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7979001 No.7979001[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If your waifu was under a pile of sushi, would you eat the sushi to free her? what kind of sushi would not make you vomit?

>> No.7979005

would u suck a dick if ur wafu was beried inder a pile od dicks. what kind of dicks wud u not suck?

>> No.7979006

eating it doesnt seem like the ideal way to save her

>> No.7979007
File: 17 KB, 371x300, shocked and appaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, guy who said squiddy doesn't have the mental capacity to do this?


>> No.7979011

hey atleast im trying to play by your rules. and im not posting shit about battlefront 3. this is now ontopic, right?

>> No.7979012

What are you even trying to say?

>> No.7979013
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>> No.7979021

its the only way, bro. the dungeon master has a constant flow of sushi on tap and dumps more on when you use anything besides your face.

>> No.7979027

okay, how about this!

If you had to make a sushi-girl (half sushi half girl) your waifu, what kind of sushi would she be?

you can discuss this, right? this is more relevant to your interests, right?

>> No.7979036

Thank you for giving me an absolutely fucktarded story idea
I mean
Ika Musume's premise is stupid and people love the fuck out of it so yeah let's make SushiGirls the visual novel

>> No.7979048


>> No.7979051

i thought it was good too. who will be the MC? Spicy Tuna ROLL?

>> No.7979060

Spicy Tuna Roll is the blonde tan foreigner.

>> No.7979068

MC is Wasabi, obligatory male friend is Ginger, and main girl is a dragon roll

>> No.7979075

But then what's the california roll?

>> No.7979106

anyways in the end, no one likes them and they sit out for too long and expire while the popular "normal" people (who dont have sushi rolls for bodies) go on with their lives. the normal people forget about the sushi girls, but the world knows that the sushigirls had something special to offer, and that the normal people missed out on it.

>> No.7979119

That's horrible and you should feel horrible for writing that

>> No.7979133


its also the story of my experience on /jp/

>> No.7979130


youre mad that it's the plot of every anime of the genre. unless you dont care about the plot, and only care about the MOE
