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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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794966 No.794966 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.794978

Would you want to meet the biggest douchebag in the world?

Actually, I probably would, if only to say that I met the president.

>> No.794977

"Now where are those le-gal prostitutes I've been hearin' about?"

>> No.794980

Bush is a pretty cool guy. eh shakes japans hand and doesnt afraid of anything

>> No.794988

I like how Bush haters talk shit when they themselves couldn't run a country either.

Sure, they could probably run the country better than Bush, but that's not saying much.

>> No.794993


>> No.795005

stop that shit you immature nigger.

>> No.795014

Bush runs the country? Ha, that's a new one.

>> No.795017


Sorry for not being exceedingly wealthy. Middle class individuals have no chance at becoming the President of the United States.

>> No.795020


It's not that hard in a country like the US.

>> No.795022


Fuck you, dude. You haven't seen me play Sim City or Civilization or anything. I can run a country like a motherfucker, you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.795023

The irony.

>> No.795026

Stop it, please.

>> No.795032


>> No.795040

Civilizaton fuck yeah!

>> No.795041

You have to go to university and make a lot of money first. I'd say it's doable, if you devote your entire life to politics.

>> No.795062

Nationstates for the motherfuckin' win?

>> No.795069

Holy shit, someone else plays Nationstates?

>> No.795077

That shit isn't even funny, No president has run America for decades.

>> No.795084

Hell yeah, it's a great way to make people feel small without physically being there.

>> No.795088

I met supreme court justice Samuel Alito last year. Not on the douche scale of Bush, but still pretty douchey in terms of political beliefs. And like you said, it's pretty cool to meet somebody like that, just because of their importance.

>> No.795099


only non faggot in this thread.

>> No.795105

I wish I could meet Ron Paul for this reason.

Except I'm more on the terms of congratulating him for putting up with my paternal grandfather's douchery in high school.

>> No.795112

Nobody cares.

I hate summer.

>> No.795124

Don't like the heat, lock yourself in the fridge until October.

>> No.795144

If only time travel worked like that.

>> No.795139
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>> No.795141

America is great! America is great!

>> No.795409

How do you think that is going to look when it is a negro?

>> No.795416

Excellent and inspiring.

America is the greatest.

>> No.795443

Asian shaking hands with a monkey.

>> No.795448
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>> No.795451

I don't trust Obama the least bit. Not because he's black but there's just something about him.

>> No.795456


>there's just something about him.

It's called being a politician. You can tell by the slime trail.

>> No.795504

Obama has a million coming in every year on tax free investments. Yea the guy is really going to look out for me, like hell he will. Anyone George Sorros is backing I am staying away from.

>> No.795510



>> No.795515

Voting is essentially choosing the lesser evil, and he's running against Bush 3.0

>> No.795567

>I don't trust Obama the least bit. Not because he's black but there's just something about him.


Paranoid much?

>> No.795587

LOL No. The Guy would fit well a moderate Dem.

Go ahead vote for a negro see if I care when he loses.

>> No.795593

ITT MoveOn.org cock fags.

>> No.795596

Lol @ the Foxnews watcher. Lololololololol.

>> No.795604


Maybe a really, really conservative Democrat, like some of the southern ones. I wouldn't call him another Bush, but I'm not voting for him anyway.

>> No.795611
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ITT typical uneducated Foxnews watcher. Protip: Listen to the left-wing and the right-wing media before talking to me about politics. Sean Hannity is a meat head who use to work at a bar.

>> No.795623

Getting your political info from the Internet or TV is a very bad idea. Obama is a marxist that attended a racist church until a few weekends ago. No way in hell I will vote for him.

I haven't watched TV in 8 months and don't listen to the radio. Your insults actually hurt your argument.

>> No.795627

Mccain use to be a rebel. But ever since he started to pander to the Neocons he's become a mirror of Bush (on the most important issues). If he's not, by all means, do post facts and reasons explaining how my statement is false. Otherwise I'm going to continue labeling him a Bush clone.

>> No.795628


I bet that tinfoil hat is stylish.

>> No.795631
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voting for this.

>> No.795639

Please define "Neocon" I am betting you can't without trying to google it.

>> No.795684
File: 36 KB, 203x259, 1213073537585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I haven't watched TV in 8 months and don't listen to the radio.
There's your problem.

How is Obama's church racist. As a black Anon I'm having a very hard time understanding this. All he said was America is being run by rich white people. Which is true. He also said Hillary has never been called a nigger before. Which is also true. All the other times he was referring to the government. (Last time I checked, the government != white people). Also, when Wright said *we bombed Japan and *we are killing innocent Iraqis (note how he's including himself into that by using the word "we"). Rev Wright served in the military and he grew up in the times when men of color couldn't use the same bathrooms as white people. Pic related. If anybody has the right to criticizes America it's him. Now if he was saying "kill the white man" I could understand why you would think he was a racist.

Also, there's a lot of white people who go to that church. Zomg, how racist!

>> No.795681

Sure are a lot of fucking retards in this thread.

>> No.795686

Oh god. Hes representing us V_V

>> No.795696

3 words.


>> No.795708


get out

>> No.795709

ITT: Why /n/ got changed back to trains.

>> No.795781

Neoconservatism: a bad joke that somehow turned into a political ideology. The joke, of course, placing utmost importance on the most expensive part of any government (defense forces and military research) and calling it conservative (an ideology once known for being against wasteful government spending).


I grew up blindly hating the concept of conservatism because I became politically aware during the rise of Neoconservatism. As a result of this, I knew of only Pie-in-the-sky religious conservatives (See: Pat Robertson and Co.) and the aforementioned contradictory clowns, the Neoconservatives. I didn't particularly like some of the liberal policies (namely, I like to keep my money), but our wonderful two-party system leaves me with little recourse!

As for Obama and his church, it doesn't tell me anything I didn't already know: religion has a habit of collecting a certain amount of nutty people who have very strong opinions. These people don't feel the need to back them up if they don't want to, because when you have the power of god and justice on your side, you don't need facts! I recognize that religion is very effective at setting up functional societies and I respect its place in human history, but it is similarly effective at mass producing blithering idiots.

Besides all of that, moderate dissent is healthy for any society.

>> No.795805
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>As for Obama and his church, it doesn't tell me anything I didn't already know: religion has a habit of collecting a certain amount of nutty people who have very strong opinions.

How is he nutty?

Very liberal != nutty.
Very liberal != racist.

Have you ever watched a liberal talk show before? They say that type of stuff every 2 minutes. How is Wright any different? Pic related.

>> No.795828

>> most expensive part of any government (defense forces and military research)

Ah, social spending is still the largest portion of the governments spending. Also, sage.

>> No.795839

I didn't pay particular attention to the Rev. Wright issue because in the end I didn't even think it mattered. I can't say I know much about what he said that was so "controversial". From what I gather, he just dislikes white hegemony and thinks America could do a better job at a lot of things. I agree with that and I probably can find as many problems with America as he can, just mine would be problems coming from a different perspective. As a result, I don't feel I have much of a place to judge him one way or the other, nor do I particularly care.

Specifically, I never said that being very liberal was racist or nutty. My point is that religious people who happen to ALSO be nutty (whoever they may be) don't necessarily feel the need to back themselves up as much as they ought to with empirical evidence. Religion is one of those things I just ignore hoping it will leave me alone.

As for liberal talk shows, what type of stuff do they say every two minutes? Is it just the other side of the coin from the crap you get on conservative talk shows? I've been avoiding TV as best as I can for almost five years now. The only radio programs where I live (Texas) are conservative and I don't listen to those unless I want to get angry about the general incompetence of the public on any given day.

Once I know what "type of stuff" you are referring to, I might be able to answer your question about how Wright is or is not different but I'm not sure what you are getting at.

>> No.795847

Is this /n/?

>> No.795854

Atleast it's good for something.

>> No.795867

Defense forces ought to be the largest portion, though.

What do we have government for? I'll give you a hint, it's not for welfare checks.
Governments exist to defend the rights of the people. At least, governments like ours. In principle.

>> No.795862

>As for liberal talk shows, what type of stuff do they say every two minutes?
It would take me a day to list all of the controversial stuff that every liberal says every 2 minutes. Watch a few videos of Bill Maher on jewtube and see for yourself. Or watch a few comedians. Wright is a moderate liberal compared to must liberals. You need more culture.

I stopped reading there. You're too intelligent for a Texan.

>> No.795872

Sure looks like /n/.

>> No.795878

ITT voting for a Chicago machine politician (the very definition of the word corrupt) who is also a Negro. How could it go wrong? LOL Just what did Obama ever do for a living? I mean really WTH?

I am not voting for this Negro.

>> No.795891

>Getting your political info from the Internet or TV is a very bad idea. Obama is a marxist that attended a racist church until a few weekends ago.

Oh I wonder where you got that idea about him being marxist and attending a racist church. Maybe someone else who read the news?

>> No.795893

You watch TV that is YOUR problem you brain is mostly rotted away.

>> No.795899

>Ah, social spending is still the largest portion of the governments spending. Also, sage.
It can get really picky determining which is bigger* but my point remains, dear Anon. Defense spending is either the largest or second largest chunk of our budget and to simultaneously want to hyperfund defense while claiming to want to reduce government is just talking out of your mouth and your ass at the same time. This is why I have a problem with neoconservatism. However don't think that I'm necessarily for abundant social programs, either. The recent liberal rallying cry of a "right to healthcare" has got to sound PRETTY SHITTY to anyone who is a doctor. Basically they're saying someone has a RIGHT to what you are providing/selling as a SERVICE.
*About which budget is larger:
The problem with saying one or another is larger or smaller when comparing "social spending" to "defense spending" is what exactly you include in each figure, since they're both going to be composites of a lot of factors. The problem with this is you can find all kinds of pie charts and graphs that make one or the other look bigger but they're probably leaning the numbers in either one. For example, do you include veterans affairs in military or social programs? Does the figure for social programs include all domestic regulatory organizations or does the figure for the defense budget include all weapons research and maintenance programs (i.e. the Department of Energy's budget maintains our nuclear facilities, whether military or not)?

>> No.795898

Newspapers and Magazines you should try them.

>> No.795905

So that is what Google found for you?

>> No.795914

Social spending is the largest share of the Federal budget ANY way you look at it. Go back to bed.

>> No.795922

>Governments exist to defend the rights of the people. At least, governments like ours. In principle.
I agree about the welfare comment, but this one could depend on what government actions you believe said "defending" can or should entail.

>> No.795929

As an educated, intellectual Texan (yes, we DO exist!) I am irritated and saddened by your post.

because it's true

>> No.795933

Have fun when your Negro loses. I am donating the legal maximum to make sure he does.

>> No.795937

I hate to break it to you...newspapers and magazines also have a liberal or conservative slant to everything they write. They are in no way different from news stations that are in it for profit and their own agendas.

Now if you're talking about scholarly journals like FP, then I may be a little more convinced. Even then, they may still contain some bias.

>> No.795945
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The only controversial statement that Rev Wright said was the time when he said "The American government injected the AIDs virus into black people."

Wright was probably reffering to the Tuskegee experiment where 400 blacks were injected with Syphilis.

Wright either a) was exaggerating about it or b) misspoke about it.


>The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male[1] also known as the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, Pelkola Syphilis Study, Public Health Service Syphilis Study or the Tuskegee Experiment was a clinical study, conducted between 1932 and 1972 in Tuskegee, Alabama, in which 399 poor — and mostly illiterate — African American sharecroppers were studied to observe the natural progression of the disease if left untreated.

That's not even the worst thing that the government has done. A couple of decades ago white people use to kill black people for reading books. I guess an intelligent slave does not make a very good slave.

>> No.795954

No, that's just my own miserable prose and ramblings. Google brings up http://www.neocon.com/, which is apparently a trade convention of some sort.

Then why not do away with large sections of both and help pay off our debt? As for bed, I'm waiting for someone to post Reimu telling me to put away my dxxk first.

>> No.795965

I'm voting for the nigger Muslim long before I voted for a man who sucked off gooks for five years

>> No.795968
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>> No.795969

/jp/ - Politics

>> No.795973

I'm voting for the nigger Muslim long before I vote for a man who sucked off gooks for five years

>> No.795974

What about the time he handed out Hamas literature during service?

You know, Hamas? Kills schoolchildren in the middle east?

>> No.795975

Wow the first person to use the N word is voting for a Black Man.

>> No.795976


thats racist

>> No.795977

>Have fun when your Negro loses.
Oh, I didn't come here to defend Obama. Apologies if my posts make it seem that way. Like I said, saying someone has a RIGHT to healthcare (a SERVICE) sounds pretty ridiculous to me. I'm just trolling and making half-witted political arguments on an internet image board section meant to discuss japanese language and culture (or TYPEMOON and Touhou, whichever comes first).

>> No.795988

>RIGHT to healthcare
It's a right to life, there's a difference. As soon as the lack of healthcare threatens a person's life, the government should have to step in. However, unfortunately, too often it does not.

>> No.795994

>You know, Hamas? Kills schoolchildren in the middle east?
Hamas only wants to kill Israeli schoolchildren. At home, they fund schools and other social programs. So they kill some school children and help others depending on where said schoolchildren were lucky/unlucky enough to be born.

>> No.795993
File: 47 KB, 562x530, 1213076931627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of it this way. Obama wants to negotiate with Iran's crazy Gendo Ikari lookalike leader instead of putting a stop to their nuclear program.

Can you imagine how much damage these kooks could do if they had the Bomb instead of just suicide bombs?

Muslims are more of a threat than impotent gooks. There are waaaaaay more of them, and they're far crazier.

Also, go to bed Chao

>> No.796002

>meant to discuss japanese language
Someone doesn't understand what /jp/'s actually for, apparently. Those fags that discuss learning Japanese aren't normal /jp/ residents. There's only a copypasta that goes around because it was too much of a pain in the ass to sage and flame every thread that popped up on the topic.

>> No.795997

John Kerry isn't running.

>> No.796005

Doesn't matter, killing kids is killing kids, no matter what religion. It's something you can't forgive. If they would quit wasting their funding on katyusha rockets and start buying food and infrastructure, Gaza wouldn't be starving.

>> No.796010

I understand, but while a noble cause, you couldn't extend this type of ideology very far without getting hit square in the face by the problem of an increased population (especially if every country tried to do this).

>Also, go to bed Chao
Fair enough. Goodnight, /jp/.

>> No.796021

If they would stop ripping up the sewers to male rockets out of the pipe; shit wouldn't be running down the street too

>> No.796025

Doesn't matter, killing kids is killing kids, no matter what religion. It's something you can't forgive.
Oh, I agree completely. It's characteristic of nationalistic organizations to have both a friendly face and a "cleanse the world of the impure" face. It's part of the reason nationalism is simultaneously so appealing and yet so made of fail.

I understand, but while a noble cause, you couldn't extend this type of ideology very far without getting hit square in the face by the problem of an increased population (especially if every country tried to do this).

>Also, go to bed Chao
Fair enough. Goodnight, /jp/.

>> No.796027

>Doesn't matter, killing kids is killing kids, no matter what religion. It's something you can't forgive.
Oh, I agree completely. It's characteristic of nationalistic organizations to have both a friendly face and a "cleanse the world of the impure" face. It's part of the reason nationalism is simultaneously so appealing and yet so made of fail.

I understand, but while a noble cause, you couldn't extend this type of ideology very far without getting hit square in the face by the problem of an increased population (especially if every country tried to do this).

>Also, go to bed Chao
Fair enough. Goodnight, /jp/.

>> No.796029

don't get how obama came so far, i mean look at him. preaching peace like some black hippie

>> No.796031

Reported for /n/.

>> No.796036

Free handouts for being a nigger.

>> No.796053

>Think of it this way. Obama wants to negotiate with Iran's crazy Gendo Ikari lookalike leader instead of putting a stop to their nuclear program.

Not a full quote but I'll give it a shot. "The history books will show that Iran was the author of their own isolation if they continue to develop the bomb."

Protip: Nobody can stop them from getting a bomb. Mccain wants to ignore them. Hmm, remember that time we ignored North Korea. Even with North Korea's terrible economy they still got the bomb. Iran on the other hand has a good economy. As a matter of fact, they barely care about America's economic cooperation. Meaning if we simply ignore them they'll get the bomb.

>> No.796054

>this thread


>> No.796061

Not quite, the black vote isn't enough to win the presidency. Free handouts for being anyone shitting up our welfare system.

>> No.796063



>> No.796072



>> No.796078

If Ahmadinejad (probably misspelled, but who cares) gets the Bomb, he'll probably use it on Israel. Israel has the Bomb, and will use it back. Cue middle east nuclear holocaust.

If the CIA wants to monkey around with governments like they did during the cold war, now would be a great time. Depose this guy and put a moderate in charge.

>> No.796079


i got banned from /jp/ for "racism" once

still waiting for divine retribution

>> No.796074


thats racist

>> No.796083


Wow, that guy's a massive faggot

>> No.796084

this shit always happens on every board. we need /n/ back

>> No.796081


1.Iran gets the bomb.
2.War with Iran.

You can only pick one.

How's Mccain's Bush style foreign policy going to stop Iran from getting the bomb? Iran hates the Bush administration. As a matter of fact, they're probably only doing this to piss Bush off.

>> No.796090

We need /n/ back but with tougher moderation.

>> No.796094

>he'll probably use it on Israel

Hmmmmmm, where have I heard this before

>> No.796113

No idea, all I'm saying is if there's a chance at preventing nuclear war we should take that chance.

>> No.796118

Shall we bother moot about it?

>> No.796129
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The supreme leaders of Iran are cowards. They know that the second their Nation makes a move it'll give the Americans an excuse to obliverate their country. One of the few things that the rest of the world forgets is that the war in Iraq was all about bringing democracy to Iraq. Had it been a full fledged war against Iraq like it was when we were fighting Japan, there would be nothing stopping us from bombing their cities to ashes. This is especially true if they were to use nukes against Israel. If they were to do that they would become a globally hated Nation. (Meaning America wouldn't have to worry about the damage report). Stop listening to the fear mongering neocons. Iran is not a threat, nor an enemy.

>> No.796133
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>> No.796149

>One of the few things that the rest of the world forgets is that the war in Iraq was all about bringing democracy to Iraq.

I'm either seriously missing sarcasm or being trolled because I seriously hope you don't actually believe that, or somehow have forgotten why the whole shitstorm started in the first place.

And yes Iran is too cowardly to try something like that, mostly because they want to be the counterbalance to Israel's nuclear capacity.

>> No.796176


>> No.796177

why is bush meeting with the jap when Obama is the new president?
