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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7952887 No.7952887 [Reply] [Original]

Dammit, /jp/, what happened to me?

Before today, I never had any desire to actually go to Gensokyo. Touhou hasn't been any more to me than a fun game (Albeit one that I'm really bad at) before this. But today, I listened to Faith is For the Transient People, and my first thought was "I wish I could be there..." It doesn't make any sense to me, though. I've listened to that and several other touhou songs several times, but with no such reactions. But why now? And what should I do about it? Should I start bothering with the Fanon? Seems like a start, at least, but it's never interested me before.

>> No.7952894

Step1: Kill yourself.

Then kill yourself again.

Easy as 1-2-3, except it's only one step kill yourself.

>> No.7952893
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Read the official comics and other print works.

>> No.7952898

I've read Silent Sinner in Blue and Inaba of the Moon & Inaba of the Earth, both of which were pretty solid reads. I've tried reading some of the other ones, but none of them really held my interest. Might try again soonish, though.

Too much trouble, both for me and those around me.

>> No.7952905

Luckily virtual reality is just around the corner so we can atleast simulate Gensokyo.

>> No.7952909

None of us will be seeing that in our lifetime.

>> No.7952910

[citations required]

I fucking wish.

>> No.7952914
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The fairy comics might seem a bit boring, but Wild and Horned Hermit has some potential.

If you're going to bother with doujinshi, I have two things to recommend: try out Ennui Akadako and avoid Tohonifun like the plague. Other than that, read whatever grabs your interest.

>> No.7952917

I don't know how old you are exactly, but from what I've seen virtual reality should be ready in some form in about 10 years.

>> No.7952919

maybe when we'll be 80, we'll be able to simulate it and enter a perma time dilatation. or just install ourselves into our pcs...

>> No.7952920

I'm going to second the [Citation Needed] there.

I will be an incredibly happy man if you can back it up, though.

>try out Ennui Akadako and avoid Tohonifun like the plague
Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks

>> No.7952925

but, if we enter another world, even if its fictional, we have to obey to its rules...isn't it like negating escapism?

>> No.7952930

Well Sony is coming out with that headmounted 3D TV this christmas and some Japanese people have made a program that allows you to interact with 3D holograms, like touch them etc. There also already exists a way of making false sensations so you can feel those 3D holograms. Put all that together and you've got yourself a primitive virtual reality.

>> No.7952935

primitive virtual reality...more like "works only if you're drunk virtual reality".
time to buy lots of vodka.

>> No.7952951

> Put all that together and you've got yourself a primitive virtual reality.

You're just throwing random shit together and tacking on some baseless approximation of when it'll happen without even realizing what you're saying. Even with how you threw everything together, it gives no indication that VR would be to the point where enthusiasts can go and create a world like Gensokyo.

>> No.7952948

Time for a trip, bucko.
Load up on some PCP.

>> No.7952974

get out VRsokyo devs

>> No.7952984
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Two Scarlet Sacraments under a Starry Sky was pretty good. It's not exactly canon but it's a great read if you like the Scarlet sisters and SDM.
