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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7974374 No.7974374 [Reply] [Original]

Good evening /jp/, how are you all doing?

>> No.7974383

Pretty shitty. My business is on the verge of complete collapse and there is a tremendous amount of fallout that could result in the wake of such an event.

>> No.7974389

Can't complain. I'm no longer employed, but I'm also no longer homeless. In a sense, anyway.

>> No.7974406
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Patiently waiting for Milky Holmes Season 2 to start.

>> No.7974409

Feeling good, gonna buy a new videocard/psu. Think I've finally conquered hypochondria (at least mostly).

Plan to play some RPGs, maybe on the psp, maybe some elona.

And I want to translate at least 2 more files today.


>> No.7974419

Another day of doing nothing but browsing 4chan.

( ´_ゝ`) コピペ

>> No.7974427
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>> No.7974438 [DELETED] 

I "know that feel", as it were.

The worst part is when somebody bumps an old thread and you see one of your posts, then check the time difference.

>> No.7974439
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I've died like 10 times in Tomb of Giants. I can't take it easy like this.

>> No.7974445

Downloaded some games, played some games, fapped until I didn't have any delicious milk left. You know...

Living the dream.

>> No.7974474
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Preparing to sleep. I have a lot to do tomorrow.

Reach for the skies, anonymous.

>> No.7974497

Okay, I suppose.
Despite getting ~9 hours of what seemed to be pretty restful sleep, I feel exhausted and want to sleep, but going to sleep now will put me in an even more unfavorable position than I already am in.

>> No.7974494

I drunk some tea and changed the linen in my room. It feels nice and clean now.

>> No.7974500

I've been feeling depressed since I've started my full time job.

>> No.7974529

i feel sad because i'm talking to someone who i thought would be a new pal but he's just saying 'yeah' every now and then in response and is obviously bored. I don't know what to do to make him interested in our conversation. If only I wasn't so boring. I bet I just come across as clingy.

>> No.7974530
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I've noticed that oversleeping makes me feel tired, though it's a different kind of tiredness than that from under-sleeping. I need to stop myself from doing it, I slept for about 11 hours last night, and I've probably averaged about 10 a night for the last week.

>> No.7974534

Ordered my Reisen Puzzle and started to watch the Halloween specials that are starting to come on.

I hope you didn't lose too many souls.

>> No.7974542

Is this right now, or were you last doing so a couple of hours ago?

>> No.7974548

It could have been pretty shit tier sleep for all I know.
Judging the quality pretty much solely on the fact that my bedding was still in pretty much decent condition and not needing to be completely remade like it has nearly every night for the past several weeks.

>> No.7974550

Oh man, /jp/ I have to tell you this:
I had a dream of my past last night, a fucking great dream where I relived my life about five years ago! Everything was great, I had my trappish physique back, I was popular in school, and the best part was, I was in some situations where I totally fucked up and led me to become a recluse; but in my dream I totally did the right thing! Oh man it was such a great dream, I'm going to try and have a similar dream tonight!!!

Oh also I had another great thing happen; I read a hentai doujin and for a short second managed to imagine what it would be like to have a cock penetrate my virgin loli pussy. Oh man, this is such a great day! I'm considering buying the milky holmes sheryl nendoroid too, and maybe I will, maybe I won't. Until then, I'll continue adding to my porn collection, browsing /jp/ and pretending to be a girl on the internet. Truly I live a charmed life!

>> No.7974553

Right now, I kinda just want to make a new best friend but I feel like I'm being too friendly without revealing too much about myself. When I started the conversation I felt charming and cool, but now I just feel like a creep.

>> No.7974565

Story of my life. Eventually I just get mad at these people and remove them from my friends list without warning.

>> No.7974581

b...but what if they decide to be interested one day? It's my fault they're not talking... I should just delete the account and never come online again. In a year I'll try again with new strangers and repeat the process.

>> No.7974592

It's too late. I had to do it with some Steam friends after we've known each other for nearly a month. I also felt it with people when I was still using Messenger. I dislike it when people appear as Online but they don't expect to have a chat, they should either go Busy or Away in these cases. And if they're chatting with someone else they should state so instead of letting you go on talking with yourself until you start feeling like a boring person.

You ain't. It's their fault.

>> No.7974614

It can only be their fault so many times. When the same thing happens every time with every person eventually it has to be something wrong with me, making them not want to talk to me.

I just wish they could say 'I don't want to talk to you right now' or something instead of just letting me talk to myself for a while...

>> No.7974620

I just woke up after sleeping all day.

>> No.7974629

This week was pretty harsh for me.
But I went to vote today, that made me feel a little better about myself.
Maybe I'll try to actually have fun for the rest of the evening.

>> No.7974640

I know how you feel. If you keep on talking and they don't respond, simply stop talking to them until they initiate a conversation themselves. If they don't do it in, what, 3-4 days? Remove them and find other people.

The best thing to do really is getting real life friends, but assuming all of us are in a similar position here then it might not be possible. Besides, I've had this happen with RL friends too. If nobody talks to you, just log off and go elsewhere instead of wasting your time.

>> No.7974660

You went to vote? Tell us about it.

In fact, everyone tell us the boring little details about everything that happened to them; your meaningless thoughts, your dull insights, everything! We live interesting lives. Look at >>7974550, look how happy he is with his life! Every day is glorious!

Today I bought TWO bumper bags of sweets, but the whole thing is full of parma violets. These are the grossest sweets ever. why do they even exist? Also I confronted my old boss in my mind, and showed her up for the bitch she was. Then I looked at the picture of my dead cat for a while, THEN I found an old bag of doritos stashed under my bed, and ate those. I changed my calender to show october, and read some judge dredd. Then I thought about ways to guilt trip my old friends into talking to me again. Then I pretended I was someone else in my mind for a little while, specifically my deadbeat friend who somehow has a great life despite being an asshole to everyone, then I practised conversation and I still find it hard to not seem like I'm coming on to everyone. Damn guys, I had a fascinating day!

>> No.7974670

I guess. It's getting embarrassing though because if I post my contact details someone I blocked might say 'OH LOOK WHO IT IS!'

Eventually I get frustrated with my boringness and start to weave lies to make myself feel better about myself, and then I get freaked out and leave.

>> No.7974675

I just woke up... at midnight. Gotta fix my sleep schedule at some point.

My plan for today is to microwave some soup then watch some Precure.

>> No.7974695
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>Bro has really neat idea for an eroge
>Talks to me as if we're going to write it together
>We throw ideas around, I design up some characters
>He later tells me that he was going to do it himself all along, makes me feel like a bastard for shifting around his idea and messing around with his ideas for characters

I-I didn't want to make an eroge with you, you big baka. Go on and do it yourself, I w-won't care. I'll make my own petgirl eroge a-and it'll be just as good, you'll see!

>> No.7974704

Wrong board for that.

>> No.7974712

Celebrating Thanksgiving with family tonight. Then I have the next few days off. I think I will work on my VN.

>> No.7974759

Just fine, today im not feeling depressed.

>> No.7974761
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Coughing all night and waiting for mom leaves her room, so I can play PS2.

>> No.7974774

I'm doing okay I guess. I restored an old French helmet today.

>> No.7974796
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Kind of moe.

>> No.7974807

I'm sorry. What is moe?

>> No.7974833

Wow I've certainly come to love these circlejerk metathreads. You know the type. Started by anonymous, immediately followed by a tripcunt shitposter.

I think my girlfriend is pregnant. Wat do?

>> No.7974845
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I wanted to clean up my digital manga collection, but the lewd part is such a clusterfuck that I'm thinking of just deleting everything.
What do you say, /jp/?

>> No.7974877

>Wat do
You should probably stop shitposting and take responsibility.

>> No.7974879

Jokes on you, I don't even have a girlfriend.

>> No.7975024

I couldn't hep but laugh at your post. In a good way though.
It sounds cute and energetic, the adventures of a /jp/ shut-in.

This week itself hasn't been too good. I felt kinda depressed throughout it, probably due to my slipping grades. I also botched a fake interview in class. However, this weekend I felt better, especially because I have tomorrow off, and only one class the day after. Been taking it easy all day.

My Father came to my university's city for business this weekend. We went out earlier tonight for dinner which was quite enjoyable. I love him very much and he loves me, but we don't talk very much outside of when he visits, and when we do talk, it feels kinda awkward. It feels like we have nothing to talk about, usually we just talk about what is going on in our lives and those of others. Just feels kinda distant.
We don't have anything personal to talk about and we share no hobbies. I wish we could get closer somehow.

Same for my brother. I called him this week to wish him a happy birthday and the conversation only lasted around 5 minutes. And it was the first time we have talked in months. He seems happy though, so I am glad.

>> No.7975036

I was once in the same situation as you.
My porn folder was such a cluster and nothing was organized, yet it was huge.

What I did was save the old folder, moved it, and made a whole new folder. And for the new folder, I organized everything I put into it. Eventually this new folder grew larger than my old one. And the organization was the best thing I could have ever done for my collections.

Don't delete the old one, you will regret it later.
Just start over again, but hang on to the old one. Every time you want to look back at something in the old one, incorporate it into your new collection.

>> No.7975129

...I kinda sorta accidentally deleted it just now.
Oh well, I can live without it.
I hope.
