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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 73 KB, 244x224, underestimate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8000264 No.8000264 [Reply] [Original]

You don't have to delete half the board just to prove you're tough, Meido-san.

We get it.

>> No.8000272


>> No.8000274

Meido is /jp/ related.

>> No.8000277

You don't have to shitpost to prove you're tough either

>> No.8000278

You must be new here.

>> No.8000281
File: 654 KB, 621x869, 1316951485037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I support the maid

>> No.8000282
File: 158 KB, 711x354, Happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I do.

>> No.8000285 [DELETED] 
File: 445 KB, 1024x600, e_rr13d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meido offline

>> No.8000289
File: 25 KB, 498x185, typical jp moderation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meido has done dumber shit in the past. A different meido, but a meido none the less.

>> No.8000297

No it was 8 pages of shit. literally lots of different threads discussing "you suck my cock dude" "would you suck my cock" "shitposting general" etc

Maido did excellent job, my god, you faggots are can't not shitpost.


>> No.8000299
File: 697 KB, 1024x600, e_rr02b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, evidently meido is online

>> No.8000302
File: 745 KB, 1600x2200, 1182e96b2a30f151fb332ce2e798b11c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was one of the days we had simultaneous /a/, /b/, /sp/ and /v/ raids on /jp/. But I bet none of the shitpsters will tell you this because they actually enjoyed them.

Accept it, a slow /jp/ full of Touhou imagedumps and boring discussions is all you deserve.

>> No.8000311

"A moment more, and I will be nothing you've ever
seen, a new life-form, everywhere and nowhere, like air or radiation, redundant,
self-replicating, always evolving..."

>> No.8000313
File: 20 KB, 593x89, YouDunFuckedUp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You think that's bad? Hah.

>> No.8000307

I think I took that under one of AoC's "DELETE THE BOARD" moods when he ran a script to delete shit. I don't think that we were being raided at that time; I think he was just being a dick that day.

>> No.8000308
File: 214 KB, 500x461, c95bc8aed6b38ecc81d107d44033e045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I'm a pretty big deal around here, you know?

>> No.8000310
File: 183 KB, 768x1248, 1314102338619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its okay, we get it. You spammers want attention.

Lets just be friends and enjoy a nice slow board and a cup of tea. No need to shitpost all over the place.

>> No.8000322

I mean /jp/ empty, not /b/.

>> No.8000324

>boring discussion
oh damn, I guess a fast board discussing cock sucking would be what you want.

Shut up, people enjoy what they enjoy, quite a lot of touhou threads have discussion that is interesting to those that come here.

>> No.8000320

Did you take that of when they emptied /3/ a few weeks ago? Because I don't think we've seen /b/ empty since PUDDI.

>> No.8000325

Why did they empty /3/?

>> No.8000329

/jp/ - Touhou/Exclusive

>> No.8000334
File: 36 KB, 195x198, taikosmirk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's going on in this thread guys

>> No.8000330

Every single thread was maxed out with CP.

Or maybe it was just spam. I can't remember.

>> No.8000332
File: 106 KB, 973x863, meidoatwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I think /jp/ was a lot better this way.

I just wish we could have a janitor on 24/7 to deal with all your shit.

>> No.8000337

accelspammer. he also managed to get /a/ down to like 3 pages

>> No.8000340

get out arararararararararararagi

>> No.8000346

I don't mind it when the meido is lazy and deletes everything. I hate it when the meido is irrational and clearly targets and deletes /jp/ related threads out of ignorance and leaves up non-/jp/ related threads.

>> No.8000347
File: 331 KB, 545x830, 503301484593ef206b01c290d58274d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you misunderstood me. I love Touhou threads and "boring" discussions (I don't find them boring at all). It's just that shitpsters don't seem to share that notion.

>> No.8000343
File: 54 KB, 167x328, jp...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the point though, on a board where even the "spam" is so slow that you never have to worry about an active "good" thread falling off the first page, there shouldn't be a reason for so many posts to be deleted.

If anything, the frivolous deleting just serves to temporarily increase the spam on the board, because spammers end up making dozens of new threads rather than sticking to their old individual ones.

>> No.8000344

You like it better after /b/ raids the shit out of it? Why don't you go back there then you fucking faggot. Take legion with you. Reported.

>> No.8000353

Meido was doing all right with deleting mmo/jrpg shit as of late.

>> No.8000355

do you realise how fast posting has been now with all the shitposting? they keep making shitty threads constantly.

>> No.8000363
File: 355 KB, 800x1200, 1306428899733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you trying to explain something to one of the shitpsters? They don't even care.

>> No.8000371

Shitposters come and post shit. Meido goes on a rampage and kills several on topic threads in the process. The shitposters laugh it off and post a new one. The OPs of the legitimate threads are pissed when they see that their newly killed thread died, while shit is left, and leave /jp/ never to return.

This creates the illusion that there are more shitposters than there ever where. In reality, there are just fewer good posters.

>> No.8000375

Why do you assume that anyone who holds a different opinion of you is a shitposter? Grow up.

>> No.8000376

I was talking about the meido deleting the Flanfly threads, while leaving up the Pokemon thread deleting anyone's posts who were telling the Pokefag to get ouf of /jp/.

>> No.8000379

Those shitposters who do it to get back at the maid or make a stand are the epitome of autism. It's not even trolling because they are only getting the blank response of their thread getting deleted. Do they think that every time it happens they actually made the maid mad or something?

>> No.8000380

Why is all the shitposting about penises?
>Do they have Penis Inspection Day in Japanese schools?
>Suck my cock dude.
>how big is you penis be honest.
and so on.

Its not even hi-jacking on topic threads, its entire threads devoted to talking about dicks.

>> No.8000384


This is the only official animation that has /jp/'s meido in it.

How does this make you feel?

>> No.8000385


>> No.8000383

What a retard. There haven't been any new mmos for months. That's why there's no new mmo threads.

>> No.8000387

>their thread getting deleted

I'll make another one. It's not as if there are any REAL consequences for anything. The real violence in my plan is to get meido to delete on topic thread when aiming for me. Liken me to a terrorist using children as a human shield, if you so wish.

>> No.8000388

>Because I don't think we've seen /b/ empty since PUDDI.
ohohoho you.

It was taken 10/26/2010, so before then. I don't remember why it happened.

>> No.8000393

>you faggots are can't not shitpost

>> No.8000394

Why not look at the post directly below that when I correct myself. If you are too lazy, I meant to say /jp/ rather than /b/.

>> No.8000395

Who are you? What does /v/ or /a/ have to do with the above two posts you replied to like that?

Are you a meido and can see what other boards a given IP address has visited? That's the only explanation I can think of.

>> No.8000398
File: 11 KB, 400x300, 1273426324641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8000391

it makes me frustrated

>> No.8000405

I think it's more that people aren't bothering to distinguish between literal spam and 'something that's /jp/ related but I am not particularly interested in'. It's getting to the point where some just label anything they don't like as shitposting and then generalize about all posters who don't act in accordance to how they like.

>> No.8000401

Janitors cannot see IP addresses. I ask. On IRC.

>> No.8000406

I really hope you grow up sometime soon, trying to ruin other people's enjoyment and getting pleasure out of it is a disgusting trait.

>> No.8000407

Maybe it's an actual mod then.

>> No.8000412

/jp/ has had its own exclusive mod ever since meido was promoted
which has almost been a year since then

>> No.8000419


But /jp/ is /b/. /b/ 3.0 to be precise.

>> No.8000416

ignore the *are and it makes sense. sorry I should of posted the correction sooner, since you lot are so retarded.

>> No.8000417

Your post is going to be reproduced for Janitors and Mods to see.

>> No.8000422

Oh the good times~


>> No.8000424


I know, right?


>> No.8000426


>> No.8000427

You can't stop me any more than you can stop the tide. I am the death of /jp/, and nothing can reverse my damage. I have posted over ten thousand threads, and received ten thousand bans. My goals are not from revenge or any other petty emotion that you may be driven by.

My collection is the danger. I will not lose this fight Anon.

>> No.8000430

I will take no response as being a confirmation of my suspicions. You can't make wild assumptions. I've only visited /a/ a handful of times in the past year, the most recent was to find a thread on the comic-con nico nico douga stream to find out what happened to two of the MCs who were absent today. And yes, I do visit /v/ regularily, as I am a fan of Demon Souls/Dark Souls and the Battlefield/Bad Company games.

>> No.8000432

Tell them. I don't have a fuck to give. I enjoy the challenge of raping this board. No amount of moderation can stop me. I am not an ordinary shitposter. I am not backed up by mere memes. I am an idea. And ideas are bulletproof.

>> No.8000436

Please don't sully Maria by using her to make threads like these.

>> No.8000437

I can see the sad smug on your face as you type this through standard TCP/IP.

You should go back to your RPG on steam, Anonymous. You clearly aren't meant to post on imageboards, go find a forum or something.

>> No.8000443


Ideas can also be forgotten. You're far more pathetic than the people you're trying to mock.

>> No.8000439
File: 35 KB, 421x248, 1309396271719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squidi is so cute when he's begging for attention.

>> No.8000440
File: 144 KB, 703x329, Mou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>V for Vendetta

>> No.8000446
File: 457 KB, 800x1171, No.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maria is shit tier compared to Athena and Hina, so it's alright.

>> No.8000450
File: 391 KB, 688x484, yugiyamiv4satori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay seriously, this samefagging is getting boring.

SOMEBODY needs to join in with me so I feel like I'm actually TALKING to somebody.

>> No.8000448

How fucking dare you insinuate that I would resort to such a proletarian medium as video games for entertainment. The sum of the satisfaction I receive in life comes only from the happiness I destroy in others.

>> No.8000449

It doesn't matter what happens now. Even if the trolls don't get a response from the meido, save for their threads getting deleted, they'll get a response from the other people who browse /jp/ and that's all they really want, attention. So they'll continue to spam and even if they stop other trolls will see what they did and will do the same. /jp/ will spiral to shit and I have to start filtering again.

>> No.8000454


I know that feel bro

>> No.8000456

Maybe you should just stop shitposting, and try to be constructive for once rather than a idiotic destructive shitposter.

>> No.8000452

Why would someone leave "mou" untranslated?

>> No.8000453
File: 183 KB, 850x1100, 88001501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know that?

>> No.8000458

I can no more be forgotten than the tyrants of ancient Rome. My mark will be seared into the collective memory of this board. The blood of my enemies will stain every posts so deep that the default them will be Yotsuba. My name will forever be spoken only behind spoiler tags and misspellings. No, Anon. I am not one of you. And I will NEVER be forgotten.

>> No.8000464
File: 162 KB, 377x282, yugiyamiv4darkness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's hard to be "constructive" when there isn't a single thread on /jp/ that isn't sagebombed on sight regardless of content or context.

Maybe if /jp/ knew how to use sage properly, it wouldn't be so buttmad all the time.

>> No.8000461

Oh I'll forget you, you need to get a tripcode.

>> No.8000467

Is that you Brian?

>> No.8000470

A trip is little more than middle school bathroom graffiti. By posting Anon, I reinforce that I am the darkest part of all of you. Inescapable and inextricable from the evil in your very own soul.

>> No.8000477
File: 93 KB, 630x486, yugiyamiv4amu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Brian look I'm saying your name look at me Brian hey look at me

>> No.8000475

So you'll just make threads about penises, and how you shit in corners and LOL SHITPOSTING BECAUSE!

that makes no sense you complete moron.

No I don't think the darkest part of me could even be THAT delusional and stupid.

>> No.8000476

Oh look, Brian is being irrelevant to the board once again.

>> No.8000484
File: 427 KB, 688x484, yugiyamiv4cirno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see you downloaded my WinRAR with all my images.

>> No.8000483

Stop replying to him already, his stupid is sucking you back in.

>> No.8000497

But sage is not an insult on /jp/, because it's so slow, it helps threads move on.

Also take it easy please, mister foreigners.

>> No.8000498
File: 247 KB, 688x484, yugiyamiv4kogasa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My name is whatever you want it to be.

>> No.8000490

Oh but it is. My plan in >>8000387 is going perfectly, but it could not have been done without your help, your blind cooperation. When you look into the mirror, remember that all that has been done to you, has been done by you.

>> No.8000492

so your name is brian?

>> No.8000504

Brian, I liked your KoG metathreads and your games and videos, but this style of trolling is below your quality threshold, more suited towards /b/ or /a/. /jp/ sees through the shit.

>> No.8000506

Baka gaijin ruin everything!

>> No.8000507
File: 139 KB, 688x500, yugiyamiv4alice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the darkness that lies within your souls. I am the inexplicable insanity that goads your conscious into submission, the coup d'état of reservoir, the magic that lies within the very depths of your heart.

I am you.

>> No.8000510
File: 182 KB, 320x240, yugiyamiv4vertical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you still talking about the dicks?

If you go through easymodo archive at my previous posts, I've stated on multiple occasions that I don't troll using porn. Using porn to troll is child's play.

>> No.8000508
File: 209 KB, 600x706, 1305063567081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, shitposters.

An all-time favourite bunch. All of them have been butthurt because of /jp/ one way or another at some point of time. Hilariously enough, all of them refuse to accept it with all their might. Also, the only posters to have kept their forum logic for so long. Again, none will admit it because they still think they are relevant.

>> No.8000512

Anyone who responds to this faggot, is a retard, he is extremely lonely and will stop posting if you ignore him.

attentionwhores need to feel important, he will commit sucide if we ignore him, which is probably for the best for him since he so damaged in the head.

>> No.8000513

No, I'm not confusing your for the stupid dick shitposters over the past weeks/months. I'm merely tralking about the samefag trolling in just this thread.

>> No.8000515
File: 101 KB, 443x728, homu holding nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry Brian, Sudo and wtH, each one alone, have caused more damage than you ever hoped to see.

>> No.8000521
File: 182 KB, 320x240, yugiyamiv4f1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My first post in the thread was >>8000384

My samefagging comment was just a troll. My samefagging has got a certain "style" to it that you'd recognize if you've seen enough of my samefagging threads.

>> No.8000522

>homu holding nigga.jpg
Goddamn, I laughed.

>> No.8000523

One question I wanted to always ask you Brian, what programming languages do you know? And do you post on /prog/?

>> No.8000524
File: 154 KB, 504x354, shitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this got way worse than I had originally expected.

>> No.8000518

you so butthurt being called on your trolling with porn, don't deny it.

>> No.8000527

>93 posts and 26 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
Some things just don't change.

>> No.8000528

No, my shitposting transcends the need for approval.

>> No.8000529

I can sense so much butthurt in your post, keep samefagging buttpained fatty.

>> No.8000530

Hey Brian, is your real name Brian or do we just call you that because it looks like Brain and you mind crush people?

>> No.8000536

Okay, I stand corrected. You know, I really admire your work. It's a shame your 55555555 GET failed.

>> No.8000539

Hey brian get you post more alice porn or do you not spread love any more.

>> No.8000532

By the way Brian, I come from Nonob/a/, so I know exactly who you are.

>> No.8000533
File: 180 KB, 342x458, 7c8275eee28842b7541cf60da562a5ab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like I was right, after all. You guys have honestly always thought this is a conventional forum.

>> No.8000547

suck my cock dude

>> No.8000545
File: 156 KB, 850x480, 3av3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Again, they can call me whatever they like.


Failed? What do you mean "failed"?

In the event that I was unable to obtain 55555555, I had arranged for /sp/ to take it, which they did.

That wasn't a fail.

>> No.8000549

It only proves you're unable to even get a postnumber by yourself. You have lost your abilities, just like you have lost your charm.

>> No.8000551

suck my cock dude

>> No.8000553

buttpained as hell, accept it you failed and like cock brian.

go back to posting pictures of yourself in /soc/

>> No.8000554

suck my cock dude

>> No.8000555
File: 6 KB, 213x120, 3av3v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8000556

suck my cock dude

>> No.8000557

sick fives bro

>> No.8000558

unable to say anything in your defense, you agree then you failed.

>> No.8000561

Haha, still not impressed. If you really could get, you'd have done it when it mattered.

Admit it, you just don't have it anymore.

>> No.8000559



Amerifag confirmed.

>> No.8000560

suck my cock dude

>> No.8000563

suck my cock dude

>> No.8000562

suck my cock dude

>> No.8000564

suck my cock dude

>> No.8000571

You know, you shitpsters should make a board of your own, like Jones. It can even have sub-boards, like /homu/, /get/, /hotglue/, etc. And forced namefield too!

>> No.8000570
File: 381 KB, 748x720, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not autistic at all but I enjoy the /jp/ crowd. They aren't childish in the same ways /v/, /a/, and /co/ are.

Don't get me wrong, you guys are childish... but childish like an incredibly reserved nerdy kid, whereas /v/, /a/, and /co/ are just loud and obnoxious memespammers.

Also /v/a/ and /co/ are filled to the brim with actual children, and I think aside from /b/ shitposters /jp/ is all adults/young adults

>> No.8000576

The mod's job in this board will be to act butthurt at shitposts and whine constantly. He will also be the only Anonymous poster.

>> No.8000573
File: 7 KB, 122x115, 12531235321234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go in easymodo archive and look at the response for 1M.

Then, look at the response for 8M.

That should tell you something.

>> No.8000574
File: 87 KB, 398x600, cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8000581

/jp/ likes all Touhous not named Medicine Melancholy.

>> No.8000577

i'll never understand why /jp/ loves that autistic ice fairy so much

>> No.8000578

are you saying if I get a name/trip I'll automatically be considered a shitposter on /jp/?

>> No.8000580

i like how rude everyone is. it reminds me of a time when this site wasnt chanbook.com

>> No.8000587

no i'm just saying they love cirno more than any other despite her being #23 in a 2ch touhou poll outside of /jp/, /a/, and mexico, people barely talk about her

>> No.8000588

Why is this thread so shitty?

>> No.8000590

>no i'm just saying they love cirno more than any other
It's true in most of 4chan, but it's just blatantly not true here.

>> No.8000591
File: 816 KB, 375x455, dawsonanimated.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8000594

I like how they are rude to people who deserve rudeness. On other boards posters are just rude to everyone.

EVERY board gets its occasional pity party thread that is fueled by one or two "I feel ya, bro!" posters, and that's fine as long as it's not every fifteen minutes like /adv/ and /v/ and /soc/

>> No.8000596


did you see 7999997, 7999998, and 7999999? they were all cirno. people don't admit it, but they love cirno on /jp/

>> No.8000598

I like Cirno because she is relatively weak compared to all the crazy godlike Touhous but still thinks she's tops. She's like Gary Oak if he were an immortal loli fairy.

>> No.8000599

Except that Gary Oak is literally #2 in the entire Pokémon universe.

>> No.8000601

That's three people going for a get who could be from anywhere. That's not representative of jp/ at all.

>> No.8000603
File: 326 KB, 1421x482, 1301809048864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8000607

But if Gary Oak were a loli fairy, he WOULDN'T be #2. I guess you didn't take THAT into account, did you anon?

>> No.8000608

The page limit needs to be increased close to gets in order to avoid having the good threads bumped off the end. Temporarily set the limit to 100 pages or something.

>> No.8000604


>implying /jp/ has more than 3 people on it

That's right faggot, I'm bringing greentext into this, and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.8000615

Who are you kwoading?

>> No.8000610


You retard, he'd be a SHOTA, not a LOLI.

Think before you type.

>> No.8000621



>> No.8000616
File: 4 KB, 94x138, laughingelfman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>good threads

>> No.8000617

But I can. I can tell you to get out of /jp/.

>> No.8000619

No, if he were a SHOTA fairy he'd still be cool. It's the genderswapping that kills his macho and makes him drop to the bottom.

>> No.8000628

you're mom

>> No.8000625 [DELETED] 

The fuck? That never happens unless there's a get raid going on or something.

>> No.8000631

I am not a mother.

>> No.8000633

Maybe he was talking about the game?

>> No.8000671

I don't think complaining will ever do anything against these bad posters, in fact it may even be worse for the board because they'll see they're getting attention and that will make them spam even more. Ignoring is no good either. So I guess I'll simply stop caring. The filter might still be broken, but at least I can still hide those bad threads while I wait for a good one to come up, even though that's unlikely given how it's probably that most of the people who used to like the board have left thanks to all the shit that happened.
Why are people such dicks, /jp/.

>> No.8000679

I like Medicine more than Cirno.

>> No.8000688
File: 396 KB, 708x1000, Cirno - Oh Hai Yoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just look at how cute this fairy is...!

You can't possibly like somebody else more than her...

>> No.8000691


>> No.8000699

The answer is always the same. Bump the good threads back up and post actual content. End of story.

>> No.8000783



>> No.8000789

stop that.

>> No.8000806
File: 14 KB, 320x240, DSC00027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8000835

Are you frustrated? You are frustrated, my brother. You are so mad. Why are you so mad? I can post anything otaku related, that is what is says in the rules. I don't care about your rules of faggotry. Why are you so mad?

>> No.8000846


>> No.8000848

Who are you?

>> No.8000850

what a nerd

>> No.8000851

I should shove my dick down your throat.

>> No.8000854

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8000856

you just stepped into the wrong neighborhood.

>> No.8000860


>> No.8000865

Gonna have to report you

>> No.8000867


>> No.8000871
File: 47 KB, 300x335, angr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I filtered you too, buddy!

>> No.8000875

I can't even hear you because you are filtered, talk to the hand.

>> No.8000882
File: 46 KB, 300x335, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8000888


>> No.8000891

Who are you quoting? Must be someone I filtered.

>> No.8000897


>> No.8000899

I thought I told you to stop attention whoring using Nazrin.

>> No.8000901

get a load of this nerd

>> No.8000905


>> No.8000907


>> No.8000910
File: 46 KB, 300x335, aw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8000912

U mad weeaboo?

>> No.8000913

Go back to /b/

>> No.8000914


>> No.8000915


>> No.8000920

Get out of /jp/

>> No.8000923


>> No.8000930

why dont you stop this?

*grabs d1ck*

>> No.8000934

What's your problem?

>> No.8000935

stop my dick with your butt

>> No.8000935,1 [INTERNAL] 

KoG gets too bored lately.

>> No.8000935,2 [INTERNAL] 

That was a harsh hazing near the end of the thread.

>> No.8000935,3 [INTERNAL] 

Di you cut your hair Taiko? Are you ripped yet?
