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7983952 No.7983952 [Reply] [Original]

You should consider a diet low in carbohydrates and sugars. It would do wonders for your health.

>> No.7983954
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>> No.7983955

Why would I want to eliminate the best tasting foods from my diet?

>> No.7983964

So would a lot of things.

>> No.7983972

>Still thinking carbs are bad

It's not 1995, for fuck sake. A good diet is not eating pre cooked shit full of preservatives, nasty ass fast food, and drinks that have calories and nothing else like soda and alcoholic drinks.

Exercise is also just as important as the diet.

>> No.7983968

Carbohydrates are good for you and Atkins and similar diets are a fad designed to make fat people feel good about stuffing themselves with bacon.

>> No.7983970

I'm vegetarian. I'd die without my seven grains bread.

>> No.7983990

what you eat isn't that important

how much you eat matters a ton

eat too much of even the healthiest and most nutritious stuff, and you'll still be a fat ugly shitsack incapacitated by self-loathing and gravity

2000 calories per day, learn that number, love that number, live by that number

>> No.7983995

It's like I'm really in >>>/fit/

>> No.7984002

do u evn lift?

>> No.7984006
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My diet consists almost entirely of rice, vegetables, and M&Ms.

>> No.7984011
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There are plenty of beautiful NEETs

NEETs that women would worship

NEETs that men would kidnap and rape

>> No.7984014

Do you even live?

>> No.7984017

Generations have lived and armies have been fed on less.

>> No.7984040

You should leave the internets. It would do wonders for our mental.

>> No.7984188



>> No.7984209

-multigrain / wholegrain products
-3 types of fruits and vegatables per day
-waking up 7am everyday

been doing this for a year now... now my skin and hair is alot better and all my acne went away.

>> No.7984223

>-multigrain / wholegrain products
>low in carbohydrates
Haha faggot. Enjoy your neolithic teeth.

>> No.7984268

>Carbohydrates are good for you
There is no essential carbohydrate, while there are essential fatty/amino acids. You can live healthily with absolutely no health problems on zero carbohydrate, though doing so is going too far out of your way. So in what way is carbohydrate "good for you"? If you develop diabetes, you can cure it by simply not consuming much carbohydrate, because diabetes is a problem with carbohydrate metabolism. And furthermore, you can only develop it in the first place if you have carbohydrate in your diet. Fat and protein does nothing to your teeth. Phytic acid (only present in things with carbohydrate) does, sugar (type of carbohydrate) does.

Low-carb diets are not "designed" to make people fat. They are however not miracle weight loss solutions, as being fat is caused by excess energy consumption, a low-carb diet will only cause you to lose weight if by cutting carbohydrate you also cut your total calories to a level below maintenance because you didn't replace what you cut, and it will only cause you to gain weight if your calories are in excess.

>> No.7984543

While usually not lethal, insufficient carbohydrate intake leads to ketosis and a slew of inconvenient side effects.

Also, if you're replacing those carbohydrates with red meats, it's going to give you gout and high cholesterol.

>> No.7984638


>leads to ketosis

Keto is great
