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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7983998 No.7983998 [Reply] [Original]

You and Reisen head to Sex Ed. You're not fond of the class because the guy who sits next to you always makes thrusting motions towards you whenever someone says "penis". And it gets said a lot.

When the bell rings the teacher, Ms. Keine, says, "I have some good news, class!" She's unusually chipper, which is scary, considering what she did for "School Experiment Week". "The school board has allowed me to teach you about the wonders of..."

She turns her back to the class, makes grunting noises, then a stream of some kind of... fluid squirts behind her onto Sanae, who isn't fazed at all. The guy next to you licks his lips and eyes you.

"MASTURBATION!" Ms. Keine screams as she turns back around. "They used to say, no, no masturbation, some people find it offensive. Well I managed to convince them it needed to be taught!"

The kid next to you shouts, "Hey, why don't we have him give us a demonstration?" as he points to you.

Ms. Keine seems to be considering it.

How do you react, /jp/?

>> No.7983999

oh boy another 2hu thread

>> No.7984009

I'd tell her that is inappropriate and ask her to stop being so lewd.

>> No.7984010

No reaction at all, as I'm still incomprehensibly phased from
>She turns her back to the class, makes grunting noises, then a stream of some kind of... fluid squirts behind her onto Sanae
What the fuck happened here?

>> No.7984012
File: 86 KB, 400x400, 1312255600941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They want me to fap and cum infront of the entire class?!

But only if Keine uses her horns/futa-cock to fuck me in the ass while i do it!~

"Oh no it is soo e-embarrassing! but..But my hips wont stop moving on their own!"

>> No.7984019

Neighbour-kun jizzed on her, duh.

>> No.7984021

use my wizard powers to replace the situation's rules with Tiramisu Tart's

keine instantly gets drugged and restrained, and the same goes for every other female present

all males turn into rinnosuke

rape commences

>> No.7984028
File: 10 KB, 250x250, yaranaikagogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The guy next to you licks his lips and eyes you.
>The kid next to you shouts, "Hey, why don't we have him give us a demonstration?" as he points to you.

I say I don't know how and to let this guy use me to demonstrate.

>> No.7984032

No futa Keine did.

And I would consent. I know without a doubt that I am the best masturbator in the entire school.

I'd fap so hard and cum so much even Sanae would blush.

>> No.7984035

This mental image makes me sad. You make me sad.

>> No.7984037

I'm getting some slutty vibes from Keine and Sanae.
This isn't my fantasy. Who's head did I wander into?

>> No.7984043

But OP said that Keine turned around, it couldn't have been her.

>> No.7984046
File: 30 KB, 281x432, TsumugiAutism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Well, what do you say?" Ms. Keine inquires of you.

"Umm...okay then..."

You begin to tremble as you stand up from your desk. You slowly walk towards the front of the class to stand next to Ms. Keine. Standing in front of everyone, you begin to unzip your pants. As you lower them down to your ankles, the spaghetti that you'd been saving from lunch spews all over the floor. The spaghetti. You'd forgotten all about it. The shock of seeing it causes you to flinch and slip on the wet mess of noodles. You grab Ms. Keine and the two of you collapse in a heap on the floor. Then everybody walks the dinosaur.

>> No.7984048
File: 366 KB, 1400x990, moe 65118 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP, are you adventure time by any chance? Because if you are, your story on /bun/ got deleted and I'd like a copy if you've got one.

And possibly a continuation ;_;

>> No.7984078

[ ] Glare daggers at the faggot and don't reply.
[x] Get ye flask

>> No.7984317
File: 241 KB, 720x960, 5abefc337d7539c41f5e6a6b975a8b10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, slut thread.

>> No.7987897

poasting in an epiec thraead.
