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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7975362 No.7975362 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is going on,/jp/ is not even /jp/ anymore. its like an alternate reality where all the /jp/ers are completely the opposite. In the very end, will /jp/ really return or will we forever now have these really annoying posters? How about 5 or 10 years? will they go away by then?

>> No.7975368

hey man, this isn't japan related

>> No.7975366

Oh, it's you again. Don't you ever get sick of making these shitty threads?

>> No.7975371

/jp/ isn't about japan, so delete your thread.

>> No.7975374
File: 4 KB, 251x251, smack_smack_smack_dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol jea some posters r really annoying as HELL =__=I|I

but not U OP xD

>> No.7975381

>will /jp/ really return

Well, taikoshit's trip is back, so we might really be regressing.

>> No.7975385

I'm sure that all this shitposting and people pretending to be shitposters by ruining grammar have a meaning, but I can't understand what it is. I feel that something went wrong somewhere in the past of /jp/.

Maybe I should join everyone else and just lurk until those people are gone. It's time I give up already.

>> No.7975377

oh my god, when did it become otaku culture

>> No.7975378

Calm down man, do you have issues you need to vent over the internet. Is real life treating you well?

>> No.7975394

yeah well i don't like you either white ren

>> No.7975387
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Like what every time /jp/ is really truly bad? I mean you are most likely part of the shit to begin with or just a bystander who just doesn't care.

>> No.7975414

Ive been trying to find the source, or the reason, or at least how this all began, I just dont really get it, it just happened out of nowhere in the beginning of 2011. The really weird thing is, most people didnt even notice it. it was like the whole board just got brain washed into becoming shit posters for the whole year.

>> No.7975424

It's an invasion. The banned people that are coming back are trying their best to stay ontopic.

>> No.7975429

Here's a clue: IRC.

>> No.7975425

I would point out what's wrong with your post, but I can reduce my explanation to "Everything you typed is wrong.", so it's fairly hard to begin anywhere.

>> No.7975435

no one was brain washed... it's just the board gets so much spam to the point where there are always several shitposts on the front page, and ignoring them doesn't work.

hopefully they will get tired soon

>> No.7975436

It also was around people like >>7975374 came around or just started to shitpost, Whats also weird is every body just accepted him without complaints, which was truly strange.

>> No.7975448

No one accepted him. We ignore him but he doesn't go away. Only other raidfaggots from his IRC group respond to him.

>> No.7975459

People still believe in a secret shitposting IRC? Jesus christ.

>> No.7975466

Well that is one of the ideas, but then the real question is why did this start and what are they talking about in IRC? All i know is it almost started right after we lost the old meido from the puddi puddi spam. What made these people from /jp/ IRC want to do this?

>> No.7975468

Good then. It's time to ignore the trolls, like anyone's gonna do that.

>> No.7975476

But wtH's gimmick was hilarious when he first showed up. Now he's no different than an average /jp/er.

>> No.7975480

#bun is at least one

>> No.7975494



they're just bored
eventually they'll get tired and quit.

>> No.7975502

No, it wasn't. he acted like a moron and people just seemed to do nothing about him. then when he found out he could do anything without being hated on, he did what ever the fuck he wanted. In a way you might have started the shitposting to begin with because it gave the outsiders and lurkers the idea that /jp/ wouldn't hate on them as much as they use too.
But its been going on since the old meido died, i mean it =s been getting worse, /jp/ers are now talking about wanted real women and have been bring retarded drama that the old /jp/ would of killed themselves over.

>> No.7975503

That group was obviously made to poke fun at people like you who believe that this is being organized on some grand scale.

>> No.7975507

He sure was ultra refreshing and new.


It's like you've been here around early 2009, when people like this were abundant.

>> No.7975513
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>> No.7975524

/jp/ was always bad.

>> No.7975528

That is what the shitposters say.

>> No.7975531

Right now isn't even the worse /jp/ has been. Weeks ago was way worse. We are coming back strong after the hard blow we recieved, and I think actually all this drama is the trolls getting desperate. Keep driving the trolls back to their place /jp/.

>> No.7975534

No way man /jp/ used to be home to the finest intellectuals on the internet.

>> No.7975532

and yet a fair number of people joined.

>> No.7975550

Have you seen the weekdays? The weekends might be somewhat ok with the good meido cleaning up, but during the week its /b/ 2.0.

>> No.7975549

How can you write things like this without cracking up?

>> No.7975542

I know it might sound like I'm trolling, but have you tried emailing moot about it?
He's taken action against individual shitposters on /tg/, /co/ and /v/ before (j. profit, lanced jack) so maybe if we let him know the board is being raided he'll do something.

>> No.7975544

>eventually they'll get tired and quit.
lol every1 always keeps on saying that xD
i sure as HELL wouldn't hold my breath!

>> No.7975538

Take /a/ and /v/, up the autism 200% and you get /jp/.

>> No.7975562

Holy fucking shit, you dense motherfucker, stop making these threads.

>> No.7975568

It's impressive how long wtH has kept up the shitposting.

>> No.7975587

it's all because of Sudo

>> No.7975602
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>> No.7975595

Well I don't see the horror that was /jp/ weeks ago these days. Remember? Every thread, no exceptions, recieved the good old treatment of "IT'S SHIT", but en mass, like half the posts were thread bashing. The Alicesoft threads recieved the worst part.

>> No.7975608

and his buttfriend

>> No.7975622
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>> No.7975629
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>> No.7975625 [DELETED] 

Go back to fucking where ever you came form,not even would fucking want you. you and subo are the most retarded shitposters i have ever seen. I would fucking love sion back instead of you assdicks.

>> No.7975636

Good thread.

>> No.7975638

Go back to fucking where ever you came form,not even /m/ would fucking want you. you and sudo are the most retarded shitposters i have ever seen. I would fucking love sion and bawson back instead of you assdicks.

>> No.7975639

just die fucking retard

>> No.7975648
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>> No.7975644
File: 22 KB, 320x431, kira yamato 34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7975667

What do you get out of spamming a slow imageboard like /jp/?
You have to samefag your own threads or get your friends to bump them, since so few people care.
Don't you think you'd get more reactions in /a/, /v/ or some other board? Why shitpost here?

>> No.7975658

great, now get sudo and we can have gay party

>> No.7975663

Well this spam will at least make the trolls quit. I hope...

>> No.7975668
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>> No.7975681

Calm down nerd...

>> No.7975685
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>> No.7975686
File: 119 KB, 654x600, Cirno - HELL -S2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eye am NOT gay.

Also, my name is not Brian.

>> No.7975694

Servants of Autismo have no answers.

>> No.7975697 [DELETED] 

While we're discussing conspiracies, is it true wtH is just Scandaroon seeking karmic justice for some reason?

>> No.7975703

He's some random guy that only post on shitty threads.

>> No.7975708
File: 23 KB, 600x550, Cirno - P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtH is wtH !!

Nobody else!

>> No.7975723

Where the fuck and when did you even come to /jp/, what the fuck are you doing here? just fucking leave already, give it a rest.

>> No.7975718

I've been on /jp/ since it was first created back in 2008. This happens every year. It's just that it's intensifying each year, the number of new visitors this board gets during summer is increasing every year during that time, as are the amount of low-quality threads.

When summer ends and about a month after school starts back up and most of the summer trash leave, what's left behind are the autistic attention whore tripfags, shit-posters with their cross-board memes, and other degenerates who continue on as if it were summer. They haven't properly acclimated to traditional /jp/ etiquette. It generally takes a few more months for them to meld into the larger /jp/ populace.

But by that time, the next summer is just around the corner...

Depending on when you first started visiting /jp/, you may have hit a slow period in late winter where things were more or less stable with regards to new visitors, and came to expect /jp/ had decent post quality, and when summer started, you though it would go away when it ended. But it's a little more involved than that, which I hope this post elucidates.

>> No.7975726

Just hide everything you don't like.

>> No.7975727
File: 39 KB, 640x360, kira yamato 63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7975737

I blame the disappearance of Quality Control.

But seriously, I don't know what it is, and I don't really care. If it doesn't stop I'll find other places to spend my time.

>> No.7975742

And to clarify, the reason why things are so bad with just the few summer people who still continue to post here is because they think this is their board at this point, they have in a sense hijacked it for their own ends, and don't feel the need to follow traditional /jp/ rules. Therefore, they are overly vocal when anyone points out their erroneous ways and retaliate by creating more shitty threads.

>> No.7975758

I think what they actually do the most is shitpost on ontopic threads. So when trying to discuss something ontopic, don't get discouraged by the trolls /jp/.

>> No.7975760

Quality Control is actually an autistic shit poster. You see, before hand, he just shit-posted as anonymous, and you only saw his good posts of approvement with the Quality Control tripcode. But then he started to use another tripcode instead of anonymous for shit-posting. Yes, wtH is Quality Control. I had some screen-caps of him same-fagging, showing that they are one and the same, but I appear to have misplaced it.

>> No.7975760,1 [INTERNAL] 

Trying too hard.

>> No.7975760,2 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder if this is what some people really believe.
