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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 39 KB, 450x450, 1220947687002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7963496 No.7963496 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7963500 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 371x470, 50cent-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, my gun go off!!
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, busssin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippin'
When I get to flippin'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggas hurtin'
Homocide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!

>> No.7963501

I thought this said Autism.

>> No.7963505
File: 34 KB, 220x425, jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bro.

Yeah, you.

Atheism and the loss of faith is supposed to happen. Give them no mind.

>> No.7963509


>> No.7963512
File: 292 KB, 1477x2067, 131783421832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7963513 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 562x800, 50cent-chan kawaii tails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuk boy you can see it to belie' it
Trynna dodge and wave it, end up a parapelegic
Belie' me, it's easy
I'll hurt you, I'll merk you, I'll pop some'in
Drop some'in, I ain't gone stop huntin'
Run-run till you're spun
One shot, one gun
One-9... 1-1, emergency
It's murder B
It's excellent execution when I'm pullin' tha trigga
No mistake, for that cake
I'm hittin' you and ya niggas
Feel tha flame when I aim
For tha top of ya brain
See tha spark and tha bang
Nigga shit ain't a game
Do tha math or get blast
Bullets go thru tha glass
Go-thru-ya-ass, fast
And tha leather seat sittin' Ave
It's not a war when there's casualties on one side
I ride!
Turn it up on you niggas after Jay ride-by
I click-clack, that's that! I don't flash, I mash
I wave tha Uzi at 'em
I make a movie out 'em

>> No.7963516

Me too.

>> No.7963524 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 800x592, 50Cent-chan it's not like my gun got off for you or anything... B-B-Baka!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, my gun go off!!
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, bussin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippin'
When I get to flippin'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggas hurtin'
Homocide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!!!~~

>> No.7963519
File: 51 KB, 640x564, 1301965074220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7963531

Well, most atheists are basement dwellers shutins autists trying to boost their brittle egos with titles such as "critical thinker", so it's not like there is a difference.

>> No.7963527

me too. I was reading about belief and nothingness and was all, "fuck, they didn't mention this shit in the dsmiv."

>> No.7963538

is dat sum butthurt christfag?

>> No.7963535
File: 39 KB, 320x380, 50cent-chan's smile brightens up my day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better lose yourself in tha moment
Use it, fuck-tha-music, I'ma let it go!
You only get one shot before I back out and fire back
At ya hat, cha back, ya ass crack, ya nutsack
Ya caddilac, if you make it to that--I'm hittin' that!
The 70's was smack, 80's crack! 90's was grimey
Millenium macs, man
Clips on tha whips, I ride in 'em
Bad bitches I ride-inn 'em
Don't worry, I'll gett'em
Gat Jammed or un-jammed
Goddamn safest the safety don't work
Squeeze tha Eagle, it chirp
End up faced down in the durt--more than hurt
Bring tha beef where you hang out
Bang out
Shots rang out!
Hit ya shoulders, trynna blow ya brains out!
Hit ya hommies in they legs
Bet they have their canes out, tomorrow
You know tomorrow's just a day away
If you can keep ya heart beatin' then ya ass awake!

>> No.7963543

I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
I'm rollin'

I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
I'm rollin'I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
I'm rollin'

I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
I'm rollin'I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
I'm rollin'

I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
They don't stop
I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners
I'm rollin'

>> No.7963564

No, actually...


>> No.7963571
File: 116 KB, 450x450, autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought this said Autism.
It did, but OP photoshopped it. Here's the real version.

>> No.7963576

That only affirms that people with aspergers are more likely to be atheists, not the other way around.

>> No.7963579


>Listen to other opinions.


>> No.7963607

Of course. Whatever you say, aspie.

>> No.7963615

It also hypothesizes that paranoid schizophrenics are less likely to be atheists.
It's an interesting idea, I think. I'd like to read the follow up when it's published.

>> No.7963638

Haha, oh wow. Libtards getting asspained on /jp/ of all places.

Of course, centrist is the only logical choice. Both left and right wing faggots believe in fundamentally flawed bullshit.

>> No.7963671

>the inter-working of the laws of physical the universe laws of the universe are "magic happening for no reason whatsoever"
You remind me of that creationist who said scientists couldn't explain why every planet is round.

>> No.7963684

So what you're saying is that we should be irrelevant.

>> No.7963690

Stop bumping this thread.

B0$$, get in here

>> No.7963699

>Of course, centrist is the only logical choice.
I really hate this type of idiocy more than the most unreasoned conservatism or liberalism. Many people have a near religious belief in the power of compromise and the middle being right, slavish to the cult of moderationism. I think it's just a sign of weak knees beneath an even weaker mind.

Also, where are the mods?

>> No.7963717

Faggots like you, who respond seriously to troll threads, have no right to ask for mods.

>> No.7963720 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 274 KB, 354x478, SUPER ULTRA KAWAII MYSTERY MANG (50cent-chan).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nigga, my gun go off!!
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, bussin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippin'
When I get to flippin'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggas hurtin'
Homocide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!

>> No.7963727

You're so edgy and educated bro

jk you're a butthurt faggot

>> No.7963728 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 460x391, 50cent-chanv3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck boy you can see it to belie' it
Trynna dodge and wave it, end up a parapelegic
Belie' me, it's easy
I'll hurt you, I'll merk you, I'll pop some'in
Drop some'in, I ain't gone stop huntin'
Run-run till you're spun
One shot, one gun
One-9... l-1, emergency
It's murder B
It's excellent execution when I'm pullin' tha trigga
No mistake, for that cake
I'm hittin' you and ya niggas
Feel tha flame when I aim
For tha top of ya brain
See tha spark and tha bang
Nigga shit ain't a game
Do tha math or get blast
Bullets go thru tha glass
Go-thru-ya-ass, fast
And tha leather seat sittin' Ave
It's not a war when there's casualties on one side
I ride!
Turn it up on you niggas after Jay ride-by
I click-clack, that's that! I don't flash, I mash
I wave tha Uzi at 'em
I make a movie out 'emm

>> No.7963735 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 440x550, 50cent-chan_weird_stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, my gun go off!!!!~
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, bussin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippin'
When I get to flippiin'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggas hurtin'
Homocide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!!~

>> No.7963744 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 893x838, 22424324243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4-6 years in mspaint.

>> No.7963745 [DELETED] 

>Nigga, my gun go off!!

I laugh every fucking time.

>> No.7963741
File: 153 KB, 768x1023, 50cent-sama playing dat funky music.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better lose yourself in tha moment
Use it, fuck-tha-music, I'ma let it go!
You only get one shot before I back out and fire back
At ya hat, cha back, ya ass crack, ya nutsack
Ya caddilac, if you make it to that--I'm hittin' that!
The 70's was smack, 80's crack! 90's was grimey
Millenium macs, man
Clips on tha whips, I ride in 'em
Bad bitches I ride-inn 'em
Don't worry, I'll gett'em
Gat Jammed or un-jammed
Goddamn safest the safety don't work
Squeeze tha Eagle, it chirp
End up faced down in the durt--more than hurt
Bring tha beef where you hang out
Bang out
Shots rang out!
Hit ya shoulders, trynna blow ya brains out!
Hit ya hommies in they legs
Bet they have their canes out, tomorrow
You know tomorrow's just a day away
If you can keep ya heart beatin' then ya ass awake!!!.

>> No.7963801

This thread was shit when it started. My shitposting a pointless response to a troll doesn't mean anything.

lol, so cool mange, tell me how you stay so cool and l33t under pressre all te time, /b/r0
