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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.7992003

Suck thread cock dude

>> No.7992005

And yes, you can add >>7991996 to that list.
Just, make sure it all goes green. Do a proper job.

>> No.7992010

It's good that you try to do your part, but the Terran Federation don't need rabble like you.

>> No.7992015

Wow, we had some many good threads?

>> No.7992014

Why would you want to delete all the good threads?

>> No.7992017

>Complaining about 4chan (its policies, moderation, etc.) on the imageboards can result in post deletion and banishment. The administrator will address your questions, comments, complaints, and concerns via e-mail.

You need a ban for making this thread

>> No.7992035

I am well aware of the global eight. But it comes to this, when you wander around the pages and find things that shouldn't be there by any stretch of the imagination.

We can't keep allowing this to happen, it only breeds an environment where people think this is the normal way things go. And global rule six > eight. Quality is more important than feeling hurt because the posters are not content with halfassed actions.

>> No.7992045

blah blah blah blah blah I don't care.

You "I'm making a difference by complaining" metathread asshats are the worst posters that inhabit /jp/. Delete your thread and reflect on your actions.

>> No.7992046

You're no better than the shitposters who make the threads you want to delete, you're actually worse. This thread needs to be deleted and you banned before the janitor actually does delete any of those otherwise it just shows if you whine and make other shitpost threads to complain then you can get a response.

If the moderation isn't completely a little child then he'll realize that responding to this kind of thread is horrible idea.

>> No.7992047



>> No.7992048

>it only breeds an environment where people think this is the normal way things go.
But this is normal.

>> No.7992050

Get a life, nerd.

>> No.7992053

Suck my cock dudes

>> No.7992055


>> No.7992062

Hey guys let's make a thread to link posts we report since just reporting them isn't enough!, or I really wish this site has a some kind of report function so we didn't need to make threads to show which threads are reported and need to be deleted!

You're piece of crap who is worse than the cancer you're attempting to report. This isn't you doing your job, it's you just showing the board all the threads you reported. Go make a post in each one of those saying reported while you're at it, kid.

>> No.7992064

No, it is not.

>> No.7992069

I was actually having an incredibly pleasant night/morning here on /jp/, then you came and made me frustrated.

>> No.7992093

I see your point, and I understand this is not the best way for things. But I want you to look at that list. I can't possibly report each and everyone. And this isn't some high level of quality I'm asking for, I think you'll find it hard to defend those threads and claim they have a place in here.

I would report them if I could and if I knew that made a difference. This is not a metathread saying that things suck around here and to talk about it. I'm asking, directly, that the moderation should perform their job like they should if they don't want this board to go completely off rails.

Look, I just want to keep having fun in this place. This is a last ditch attempt to say to the guys overlooking to pay attention, that things are not even nearly under control. That a few deleted threads are not enough.
I just want to enjoy being here. And if they decide that some minor pull for attention is worse than all those threads, then so be it, I can take my ban.

>> No.7992105

Why would you even care about a few mostly ignored threads lost somewhere between the crevices of the board?

Nevermind, I don't care what you think, delete your eyesore of a thread.

>> No.7992107

You can make a thread linking all these posts, but you can't report? Seriously, fuck you, kid. Let's just fill /jp/ up with topics complaining about topics which aren't suppose to be here! What a great board. Fuck off to /a/ or whatever you came from parasite. This is swallow attempt for you to try and act like you're the police of the board and being an attention whore. This thread isn't about reporting anything since the site has a fucking report function, dipshit. It's a big "HEY GUYS I WANT ATTENTION, LOOK AT ALL THE POSTS I REPORT XD! JUST SAYING REPORTED IN ALL THEM WASN'T ENOUGH"

>> No.7992113

That's only because it fell off the end.

Bumping the good threads past them will help accelerate their demise.

>> No.7992117

Forgot to add, the fact you're trying to use the guise of just helping out the board really pisses me off. You're a hypocritical little bugger who is just aiming for attention.

>> No.7992120

I will let the moderation delete it when they get to it. That's your point, if I'm correct. That one should tolerate some bad threads if they're not in the view.

>> No.7992119

I can't believe my eyes, to think I actually found something worse than OPs thread right here~

>> No.7992124

Oh look, a troll.

Have YOU ever reported any threads? The flood protection on that is horrificly long. What OP wants is for others to help report them too.

...You probably CREATE ones like the OP is listing.

>> No.7992143

You disappoint me once again.
Why do I even bother, everyone has obviously given up already. Fine, I can get the message, this is the way the board is going to be and nothing will change.

>> No.7992146

Pff, good luck.
Last time the thread got deleted, and the rest of the shitty threads stayed up. Even the CP.


>> No.7992152

Please don't bump this.

>> No.7992159

Sucketh mine cock knave

>> No.7992171

OP, do your part and delete this thread. The mod doesn't wait for you to delete all these. If you're frustrated, get off the Internet for a while or something or go bump the good threads.

Now delete this thread.

>> No.7992184

I like to chill out around the end pages and bump decent threads, usually stealthily unless its an image dump I can contribute too.

Make you feel like you've got a little bit of control over the quality of the board.. not much though.

>> No.7992197

It's not much, but you're not the only one doing that, so it's more than enough.

>> No.7992277

Isn't it "suckest"?

>> No.7992801

Keep on keeping /jp/ /jp/.

>> No.7993138

You're the worst.

>> No.7993167


>> No.7993385

Work smarter, not harder

>> No.7993400


>> No.7993399
File: 1.03 MB, 1000x809, beary_serious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol people telling OP to delete it's thread obviously is butthurt like HELL cuz it choose one of their threads

just pointing out the obvious, come at me!

>> No.7993406
File: 80 KB, 477x403, courtesy_of_jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop it OP I am trying to pretend /jp/ is a good board and I can't do that when you are posting links to all these awful threads

>> No.7993499


You want to be meido, you should do better than some blind strafe run.

>> No.7993755


>> No.7993786

who are you quoting?
