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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7980623 No.7980623 [Reply] [Original]

Do you try to find 萌え in everyday life?

>> No.7980632

Within these four walls of mine, this prison? To call it a prison is harsh for it keeps me safe. But no, I haven't before or ever entertained the thought.

>> No.7980673

Love for fictional characters?

>> No.7980682

floppy disc's are so moe

>> No.7980714

Yeah, today was a 萌 day. As in 十月十日.

>> No.7980715

Where the fuck did they even get an A: drive in this day and age?

>> No.7980722

No that's taking it moe.

>> No.7980727

What a moe day. I hadn't realized.

>> No.7980739


Your windows is showing... Besides, it can easily be the b: drive.

>> No.7980754


>十月十日 - とつきとおか (totsukitooka)
>babies born on October 10, supposedly conceived on New Year's Day

Suddenly not moe.

>> No.7980806

I love to personify things as little girls.

Little girls can improve everything. Take, for example, human innards. Normally, one wouldn't think of his spleen or kidneys as being adorable, but once you imagine them as cute little girls, even human viscera can be worth falling in love with. Your kidneys, for example, would be identical twins wearing the adrenal glands as their hats, gladly devoting themselves to their rather disagreeable job with a warm smile on their faces so that your body can be free of waste products. Your bladder would be a shy, clumsy loli under the kidneys' guidance, trying her best to hold in your urine but occassionally falling and spilling pee everywhere. Your liver would be a reliable onee-sama type who oversees the blood sugar levels in your body and detoxifies harmful chemicals, she'd always be concerned over your well-being and admonish you if you don't watch your food and alcohol intake; but despite being a strict, no-nonsense class president type on the surface (she'd probably wear glasses too) she'd secretly be a perverted lolicon in an incestous lesbian relationship with her little sister gallbladder-tan. Your stomach would be a womanizer despite being a little girl, frequently kissing both oesophagus-tan and small intestine-tan mouth-to-mouth with the excuse of "transferring digestive contents", but she'd do this even if you haven't eaten in days.

As the alchemists of old believed that gold was the ideal form of all metals, I believe the ideal form of humankind to be adorable young maidens. I pray that once we die, the afterlife awaits us will involve all /a/ users turning into elegant young ladies and taking it easy until the end of times.

>> No.7980838

Before when I wanted to throw up all the stuff I had eaten because I don't want to be fat, and although putting a toothbrush down my throat made me gag, I didn't throw up anything, is that stomach-tan's fault? She's a bitch, I don't like her.

>> No.7980870


You should just use your fingers unless you have an old toothbrush. It's easier to get the smell of vomit off your hands, but it does ruin your fingernails. Brushing with a vomit toothbrush would be awful. Just rub the back of your tongue in your throat for an entire minute. Count it out and don't stop even when your stomach starts convulsing and you will throw up easy.

And don't brush your teeth for a while afterward. The acids in your stomach soften the enamel on your teeth and you will end up scraping some of it away if you brush. Just rinse with mouthwash instead.

>> No.7980898

What on Earth did I just read?

>> No.7980958

Also, try wiggling your finger when it's in your throat. It works well enough for me, but then, I could've just been drunk at the time.

>> No.7980967
File: 134 KB, 850x620, Virus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh virus-tan. I love how you rip my cells to pieces to further your own selfish ambition. Hurt me more!

>> No.7980969

My mornings haven't been all that kawaii lately.

Hold me jay pee.

>> No.7981217
File: 54 KB, 400x252, 1314459981530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody give this man a medal.

>> No.7981290
File: 27 KB, 198x225, HNNNNG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your bladder would be a shy, clumsy loli under the kidneys' guidance, trying her best to hold in your urine but occassionally falling and spilling pee everywhere

I would like to see this illustrated.

>> No.7981295

I take it you never seen this copy pasta

>> No.7982445


It's CLEARLY copypasta

>pray that once we die, the afterlife awaits us will involve all /a/ users turning into elegant young ladies and taking it easy until the end of times.

>> No.7983747

>afterlife awaits us will involve all /a/ users turning into elegant
Why don't you go back there then. Reported.
