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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 33 KB, 290x226, se-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7944390 No.7944390 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7944391

Oh look it's ironic because an attention whore is using that image.

Reported and texting da B0$$

>> No.7944407 [SPOILER] 
File: 274 KB, 354x478, SUPER ULTRA KAWAII MYSTERY MANG (50cent-chan).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7944411

i just wet myself

>> No.7944422

own some whores, b0$$

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>> No.7944430
File: 18 KB, 291x200, thoughful 50cent-chan being DEEP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Late as fuck
>Was going to sleep

Nigga, my gun go off!!
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, bussin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippin'
When I get to flippin'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggas hurtin'
Homocide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!

>> No.7944434

holic-chan <33333

what are you doing on /jp/? :D

>> No.7944438
File: 37 KB, 310x310, 50-cent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck boy you can see it to belie' it
Trynna dodge and wave it, end up a parapelegic
Belie' me, it's easy
I'll hurt you, I'll merk you, I'll pop some'in
Drop some'in, I ain't gone stop huntin'
Run-run till you're spun
One shot, one gun
One-9... 1-1, emergency
It's murder B
It's excellent execution when I'm pullin' tha trigga
No mistake, for that cake
I'm hittin' you and ya niggas
Feel tha flame when I aim
For tha top of ya brain
See tha spark and tha bang
Nigga shit ain't a game
Do tha math or get blast
Bullets go thru tha glass
Go-thru-ya-ass, fast
And tha leather seat sittin' Ave
It's not a war when there's casualties on one side
I ride!
Turn it up on you niggas after Jay ride-by
I click-clack, that's that! I don't flash, I mash
I wave tha Uzi at 'em
I make a movie out 'em

>> No.7944443
File: 130 KB, 579x672, 50cent3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, my gun go off!!
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, bussin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippin'
When I get to flippin'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggas hurtin'
Homocide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!

>> No.7944445
File: 605 KB, 1000x1412, yes pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/a/ is SUPER boring and I don't want to watch any anime or play vidya :((((

soo can i stay here for awhile? :333

>> No.7944450

>Wack F/a/ggot Kimchi Ponyfag loitering on my hood

You better lose yourself in tha moment
Use it, fuck-tha-music, I'ma let it go!
You only get one shot before I back out and fire back
At ya hat, cha back, ya ass crack, ya nutsack
Ya caddilac, if you make it to that--I'm hittin' that!
The 70's was smack, 80's crack! 90's was grimey
Millenium macs, man
Clips on tha whips, I ride in 'em
Bad bitches I ride-inn 'em
Don't worry, I'll gett'em
Gat Jammed or un-jammed
Goddamn safest the safety don't work
Squeeze tha Eagle, it chirp
End up faced down in the durt--more than hurt
Bring tha beef where you hang out
Bang out
Shots rang out!
Hit ya shoulders, trynna blow ya brains out!
Hit ya hommies in they legs
Bet they have their canes out, tomorrow
You know tomorrow's just a day away
If you can keep ya heart beatin' then ya ass awake!

>> No.7944453
File: 29 KB, 354x365, 50cent-chan dissapoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forgot my picshuur

>> No.7944457

yes you should visit more often!! :)

>> No.7944459
File: 180 KB, 1008x1308, 50cent-chan rabu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, my gun go off!!
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, bussin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippin'
When I get to flippin'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggas hurtin'
Homocide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!!!

>> No.7944461
File: 76 KB, 468x527, 50cent-chan kawaii shirtless eroi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck boy you can see it to belie' it
Trynna dodge and wave it, end up a parapelegic
Belie' me, it's easy
I'll hurt you, I'll merk you, I'll pop some'in
Drop some'in, I ain't gone stop huntin'
Run-run till you're spun
One shot, one gun
One-9... 1-1, emergency
It's murder B
It's excellent execution when I'm pullin' tha trigga
No mistake, for that cake
I'm hittin' you and ya niggas
Feel tha flame when I aim
For tha top of ya brain
See tha spark and tha bang
Nigga shit ain't a game
Do tha math or get blast
Bullets go thru tha glass
Go-thru-ya-ass, fast
And tha leather seat sittin' Ave
It's not a war when there's casualties on one side
I ride!!
Turn it up on you niggas after Jay ride-by
I click-clack, that's that! I don't flash, I mash
I wave tha Uzi at 'em
I make a movie out 'em

>> No.7944463
File: 51 KB, 400x400, 50cent-chan defying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, my gun go off!!
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, bussin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippin'
When I get to flippin'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggas hurtinn'
Homocide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!

>> No.7944464

will do!

/a/'s strongest
✔ OFFICIAL Formspring BEST Poster
LoL: dreamenddischarger, damedamecordelia
HoN: holictiem

>> No.7944468
File: 28 KB, 300x300, 50cent-chan despair (SOOO KAWAIIII).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My bitch Meido is offline
>Wack Kimchi Ponyf/a/g being a f/a/ggot near me

You better lose yourself in tha moment
Use it, fuck-tha-music, I'ma let it go!
You only get one shot before I back out and fire back
At ya hat, cha back, ya ass crack, ya nutsack
Ya caddilac, if you make it to that--I'm hittin' that!
The 70's was smack, 80's crack! 90's was grimey
Millenium macs, man
Clips on tha whips, I ride in 'em
Bad bitches I ride-inn 'em
Don't worry, I'll gett'em
Gat Jammed or un-jammed
Goddamn safest the safety don't work
Squeeze tha Eagle, it chirp
End up faced down in the durt--more than hurt
Bring tha beef where you hang out
Bang out
Shots rang out!
Hit ya shoulders, trynna blow ya brains out!
Hit ya hommies in they legs
Bet they have their canes out, tomorrow
You know tomorrow's just a day away
If you can keep ya heart beatin' then ya ass awake!

>> No.7944471
File: 109 KB, 610x840, 50-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, my gun go off!!
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, bussin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippin'
When I get to flippin'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggas hurtin'
Homocide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!!--

>> No.7944479
File: 475 KB, 849x1009, MAI SMILE IS THE SMILE TO MAKE YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting in a holic thread

>> No.7944482
File: 338 KB, 1200x1038, 1314919760693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wack GAY GAY GAY PonyKimchishitf/a/g samefaggin' becuz da lil' bitch is MAD as HELL

Nigga, my gun go off!!
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, bussin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippin'
When I get to flippin'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggas hurtin'
Homocide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!

>> No.7944488
File: 101 KB, 800x592, 50Cent-chan it's not like my gun got off for you or anything... B-B-Baka!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck boy you can see it to belie' it
Trynna dodge and wave it, end up a parapelegic
Belie' me, it's easy
I'll hurt you, I'll merk you, I'll pop some'in
Drop some'in, I ain't gone stop huntin'
Run-run till you're spun
One shot, one gun
One-9... 1-1, emergency
It's murder B
It's excellent execution when I'm pullin' tha trigga
No mistake, for that cake
I'm hittin' you and ya niggas
Feel tha flame when I aim
For tha top of ya brain
See tha spark and tha bang
Nigga shit ain't a game
Do tha math or get blast
Bullets go thru tha glass
Go-thru-ya-ass, fast
And tha leather seat sittin' Ave
It's not a war when there's casualties on one side
I ride!
Turn it up on you niggas after Jay ride-by
I click-clack, that's that! I don't flash, I mash
I wave tha Uzi at 'em
I make a movie out 'em


>> No.7944497
File: 153 KB, 768x1023, 50cent-sama playing dat funky music.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, my gun go off!!
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, bussin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippin'
When I get to flippin'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggas hurtin'
Homocide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!~
