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7997482 No.7997482 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me some good vidya no MMO or FPS please.

>> No.7997488

Monster Hunter

>> No.7997493

Combat Arms

>> No.7997497

But Combat Arms is horrible and an FPS.

>> No.7997499

NFS Hot pursuit 2 (2002)

>> No.7997501

I preferred Most Wanted out of the franchise.

>> No.7997502

It's good, you just suck at it.

>> No.7997500

ask Zunbar

>> No.7997506

No, it's way too easy. I played in a clan with my friends for a few months and we never lost any game.

>> No.7997508

Warhammer40k: Space Marine is a good hack 'n slash

>> No.7997519

What is Reimu doing in an anime?

>> No.7997522

Normal mode is easy mode, and hard mode punishes you for ever going into melee, especially if you use an execution.

The only melee in multiplayer is Serrated Blade Master Race Tac marines, Noob Hammer Suicide Ass marines, and Death From Above Chainsaw Ass marines. If you're in melee range, you're going to get Melta spunk to the face.

SM is Perk Bolter and Lascannon only fighting.

>> No.7997528

All that booze doesn't pay for itself, you know.

>> No.7997536

But she makes her own sake from her own garden.

>> No.7997572

Cool story bro.
