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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 124 KB, 700x700, explain1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7947934 No.7947934 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7947939

people are realizing that moeshit is just shit

>> No.7947936

Otaku are a finicky bunch

>> No.7947943


>> No.7947941

Nichijou's humor was pretty autistic to me.

Also, No "Men"

>> No.7947946


Shut your fucking mouth. Just shut it.

>> No.7947947

Remember Hyakko?

>> No.7947952

That was the one about the autistic tiger girl that wanted to fuck her teacher?

>> No.7947951

Am I on /a/?

>> No.7947955

No, it was either her best friend or some lesbian goth chick.

>> No.7947959
File: 43 KB, 300x339, 1310969161889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Japan has shit taste.

>> No.7947962

the jokes aren't funny.

>> No.7947964

There's a lot of reasons.

For one thing it was considered by many to be a huge disappointment of a show in Japan. I guess they thought it would get more of a Lucky Star treatment or something? Because LS the anime was a lot better than the manga.. the gist of what I gather is that Nichi anime is basically.. exactly as expected. So, coming from Kyoani that's a big disappointment because they were expecting it to be something more.

Also the BDs are ridiculously expensive, as in like, $80 for two episodes expensive. For a simple sketch comedy show that's not really worth it.

Lastly though I'd think that due to its random (absurdist) nature that it just didn't connect with the audience very well. Like it was fun to watch whenever it was on, but it wasn't something that kept you spellbound and loving every second of it. In fact it was really hit-and-miss, sometimes spending maybe 1/3rd of an episode's airtime for some punchlines that most people just didn't find that amusing. Lucky Star was very very fast going from skit to skit and so it was tough to get bored watching it; Nichijou's slower pacing made it easy to get bored of though if not everything was exactly your kind of humor.

Lastly lastly, 2chan panned the show from the get go. They basically collectively agree what shows they will throw their money at and what gets neglected, that's why little shows like Yuru Yuri or Milky Holmes became huge sleeper hits.. 2chan liked them a lot and agreed to go and buy.

>> No.7947965

Now that the anime you like has been ousted as shit I think you should start posting the porn pictures of Yuuko you have

>> No.7947963

It was a comedy that was not funny. Should not be surprising that it didn't do well.

>> No.7947966

That was pretty informative, anon. Good post.

>> No.7947968
File: 48 KB, 258x397, 1306361184457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any porn of her.

>> No.7947969

aren't anime BD's stupidly expensive in general.

>> No.7947972

Sure but Yuru Yuri or Milky Holmes are better shows too so it's not like it's just some 2ch conspiracy. Milky Holmes is about 10x funnier than Nichijou and isn't even really a comedy.

>> No.7947974

Reported for /a/ shit. Fuck off already.

>> No.7947977

>Lucky Star was very very fast
A large step up from "that anime where they talked 10 minutes about food." I wonder if nostalgia set in already. I sure can't remember anything outside of Lucky Channel and Anime Tenchou.

>> No.7947976
File: 51 KB, 624x352, 1311392789061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you gay?

>> No.7947980

remember, first four episodes, different director.

>> No.7947981

Yuru Yuri and Milky Holmes are also much better show.
Japan actually for once finally develop good taste. Cant say the same for the female market when they are just buying shit.

>> No.7947984

He never said it was a conspiracy. He said they all agreed they were good shows, therefore, bought.

>> No.7947987
File: 43 KB, 300x272, 1310621778595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I just don't collect erotic images of characters I don't sexualize.

>> No.7947990

Otaku A : This thing is funny but way overpriced, I can't buy it.

Analyst aka paid to be an idiot : this represents the desire of fans everywhere for KyoAni to return to their (non-existent) more serious root. I've been foretelling this for years.

Analyst 2 competing for World Stupidity Championship : That's it. This is the end of KyoAni. They were too ambitious and unable to deliver. The series was a complete disappointment compared to Lucky Star and K-On. They lost too much money and won't be able to recover for some time.

Random troll : Moeshit is shit. This thing is basically filled with lolis and pedophile otaku bait. Japan will go back to making more DEEP and mature shows for mature viewers such as myself.

Random fan : Japan has shit taste. I have good taste. I won't buy it though.

>> No.7947991

you have autism, and not the cool kind, either.

>> No.7947992

He is saying essentially that 2ch is responsible for why shows like Milky Holmes become sleeper hits, when in reality, if the show is good, how does he know it's not just because people watched it on TV and liked it?

>> No.7947993


Literally only the first episode was like that. Even before Yamakan (as the director) got canned 4 episodes in, the show picked up a lot after then.

Given how Yamakan doesn't like how moe shows are taking over the industry there, yet paradoxically he was put in charge of directing one... I think the first ep may have been some kind of big troll on his part, as in he was basically trying to get people to not watch it. It also was what got him "replaced" as a director afaik.

>> No.7947998

Nichijou: The best anime since Azumanga Daioh but that's not saying much.

>> No.7947997

it's because the show isn't funny.

>> No.7948001

I don't know why all these anime fans don't do something interesting instead, like manga.

>> No.7948006
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Because I don't sexualize every female character I like? I'd rather be friends with Yukko than fuck her.

>> No.7948003


Because reading takes effort. Watching a bunch of moe girls bounce and fritter around all screen takes almost no effort at all.

>> No.7948004

Nichijou was good. The BD's didn't sell because of the absurd price point and lack of LE goodies.

Deal with it, seinenfags. Or can you not deal with it?

>> No.7948010

Does it really cost a thousand dollars to buy the entire season?

And I thought ordinary box sets were expensive.

>> No.7948008

I don't see any reason to read manga when there's anime and eroge around. It's just dull.

>> No.7948012

You can do both you know. Most waifus don't like sexless marriages.

>> No.7948013

I don't know. I don't watch anime that is adapted from a manga or VN any more. Seems kind of pointless if I can read the source material.

>> No.7948022

Your brain has to be on to read manga.

>> No.7948017

I find that reading's a hell of a lot easier to do then idly stare at some shitty television show.

>> No.7948030

>Nichijou was good. It just wasn't popular and not many people thought it was funny.
Deal with it nerd, that is literally what you sound like.

>> No.7948027
File: 510 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nichijou - 24 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.45_[2011.09.11_01.56.27].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukko isn't my waifu, though. I don't have multiple waifus.

>> No.7948038

just because something isn't popular doesn't mean it's bad. But nichijou is still bad, so whatever.

>> No.7948039

Funny, because I find myself reading manga whenever I want to turn my brain off during a study session.
Also, it's more comfortable to control the pacing. VNs are like this in this regard.

>> No.7948042

I don't see anything particularly wrong with your paraphrase either.

>> No.7948040

I recall you saying before that she was your favorite character, though. Do you mean to tell me that your waifu isn't your favorite?

What are you trying to pull?

>> No.7948041

As evidenced by the intellectual Naruto manga fans of Gaia.

>> No.7948047
File: 221 KB, 1182x1116, 12173600144528c8ab6aef148189309a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is my favorite character in the show, but she's not my waifu. I don't have romantic feelings for her.

>> No.7948050

I find it crushingly depressing that Nichijou was the closest thing we have ever gotten in 10 years to new Azumanga Daioh episodes.

>> No.7948051

Ah, alright. I thought you meant favorite character period.

So who is your waifu then?

>> No.7948056
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>> No.7948064
File: 106 KB, 360x276, 1313012232452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you at least have porn of her, then.

>> No.7948065

I'm not sure I understand you. They aren't that similar aside from both being comedy. The closest thing to Azumanga Daioh is Yotsubato.

>> No.7948072
File: 679 KB, 1280x720, [UTW]_Fate_Zero_-_01_[h264-720p][E2552AFF].mkv_snapshot_36.53_[2011.10.02_18.45.35].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, but I'm not going to post it because I don't want to get banned for NSFW.

>> No.7948079
File: 662 KB, 1024x768, reimu_ferrari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it. I'm getting in my Ferrari and leaving.


>> No.7948083


Ugh, anime adaption-wise. When that gets around to having an anime adaption the tables will turn.

>> No.7948118
File: 79 KB, 478x640, toudai-nichijou-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7948123

Personally I thought Nichijou was really funny. I laughed out loud several times. Different strokes.

>> No.7948125
File: 90 KB, 500x497, 1313012089037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a crappy reason not to post something, but I wasn't asking you to anyway.

>> No.7948145

What the fuck is OP's picture trying to say?

>> No.7948150


>> No.7948182

This is already /a/.

>> No.7948185
File: 57 KB, 640x480, f27733f28b0a5c0530c8c52a4ad329c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nichijou is not even remotely similar to Azumanga.
Did you even watch Azumanga?
Watch this instead if you want the spiritual successor to Azumanga.

>> No.7948192

Nichijou was just very much hit and miss with its absurdism. When it hit, it really hit, and when it bombed, it was pretty painful to watch. Japanese like consistency. That's why something that's rancid schlock beginning to end like Infinite Stratos can be popular and the sporadically funny Nichijou can slide by.

But don't let me try to pretend I understand a culture where Kyary Ponyo Ponyo (?) and AKB48 are insanely popular.

>> No.7948193

Japanese Otaku have shit taste. They love boring moeshit (pandering moe that is shit) like K-ON, yet have no interest in quality, funny moe like Nichijou.

>> No.7948195

"Absurdism" in this case is a code word for "Random". You're a pretentious nerd.

>> No.7948197

This post is intended as a parody, right?

>> No.7948204

It is probably the case of retard moe being taken to extreme level in Nichijou. Not even the Japanese can take the retard level shown in Nichijou.
Characters like Yui and Fuuko have their retard level at the right stage so that they can still be classify as retard moe. The girls in Nichijou are just retarded.
Just look at that starbucks or manga drawing episode.

>> No.7948205

No. K-ON is awful. Nichijou isn't a masterpiece or anything like that, but it's certainly better than some of the crap that's popular or has been popular.

>> No.7948209
File: 141 KB, 387x417, 1281206845404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're reading in things that aren't there. Nichijou has things that are purely random and nonsensical and things I would call "absurdist." I do not see those as the same thing, nor am I engaged in trying to defend something by linguistic slight of hand. It is what it is.

Sorry I got your panties in a twisty. Butthurt Stratos fanatic.

>> No.7948215

There is nothing moe about Nichijou. The girls are not moe. They are all hateful bitches, except the blondes, and all the blondes interact primarily with guys so it makes the no-guys crowd unhappy. There's also nothing for yurifags to latch on to, as all yuri scenes are just trolling yurifans. They don't make a bunch of references to things anyone can relate to, so they lose that attraction too. The references they do make are so out there, the fanbase probably feels alienated.

It doesn't pander to otaku at all. I don't even think there was a pool scene.

>> No.7948224

There is also no beach episode or onsen episode.
I am not saying Nichijou is a good show but I dont think anyone can say that Infinite Stratos is a better show with a straight face. We all know the only reason why Infinite Shit sold well is because of Char.

>> No.7948225

I think many viewers went in to Nichijou expecting another K-ON or something laid back and moe, and this is exactly why they felt pushed away.

There wasn't a beach scene either, iirc. Hardly any breast jokes. Can such a thing even be called anime anymore?

>> No.7948238

Sudo level damage control.

>> No.7948242


>> No.7948247

Can you not like K-ON and Nichijou and Lucky Star?

I don't understand the hate for K-ON on /jp/ actually, it feels like I stepped into /a/ when I see it.

>> No.7948253

K-ON just had zero appeal to me. The humour was not funny. I don't like the art style. I don't find autism attractive. And I generally don't like shows with all female casts. It shouldn't be that surprising why there are people that don't like it.

>> No.7948255

>only reason why Infinite Shit sold well is because of Char.
No it is the desire of failures and social rejects to be the target of female attention no matter how stupid the setting is or how retarded the girls are. Which is why the industry still functions.
The only thing Infinite Shit has proven is that, like its name suggests, the tolerance for absurdity and patronization in escapism, for many people, knows no bounds.

>> No.7948252

I don't know, anon. I love all three.

>> No.7948258

You must be a woman. You realize what you described applies to 99% of the VNs we discuss?

>> No.7948260

No idea.
I like keion, nichijou is soso around 5/10 I guess but rucky shit is just terrible.
I prefer stuff like milky holmes, yuru yuri or ika musume.
The comedy in nichijou and rucky shit just doesnt click with me.

>> No.7948268

>Which is why the industry still functions.
You realized you didn't read ?

Such desires are nothing new. They have been capitalized on since ancient times. But for some people there is a line denoting as to how much absurd it can get before it becomes patronizing, and for some there isn't.

>> No.7948265

>99% of the VNs we discuss
I dont think IS has got a plot or story. The setting was just terrible. At least in VNs you have to actively find the girl flag and romance the girls. In IS all the girls want to suck the MC cock the first time they see him.

>> No.7948271

IS shows everything wrong with the Harem genre

It's brimming with eye-rolling cliches

>> No.7948275

>I prefer stuff like milky holmes, yuru yuri or ika musume.
You probably like Mitsudomoe too.

>> No.7948278

Are you implying that's a negative thing? You're a silly guy.

>> No.7948280

Everything wrong with the harem genre is that most harems aren't Tenchi Muyo.

>> No.7948281

At least I don't completely lack taste and standards.

>> No.7948282
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, [FFFpeeps] Mitsudomoe 03 [720p][068A623A].mkv_snapshot_14.40_[2010.07.23_22.57.00].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you know?
Good deduction anon.

>> No.7948283

Continuing the IS derail.

I had no idea what IS was about when I started watching the first episode.
I think it was 5 minutes in to it, when the main character walks into his dorm room... I paused the video. Because I'm literally this nerdy, I said this out loud before pressing play again: "There's a girl in the room. Just after he puts his stuff down, she will walk out of the shower in nothing but a towel. They will look at each other and pause for a second. The "camera" will cut away to an outside shot so we can hear the girl scream. Violence and hilarity ensue."

100% on the mark. Closed and deleted the video, swore never to watch it again.

>> No.7948285

They should call you Nostradamus.

>> No.7948289

>I prefer stuff like milky holmes, yuru yuri or ika musume.
I like all of those in addition to the ones I listed.

Don't see why you single out Lucky Star.

>> No.7948294

Meh, if something's that predictable, it ain't worth watching. I'm not the most perceptive person there is, and I try to let a lot slide when watching a first episode... but that shit's too much. Especially when the whole premise leading up to that was just such utter shit.

>> No.7948303

The show was still enjoyable enough for me and I can perfectly deal with no S2. There's always the manga if I really want to see what happened with that amazing plot, after all.

>> No.7948307

Reminds me of why I stopped watching Fractale after the first episode.

Girl falling from the sky
Embarrassing naked time
Tsundere loli
Misunderstandings and accusation of sexual actions
Magical girlfriend appearing out of nowhere

>> No.7948313

They tried too hard to push the konata is an otaku angle. It is like watching a hardcore weeaboo pushing his hobbies into a normalfag (in this case kagami).
Not really funny imo. The pink hair girl was also a shitty character. I am sure the only reason she was in the show because we needed a token big breasted 4eyes.
I can understand why people like it though but it just isnt for me.

>> No.7948316

To Love Ru was the only encounter I had of this level of absurdity, and I've made it my last, I just plain can't stand that level of harem. Its to unbelievable.

>> No.7948326

Who cares, God's gift to anime - Haganai - starts this week. In b4 haters who havent read past 4 chapters or only watched the OVA (and didn't get that it was a dream until the end).

>> No.7948329
File: 261 KB, 581x820, 20539055_big_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am ready for some meat.

>> No.7948330

It was a fun show. I don't regret a single minute I've spent watching it even though it took me some time to get used to random shouting/hitting/exploding segments. Well, good animation helps.
Talking about those "moeshit" (?) comedy shows, I loved Milky Holmes and Minamiki-ke S1, liked Yuru Yuri, dropped Minamiki-ke S2, Ika Musume, Mitsudomoe and Lucky Shit.

>> No.7948335

>haters who havent read past 4 chapters
To be fair there were the worst chapters I've ever read in any manga.

>> No.7948336

>God's gift to anime
A show title about people with no friends.
They all have at least 6friends later and the shocking thing is there is only 1guy in their circle of friends.
Sure is masterpiece and god's gift to anime.
No thank you, I will stick with the doujins.

>> No.7948346

Miyuki is the worst main Lucky Star, her best moment wasn't actually her but Konata lying about her to Kuroi.

>> No.7948348

I don't know what we'd do without your insight, anon.

>> No.7948353

Guy who looks like a delinquent but isn't pairs up with an ill-tempered girl. That sounds kind of familiar.

So long as she isn't short, I suppose. So you're saying it gets better? I remember the first chapter and it looked heinous.

>> No.7948354

Her best moment was when she introduced Yukari(her mom) into the show.

>> No.7948362
File: 1.71 MB, 1280x720, typicaljpertakingupskirtphoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need to thank me aniki.
Here is what you should watch instead.

>> No.7948366

Obviously I'll be watching both.

Should I check out the Tamayura OVA first?

>> No.7948368

Haganai? Another high school fanservice filled otaku pandering harem show? No thanks.

>> No.7948369


Yeah, they're only about 12 - 15 minutes each.

>> No.7948370

They advertise random trademarked console games in later chapters.
No, seriously, there are chapters dedicated solely to a video game. Consecutive chapters. I've dropped it at that point.

>> No.7948374
File: 39 KB, 225x350, 106575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You just described IS, Haganai is on a completely different level from that shit, 2 deep 4 u.

>> No.7948375

You don't like Monster Hunter?

>> No.7948377

Tokimeki Memorial right?
Katana can cut claymore.
Monster hunter.
Anything else missing?

>> No.7948380

IS is shit too, Haganai isn't any better. I guess IS at least pretends to have more to it though.

>> No.7948381


So what? That's the first time you've seen people play on trademarked consoles in anime? At least the characters playing MH and Love Plus actually relates to the story and isn't just shoehorned in.

>> No.7948386

I'm not interested in buying it. I wanted to read a shitty harem, but they didn't even bothered to introduce other characters before going full "paid by Sony" mode.
God, even oreimo wasn't THAT pathetic.

>> No.7948400

Monster Hunter sold like ten million copies; it's not something that has to be advertised in something with a readership that's less than a percent of it. It's pretty much an institution at this point. Just drop the series if you don't like constant references.

>> No.7948412

I did, can't you read?
It's a ~20 page long commercial, a bit too much for a reference.

>> No.7948478

Some anon said that since the production value and the overall quality of the show was much higher, the cost the dvds were more expensive than a typical anime would cost.
