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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8002414 No.8002414 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/...I want to know why you're so bitter. Tell me all your problems.

>> No.8002430
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>> No.8002440
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>> No.8002442

I'm sure you are.

>> No.8002447

Cheer up now, lets turn that frown upside down.

>> No.8002452

You're the only problem here, bub.

>> No.8002454
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>> No.8002460

Hey, at least now they're happy tears.
I just want to help you /jp/...

>> No.8002459

I wasn't born a girl ;_;

>> No.8002465

My mother's dead, you prick.

>> No.8002472

Than let me change it for you.

>> No.8002476

Oh oh oh! This! This is my problem mommy, why didn't your womb make me a girl like what I wanted?

>> No.8002485

Women have their own issues to deal with, you might want to be a boy if you were born a girl.

I can't help how you were born unfortunately, but I heard there are surgeries you can take to fix it.

>> No.8002496
File: 148 KB, 787x1011, crying yume nikki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not bitter. I'm sad and I think there no method to find and there is no one who could help me in finding method.

>> No.8002508
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>> No.8002517

Have you considered seeing a therapist?
There are plenty of people with autism who did great things in their lives. Albert Einstein was autistic.

>> No.8002523

Its funny that everyone feels this way when i reached the age of 7 I always wished to be a girl in my opinion its just so much better women have or can have a much more laid back style of life and pretty live a happy life relaxing as long as they play their cards right.

>> No.8002535

yeah this is how I feel, women have problems but generally they find it easier to be liked, and can get away with more, also people want to protect them, I wish someone would hug and protect me from the cruel world and make my decisions for me so I didn't have to worry...

>> No.8002537

It really depends, I've talked to women before, and they seem to feel the same way about men. I wanna say both genders have their ups and downs.

>> No.8002540
File: 55 KB, 238x257, 1317930383934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality thread.

>> No.8002550

People here keep saying "autism" without understanding what that word means...


>> No.8002558
File: 278 KB, 403x398, 1302497860896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no, seriously go to
with your shit.

>> No.8002561

Would you like a hug, anonymous?

There are girls out there who do like guys to cuddle with...I guess they want guys they can sympathize with but not total cry babies. Cry babies are annoying, male or female.

>> No.8002563

shoo, scum
back to /b/ with you

>> No.8002568

why is /jp/ so good XD
>smiling bawson.jpg

>> No.8002571


says the faggot bumping the thread.
YOU are the one that should leave.

>> No.8002579

does it upset you that i'm bumping the thread right now?
does it hurt you?

>> No.8002593


>> No.8002602 [SPOILER] 
File: 154 KB, 800x800, 1314156323985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I'm doing fine.

>> No.8002606

>image macros

>> No.8002617

i'd love a hug..

>> No.8002620

Hug this
*grabs 400 ton cock*

>> No.8002624
File: 80 KB, 600x611, 1284105705600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you mean tonne.

Still. Quality thread.

>> No.8002625
File: 216 KB, 850x1133, edfa644b84da075bde530523800776d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not Mama Ran!

>> No.8002632

We've been had. Abandon thread!
