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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 48 KB, 650x513, GriefSyndrome4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7951000 No.7951000 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/,

Are there any good Touhou multiplayer sidescrollers similar to Grief Syndrome.

>> No.7951024




>> No.7951102
File: 28 KB, 256x364, touhouyuuensekai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Touhou Yuuen Sekai. Don't know if it would fall into your 'good' category, but it's a Touhou co-op platformer in any case.

>> No.7951192

>implying that singleplayer>multiplayer

Raging casual detected.

>> No.7951201

You're joking, right?

>> No.7951203

Enjoy thinking you play games when really you only play one. You're just using the game as an excuse for social contact, you normal.

>> No.7951208

>fuck you man! competing against other people is too stressful and hard

Yeah, it takes a lot of skill to play against an AI that does the exact same thing every time without fail. Wouldn't want anything even remotely unpredictable in your casual shit.

>> No.7951217

did I accidentally clicked on /v/ or are you trolls that retarded?

>> No.7951220

Did you just admit to getting trolled?

>> No.7951240

Your entire reasoning is based around the assumption that the same game will be played an unlimited number of times. You are incapable of playing games, only capable of playing a game.

>> No.7951343

Don't know what you guys are talking about. My friends and I just had fun with Grief Syndrome and I figured there was probably a Touhou game similar to it somewhere on the internets.

>> No.7951352
File: 58 KB, 349x469, 1317263200570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could play grief syndrome with people... but it seems that it doesn't like windows 7 64 bit hosting...

>> No.7951381

That's a pretty god awful analysis, even for a wannabe pseudo-intellectual faggot. Come back when you get some reading comprehension.

>> No.7951407

Mystical Chain. Doesn't have awfully limiting gameplay (control-wise) like GriefSyndrome. Only downside is that it has no multiplayer.

>> No.7951507

When you play single player, you are not playing against a computer. You are playing against a team of game developers.

Not dissing multi, just don't sell single short.

>> No.7951518

A computer made by a team of developers, maybe. The fact remains that it's a predictable experience, even with some RNGs thrown in.

Not that all single player games are bad. I'm just saying that they're not inherently "superior" to multiplayer games, and they don't require the level of skill that Cave/Touhou/shmupfags would like to believe. Learning through extreme repetition is not difficult.

>> No.7951530

What's with the /v/ like posters these days? Did we get invaded earlier or something?

>> No.7951538

We got invaded months ago.

>> No.7951539

Welcome to 2011, enjoy your stay. There was an earthquake in Japan, if you missed it.

>> No.7951557

Japanese doujin games were always /jp/. You're dumb.

>> No.7951560

I don't think he was referring to OP, retard.

>> No.7951562

Oh wait I read that as /v/ threads, never mind. /jp/ was always crap too, though.

>> No.7951569

We're being invaded by /v/ and /a/ since 2009.

>> No.7951572


>> No.7951586

I don't really think it's an invasion so to speak, but rather a decrease in quality of posters i.e., kids/teenagers with little self-awareness and heightened sense of social relevance and importance.

I blame facebook and youtube, really.

>> No.7951592

I don't know if it's an "invasion" per se, but there's been a large increase in /v/ shit since the moderation got lax. Though it seems a little better today for some reason.

>> No.7951593

Sorry about that. I still want to keep some nostalgia intact.

>> No.7951596

Shouldn't you be playing Call of Duty or something?

>> No.7951602

Moderation was always lax on /jp/. It's only since the Bawson summer that /jp/ actually got a dedicated Maid, instead of, you know, bypassing mods.

>> No.7951604

Waiting for MW3. What shitty JRPG are you playing right now?

>> No.7951610

Not as lax as it was a couple of weeks ago. Seriously, mainstream JRPGs and even some western shit everywhere.

>> No.7951614

Not just a wannabe intellectual or a pseudo-intellectual, but a wannabe pseudo-intellectual.

Do people even think about their insults anymore?

>> No.7951618

I think you're only proving the 'lack of reading comprehension' argument at this point. Is English your first language?

>> No.7951621

Apparently you weren't here during the Bawson summer.

>> No.7951622

Nobody tries to be a pseudo-intellectual. You could argue that you were using both wannabe and pseudo-intellectual as nouns, but that's a stretch.

>> No.7951627

The janitor goes to sleep for a few hours and suddenly people start crying that we've been thrown to the dogs. You would have thrown up if you had been here a few weeks ago when he didn't visit for two whole days.

>> No.7951628

They are nouns. Just admit that you got owned.

>> No.7951629

>complain about low quality posters
>hijack legitimate thread with recycled meta discussion
>who am I quoting

>> No.7951635

Usually when the word wannabe precedes a term it's taken to be an adjective. Multiple noun construction "faggot douche asshole" is not technically grammatically correct.

I'm not the same guy, I just have an obsessive need to jump in whenever anybody starts talking about grammar. There is nothing more exciting in my life.

>> No.7951637

I was, actually. Believe it or not I liked the state of /jp/ better back then.

I'm not talking about periods when the janitor is absent. More when he deletes some shit threads and leaves others (namely /v/ garbage).

>> No.7951638

omg pwnd FOR LYFE YO!

>> No.7951642
File: 12 KB, 319x329, 1251080840008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


who NEET

Sanae is a slut xD

>> No.7951645

Oh right, if you're the OP I apologize for digressing. I just wanted to let some things out.

In all fairness though, the thread was pretty much marked for death by the second post.

>> No.7951647

Shitty /r/ threads aren't really "legitimate", but whatever.

>> No.7951648

>All things Otaku welcome!

I'm sorry. I'm addicted to shitty metadiscussion. Although threads have come back from worse before. All it takes is two people who have something on-topic to talk about.

>> No.7951654

If /v/ content is /jp/ related, then why is there even a /v/? Being made in Japan does not automatically make it 'otaku culture'. /v/ isn't called "Western Video Games".

>> No.7951653

That proves some sad things about yourself, then. "Everything used to be better back then" is a delusion conjured by your brain so you don't feel something you did was for naught.

>> No.7951660

/v/tard shitting up another topic again. Is it pasta time?

>> No.7951661

Because cross-board content doesn't exist, right?

>> No.7951664

>hurdur assumptions and psychobabble

The fuck? Whatever, I'll bite. I never said "everything was better", just that it was more enjoyable at that time. I don't subscribe to the '/jp/ used to be good' or '/jp/ didn't always have shitposters' theory.

>> No.7951668

Yeah, /jp/ only talks about video games that /jp/ wants to talk about, which is not very many of them. /v/ is for video games that /v/ wants to talk about, and also the ones that they don't want to talk about but go there anyway since they're video games.

>> No.7951669

There's a difference between cross-board content and stretching the term 'otaku-related' to ridiculous levels to include JRPG and Korean MMO bullshit. /jp/ was created for doujin games and VNs...but you already know this. Stop taking such a vague rule at face value.

>> No.7951674

fuck off madotard

>> No.7951675
File: 77 KB, 512x512, 1313704637303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7951678

>/jp/ was created for doujin games and VNs
No sir.

>> No.7951681
File: 47 KB, 512x512, Troll Line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7951682

Full retard.

>> No.7951683

/jp/ is for everything that could possibly go in 2008 /a/ that isn't an anime, manga, or light novel, which while it may not encompass MMOs probably does include some JRPGs. Fuck, even anime is otaku related. The point isn't to take the rule at face value, the point is to realize that /jp/ actually has no rules as to what is on or off-topic besides "what do the otaku of /jp/ feel like talking about today."

>> No.7951689

I can't believe I used to play this shit game

>> No.7951692

Doesn't that basically make it /b/ for any self-proclaimed otaku?

>> No.7951697
File: 12 KB, 94x129, 1313664555232.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurdur assumptions

If you find spam "enjoyable", I just don't know what else to assume. It wasn't enjoyable, it was annoying. And not just to me.


I love it when people instantly feel threatened and jump at whatever psychology lingo shows up.

>> No.7951699


>> No.7951700

No, you have to be a REAL DEAL otaku in order to qualify.

>> No.7951708

No no. I'm pretty sure /jp/ was made to get rid of Touhou and other material that appeared on /a/ that wasn't a VN, anime, or manga. There was some screencap of moot saying something like that himself I think.

>> No.7951709

>I love it when people instantly feel threatened and jump at whatever psychology lingo shows up.
It's more that people throw the term around whenever people start to speculate about the inner workings of other people's brains because that sort of thing is really stupid.

>> No.7951713


Way to prove my point. I'd say a more appropriate term is annoyed. 4chan isn't exactly a place for mature, classy discussion but children that are trying to sound 'deep'/'smart'/etc after taking their first psych course this year can seriously fuck off.

>> No.7951726

Okay. If I may add, I do believe that in general the users of the board are quite accepting of non-standard topics. As in, leeway is usually given when the material is interesting enough or the presentation by the OP is "witty" or "edgy" enough for the angry elitists of jp.

I'm kinda fine with everything in general, unless it's clear that the topic at hand is some blatant request/givetranslationformeplease/greentextfaceblog or if the posters are just plain rude.

>> No.7951729
File: 172 KB, 850x637, 12311098934534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

madoka a shit

>> No.7951736

Then stop bitching about my LoL threads. I'm not intentionally trying to act like a /v/ faggot or whatever you guys always think. I legitimately want to find some /jp/ bros to play with.

>> No.7951745
File: 40 KB, 383x536, 1313019376822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So...the general consensus is that pig threads are /jp/ related?

>> No.7951743

I agree and apologize on my part.

Anyway, I don't see how Bawson spam and KoG's month-long machinations were enjoyable. I mean the only (sorry, I'm on a roll now) psychological arousal I got from Bawson was aggravation that threads I was lurking were going down the shitter in minutes. Comparing that to nowadays, I feel just as bad when I see /v/ threads everywhere, but at least there is some more moderation.

>> No.7951744

>I'm not intentionally trying to act like a /v/ faggot or whatever you guys always think. I legitimately want to find some /jp/ bros to play with.
I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of your blatant lies. You'll have to say that again.

>> No.7951746

The retarded guy who tags along in the group of friends that I do not have isn't intentionally being a faggot, either. But he is one.

>> No.7951748

If you want me to be honest, I did enjoy Bawson spam...although not at first. Once I saw how enraged it made everyone, though, it became amusing. Not trying to be an EPIK TROLL fag, but there is something strangely satisfying about seeing some of the more autistic members of /jp/ flip shit over these things.

>> No.7951750

There's also a special clause that it's not allowed if it:

1. Is spam.
2. A lot of threads are made about it, or rather, more than one at any given time, so that people actually pay attention to it.
3. Is associated with a retarded fanbase that could BATTER DOWN THE WALLS of /jp/ at any given moment.
4. Various other vague shit nobody ever wrote down because there's a vague consensus about these things.

>> No.7951753

>3. Is associated with a retarded fanbase that could BATTER DOWN THE WALLS of /jp/ at any given moment.

That pretty much rules out every JRPG series alone.

>> No.7951764

Then you have to go DEEPER and find that there's another class of exceptions for things that are sufficiently /jp/-related, and that isolated threads that never become a long-running thing tend to get a pass, with bonus points for more obscure or untranslated games, and also if some dumper feels sufficiently irritated at the moment you can toss the whole thread into the garbage can, and it also depends if the meido's watching, and all sorts of other shit nobody is actually autistic enough to list out.

>> No.7951767

and /jp/ should care about this madoka shit because?

>> No.7951771

I assume this you have to go deeper thing is from that movie Inception. I don't watch live action movies because they are unclean.

>> No.7951773

I can understand that, I've felt like that quite a lot myself. However, that shit was drawn out for too long, if you ask me. There was a point after all the buttmad calmed down, where it just was tiring to look at, if you know what I mean.

>> No.7951780

Take your anime shit back to >>>/a/, dipshit.

>> No.7951778

It became a meme, or something, since the only place I can remember it from is floating around 4chan.


>> No.7952781


>> No.7952870

>or light novel
Initially, these were said to be /jp/ related.
Naturally, they were practically all of them in Japanese and almost no anime adaptations had been made.

People over at /a/ started bitching over that though, and now there are so many anime adaptations that it often enough is almost impossible to discuss them without other people jumping in being all like "Ohh I know of that too! Cause I have watched something almost completely unrelated!" making it incredibly hard to discuss.

Thus there aren't many that care about them here.
