doesn't it to me anymore.
It's been years since a nakige managed to make me feel something.
Or maybe the nakige these days all suck.

>> No.8005273

Keyfags mad as hell. gb2/cockroaches&dragonballs/.

>> No.8005288


>> No.8005293

For a guy who has supposedly played over 300 VNs, you sure sound like the average "eroge expert (has played 10+ VNs)" tough guy from /a/.

>> No.8005337

I used to be the same, but I'm getting a bit more resistant. I remember when I was reading my first VN (Tsukihime) I cried after every route (except curry-butt's), especially Hisui's.
