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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7971335 No.7971335 [Reply] [Original]

How many times a day does /jp/ eat?

>> No.7971343

Why do you care? It all ends up as shit in the end. Reported.

>> No.7971342


>> No.7971353

Twice. 500 calories each time.

>> No.7971351

Usually just dinner during the week since I get up around 1pm.

I'm up early on the weekend so I have breakfast as well.

>> No.7971350
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How many times a day do you poop?
Pic related.

>> No.7971355 [DELETED] 

Quite a bit. I eat light snacks periodically throughout the day, usually with a single "regular" meal thrown in somewhere.

>> No.7971365

Every time I eat I feel like shit. Apparently the smallest thing I snack on periodically is like 300 calories. Why am I so fat, /jp/? ;_;

>> No.7971369


>> No.7971380

Because the smallest thing you snack on periodically is like 300 calories?

>> No.7971375

Just stop eating. I only eat a couple of times per week and feel perfectly fine. The human body was never meant to eat every day, anyway, and you don't consume much energy sleeping or browsing /jp/.

>> No.7971379

eat less and do squats

>> No.7971391

I subconsciously saw oats there.

>> No.7971385

two or three times

>> No.7971388

I hardly ever eat. Usually go a couple days without eating before I have something

>> No.7971400

I'm trying to slowly commit suicide by starvation so I no longer eat.

>> No.7971399

One proper meal a day, and I may let loose and eat some oatmeal for breakfast.

It's probably not enough. Sometimes I forget to eat for two days or more. Both my body and mind are failing.

>> No.7971406

>and you don't consume much energy sleeping or browsing /jp/.
Not true, for most people the majority of the energy they consume is due to their basal metabolic rate, the amount of energy burned simply keeping them alive, with no additional activity whatsoever. This alone is usually in the range of 1500-2500 calories of energy a day, depending on height, weight and sex.

>> No.7971417

Between none and two.

>> No.7971419

The last time I went an entire day without eating, I woke up the next morning vomiting bile and shitting diarrhea. /jp/ is suppose to be naturally emaciated, but even here I'm an outcast. ;_;

>> No.7971429

You worry me, anon. You never leave your room, you hardly eat any more, and the pee bottles I keep finding underneath your desk when I clean are really thick and murky. Why can't I help you? ;_;

>> No.7971441

I really doubt there was a causal link between those two things.

>> No.7971444

Anyone else here have an incredible lust for sweets and snacks?

I, like most of /jp/, barely eat and resemble a ghoul, but my lust for candy is completely insatiable. I find myself waking up and jumping on my bike at 4am just to get some chocolate.

>> No.7971449

I eat like 3 times a day. I should eat less. Being chubby makes me look too successful.

>> No.7971453

If you keep eating sweets like that, you're going to die of a heart attack one day in front of your monitor and not even /jp/ will be able to save you. That's when you'll realize how truly alone you are.

>> No.7971459

>and resemble a ghoul
Probably because you don't eat any protein.

>> No.7971468

I eat a whole lot. A real fatty or something like that.

For a while I had decided to just drink tea whenever I was hungry instead of eating snacks. After a bit I decided I would further cut down to one small meal a day, but four days in I realized that I had pretty much no energy to do anything at all so I dropped it.

>> No.7971486

You're a pussy. Of course if you suddenly go from eating a shitload of food to nothing at all you're going to lose all your energy. Your body needs time to adjust to your new amount of intake. If you gradually reduced your food or just endured 2 more weeks you would have been fine.

>> No.7971497

I am a pussy, but I also like eating.

It wasn't a very serious attempt.

>> No.7971510

/jp/ - Anorexic Culture

>> No.7971526
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>> No.7971534

my goal body

>> No.7971542

A lot because I weight lift a lot. Probably gonna decrease it slightly when I start running more for the LA marathon though. Or maybe I won't change much at all.

Hey, you asked.

>> No.7971543

I do look like that.

>> No.7972497
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Yuno is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.7972504
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3 big meals

>> No.7972507

Homura-chan a deformed

>> No.7972522


Once, generally. Sometimes I'll have a snack or two throughout the rest of the day.

>> No.7972531

I try to eat at least 4 high-calorie, nutrient-dense meals per day when I'm lifting, but I usually scale that back to 3 low-cal meals a day when I'm cutting.

>> No.7972535

2 times.
brunch then once after tennis.
brunch is vegan meal while after tennis is protein based.

>> No.7972538


>> No.7972540

Several times in the form of /jp/ posts.

>> No.7972550

what about taking a dump? seriously, how many times a week is healthy? i usually shit like once a day and like 2 times a month twice a day and I'm overweight for like 10 kgs, not really so fat

>> No.7972556

One meal, with some fruit, and a multi-vitamin on the side.

How else would I be able to afford my hobbies?

>> No.7972576

>what about taking a dump?
Once a week and only because I take laxatives.
It's really intense. In the middle of the week I start feeling cramps and feel really heavy but *it* still won't come out.

Even my metabolism gets slower because if it digested the food I eat there just wouldn't be enough space inside.
The worst days are when I can't eat or drink anything at all because I feel like puking. Even laying on my belly in bed will make me release a bit of food from my mouth.

Maybe you won't understand this until you experience it, but the personal views about life change dramatically for the ones that are constantly feeling sick.

>> No.7972579


This. I try to eat every other day because if I wait longer than that, I get really tired and feel awful when I finally do. It's hard to remember sometimes. I can't even feel hunger anymore even when I switched back to eating every day for a few weeks.

Forgetting to eat and then not having enough energy to eat is awful.

>> No.7972584

4 times a day and i'm not fat.

>> No.7972590

I used to have the exact same thing. Are you fat? How many meals a day you eat? Do you eat junk food, sweets or snacks? Do you do any sports or at least go outside the house?

I used to eat like once or twice a day normal meals, sometimes some snacks or sweets. I had like 10 or 15 kgs too much on my weight. Now I switched to oats meal every morning, pretty regular meals like 4-5 a day and less snacks and now I take a shit once a day without any major problems, but I'm still fat so nothing has changed except the ability to shit more often. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.7972591


I used to have this problem. It was excruciating. No other pain I have ever felt comes close to the pain of having my insides literally torn. But I changed my diet to include as much fiber as possible and started drinking a ton of water ever day and then I was never constipated badly again.

>> No.7972607


>> No.7972630

i poop once a day, usually in the morning before class :DDD


captcha: stripper self

>> No.7972645

>Now I switched to oats meal every morning, pretty regular meals like 4-5 a day and less snacks
This is incredibly vague.
>What am I doing wrong?
You probably don't have a clue how many calories you actually eat. The number of meals you have a day does not matter. The fact that you eat oatmeal every morning does not matter, nor does the fact that you eat "less" snacks.

No particular food or pattern of eating makes you lose weight. Eating less calories than you consume does. Get an estimate of your bmr (http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/).). Multiply it by 1.2 to get how much you burn a day while sedentary (approximation). Eat well under that. Say 500-1000 under. Depending on how much it is. The lower you go, the faster you lose. Don't go completely insane and starve yourself, but don't be afraid of cutting heavily either - your fat can make up the difference as an energy source, that's what it's for, and you lose it by using it up.

>> No.7972658

It depends. I don't really have an urge to eat, so I usually eat something at 6 p.m. or later, even if I've been awake for more than 12 hours.
I mostly eat some crap I find in the house, some snacks or something. When I go sleeping, I didn't even have a proper meal most of the time.
Well, I know that this isn't healthy, but seriously, I don't give a fuck. I'm also not overweight. I just look fat because I don't have muscles.

>> No.7972662

Thanks. I was under impression that the more regular "small" meals you eat the better. And due to that, the more often you poop the better for you to lose weight. Is that so? You seem knowledgeable about it, I heard it's good to skip your suppers or eat some curd instead, is it right?

>> No.7972670

Tried this but it would make it even worse. I also started gaining weight from the extra food.

I've pretty much given up on that matter. I've been constipated constantly for a year and a half now. It has become a routine.

>> No.7972710

How much you shit is effected by your diet, like water consumption, fat consumption and insoluble fiber consumption, but this is a separate issue from weight loss entirely. It's not relevant. You don't shit out your adipose tissue.

How many times you eat a day, and at what times, does not matter. Do what suits you. Skipping a meal means you consumed no calories at that time, so of course that will help if you don't compensate elsewhere.

You may have heard stuff like people who don't have breakfast are fatter, thus eating breakfast is important for losing weight, and things like that, but it's all nonsense formed by assuming correlation is causation.

>> No.7972840

I eat 2 dollar cheetos, 2 every day

>> No.7972840,1 [INTERNAL] 

