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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 59 KB, 375x500, None [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7972470 No.7972470 [Reply] [Original]


Annon-kun... is that you????
I didnt see you from our highschool graduation................What did you do this years?
Ehmmm.......aha...............I see......I didnt know you still live with your parents ......hmmm well at least you have a job ......

Oh......hmmm somehow I feel its my fault that your lifeended up like that.....I should have told Jason to not throw you out from the window in our highschool...

I am sorry Anon-kun...Do you have a girlfriend ?


>> No.7972471

Ass devastated that your shit metathread was deleted?


>> No.7972479
File: 23 KB, 352x288, article200812311936232463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what I didnt post on /jp/ for like a month o.O

>> No.7972510

Report me. I don't give a fuck, I'm underage.

>> No.7972516

Shamwow's (a.k.a. Aya's boyfriend) name is Javier Escaler.

>> No.7972523
File: 26 KB, 400x267, Gun Scielnced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*The next day*

Sorry I'm already married. *silenced gunshot sound*

>> No.7972529

You still smell of Yakuza semen, whore.

>> No.7972532

You guys are always too rude to King sama.

>> No.7972534

But he and his slut are not pure at all! They have relationships with shady people!

>> No.7972548

Shady people, huh. So suspicious. I think he is still awesome~ Though I need to look into this shady business. Who knows what kind of plans for destruction there might be!

>> No.7972554

Watch out! You might get in danger! He might invite you to an awesome party and poison your pizza or throw boogers in your lemonade! He can't be trusted!

>> No.7972566
File: 127 KB, 434x444, 1278363996612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shi...

>> No.7972572

do you even have any 2d images? for a 2d-centered board? stay out, dumb negro.

>> No.7972712

That braindead piece of shit is permabanned. Never reply to its diarrhea. CLOSED.

>> No.7972712,1 [INTERNAL] 

What the actual fuck.

>> No.7972712,2 [INTERNAL] 

I think it's really cute how he actually believes he can permanently keep people out of 4chan and it's nice that he's trying to be helpful, but did he have to bump the shitty thread?

>> No.7972712,3 [INTERNAL] 

So what rule did he break,faggot?

Please stop showing off your "LOL SUPAR COOL MOD POWAH" Your public comments are unwanted.

See you again in 6 months!

>> No.7972712,4 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.7972712,5 [INTERNAL] 

Hey guys, I'm here to make a huge fuzz out of a mod posting on /jp/ and discussing whether he just happened to pass by or if this means we'll get better moderation here.

>> No.7972712,6 [INTERNAL] 

fucking faggot mod banned last decent poster on this shitty board

>> No.7972712,7 [INTERNAL] 

I wish the mod would publicly ban shitposters in the afternoon or evening, when there is just as much shitposting, if not more. Nobody even browses /jp/ in the morning, so I have trouble seeing how cleaning up this trash is sending the message across.

>> No.7972712,8 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know about anything else, but I really enjoy seeing that faggot getting a public ban.

Now let's hope the mod will stay here for the usual shitstorm later.

>> No.7972712,9 [INTERNAL] 


Did babby just finish watching F/Z and wanted to go on a power trip?

>> No.7972712,10 [INTERNAL] 

I hope we can interpret "Never reply to its diarrhea" to mean that people who reply to shitposters in the future are going to be banned. It'd really help a lot if they were, I think it's the same few people who feed all the trolls.

>> No.7972712,11 [INTERNAL] 


suck my cock dude

>> No.7972712,12 [INTERNAL] 

Global rules 3 and 6, as well as /jp/'s topic rule.

>> No.7972712,13 [INTERNAL] 

Including samefagging and pretending to be different people to defend yourself.

>> No.7972712,14 [INTERNAL] 

Cry some more. You got banned for being a retard, that's enough reasons.

>> No.7972712,15 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.7972712,16 [INTERNAL] 

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 >'゙   _ノ li l l| ,j`ト、 ヾミミ`ヽー-,イレ'三ヾ≡三〈.      
 i ,r'"´  リ川 / リ^リヽゞミ三彳ィ'´-ァ''ゝミト、``ヽ     
 レ',  、,__ ノノノソー==ニニニソ''´)j`ト、`ー'゙ ,イィイソ 〉;:;:.ト、   
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           「jヽ    //    // /__________,. '"´    _」

>> No.7972712,17 [INTERNAL] 

That piece of shit, along with Kimchi, are the only two trip I filter on /jp/. Seeing this ban made my day.

>> No.7972712,18 [INTERNAL] 

Mod is friends with shitposters not idiots like KoJP

>> No.7972712,19 [INTERNAL] 

1 ban, and /jp/ still looks like /b/ with all 15 pages?

Did the mod just fly by and leave this, or was the shitposting rate so high it filled the board up again?

>> No.7972712,20 [INTERNAL] 

Why is our moderation so arbitrary? Getting rid of retarded autistics like King of /jp/ is a good start, but where's the consistency? Why haven't squid, sion, Zunbar, anyone who posts with the name White Ren, and anyone who posts with the name WTH not been rangebanned from /jp/ yet? King of /jp/ generates barely one toilet's worth of diarrhea compared to their ocean of shit.

>> No.7972712,21 [INTERNAL] 

You might as well ask why they haven't banned you yet.

>> No.7972712,22 [INTERNAL] 

The advantage of public bans with trips is that they can never live it down.

>> No.7972712,23 [INTERNAL] 

What a faggot... you know a public ban will make an accomplished tripcode user's penis harder and will come back for more...

>> No.7972712,24 [INTERNAL] 

You sound experienced mugen. I guess you have been too familiar with this ordeal.

>> No.7972712,25 [INTERNAL] 

The wTH trip was (and probably still is) autobanning but he got a new one.

Also, the mod misspelled diarrhoea.

>> No.7972712,26 [INTERNAL] 

>What a faggot
Look who's talking

>> No.7972712,27 [INTERNAL] 

why is this mod such a butthurt faggot

>> No.7972712,28 [INTERNAL] 

Why is the kagofag still able to shit up my /jp/ on a daily basis?

>> No.7972712,29 [INTERNAL] 

>my /jp/
dude, seriously

>> No.7972712,30 [INTERNAL] 

Have you forgotten the times when the White Ren trip and name were on auto-delete?

>> No.7972712,31 [INTERNAL] 

bump :)

>> No.7972712,32 [INTERNAL] 

At least the faggot lost his bloated chink folder.

>> No.7972712,33 [INTERNAL] 

good old days

>> No.7972712,34 [INTERNAL] 

die you stupid nazi nigger

>> No.7972712,35 [INTERNAL] 

Remember when...

>> No.7972712,36 [INTERNAL] 

I want a jap girl to verbally bully me...

>> No.7972712,37 [INTERNAL] 

Obvious moot omitting his admin name is obvious.

I like the guy, but it's absurd how verbally buttblasted he gets about "trolls" when he more or less admitted that he shitposts on /jp/.

>> No.7972712,38 [INTERNAL] 

go back to dead athens

>> No.7972712,39 [INTERNAL] 

And your age?

>> No.7972712,40 [INTERNAL] 

Too old.

>> No.7972712,41 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think you're much older a late 80s birthdate.

Your views however.... they aren't even your views, but mine.

>> No.7972712,42 [INTERNAL] 

what views would those be?

>> No.7972712,43 [INTERNAL] 

full frontal view of me pen0r

>> No.7972712,44 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.7972712,45 [INTERNAL] 


Surely you're not seriously questioning yourself??

>> No.7972712,46 [INTERNAL] 

I doubt we agree on everything.

>> No.7972712,47 [INTERNAL] 

Oh and there's a "than" missing.


Tall task.

Try and come up with something I don't agree with.

>> No.7972712,48 [INTERNAL] 

Ebin thread, thanks for bumping it for all to see

>> No.7972712,49 [INTERNAL] 

HOLY fuck.
