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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 339 KB, 1196x1040, 1318275014123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7982839 No.7982839 [Reply] [Original]

What's your virgin level /jp/?

Level 2 here.

>> No.7982852

Level 1 non-master race reporting in.

>> No.7982850

Me and my waifu lost our virginities to each other in a dream I had 2 years ago.

>> No.7982856
File: 105 KB, 1440x810, Sakurai_sweating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy HELL i need glasses

>> No.7982861

Level 2


>> No.7982863

I'm not a virgin.
I know how to pick up girls.
I can give you some simple pointers that will get you laid within a year if you like?

>> No.7982870


>> No.7982873


Looking forward to ranking up into a high class wizard.

>> No.7982874

I could be boarderline level 5 but I've hugged girls before in a non-romantic way so I am automatically set to level 2. How silly.

>> No.7982882
File: 334 KB, 400x525, 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks bro.

>> No.7982878

can't even read that crap without squinting and a magnifying glass, so 7 obviously.

>> No.7982883

level 2

>> No.7982890

why are you people replying to this

>> No.7982887
File: 65 KB, 409x497, 1306473792053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Level 7

>> No.7982902

/jp/ is devolving from NEETs to socially awkward normalfags.

>> No.7982904
File: 217 KB, 717x641, 1315761100612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because people like telling people about themselves.

>> No.7982906
File: 5 KB, 252x210, 1278461212046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Level 1 Here, GF plays the vidya aswell.

>> No.7982908

Level 7 masterrace

>> No.7982910

Every thread must be replied to.

>> No.7982914

>gamer girlfriend

You could at least aim higher than the ground at your feet if you're going to be a normalfag.

>> No.7982911


>> No.7982915

Shut the fuck up faggot, I heard you say you went to red light district and fucked a slut.

Go back to being dead.

>> No.7982919


>> No.7982917
File: 37 KB, 310x310, 50-cent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Normalfaget shit shitting up on my KAWAII-ASS HOOD

Nigga, my gun go off!!
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, bussin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippin'
When I get to flippin'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggas hurtin'
Homocide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!

>> No.7982921
File: 66 KB, 400x500, 50-cent-chan being kawaii as usual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck boy you can see it to belie' it
Trynna dodge and wave it, end up a parapelegic
Belie' me, it's easy
I'll hurt you, I'll merk you, I'll pop some'in
Drop some'in, I ain't gone stop huntin'
Run-run till you're spun
One shot, one gun
One-9... 1--1, emergency
It's murder B
It's excellent execution when I'm pullin' tha trigga
No mistake, for that cake
I'm hittin' you and ya niggas
Feel tha flame when I aim
For tha top of ya brain
See tha spark and tha bang
Nigga shit ain't a game
Do tha math or get blast
Bullets go thru tha glass
Go-thru-ya-ass, fast
And tha leather seat sittin' Ave
It's not a war when there's casualties on one side
I ride!
Turn it up on you niggas after Jay ride-by
I click-clack, that's that! I don't flash, I mash
I wave tha Uzi at 'em
I make a movie out 'em

>> No.7982925


>> No.7982928


>> No.7982937

I'm Level 0, but I still fit many of the Level 6 qualifications.

>> No.7982943

I never had a girlfriend because I'm not a lesbian. If this chart wasn't sexist I'd be level 1.

>> No.7982948

No one gives a fuck you attention whore.

>> No.7982952

We don't take transgenders/freaks into account.

>> No.7982953

I hate you all.

>> No.7982951

Either 6 or 7. I dunno because I can't read it.

Sure go ahead with those pointers.

>> No.7982954
File: 45 KB, 382x322, 50cent-chan got disappoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ma bitch meido not doing shit

Nigga, my gun go off!!
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, bussin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippin'
When I get to flippin'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggas hurtin'
Homocide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!!!--

>> No.7982955

my gun go off

>> No.7982956

Wow, fuck you. At least I'm not using a tripcode like some females here.

>> No.7982958
File: 50 KB, 413x310, 50cent-chan ultra-lewd arms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better lose yourself in tha moment
Use it, fuck-tha-music, I'ma let it go!
You only get one shot before I back out and fire back
At ya hat, cha back, ya ass crack, ya nutsack
Ya caddilac, if you make it to that--I'm hittin' that!
The 70's was smack, 80's crack! 90's was grimey
Millenium macs, man
Clips on tha whips, I ride in 'em
Bad bitches I ride-inn 'em
Don't worry, I'll gett'em
Gat Jammed or un-jammed
Goddamn safest the safety don't work
Squeeze tha Eagle, it chirp
End up faced down in the durt--more than hurt
Bring tha beef where you hang out
Bang out!!
Shots rang out!
Hit ya shoulders, trynna blow ya brains out!
Hit ya hommies in they legs
Bet they have their canes out, tomorrow
You know tomorrow's just a day away
If you can keep ya heart beatin' then ya ass awake!

>> No.7982961


>> No.7982966
File: 70 KB, 376x490, fancy 50cent-chan being kawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, my gun go off!!!!!
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, bussin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippin'
When I get to flippin'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggas hurtin'
Homocide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!!!!!~~~~~

>> No.7982968

level 1.

I have a chance and I still can't get laid ;_;

>> No.7982969
File: 210 KB, 778x408, 50cent-chan's g-unit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, my gun go off!!!!
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, bussin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippin'
When I get to flippin'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggas hurtin'
Homocide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!!!!-----

>> No.7982974
File: 39 KB, 320x380, 50cent-chan's smile brightens up my day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck boy you can see it to belie' it
Trynna dodge and wave it, end up a parapelegic
Belie' me, it's easey!!
I'll hurt you, I'll merk you, I'll pop some'in
Drop some'in, I ain't gone stop huntin'
Run-run till you're spun
One shot, one gun
One-9... 1-1, emergency
It's murder B
It's excellent execution when I'm pullin' tha trigga
No mistake, for that cake
I'm hittin' you and ya niggas
Feel tha flame when I aim
For tha top of ya brain
See tha spark and tha bang
Nigga shit ain't a game
Do tha math or get blast
Bullets go thru tha glass
Go-thru-ya-ass, fast
And tha leather seat sittin' Ave
It's not a war when there's casualties on one side
I ride!
Turn it up on you niggas after Jay ride-by
I click-clack, that's that! I don't flash, I mash
I wave tha Uzi at 'em
I make a movie out 'em

>> No.7982975

Okay, here's how it works.

We wait for another person like you to post in the thread, and then you two meet up and fuck.

>> No.7982977
File: 110 KB, 600x600, 1308610790402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can still hope to open portal to Gensokyo!
We can fly there and fuck anyone as much as we want!!

>> No.7982980
File: 28 KB, 354x365, 50cent-chan is perplexed by this faggot shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not sucking my cock niggaz

Nigga, my gun go off!!
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, bussin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippin'
When I get to flippin'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggas hurtin'
Homucide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!!!~~~

>> No.7982982
File: 82 KB, 473x468, Stylin' 50cent-chan being Kakkoii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better lose yourself in tha moment
Use it, fuck-tha-music, I'ma let it go!
You only get one shot before I back out and fire back
At ya hat, cha back, ya ass crack, ya nutsack
Ya caddilac, if you make it to that--I'm hittin' that!
The 70's was smack, 80's crack! 90's was grimey
Millenium macs, man
Clips on tha whips, I ride in 'em
Bad bitches I ride-inn 'em
Don't worry, I'll gett'em
Gat Jammed or un-jammed
Goddamn safest the safety don't work
Squeeze tha Eagle, it chirp
End up faced down in the durt--more than hurt
Bring tha beef where you hang out
Bang out
Shots rang out!
Hit ya shoulders, trynna blow ya brains out!
Hit ya hommies in they legs
Bet they have their canes out, tomorrow
You know tomorrow's just a day away
If you can keep ya heart beatin' then ya ass awake!!!~~

>> No.7982983

You can fuck me if you want

>> No.7982985

The having a chance thing is utter bullshit anyways. Any guy that's a virgin and not underage b& will remain untouched by women for the rest of their lives.

>> No.7982989
File: 37 KB, 293x473, 50cent-chan asking da mothafuckin' question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuckin meatbags full o' shit 'n' drama

Nigga, my gun go off!!!!
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, bussin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippin'
When I get to flippin'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggas hurtin'
Homicide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!!!~

>> No.7983000
File: 75 KB, 400x532, 50cent-chan's giggles make my heart skip a beat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, my gun go off!!*
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, bussin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippan'
When I get to flippin'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggas hurtin'
Homocide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!!~

>> No.7983001


>> No.7983003

I'm like a prophet or something.

>> No.7983007

Umm, asda

>> No.7983008
File: 532 KB, 893x838, 1317971571720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckk boy you can see it to believ' it
Trynna dodge and wave it, end up a parapelegic
Belie' me, it's easy
I'll hurt you, I'll merk you, I'll pop some'in
Drop some'in, I ain't gone stop huntin'
Run-run till you're spun
One shot, one gun
One-9... 1-1, emergency
It's murder B
It's excellent execution when I'm pullin' tha trigga
No mistake, for that cake
I'm hittin' you and ya niggas
Feel tha flame when I aim
For tha top of ya brain
See tha spark and tha bang
Nigga shit ain't a game
Do tha math or get blast
Bullets go thru tha glass
Go-thru-ya-ass, fast
And tha leather seat sittin' Ave
It's not a war when there's casualties on one side
I ride!
Turn it up on you niggas after Jay ride-by
I click-clack, that's that! I don't flash, I smash
I wave tha Uzi at 'em
I make a movie out 'em

>> No.7983012
File: 36 KB, 300x298, 50cent-sama is soo kawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NNigga, my gun go off!!
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, bussin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippin'
When I get to flippinn'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggas hurtin'
Homucide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!!!

>> No.7983017
File: 782 KB, 879x533, KAWAII OVERLOD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You betta lose yourself in tha moment
Use it, fuck-tha-music, I'ma let it go!
You only get one shot before I back out and fire back
At ya hat, cha back, ya ass crack, ya nutsack
Ya caddilac, if you make it to that--I'm hittin' that!
The 70's was smack, 80's crack! 90's was grimey
Millenium macs, mang
Clips on tha whips, I ride in 'em
Bad bitches I ride-inn 'em
Don't worry, I'll gett'em
Gat Jammed or un-jammed
Goddamn safest the safety don't work
Squeeze tha Eagle, it chirp
End up faced down in the durt--more than hurt
Bring tha beef where you hang out
Bang out
Shots rang out!
Hit ya shoulders, trynna blow ya brains out!
Hit ya hommies in they legs
Bet they have their canes out, tomorrow
You know tomorrow's just a day away
If you can keep ya heart beatin' then ya ass awake!

>> No.7983020
File: 7 KB, 127x117, Stella derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]






>> No.7983024

I wish an old /jp/er was given control of the board. For fuck sake.


>> No.7983027
File: 10 KB, 204x247, 50cent-chan going da fuk on his onii-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitch ass Meido not doing shit.

Nigga, my gun go off!!
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, bussin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippin'
When I get to flippin'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggasss hurtin'
Homucide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!!!~~

>> No.7983028

Not that person, but I find it amusing that there are people that literally see no hypocrisy in that statement whatsoever.

>> No.7983031
File: 29 KB, 640x480, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7983034
File: 16 KB, 244x182, Curious 50cent-chan is soo kawaii!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bumping dat shitty KimchiPonyNon-kawaii thred

Nigga, my gun go off!!
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, bussin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippin'
When I get to flippin'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggas hurtin'
Homocide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!

>> No.7983036

Not the same person, but I don't think you know what hypocrisy means.

>> No.7983039

I'm guessing Level 8 is the point where you start casting spells, right?

>> No.7983043

I would be at 6 but I have to face people on the weekdays, sadly.

>> No.7983045
File: 63 KB, 302x425, 50cent-chan's kawaii gun in 9x99 oniichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bumping da shittiest thred fucking up my hood /jp/
Fuck boy you can see it to belie' it
Trynna dodge and wave it, end up a parapelegic
Belie' me, it's easy
I'll hurt you, I'll merk you, I'll pop some'in
Drop some'in, I ain't gone stop huntin'
Run-run till you're spun
One shot, one gun
One-9....... 1-1, emergency
It's murder B
It's excellent execution when I'm pullin' tha trigga!!!
No mistake, for that cake
I'm hittin' you and ya niggas
Feel tha flame when I aim
For tha top of ya brain
See tha spark and tha bang
Nigga shit ain't a game
Do tha math or get blast
Bullets go thru tha glass
Go-thru-ya-ass, fast
And tha leather seat sittin' Ave
It's not a war when there's casualties on one side
I ride!
Turn it up on you niggas after Jay ride-by
I click-clack, that's that! I don't flash, I mash
I wave tha Uzi at 'em
I make a movie out 'em

>> No.7983054

noko+sage, shit cunt.

>> No.7983056

8 is just pissing the colors of the rainbow. 9 is being able to make a gun finger, yell "BAM!" and have actual smoke come out. I'm still waiting for my promotion to 10.

>> No.7983055
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, Accelerator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Level 5, about to be lvl 6.

pic related.

>> No.7983059
File: 25 KB, 470x300, 50cent-chan laffin' it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BUMPIN da shittiest thred being a WackPonyKimchiNormalfaget

Nigga, my gun go off!!
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, bussin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippin'
When I get to flippin'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggas hurtin'
Homocide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!

>> No.7983067

using noko sage would save you time and still not bump

>> No.7983069
File: 35 KB, 300x226, 1314108546779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love you gangsta.

>> No.7983077
File: 37 KB, 460x391, 50cent-chanv3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Duzn't know that i'm too KAWAII fo dat shit.

You better lose yourself in tha moment
Use it, fuck-tha-music, I'ma let it go!
You only get one shot before I back out and fire back
At ya hat, cha back, ya ass crack, ya nutsack
Ya caddilac, if you make it to that--I'm hittin' that!
The 70's was smack, 80's crack! 90's was grimey
Millenium macs, man
Clips on tha whips, I ride in 'em
Bad bitches I ride-inn 'em
Don't worry, I'll gett'em
Gat Jammed or un-jammed
Goddamn safest the safety don't work
Squeeze tha Eagle, it chirp
End up faced down in the durt--more than hurt
Bring tha beef where you hang out
Bang out
Shots rang out!
Hit ya shoulders, trynna blow ya brains out!
Hit ya hommies in they legs
Bet they have their canes out, tomorrow
You know tomorrow's just a day away
If you can keep ya heart beatin' then ya ass awake~u!

>> No.7983080

Level 2 wizard here.


>> No.7983100

you will get beaten by a level 0 normal even if you reach level 6.

>> No.7983117
File: 54 KB, 686x575, kyouko 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good one broski i got a good laugh out of that.

>> No.7983126
File: 12 KB, 483x467, 1315158235920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a girlfriend when I was 10. Does that count?

If not I'm level 4 then...
