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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 734 KB, 1824x1368, Nice Day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7946950 No.7946950 [Reply] [Original]

Yesterday was a beautiful day in Alaska. Sakuya decided that it was too nice of a day to stay inside.

>> No.7946953
File: 804 KB, 1824x1368, Motorcycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She demanded that we go for a motorcycle ride, so we did. Don't worry, she put her helmet on after I took the picture.

>> No.7946955

Wow nice view you two got. I wish I could go to Alaska.

>> No.7946958
File: 754 KB, 1824x1368, Lookout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We visited a local lake with a glacier and a waterfall.

>> No.7946960
File: 764 KB, 1824x1368, Glacier Beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The water was pretty cold, so we didn't go in, but we had fun skipping rocks into the water. She was better at it.

>> No.7946964
File: 903 KB, 1824x1368, Waterfall Beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were a lot of people at the waterfall, so we were unable to get a picture too close to it.

>> No.7946968
File: 1.76 MB, 1824x1368, Campfire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We moved on and decided to have lunch at a campfire site I knew of. We didn't make a fire, but that's okay.

>> No.7946973
File: 853 KB, 1824x1368, View.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The view from the campfire site.

>> No.7946978
File: 505 KB, 1824x1368, Seagull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a small number of seagulls around, most of them were by the town. Sakuya wanted to use them as target practice, but I didn't think that it would be too nice to just leave a bunch of dead birds around.

>> No.7946976

How is this thread making me so happy to be single?

>> No.7946986
File: 766 KB, 1824x1368, Big Head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that was my day yesterday, /jp/. I hope that yours was as good as mine was.

>> No.7946995

Looks like you had a great day. I'm really envious.

>> No.7946992

You can almost feel the lively aura around that doll. So is she your waifu?

>> No.7946994

I don't think anyone could possible have as fantastic a day as that.

What did you guys have for lunch by the way?

>> No.7946998
File: 92 KB, 713x713, 1301249670192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are some good pictures you have taken there~
I quite like them.

>> No.7947000


It's like people don't realize how technology has advanced enough to let others know who's being a samefag.

>> No.7947002
File: 1016 KB, 1824x1368, Post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing too fancy, just salami sandwiches and chocolate. I meant to get a picture of her with the chocolate tin, but I guess that I forgot to.

>> No.7947003

I wish I could take my fumofumos out sometime. They stay in way too often, I think I should get a light for them.

>> No.7947007

What camera did you take those with?

>> No.7947010

she looks unhappy

>> No.7947008

Did she ever fall over while you were taking a picture?

>> No.7947016

She probably doesn't like her photo being taken.

>> No.7947017 [DELETED] 


Holy HELL.

>> No.7947023

That plushie seems huge.

>> No.7947024 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 332x456, 1314884636008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Check em.

>> No.7947028

I'm jealous of the scenery you have in your area.
I miss living in mountainous areas.

>> No.7947030
File: 758 KB, 1824x1368, Another View.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Coolpix L20. It was about a hundred dollars, so it's not that great of a camera, but it's passable.

Sometimes she didn't like to stand still, but I always made sure that she was seated properly before took the pictures. Didn't want her to go for an involuntary swim, of course.

Some people just can't smile when they know that their pictures are being taken. Sakuya and I are those type of people.

>> No.7947033
File: 144 KB, 480x640, 128138145972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I envy your Sakuya, op. It would make me so happy to be able to have a nice husbando like you.

>> No.7947034


She wanted to go to Hawaii

>> No.7947037
File: 261 KB, 1029x1280, 1316463199929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I visited Alaska once, it was by far the most beautiful state I've ever been to. Those icy peaks, those huge forests, even the greenish glaciers and that strangely attractive gray water. I miss it so and am mighty jealous of you and your Sakuya. You've made my day so much better, stay classy, OP.

>> No.7947040

Where in Alaska do you live OP?

>> No.7947041 [DELETED] 

Why is /jp/ being used to boost some guy's ego complimenting himself over and over again?

>> No.7947048 [DELETED] 

you need a relaxing alaskan adventure.

>> No.7947053
File: 96 KB, 770x431, 32432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a second there i thought you were another Norway-anon.
It all looked so..Familiar..

That said nice pictures, wish they were just a little bigger though.
I need a new wallpaper~

>> No.7947054 [DELETED] 

if you don't like the thread, don't post in it. If you think it's not /jp/ related, report it.

>> No.7947051 [DELETED] 

Anonymous has many mysteries.

>> No.7947052

These pictures are beautiful.

Thanks for sharing.

>> No.7947055 [DELETED] 

Well the people in this thread aren't jackasses like you that draw conclusions.

>> No.7947056 [DELETED] 

It's the only thing keeping him from killing himself.

>> No.7947058
File: 237 KB, 800x532, sakuya hnnng overload_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this thread so uplifting and cute?

>> No.7947062

I wish I lived in alaska instead of shitty 120 degreee south texas

>> No.7947083

ah, op. I'll pay to live in places like alaska or northern europe...sadly, I'm just a old, poor, unskilled individual. there's no way I could live in such places and have enough time for enjoy the landscape...I envy you.

>> No.7947087 [DELETED] 

Tell that to yourself you fucking loser.

>> No.7947088 [DELETED] 

I like the north wind

>> No.7947090
File: 465 KB, 866x1024, 1298513153476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think technology isn't necessary for that.

I'm enjoying this thread although .

>> No.7947093

...and so, the legend of Salaskuya was born.

>> No.7947095


You might as well not bother. Alaska is getting warmer.

>> No.7947102

I know, but I still like it more than my actual location.

>> No.7947104
File: 963 KB, 1824x1368, Waterfall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What picture would you like? I can't quite give full size, the image size limit is 3mb and all of them are above 4, but it'll still be large enough for a background picture.

If next weekend is as nice, I will be taking Sakuya to the other end of town, and maybe for a hike.

Southeast Alaska. It doesn't get too cold in the wintertime, and not too hot in the summer. I like it here.

>> No.7947114

so, you're going on Sakuyadventure regularly?

>> No.7947125

I quite liked the "Glacier Beach/Post" image.
As long as it is 1920x1080 or more it would be fine~

>> No.7947131

You son of a gun.

Watch out, a seagull could swoop down and take your Sakuya away.

>> No.7947136
File: 1.75 MB, 2736x2052, DSCN0884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. It's 75% of the full size, but it's more than large enough.

Don't worry, I know how to handle seagulls.

>> No.7947137

Did you go alone, OP, or were you with the handsome male?

I'm asking this because you seem to avoid people peeking at your doll. There's no reason to be ashamed!

>> No.7947142

>Don't worry, I know how to handle seagulls.
...why sounds so badass?

>> No.7947154

what a beautiful picture. I really want an anime draw of this.

>> No.7947155

Did anyone by chance see your fumofumo during your travel, and if there was did they inquire about it? I've wanted to do the same thing for a long time, but was always discouraged by that hypothetical situation. Maybe I should do it the next time I go camping.

Thanks for inspiring me OP.

>> No.7947148
File: 634 KB, 640x480, 1314613352822.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Make a .rar with all the photos at full size in it?

I'd love you.

>> No.7947200 [DELETED] 

I honestly have no words for this thread.

>> No.7947205 [DELETED] 

You need a nice relaxing vacation.

>> No.7947222 [DELETED] 

You still managed to write eight of them.

>> No.7947243 [DELETED] 


You win this round anon. but mark my words...I shall return more powerful than you can possible imagin.

>> No.7947258
File: 213 KB, 1718x390, Unchosen Pictures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the delay. The uploads totaled over 200 mb in size.

Two .zips for you, Sakuyalaska contains the full sizes of all of the pictures I have posted, while Unchosen contains the other pictures I took of her but did not choose for this thread.
Sakuyalaska: http://www.mediafire.com/?086p7l21pkfcu8p
Unchosen: http://www.mediafire.com/?99n08cy5koymq3f

Sakuya can be shy, so she tended to hide when others got close. You should probably have something comfortable for her to ride in when she doesn't want to be seen by the other people.

>> No.7947313

I like this thread.

Just say it's your daughter's favorite doll and she wanted you to take pictures with it because she couldn't go.

>> No.7947323

Its the doll of your sick imouto who lies in the hospital, and as the good onii-chan you are you go out to take pictures of the world for her with her doll in them.

>> No.7947441
File: 491 KB, 350x260, 1284387254501.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you anon!

>> No.7947464

i've got the most hilarious scene in my head of this dol falling off a cliff or being blown away by the wind, never to be seen again, and the hilariously innapropriate emotional trauma that this would cause

aside from the hilarity of some guy anthropomorphizing a consumerist icon to a ridiculous and pathetic degree (an oestensibly grown man at that) this is p. fucking sad. throw the goddamn doll away and get help

>> No.7947469 [DELETED] 


You must be a sad, sad man.

If something is bother, I'll listen.

>> No.7947474 [DELETED] 
File: 328 KB, 1023x1078, 1316499792434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Babby's first troll.

>> No.7947477 [DELETED] 

You seem to be the only one who needs help. I feel bad for you ;_;

>> No.7947491 [DELETED] 

You guys know the drill; Report and then ignore.

>> No.7947486

pictures are in juneau, I've been to the same glacier. popular tourist spot @@


>> No.7947488 [DELETED] 

Why don't you get some friends, try to get laid, do something besides going on 4chan to try and act like a pretentious shitdick. If you had anybody in your life who actually wanted to listen to what you had to say you wouldn't be doing this, and if you weren't a complete piece of shit you would realize that nobody is going to read your point of view you faggot. Just stop or kill yourself, either or is fine with me.

>> No.7947497
File: 1.52 MB, 1854x2430, 1316537333416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They will never make a fumofumo of your favorite touhou

You are a lucky man, OP.
I will wait for your fumofumo, Yuugi....

>> No.7947505

Fumo yuugi would be nice

I'd like a giant reimu or maybe a yuuka

>> No.7947507 [DELETED] 

i would pose the matter the other way around, in fact. the OP of this thread has developed a narrative and even some sort of emotional rapport with an inanimate consumerist object (a doll)

now in children this would be but a part of the developmental cycle, but we are to understand that we are dealing with an adult male in this case, which raises the questions of difficulties in emotional development, social maladjustment, seeking companionship in all the wrong areas etc. these are niether healthy nor productive ways of developing either a healthy emotional and social life or a sound grasp of reality. altogether, these factors, rather than being charming or heartwarming in any fashion, are in fact extremely disturbing and imply an individual with a number of mental and emotional shortcomings who should be encouraged to seek help

>> No.7947530 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 158x220, Excuseme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Or he just likes plushies because they're soft and look cute, then wishes to have a nice backdrop for the photos. He then presented the pictures to us with a riveting narrative, which entertained us.

1/10 for making me type this.

>> No.7947534

I'm just bumping this thread because it inspired me to buy Reimu and Marisa plushies.

>> No.7947541 [DELETED] 

>Or he just likes plushies because they're soft and look cute, then wishes to have a nice backdrop for the photos. He then presented the pictures to us with a riveting narrative, which entertained us.

a man enjoying soft and cute things, to the extent that he purchases plush dolls? nosirree nothing creepy, maladjusted about that, especially nothing creepy about dragging it out into the countryside with him for photos, nope nope

also if this is your definition of a riveting narrative then i can but assume that you find, say, the backs of food packages to be absolutely gripping reading. even the lightest novella would probably kill you from sheer excitement

>> No.7947544 [DELETED] 
File: 186 KB, 345x345, 1314617145403.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm just gonna not reply anymore, haha.

>> No.7947550 [DELETED] 

I don't give a fuck who you are or where you live, you can count on me to be there just to bring your life to a hellish end. I'll put you in so much fucking pain that it'll make Jesus being nailed to the cross in the desert look like a fucking back massage on a tropical island. I don't give a fuck how tough you are, how well you fight, or how many fucking guns you own to protect yourself. I'll fucking show up at your house when you aren't at home. I'll turn on all the lights in your house, leave all the water running, open your fridge door and not close it, and turn your gas stove burners on and let them waste gas. You're gonna start stressing the fuck out, your blood pressure will triple, and you'll have a fucking heart attack. You'll go to the hospital for heart operation, and the last thing you'll see when being put under in the operating room is me, hovering above you dressed up like a doctor. When you wake up after the operation, you'll be scared for your fucking life, wondering what I did to you while you were being operated on, wondering what ticking time bomb is in your chest waiting to go off. You'll recover fully from your surgery. And when you walk out the front door of the hospital to go home, I'll run you over with my fucking car out of nowhere and kill you. I just want you to know how easily fucking destroy your pathetic excuse of a life, but how I'd rather go to a great fucking length to make sure your last remaining days are spent in a living, breathing hell. It's too late to save yourself but don't bother committing suicide either...I'll fucking resuscitate you and kill you myself you bitchfaced faggot. Welcome to hell, population: you.

>> No.7947560 [DELETED] 


truly hilarious; probably the same calibre of intellectual and emotional maturity as a man who takes a doll places, develops an emotional rapport and narrative with it

>> No.7947569 [DELETED] 

10 Reasons why Whites are jealous of Blacks:

1: We make better music. I'll take Tupac over your emo bullshit songs anyday.
2: We have more power. Now that Obama's in office, you honkies ain't gonna be hatin' much longer.
3: We're resistant to the sun. Have fun burning up every time you step outside.
4: We have bigger cocks. Face it- this has been proven by science. It's also been proven that women love huge dicks.
5: We get all the women. Like it or not, no bitch can resist a black man.
6: Our women are better. Aside from being smarter, you don't catch black women cheatin' on every goddamn boyfriend they get. Not that anyone would cheat on a black man.
7: We're just plain cooler. You always see the white kids pretending they were black, but you never see our kids trying to be white.
8: We're more physically fit. We can run faster, jump higher, and do shit you fat cracker-ass white boys could never even dream of doing.
9: We have more fun. Me and my brothers are always out partying, having a good time...while you pasty honkies sit inside, jerkin' off and watchin' your shitty Japanese cartoons.
10: Blacks are better fighters. All of the famous UFC champions and boxers have been black. And you ever see a white man that knew how to use a gun? Neither have I.

>> No.7947578 [DELETED] 

Can't people from other boards ever identify a post as a copypasta?

>> No.7947582

last thought before bed:
I wonder if a fumofumo will make interesting the shots of the zone where I used to make urban exploring...but I don't have one. plus a deserted industrial area would be a dangerous place to bring a soft touhou.

>> No.7947583 [DELETED] 


that's very cute but perhaps you could have chosen something a little more appropriate to the situation if you're not going to bother responding to my arguments in an intelligent and emotionally mature manner

>> No.7947587

You just need to make your own!

>> No.7947592
File: 110 KB, 500x375, 1297629576799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done. Wish I had a large one.

Who am I kidding... I'd never do it on the very slim chance someone saw her ;_;

>> No.7947593 [DELETED] 


The only one who thinks it's creepy is you, because you're either too insecure about being super macho (aka a fucking retard), or, too immature to understand that rational adults do NOT give a fuck what other peoples' hobbies are, as long as they aren't hurting anyone or trying to force their interests on disinterested people.

Besides, this is pretty fucking benign; it's not like it's a severed head or something being toted around. You act as if it is though, just because it's not something you're used to seeing. Learn that not everyone is like you, and that actually in many places/countries, people as vitriolically hateful/closed-minded as you are publicly disapproved of. If you picked a fight with this guy in public in my town, people would side with the Fumofumo guy and call you a fucking jackass for causing a scene over nothing. So, really, get with the program faggot.

>> No.7947596

I didn't know Cirno had a driving license. and she's a Miku fan too? surprising...

>> No.7947598
File: 457 KB, 683x683, 1307400628597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not such a bad idea, but I am not very talented when it comes to sewing and other such crafts.

>> No.7947602 [DELETED] 

I'm somewhat appreciated that easily identified anons from other boards are attempting to defend this thread, but that's not how roll on /jp/.

see >>7947491

and not add to the clutter. You're contributing to ruining the thread if you bother responding to the offender. This post is no exception either, but I hope it will become a reminder in the future.

>> No.7947599 [DELETED] 

Why some of you respond to very obvious trolls I will never understand.

>> No.7947606


>> No.7947603
File: 18 KB, 225x225, reactionange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The posts in this thread do not look like they were done by actual /jp/ers at all.


>> No.7947604

ITT: pure hearts on /jp/.
and actually, I approve.

>> No.7947608

I liked the fumo shoots, thought the OP certainly is no pro photographer...

But he was being too much of an attention whore so I'm glad umineko fans came and tore this thread apart.

>> No.7947615

This shot makes me sad. I do not know why.

>> No.7947618

a candle is a little light in the dark for a man, but a raging volcano for an ant.
and dude, suck my alaskock.

>> No.7947616
File: 94 KB, 800x533, fumo mobile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7947620


>> No.7947622

Dixon's On the Psychology of Military Incompetence has a large section devoted to men so insecure in their masculinity that they compensate by spending a disproportionate amount of time and effort aggressively and sometimes lethally persecuting men with traits or habits that clash with their own personal ideal of masculinity. These stand in contrast to the examples of successful commanders, who most often share the traits of openness, flexibility, and a cultural curiosity and interest.

So please, just let the guy play with his dolls in peace. Erwin Rommel would.

>> No.7947625 [DELETED] 


pretty hilarious that for all of your apoporval you still think on some level that it's bad: after all, in order to excuse it you have to make an appeal and comparison to the crime of murder and the usage of a severed head as totem of the deed

>rational adults do NOT give a fuck what other peoples' hobbies are, as long as they aren't hurting anyone or trying to force their interests on disinterested people.

actually the interests of other people are of prime importance to 'rational' adults, who must at all times make character judgements based on whatever information they receive so as best to socialize - that you do not realize this is probably because you yourself do not socialize

>If you picked a fight with this guy in public in my town, people would side with the Fumofumo guy and call you a fucking jackass for causing a scene over nothing.

not really; more than likely the pedophile aspect of adult male doll ownership would be played up, rather than the narrative of emotional and intellectual maladjustment and immaturity i have presented here


if they define themselves and their own characters purely through the experience of a consumerist product then they are little better than dollman here

>> No.7947626
File: 145 KB, 350x1207, 1312200504463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's because Sakuya's looking off into the distance wondering where her home is. I wonder if OP has any other fumos to keep it company.

>> No.7947635

I wish I was a cool VIPPER like Rommel.

>> No.7947640 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 600x385, 1279220988175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All I know is that you're suffering from some sort of rectal trauma. Maybe my dick up your ass would make it feel better.

Or maybe it caused the trauma in the first place

>> No.7947649


Why you still put up with this board is completely beyond my comprehension, Helen. I have fond memories of the board in days past too, but just looking at this thread and many others like it really sap my energy.

>> No.7947650
File: 35 KB, 559x393, rommelcamera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Loved his camera, he did.

>> No.7947657

The thread was fine until people though it was a good idea to come shit it up.
Not everyone on /jp/ is like those faggots stop thinking we are one person. Just leave.

>> No.7947659 [DELETED] 


why have you placed a nazi as your ideal

also alaska guy just going to repeat this, get rid of the doll

your life will never improve so long as you're attached to it

>> No.7947661
File: 1.55 MB, 1173x1100, a3611cb18d899d355a65bc537cb96e34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli Rommel is pretty cool.

>> No.7947666 [DELETED] 

Did you forget to remove your trip?

I empathize.

>> No.7947678 [DELETED] 

Why is it that being racist towards blacks is deleted in 20 minutes, but this shit won't die until the thread does? It was clearly ignored by the janitor because he deleted shit after that.

>> No.7947682

Leica IIIF? What lens? Looks collapsible. Leitz Summitar 50mm f/2?

>> No.7947690

IIIf impossible at that time, probably a regular III.

>> No.7947693 [DELETED] 

Not OP, but I think it's funny how a lowly scumbag like yourself sees himself fit to pass judgement over trivial bullshit. You think you're cool with your minimum wage part-time job at McDonald's and your shack of an apartment? Let me clue you in, bro.

I graduated with a Master's degree (with highest honor no less) a couple years ago. I make six figures, something you can never hope to achieve in your entire lifetime. I have a loving wife and family that makes your AIDS-ridden skank of a girlfriend look terrible beyond belief.

In real life, you would be grovelling to me. Your middle school level psycho-analysis faggotry, unwarranted self-importance, and poor grammar would be nowhere to be found...because you'd be fucking silent. You would know that you are infinitely inferior compared to me, and you would keep your stupid mouth shut.

Perhaps you should take a moment to look in a mirror before coming on a site like 4chan just to start shit and call other people pathetic. Or maybe you're already aware that this habit stems from your own overwhelming insecurity?

>> No.7947701 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 572x359, 1312262557346[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7947705
File: 35 KB, 450x450, rommeldoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Luck and chance in life has granted me transhuman endurance, a couple of years of academic study has made me a selective reader, and the firm factual knowledge that /jp/ always had good and bad sides to it helps.


Whatever it was, he sure seems to have loved it. It's with him even 60 years later in resin form.

>> No.7947706 [DELETED] 


See >>7947602

>> No.7947710 [DELETED] 

Don't desecrate the beautiful face of sweet Akarin like that please.

>> No.7947711 [DELETED] 


is this more copy and paste? i can't tell anymore, it's all so pathetic

sorry to hear about your self-made collection of six dolls and how you took one as a wife but hey it certainly explains a lot

>> No.7947715

Lovely pictures OP.

>> No.7947718


a rommel doll

finally a way to make your connection to that man even more intellectually, emotionally and morally inappropriate

>> No.7947722 [DELETED] 

Unless it's by accident, which is pretty unlikely, I'm going to live forever once they find a way to stop aging.

>> No.7947723 [DELETED] 

>I graduated with a Master's degree (with highest honor no less)

What school did you attend that bestows latin honors on their graduate students?

Did you even actually go to a university or college? Four people in my close family hold master's degrees and three hold Ph.Ds, from six different schools, not one of these schools designate honors upon their graduate students.

>> No.7947724 [DELETED] 

>Four people in my close family went to community college
Stopped reading there.

>> No.7947726 [DELETED] 


he doesn't need university: he has his six dolls

>> No.7947731 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 720x511, 1259270347584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People still go to community colleges these days?

>> No.7947732 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 357x612, 120652979674.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>copy and paste

Newfag detected. We're legion you fucking queer.

>> No.7947737 [DELETED] 
File: 910 KB, 1800x1308, 1305868770357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7947738 [DELETED] 

This thread is seriously fucking reported. Is this how far /jp/ has gotten? Go back to >>>/r9k/ you sad fools.

>> No.7947741

I wonder where the one in his picture went. It probably still works fine.

>> No.7947742 [DELETED] 

There's a disturbing lack of taking it easy in this thread.

>> No.7947743 [DELETED] 

This thread is seriously fucking reported. Is this how far /jp/ has gotten? Go back to >>>/r9k/ you sad fools.

>> No.7947751


Chances are his son has it.

>> No.7947749

>trying to make OC on /jp/
>these days
Just forget about it OP, this place is a shithole. I'm sorry you couldn't have a nice thread.

>> No.7947750

If that critical pseudo-intellectual guy is still lurking, just know this, you obviously do not have nearly a broad enough knowledge of the culture here (few do) to actually understand everything about the OP. If you freak out over a soft plush I don't want to know how you'd react to being teleported to the middle of Akihabara. The thing is, having such a narrow cultural knowledge causes a much more narrow viewpoint, and with this tunnel-vision comes the tendency to try to rationalize things that you DO NOT understand... simplifying them to work with your own pathetically inadequate notions, is actually a perfectly apt way of describing the process. Basically it's grasping at straws, trying to make up premises that don't exist but that you wish did, so that you can try to spin your argument to sound like you're "winning". This isn't debate club, pulling shit out of your ass just to try to struggle to resist admitting that maybe, just maybe, you're possibly wrong about something... is still not going to change the facts at hand here. You're wrong. Sorry, asshole.

It's just a couple of silly photos with captions and nothing more. Yet, that one pseudo-intellectual guy seems to think he can read into it so much. I bet it's some college kid or recent grad who had a couple of psych/phil courses and now thinks that he can accurately understand the inner psyches of everyone around him. It's almost as if he thinks he knows more about us than we know about ourselves. Wait a second, that's a patent fallacy, see:


>> No.7947756

But her home is with OP.

Regardless of where OP travels with her, she will always be home in his warm, loving arms.

>> No.7947753

Try refreshing the fucking page, the bullshit "arguments" and whining were deleted, forget about it and move on.

>> No.7947762

This is my problem and why I haven't personally got any yet. I want more than one, and at that more than 2, I want to try and get a theme set, Yakumos, SDM, etc. So I can't get just one.

>> No.7947765 [DELETED] 

>going on roadtrips with dolls

wow you guys are fucking pathetic. stay beta weaboos

best regards, /sp/

>> No.7947770 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 341x500, 1317615888226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7947775 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 267x189, 1317502337823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is wrong with you pathetic people

/sp/ here btw

>> No.7947773 [DELETED] 

Everyone who responded here got successfully fucking trolled. Let is be known for future purposes the correct course of answer is to ignore disagreeable posting.

>> No.7947782

>she put her helmet on after I took the picture.
Why does a doll need a helmet?

>> No.7947787

It was humor.

>> No.7947783 [DELETED] 
File: 562 KB, 176x144, 1317616090526.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7947784 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7947789

So she doesn't get hurt if she falls off, silly.

>> No.7947787,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why does meido even bother...

>> No.7947791


>> No.7947796
File: 110 KB, 533x400, IMGP2964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to do something similar with a small figure of Kurimu. Glad to see other people do stuff like this too. I used to live in Vancouver, so I had nice luxurious scenery like you do OP.

Here is Kurimu and I enjoying a bunch of candy

>> No.7947796,1 [INTERNAL] 


To delay the inevitable of this board devolving into a subordinate /b/ board.

>> No.7947796,2 [INTERNAL] 

What if.... Meido is OP! He certainly doesn't care if any other thread gets totally shit on, preferring to just delete the thread. He takes a special interest in this one.

>> No.7947802

The only doll I have is Cirno. I would love to do this, but I live in the fucking Texan desert and I can't reconcile her cold nature with the heat.

>> No.7947796,3 [INTERNAL] 

What makes you think he'd do that?

>> No.7947809


Actually that sounds like it would produce some nice scenes. Go ahead and try it out sometime.

>> No.7947812
File: 25 KB, 500x500, 1302323735309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice to see a fumo doing something other than gathering dust on a shelf, nice pics OP. If you got any over-exposed ones while shooting those, you can just blame Sakuya for dilating time.

also >>7947796

Hey, I have one of these. Actually I have >30 nendoroid petits and that's still my favorite one. For a while I kept it on my desk here, usually next to my tea.

>> No.7947823

archive this thread NAO!!!

>> No.7947824

No, I'd better not. It hasn't rained in over a year, and there are wildfires everywhere and there might be a dust storm and she would get dirty.

I had a group of cherry trees growing, but they all died from lack of water. I think that it would have been a very pretty scene though. The soft pink against her blue. Would have been nice.

>> No.7947821
File: 458 KB, 1200x800, JFx1313974710..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you have a freezer you could still do some silly stuff. Although, I guess... maybe not for something bigger than say a Nendoroid.. ice/ice shavings pulled out for a fumo would probably melt by the time you pulled out the camera.

>> No.7947824,1 [INTERNAL] 

>What if.... Meido is OP!
This is probably true.

>> No.7947848

Nice scenery.

>> No.7947909

Is it possible to live off the Alaska Permanent Fund, OP?

>> No.7947924

It's only gone over $2,000 once, so, no. Not unless you are homeless and live off of handouts anyways.

>> No.7947924,1 [INTERNAL] 

Just because meido is a bitter person whose only pleasure in life comes from deleting everything he doesn't like doesn't mean that he can't try to clean up a thread with a nice premise.

>> No.7947924,2 [INTERNAL] 

Oh no, I broke my tradition of referring to the janitor as a he but meido as a she.

/jp/ is not my blog, but /ghost/ is.

>> No.7948165

This thread made me feel good.
Thanks OP.

>> No.7948170

Alaska looks nice. Too bad I'm apparently banned from Canada or I would drive up there for a week.

>> No.7948341

Enjoy your frigid cold winter starting in a couple of weeks.

>> No.7948344

Take a plane.

>> No.7948347

Why are you banned? Got a criminal record or something?

>> No.7948433

i know i do.

winter is my favorite time in alaska.

beautiful snow, no flies, no mosquitoes or other annoyances, and few visitors. it's really very nice, and the cold outside makes the warm inside all that much better. as an added bonus if you have people around you, nobody will ever really bother you about staying indoors or constantly remark on what a great day it is(even though winter days are the most beautiful).

not only that, but the skiing is great. unfortunately, i don't really go outside anymore so that's a pleasure of the past for me.

did i mention neighborhood kids stop doing annoying things like skating and blaring loud music outdoors?

>> No.7948461

Yeah. I find it funny, I can freely travel to any country, no problem. I mean, for fuck sake, I have a top secret clearance at work. Yet I can't visit that big hunk of land to the north.
I know, no big loss, but really, what the hell Canada?

>> No.7948467

How the hell do you get banned from a country?

>> No.7948475

I'm so glad we can still have nice threads once in a while.

>> No.7948501
File: 383 KB, 600x600, 人形.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish i had a fumofumo Touhou and a camera too.
But in my environment only dense deciduous woodland exist.

>> No.7948534

>Class trip to china, Shanghai
>Last day
>Decide to split up with group on the excuse that i wanted to take more photos.
>Notice someone following me.
>quiet guy from same group decides to join me
>Stumble upon a toy store.
>Suddenly come face to face with a giant marisa fumofumo.
>Quickly grab her off the shelf for inspection. Check the price.
>About $40, Start geeking out.
>Then remember that not only do i have to drag this back to the bus, i have no space to place it in my check-in bag.

In the end i bought a nendo miku plush. Not what i wanted but something i could keep my dignity with.

>> No.7948573

Well shit. This thread makes me want to go out and buy a camera. I think I'll be lurking /p/ for a while now.

>> No.7948585

It was probably a fake one anyway if it was that cheap.

That wouldn't make it any less entertaining of a novelty item, though, but still. On the plus side if there's giant fake Fumofumos floating around I bet you could hunt one down online (and pay maybe 1/10th the price of the real ones).

>> No.7948588

Cameras are nice...

>> No.7948769

this thread lasted so much? oh boy. I have the feeling that this winter will be a strange /jp/ winter.

>> No.7948889

no, this thread was just lucky and you are being deceived.

you should have seen it before it got cleaned up.

>> No.7948892

well, its still here anyway. and I can't really see why all the mad about it. what those sorry retards spammed? just pasta?

>> No.7948933

That was a pretty interesting article. No idea who you were targeting though.

>> No.7948933,1 [INTERNAL] 

It's funny how this troll tried hard to back up his absurd opinions by taking on an intellectual disguise with his verbose wording and long-winded pretentious posts, yet he couldn't even capitalize and punctuate properly.

>> No.7948933,2 [INTERNAL] 

Alaska looks like a pretty beautiful place.
Shame this thread was shat on by idiots.

>> No.7951470

Some people got into a retarded argument. Wasn't a big deal, it happens all the time.

>> No.7948933,3 [INTERNAL] 

I only bothered reading the parts of the thread that had cute illustrations.

>> No.7952099


>> No.7952161

I, as well, though it was about a decade ago, and on a cruise; I recognized the scenery in the first pic instantly. Ah, to be able to go again some day, and with Sakuya... /dream

>> No.7955996

Alaska sucks a fat dick. You can't imagine how pointless it is to live your whole life in the middle of fucking nowhere.
