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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7974624 No.7974624[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7974630

Remember when we used to call ourselves /jp/sies?

>> No.7974637

No we have always been /jp/edos

>> No.7974633

Remember before loliaki started posting?

>> No.7974645



>> No.7974642

That's a LONG way back.

>> No.7974649

I declined that moniker due to its inherent connection to 3D.

>> No.7974650

What is the purpose of these threads? Not just talking about steam hookup threads, I'm also referring to the jrpg generals, the threads about psps, vita, the DS, etc...

is this a elaborate plan to make the janitor consider ALL videogame threads spam?

who is behind this conspiracy? why do you do this?

>> No.7974648

No, we were /jp/sies. /jp/edo was just a small number of posters in those silly young pedo idol threads.

We have always been the /jp/sies.

>> No.7974658

selling BOOF's steam username for 50 USD

>> No.7974664
File: 75 KB, 777x777, i heart shitposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7974669

Yes. I remember him posting and disliking his posting style. Very brash and uninformative. Exactly like some /a/ shitposter.

He has no changed.

>> No.7974672
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>> No.7974676


>> No.7974681

I'm not frustrated... I'm just surprised someone would care about a imageboard board so much, to the point where he'd pretend to be a spammer just to get the janitor to delete threads about things he doesn't like.
I hope i'm just imagining things.

>> No.7974686

It's just a couple of tripfags from Steam/IRC trying to outshit each other.

Filtering textless or >implying threads usually cleans things up.

>> No.7974693

While I'd like some friends on Steam, I only play TF2 through it anyway. No point getting other multiplayer games if I have no one to play with.
TrashedGamers and No-Heroes servers.

>> No.7974689 [SPOILER] 
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The loli threads weren't that bad.

>> No.7974705

Actually, you are not. You're quite sharp.

I don't think I'm the only one who cares about /jp/ though.

Sure thing genius.

>> No.7974710

TF2 is a good game to play while friendless. Someone is bound to send a request whenever you become a server regular.

>> No.7974711

You don't need someone's consent to take their picture in a public place. You need their consent to use it in a commercial enterprise. You would not need their consent to use their image as a drawing resource, so long as the finished product could not be construed as being the person in question.

It is not illegal to photograph children in public. It is illegal to solicit them for photographs for lewd purposes. It would be easy to construe your actions as harassment if they found out what you were going to do with the pictures you're taking, especially if the DA and justices in your region are a bunch of Bible-thumping retards.

Either way, 3DPD.

>> No.7974713

It'd be nice if someone was hosting a /jp/ gmod server again, I'd really like to just fuck around in this game with some of you guys.

>> No.7974719

>Ship Simulator Extremes Demo
>393.5 heures

Oh god what

>> No.7974718

I know, some two guys sent me invites after I steamrolled the enemy team as a scout once.
I... I was too afraid to accept ;_;

>> No.7974730

I'd join a Gmod server if it was owned by /jp/. All of the online servers so far are build servers that kick if someone's wonky props hit them.

;_; I always accept but they never talk to me, and I never talk to them.
