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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 422 KB, 1200x1474, rail9bb5bbd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7948419 No.7948419 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ meetup at 4chan birthday party

>> No.7948420

Why is Saten-san always in the back when she's the most popular?

>> No.7948425

The ones who should be the most popular are always unpopular in the universe of their own show. And also, there will be ugly characters who are regarded in-universe as the epitome of beauty, with the actually attractive characters looking on, jealous.

>> No.7948428

Only /jp/ knows what /jp/ looks like at meet ups. As far as moot is concerned, /jp/ never showed up.

>> No.7948429

As far as I'm concerned /jp/ doesn't show up either.

>> No.7948434

somebody post the pic where these girls are jumping on a bed like monkeys

>> No.7949754
File: 287 KB, 1007x1475, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7949764
File: 156 KB, 750x1000, 55ac0982877d35362274e5e8ccafcbfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me out of frame in one of the backrooms sucking dick.

>> No.7949773

I also thought it came out ages ago.

>> No.7949776

any drawfags in here mind shooping the guy out of the picture please?

>> No.7949881

>Shopping out the best part

>> No.7949881,1 [INTERNAL] 

Good job getting the thread deleted faggot.

>> No.7949881,2 [INTERNAL] 

>delete Saten thread
>leave all the other shit

>> No.7949881,3 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, seriously, what the fuck is going on.

>> No.7949881,4 [INTERNAL] 

Oh man, I can't believe they deleted a thread about some shitty anime.

>> No.7949881,5 [INTERNAL] 

I can't believe they left 200 other shitty anime threads.

And you know there's more than one meido.

>> No.7949881,6 [INTERNAL] 

But they didn't.

>> No.7949881,7 [INTERNAL] 

No kidding. They delete this thread, and leave http://boards.4chan.org/jp/res/7945158 alive. Even though that thread is just an anime screencap, with the shitty line "Does worms rape feel good /jp/?"

And least in this Saten thread the OP pic is about a VN.

>> No.7949881,8 [INTERNAL] 

Let's see what is on the front page right now.

Shitty Touhou thread about hats

"has anyone in /jp/ had a real girlfriend before?" With an anime screencap

Textless thread with some madoka image

"Do you ever get the urge to just go out and eat a bacon wrapped hot dog and watch an over-the-top action movie with a friend?" With an anime screencap

>i want to buy this hoodie, but i don't know what it says, can you help a fellow otaku out?

Dog Days thread

Meta thread with an anime screencap

Another shit-awful Touhou thread (as if there is any other kind)

A figure thread

Once more another shitty Touhou thread with an appalling image.

The only good thread on the page is the figure thread. The only thread that will get deleted within a reasonable timeframe will probably be the dog days thread.

So why is it that the janitor's let so much shit slide but can't allow a railgun thread?

>> No.7949881,10 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder how many of these posts are made by different people.

>> No.7949881,9 [INTERNAL] 

I like how this thread is alive for 2 hours so far, yet some other anime threads get deleted within 10 minutes.

>> No.7949881,11 [INTERNAL] 

Type-moon is /jp/ related
Most of those have been deleted by now (god forbid the janitor isn't on every second) and the rest are related to /jp/ whether you like it or not. I'm not a big fan of Touhou or anything but I'm glad our janitor isn't a biased fuck like you.

>> No.7949881,12 [INTERNAL] 

Only three of those were deleted. And 'type-moon is /jp/ related' is a ridiculous argument, and it makes my laugh that you would call ME biased.

FSN has a VN and so does Tsukihime. Cool beans. That does not mean every single Anime work that is adapted from Type-Moon material is /jp/ related. Anime is /a/, if you're going to allow special exceptions for certain anime, then that is retarded and needs to change. The argument of that's how it's been is also stupid and does not actually prove anything.

>I'm not a big fan of Touhou or anything but I'm glad our janitor isn't a biased fuck like you.
A shit thread should be deleted regardless. Touhou shouldn't be a free pass to have as shitty a thread you want.

>> No.7949881,13 [INTERNAL] 

Oh boy, here is another awful thread >>7949930
This one has been alive for 5 hours! And it's just a textless thread with a screencap of some milky holmes doujin! The thread consists of people talking about semen and milky holmes screencaps!


>> No.7949881,14 [INTERNAL] 

The janitor only has time to delete anime threads he doesn't like, silly.

>> No.7949881,15 [INTERNAL] 

I can't wait until moot makes /jp/ into 2D/Random so all this talk about what belongs can stop.

>> No.7949881,16 [INTERNAL] 

>So why is it that the janitor's let so much shit slide but can't allow a railgun thread?
Why are all Raildex fans as persistent as you? It seems to get spammed here more than any other anime.

>A shit thread should be deleted regardless. Touhou shouldn't be a free pass to have as shitty a thread you want.
"I don't like this thread so it's shit." You're a perfect example of why moot is so paranoid about hiring more janitors. It's the janitor's job to uphold the rules, not moderate the quality. 4chan encourages quality posts but it doesn't mandate it. I fed you ego by giving your cry for help some attention, now stop whining.

>> No.7949881,17 [INTERNAL] 

Because they're autistic enough to think it actually belongs here.

>> No.7949881,18 [INTERNAL] 

What in the fuck are you talking about, seriously?

>Why are all Raildex fans as persistent as you? It seems to get spammed here more than any other anime.

I don't care if Raildex threads get deleted, but only as long as all the other shitty thread or anime threads or whatever get deleted too. There should not be double standards.

>I don't like this thread so it's shit.
Woah, are you telling me that quality is subjective!? Color me surprised! That is clearly not the point though, you autist. The only people that would argue that those awful touhou threads like "Which touhou would you fuck in the armpit while on a date to Antarctica" are the touhou fans themselves.

>It's the janitor's job to uphold the rules, not moderate the quality.

Yea? Then why do anime/LN/etc threads get deleted? What are the 'rules' for /jp/ again that they are upholding? That's what I thought, so shut up.

>> No.7949881,19 [INTERNAL] 

And /jp/ is a board for the touhou fans themselves.

>> No.7949881,20 [INTERNAL] 

>Why are all Raildex fans as persistent as you? It seems to get spammed here more than any other anime.
They manage to be more annoying than Narutards.

>> No.7949881,21 [INTERNAL] 

No. /jp/ is a board where Touhou is one of the things that is allowed to be discussed. That does not mean /jp/ should be a Touhou themed version of /b/.

>> No.7949881,22 [INTERNAL] 

What are you guys hoping to accomplish by complaining on here anyways? Sure, the janitor lurks here sometimes, but he isn't going to have a sudden change of heart just because you complain. Report threads that you feel shouldn't be here, hide them and move on with your life.

>> No.7949881,23 [INTERNAL] 

>but he isn't going to have a sudden change of heart just because you complain

No, but he may notice some of the threads that need to be deleted if I point them out.

>> No.7949881,24 [INTERNAL] 

I remember a long time ago, Sion was talking with old meido. I can't find the entire conversation, just this piece.

><Meido> There's a specific trigger for claiming board culture status, and that is high interest from multiple parties in a short time ... That's why Saten will never be related to the board.

But Railgun is more popular than other gray-area threads that aren't deleted. It simply seems to be a matter of "I don't like it/my tripfag friends don't like it, therefore, it doesn't belong here."

>> No.7949881,25 [INTERNAL] 

That's exactly what the report function is for.

>> No.7949881,26 [INTERNAL] 

Wasn't that AoC, who is not the Janitor any more, and who is crazy?

The report function doesn't work as well. See how >>7949930 got deleted now shortly after I linked it here?

>> No.7949881,27 [INTERNAL] 


>Wasn't that AoC, who is not the Janitor any more, and who is crazy?

Yes, but current meido's logic is still the same. There is no black and white, official ruling as to why anime threads are forbidden. In fact, the first thing in the dictionary for "otaku" is anime.

The staff makes decisions based on their own personal preferences, or that of their obnoxious internet buttbuddies (see: >>7949881,20).

>> No.7949881,28 [INTERNAL] 

The mere act of complaining about the quality of threads made me disregard the message you were trying to convey. Quality control will never work on a website like 4chan. As for your point about anime belonging on /a/, I agree.

The janitors and powers that be have already decided that anime based on visual novels are allowed to be discussed on /jp/. This is evident by the hundreds of Fate/Stay Night, Umineko and Higurashi (anime) threads that went un-deleted. Anime that have been adapted from light novels don't seem to get the same treatment. (I've seen people get banned for making Spice & Wolf and Raildex threads.)

If I had it my way only discussions about the visual novels or light novels would be allowed. The Rika image dump guy would receive a swift and decisive permaban. And before anyone ask, yes, moot said light novels are allowed on /jp/ I believe.

>> No.7949881,29 [INTERNAL] 

>The janitors and powers that be have already decided that anime based on visual novels are allowed to be discussed on /jp/.
Last time I checked, Fate/Zero is an anime based on a light novel, not a VN.

>> No.7949881,30 [INTERNAL] 

He actually said the exact opposite, after having someone explain light novels to him he decided they belong on /a/

>> No.7949881,31 [INTERNAL] 

Who let you out slave? Go back to spamming tanasinn and pasta.

>> No.7949881,32 [INTERNAL] 

That seems kind of silly though to be honest. VNs would probably fit more on /a/ than light novels.

>> No.7949881,33 [INTERNAL] 

>There is no black and white, official ruling as to why anime threads are forbidden. In fact, the first thing in the dictionary for "otaku" is anime.
Actually there is. One of the first stickies moot made for /jp/ said that /jp/ will be a place for some of the SFW content that doesn't belong on /a/ (and doesn't already have its own board).


Anime and video games already have their own board. Fun fact, moot just renamed the board to "Otaku Culture" on a whim after a /jp/er asked him to. I could try to find the email if you want?

>> No.7949881,34 [INTERNAL] 

moot clearly says, "If it's anime post it in /a/, if it's not post it in /jp/." He also said /jp/ shall be a place for all of the stuff we used to argue should belong on /a/ which includes (but is not limited to) Touhou, visual novels, idols and figurines. The rules for what belongs on /jp/ are fairly simple assuming you were around back in the days of pre-split /a/.

>All things otaku welcome!
I haven't read the rules page in a while but at the time of writing, /jp/'s entry on the rules page was the shortest of any board. I take personal responsibility for this having been the person who wrote it.


Maybe one of you should email moot and ask him to elaborate on the rules. Believe it or not moot responds quickly to emails and more often than not, engages in conversations. Beware though, you might regret what you ask for. At the time "Otaku Culture" sounded like a good idea to me and most /jp/ers.

>> No.7949881,35 [INTERNAL] 

>/jp/ will be a catch-all for things that lack a board
They should also be deleting all those threads that belong on /c/ too then.

>> No.7949881,36 [INTERNAL] 

Why don't you literally lick the hairy parts of my nigger shit infested asshole.

>> No.7949881,37 [INTERNAL] 

So would a visual novel thread based on an anime/manga/light novel be allowed on /jp/?

>> No.7949881,38 [INTERNAL] 

I swear I'm the only one on /jp/ who emails moot. The evidence I have of this is how moot always seems to make a troll-run on /jp/ an hour after he has responded to me. I also have a theory that he doesn't receive many email. The speed in which he responds to my messages implies his inbox is lonely. It's the same when you IM him too.

>> No.7949881,39 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, obviously.

Moot has never replied to me.

>> No.7949881,40 [INTERNAL] 

I emailed him a fuckload of times and he never responded to me.

>> No.7949881,41 [INTERNAL] 

There's a board for raildex shit. It's called >>>/a/. If you want to talk about it, do so in one of their many horrible LOL PUNCH BITCHES ACCELERATOR IS SUGOI threads, and stay the fuck out of our NEET board.

>> No.7949881,42 [INTERNAL] 

The archive shows that /a/ still has constant VN and figure (AKA "buyfag") threads. So clearly some of what you said doesn't apply to /a/ anymore. Thus it would follow that some of this doesn't apply to /jp/ anymore as well.

And figuring out what this entails is basically the heart and soul of this nearly 4 year long argument. I've always felt that the population decides what gets posted, so if people want to post certain Japanese 2D characters and games, then let them have it. No sweat off my back.

The only ones who would care are the poor souls with OCD. Bring on the anime girls and JRPGs I say (getting Gust RPGs in here was a pain in the butt, but it was worth it).

>> No.7949881,43 [INTERNAL] 

Please don't post Zunbar~

>> No.7949881,44 [INTERNAL] 

Honestly, I agree. The anime and manga threads aren't hurting anyone as long as it isn't a damn textless anime screencap thread. This is a slow board too, we aren't exactly starved on room.

>> No.7949881,45 [INTERNAL] 

Hit a nerve didn't I.

>> No.7949881,46 [INTERNAL] 

>/jp/ will be a place for some of the SFW content that doesn't belong on /a/ (and doesn't already have its own board).
That's why JRPGs are /jp/ related

>> No.7949881,47 [INTERNAL] 

>and doesn't already have its own board
JRPGs have a board, it's called /v/.

>> No.7949881,48 [INTERNAL] 

whats the point of this discussion

>> No.7949881,49 [INTERNAL] 


This thread is a good example of the kind of shitty normalfags that like railgun. Do we really want more of these people on /jp/ making awful roulette threads and textless imagedumps?

>> No.7949881,50 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.7949881,51 [INTERNAL] 

Are you trying to claim JRPGs are rare on /v/ or something? That isn't the case at all. I clicked on /v/ earlier today and saw several JRPG threads. Just admit that you are a typical /jp/ elitist who doesn't want to discuss anime and video games with those people.

Get off of your high horse and suck a dick will you.

>> No.7949881,52 [INTERNAL] 

>I clicked on /v/ earlier today

Why don't you go back there with the rest of your kind and stay there? >>>/v/

>> No.7949881,53 [INTERNAL] 

Do you even know what that word means? All I see is harmless fun from a bunch of nerds discussing powerlevels. If that is considered normal behavior these days then what do you call the behavior on /soc/? I don't want anime on /jp/ too but try to make a better point than that.

I personally find Raildex to be bland. I tried and failed to get into it. These anime spammers could at least try to spam an anime that is universally liked.

>> No.7949881,54 [INTERNAL] 

Moot has also never replied to me.

>> No.7949881,55 [INTERNAL] 

Reading comprehension error? I'm not saying I like /v/ on /jp/. I was just pointing out that the people who advocate it on /jp/ tend to be elitist who refuse to discuss it with non-/jp/ers. Also, your >>>/v/ link is cute and all but it doesn't really have a place on easymodo.

>> No.7949881,56 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone who visits /v/, however infrequently, doesn't belong on /jp/.

>> No.7949881,57 [INTERNAL] 

I've never got a reply from moot, but I know he has taken action the couple of times I've e-mailed him.

>> No.7949881,58 [INTERNAL] 

Then what will I do when I want to talk about video games?

>> No.7949881,59 [INTERNAL] 

Are you seriously telling me that you're unable to find a better place/group of people with whom to converse about video games than /v/?

>> No.7949881,60 [INTERNAL] 

You don't.

>> No.7949881,61 [INTERNAL] 

That's what /jp/ is for.

In reality I don't ever talk about video games, I just play them. If I really wanted to, I know of one better place that I could go, but if you are good at ignoring retards there are worse places than /v/ to go.

>> No.7949881,62 [INTERNAL] 

Man, what do you guys email moot about anyway? You must be doing something wrong.

>> No.7949881,63 [INTERNAL] 

Now that you say it, I wonder if he ever actually did anything about my emails. Reading back on them it actually seems somewhat plausible.

>> No.7949881,64 [INTERNAL] 

Does anybody know why Jones so vehemently fought against video games on /jp/?

>> No.7949881,65 [INTERNAL] 

Because he can't afford them.

>> No.7949881,66 [INTERNAL] 

>ohayo kawaii moot-kun did you ever do anything about those meido applications its been months respond kudasai arigato gozaimasu

>> No.7949881,67 [INTERNAL] 

They have their own board. Jones can die in a mattress fire, but if he opposes their presence here he's correct in doing so.

>> No.7949881,68 [INTERNAL] 

<johnriv345> i know who you are
<Sudo> who am i?
<johnriv345> it begins with a "c" and ends with a "t"
<johnriv345> just admit it
<Sudo> how did you find out
<johnriv345> your friend told me
<Sudo> which friend
<johnriv345> it's pretty obvious you were currybutt
<Sudo> dont tell anyone about this
<johnriv345> i won't tell anyone :p

>> No.7949881,69 [INTERNAL] 

so whats the point. what are you cocksuckers trying to achieve

>> No.7949881,70 [INTERNAL] 

Cool fake log.

>> No.7949881,71 [INTERNAL] 

Ralph Smith says:
How many dicks did you suck to get to be the meido of both /jp/ and /ghost/?
Sudo1997 says:
73 if you count the ones that went in my ass
don't tlel anyone oink oink

>> No.7949881,72 [INTERNAL] 

sup onahole
