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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7964603 No.7964603 [Reply] [Original]

So... why exactly hasn't /jp/ been deleted yet?

Is functioning as a dumpster for another board really enough to justify its existence?

>> No.7964607
File: 56 KB, 795x602, thatsnothowananusworks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy here we go again

>> No.7964605

moot refuses to delete it

>> No.7964611

Because we have most of the staff on our side. The worst that they have to put up with here is usually child porn once a month or a bit of spam when /b/, /v/, /sp/ and /a/ is down.

>> No.7964615

/jp/ was created solely because moot was tired of Touhou (and to a certain extent, visual novels) on /a/, not because of anything you've written on that image.
Even though the board's shittiness has gone up exponentially recently, it still seems to contain most of the Touhou shit from the rest of 4chan. So, I believe it's doing what it was intended for.

>> No.7964613
File: 7 KB, 251x229, derp_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol...if this board goes to HELL then i'll just go back to /a/ xD

>> No.7964614

The split really just made both sides shittier.

>> No.7964616

moot kept trying to show off /a/ and /v/ to niconicodouga viewers, because he's very proud of it. but he was confounded that they didn't give a shit about /a/ and wanted to see /jp/. to this day, he does not understand why anybody likes /jp/, but keeps it for reasons not known to us.

mysterious japanese soul

>> No.7964617

Butts don't work like that.

>> No.7964622


Well, Moot is seriously out of touch with the site. Because showing off boards with image macros and other shitty memes is a good way to show off the site.

>> No.7964627


>but keeps it for reasons not known to us

as asinine as this might sound, one of the moderators is really fond of /jp/ and since moot is very sexually attracted to his mods he doesn't want to make him sad by deleting it

that's all there is to it.

>> No.7964626

Where's that image where /jp/ called moot a fucking faggot in the live stream?

>> No.7964632

He must be the fag who keeps permabanning me.

>> No.7964635 [DELETED] 

He got sick of Touhou and NSFW shit getting spammed on /a/ and for a long time he tolerated it. He could have easily just said "pack up your shit and post it /b/" but instead he created the loving little nest of fortune that we have here today.

He was a shitty poster on forums and is incapable of having a simple discussion that doesn't result in him sperging out.

>> No.7964638

If anything, /a/ thought that /jp/ weren't normalfags enough, or rather, they didn't like that /jp/ wasn't all "anime&manga". That's practically the reason for it. It's no less weird of a board than /m/ is.

>> No.7964646

What this site really needs is active moderation and a way to permab& shitposters forever. I'll have to come up with something when I create my imageboard.

>> No.7964649

Why are you still here? We are all waiting for you at /bun/.

>> No.7964652

/jp/ was created because moot got tired of autistic 2hutards shitposting and spamming /a/. He did technically make it as a dumpster for /a/, but not because the users in /a/ were normals.

>> No.7964657

People still go there? I'll have to check it out.

>> No.7964662

The funny thing is that I consider /jp/ one of the best boards on the site along with /p/. Mainly because of the lack of tolerance for shitposting and posting memes.

If they just got rid of the tripcodes it would be gold.

>> No.7964672

>If they just got rid of the tripcodes it would be gold.

Enable anonymizer.

>> No.7964673

/jp/ is like old /b/, only oldfags know.

>> No.7964677 [DELETED] 


I have seen people compare it to pre-2003 ADTRW or some of the early textboards. Although I remember pre-2003 ADTRW being pretty much just EVA, Azu and Cowboy Bebop when I posted there and textboards pre-4chan were a hit or miss.

>> No.7964683

tobo here
bun loser

>> No.7964706

>Is functioning as a dumpster for another board really enough to justify its existence?
Simple answer: yes.
So Moot decided. He could have made a board specifically for touhou (like 2chan did) but he didn't want to, so he rather opted for "otaku culture" instead.
If you have a problem with that you should tell it to Moot not /jp/ really. What /jp/ thinks is really irrelevant, Moot doesn't really care.

>> No.7964711

'Cause your beloved /a/ would be filled with touhous again then.

>> No.7964715
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>> No.7964717
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>> No.7964725
File: 344 KB, 993x592, moot conjuring shitposters2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel a sort of pride that they were interested in /jp/.

If I recall, they freaked the fuck out in chat when they caught a glimpse of an Alice thread scrolling past between the "FUCK YOU MOOT" and "WHY IS MOOT SUCH A FAGGOT" threads.

>> No.7964738

moot couldnt beat perfect freeze in easy modo so the touhoufags made fun of him. Because of this he decided to ban touhou in /a/ and made /jp/.
Later, he tried to have a meetup with /jp/ lurkers but got insulted and ignored and thread ban most of the /jp/ people.
Since then he have been in full buttfrustration mode with /jp/ and always try to troll /jp/ whenever he got the chance by changing their name, pudding spamming and etc. Getting embarrassed by /jp/ infront of the nico livestream further add into his wound.
Basically he is still mad at /jp/ after all this years.

>> No.7964741

That was not done by us, it was the other boards spamming us seeing as how moot had mentioned ''I think I'm gonna visit /jp/'' only to do so a few deadly mins later.

At least we had 1 /jp/ related thread there.

>> No.7964742

Why is /jp/ using the red theme?

>> No.7964753

But Otaku Culture =/= Anime, isn't it?

>> No.7964763

/jp/ is where the true oldfags and the highest of powerlevels reside. Most people on /jp/ have seen more anime series than 10+ average f/a/ggots combined. In addition a lot of people on /jp/ can watch anime without waiting for subs like you fucking faggot babbys. Generally, /a/ looks to each other for approval of things, while /jp/ looks inward at itself instead of relies on a hivemind mentality. Also /a/ has no OC besides shitty image macro memes that get old within a week; /jp/ translates VNs, games and has doujin translation teams that regularly post there. People at /jp/ know your own boards' subject far, far better than you do, fucking dream on if you think you have any kind of superiority in any way whatsoever.

We sneer at you fucking newfags/normalfags, your shonenshit Big 3 threads, quasi-/v/ mentality and everything else that makes /a/ suck fucking balls. /jp/ is a better board than /a/ could ever dream to be because most of you f/a/ggots are, in our eyes, eternal newfags, aka there is nothing you could ever say or do to bring yourself up to our level, because you aren't true oldfags. You're G/a/ia, you're ANN and MAL trash now. Stay away, we don't want you in /jp/, not now, not ever. Go on and continue existing in your own world of shit thinking that it's any good, while the master race quietly resides separated from you mongoloids.

>> No.7964764

As in Alice Margatroid?

Why should they be surprised that people here like the lovely puppeteer?

>> No.7964765

He visited other boards such as /v/ and they all had a thread calling moot a faggot.

mah nigga knows jaypee's not like that

>> No.7964767

>Why is /jp/ using the red theme?
Because their browser failed to load it properly.

>> No.7964773

It was people from 2ch who reacted, the fact that 4chan has Touhous is a big bonus since it shares at least one of their tastes.

Too bad people from other boards clusterfucked everything up and sent most of the current Touhou threads to further pages.

>> No.7964781

In case you haven't noticed, it's not a screencap of a the nico stream,

>> No.7964785

screw it, I wasn't going to say anything because I aggressively don't care but my curiosity keeps being engaged... WTF is a touhou?
trip: PJs

>> No.7964794


>> No.7964795

It's you're mom. We take turn to fuck her everyday.

>> No.7964798

you're aggressively bad at this.

>> No.7964823

autist newfag, cry moar.

>> No.7964836
File: 88 KB, 803x720, i'll fuck your shit up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because /jp/ is /a/ minus the shit.

>> No.7964843

But /a/ isn't needed.

>> No.7964865

bad at what, trolling? some things don't Google well, and conversely I could get stuck in Wikipedia for the next three hours, and besides, I was just looking for a short answer
*clicks LMGTFY link*
trip: stuff

>> No.7964876

so it's a video game series and an anime series based on the games? if that's right and what people are saying is true, why not just make a board for it like Pokémon?
trip: lmgtfy

>> No.7964885

lol ur rly dumb xD

>> No.7964890

It's not an anime, just shooting games and a few books and mangas from the one-man staff behind it all.

>why not just make a board for it

This is that board.

>> No.7964891

/jp/ was meant to be a place for everything of the modern japanese culture not popular in the West.
That's why anime, movies and translated VN are not allowed.

Although thanks to the XXI century weeaboo boom (weeaboom) there are only a few things that fall under that category nowadays.
/jp/ was doomed from the begining...

>> No.7964895

>translated VN not allowed
Oh you...

>> No.7964902

Things are fine as is. /jp/ acts a dumpsters for /a/, and in a way, vice versa. The only people who think it's not fine are buttflustered normals who want to cause trouble.

>> No.7964921

It was meant to turn /a/ "pure", meaning, "anime&manga". Because that's how moot liked it and many pestered him about it.
/jp/ isn't for everything that doesn't go in /a/, meaning, if people starts to dump shit in /a/ it doesn't mean it should go here, it should still go to /b/.
However, /jp/ is for the sake of /a/'s purity, about the stuff that was posted on /a/ at the time but wasn't deemed to be "/a/ enough", or more direct, wasn't anime or manga. It didn't even matter if they were direct adaptations or originals of anime/manga, you still got banend for it in order to keep /a/ purely anime and manga.

Now, the things that makes up /jp/, happens to be, or at least have been stuff, that wasn't popular at the time. The fact that people didn't understand it is most likely one of the main reasons as to why people bugged moot about it in the first place.
But still, it doesn't change the fact for how /jp/ was made for the stuff that wasn't deemed to be "/a/ enough" when it was a "problem".

>> No.7964924

/a/ has started becoming more normal fag. When people on that board started attacking loli saying it was "wrong" in Astarotte no Omocha I knew something was wrong

>> No.7964937

Started? Only just now? It's been like that for a long time. This is why /jp/ is just as grateful for the existence of /a/ as /a/ should be for the existence of /jp/. It keeps the normals out.

>> No.7964945

>and in a way, vice versa
I always liked this part. Not to sound like a prude or anythng, but I personally was never really into anime and manga and that stuff so much. Even less so, did I want to discuss it with people.

Now /jp/ stuff however, that's what I had interests in.
Galge, Eroge, Doujin games, music and soft. That kind of stuff.
They even banned people for that kind of stuff, so I don't see why I should care.
I am still waiting for a Princess Maker translation though. Good luck PM5 guys! I have hope in you.

>> No.7964978

Are you new to 4chan, perchance? Some people have always bashed loli, but who gives a fuck? You can start a loli thread any time of the day, and will find enough supporters. Well, unless mods are on, of course.

>> No.7964997

/jp/ is like the joke board for some VIPPERs to take a piss on whenever they had a frustrating day at the office or their girlfriend gives them shit. That's the only reason this shit hole isn't deleted yet. A lot of super funny people here lmao

>> No.7965033

it isn't though, it's for otaku stuff in general-- I mean yeah if it was officially just for that you'd have a lot of off-topic stuff like on >>>/vp/ but that's the nature of the beast, why be inconsistent about what something is?
trip: wha

>> No.7965041

You should tell /prog/ that.

>> No.7965051

It's like I'm really on /ghost/!

>> No.7965107

>it's for otaku stuff in general
What? No. Sorry, but that's not exactly entirely true.
It is no more "Otaku Culture - Anything Otaku welcome!" as it is "Japanese/General - Anything Japanese welcome!"
Which would happen to be, not that much at all.

/jp/ is for what wasn't deemed to be /a/ enough around the time of the split. It's as simple as that.

>> No.7965189

/jp/ really is just touhou and shitposting. /a/ has vn threads and figure threads on a regular basis.

>> No.7965189,1 [INTERNAL] 

>/a/ has vn threads and figure threads on a regular basis.
Yeah I know. And the irony of it all is overflowing, especially when they talk about it as if that have always been the case.

Still, it doesn't mean that stuff technically goes there. According to the rules, it should still technically warrant a ban, consider how they have never officially changed anything.
But I don't really care, if anything it's good that /a/ stays on /a/ no matter what they want to discuss, or at least I assume that to be good.

>> No.7965189,2 [INTERNAL] 

We just got stuck with the crazy janitor with OCD.

/a/ janitor is simply a lot more sensible if he allows all those Blazblue threads, figure threads, VN threads, etc. He's basically doing what >>7965189,1 said: letting /a/ stay on /a/ and such.

We need to let /jp/ stay on /jp/. I think it would stop a lot of the sperging here actually. But until then just post whatever I say.

>> No.7965189,3 [INTERNAL] 

Dude whaT

>> No.7965189,4 [INTERNAL] 

So the boards should be the exact same thing differing only in userbase?

That's a pretty stupid idea.

>> No.7965189,5 [INTERNAL] 

The crucial difference is that the post speed and user population in both /a/ and /v/ are currently beyond moderation. It's not that they are more lenient in those boards, but rather that they're incapable of doing more than taking care of the highest offenses. And let's not forget that currently there are no board specific mods or janitors, it's not like they are different people handling each board.

You're pretty misguided, let's just leave it at that.

>> No.7965189,6 [INTERNAL] 

This is broscience because the janitors do watch the "off-topic" threads I mentioned. Non-worksafe, troll posts and such do get pruned. So thus they are indeed more lenient if they A) are aware of the thread's existence and B) allow it and keep on eye on the thread for offending posts.

Anyways I saw this in the archived thread:

>>-Blazblue is always /a/ related
>>-Ar Tonelico games go to /jp/
>>-Nerf guns go to /k/
>>-Airsoft guns go to /toy/
>>-Monstergirls & rance threads are accepted almost everywhere

You can hear the people with OCD almost screaming in unison. We need to get more stuff accepted in /jp/.

>> No.7965189,7 [INTERNAL] 

You are literally insane. Why don't you follow your own advice and take it easy?

>> No.7965189,8 [INTERNAL] 

If complaining about what you don't like means being insane, then all of us here are also insane. Now leave ZUN!bar alone!
