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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 57 KB, 449x600, 2710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7944321 No.7944321 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7944327
File: 42 KB, 270x152, 1305214581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7944332
File: 148 KB, 455x455, horizon18070537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see dubs on the Horizon.

My dubs.

>> No.7944336

how was the first episode nerd

>> No.7944338

I dunno. Too lazy to watch stuff.

Actually I wasn't even aware that stuff was airing yet.

>> No.7944444
File: 41 KB, 270x152, 1305701285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7944475 [DELETED] 


/a/'s strongest
✔ OFFICIAL Formspring BEST Poster
LoL: dreamenddischarger, damedamecordelia
HoN: holictiem

>> No.7944483
File: 76 KB, 400x400, 1306269209167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7944492
File: 25 KB, 470x300, 50cent-chan laffin' it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Getting amazed at shitty generic dubs
>Not checking my epic as HELL singles (92)

>> No.7944499
File: 46 KB, 371x470, 50cent-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>KoG (King of GAY LOL)

Nigga, my gun go off!!
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, bussin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippin'
When I get to flippin'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggas hurtin'
Homocide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!

>> No.7944503
File: 782 KB, 879x533, KAWAII OVERLOD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck boy you can see it to belie' it
Trynna dodge and wave it, end up a parapelegic
Belie' me, it's easy
I'll hurt you, I'll merk you, I'll pop some'in
Drop some'in, I ain't gone stop huntin'
Run-run till you're spun
One shot, one gun
One-9... 1-1, emergency
It's murder B
It's excellent execution when I'm pullin' tha trigga
No mistake, for that cake
I'm hittin' you and ya niggas
Feel tha flame when I aim
For tha top of ya brain
See tha spark and tha bang
Nigga shit ain't a game
Do tha math or get blast
Bullets go thru tha glass
Go-thru-ya-ass, fast
And tha leather seat sittin' Ave
It's not a war when there's casualties on one side
I ride!
Turn it up on you niggas after Jay ride-by
I click-clack, that's that! I don't flash, I mash
I wave tha Uzi at 'em
I make a movie out 'em

>> No.7944507

Why are those unknown attention whores searching for the shittiest names they can find?

God, Meido, rangeban whoever that is.

>> No.7944508

Why not just use the accelerator script mah nigga?

>> No.7944509
File: 75 KB, 400x532, 50cent-chan's giggles make my heart skip a beat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggá, my gun go off!!
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, bussin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippin'
When I get to flippin'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggas hurtin'
Homocide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!

>> No.7944513
File: 37 KB, 293x473, 50cent-chan asking da mothafuckin' question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using the most /a/utistic device ever

You better lose yourself in tha moment
Use it, fuck-tha-music, I'ma let it go!
You only get one shot before I back out and fire back
At ya hat, cha back, ya ass crack, ya nutsack
Ya caddilac, if you make it to that--I'm hittin' that!
The 70's was smack, 80's crack! 90's was grimey
Millenium macs, man
Clips on tha whips, I ride in 'em
Bad bitches I ride-inn 'em
Don't worry, I'll gett'em
Gat Jammed or un-jammed
Goddamn safest the safety don't work
Squeeze tha Eagle, it chirp
End up faced down in the durt--more than hurt
Bring tha beef where you hang out
Bang out
Shots rang out!
Hit ya shoulders, trynna blow ya brains out!
Hit ya hommies in they legs
Bet they have their canes out, tomorrow
You know tomorrow's just a day away
If you can keep ya heart beatin' then ya ass awake!

>> No.7944515

Because he's not a homo like you?

>> No.7944518 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 500x332, 50cent-chan congratulating yuo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my nigga got it right

Nigga, my gun go off!!
You see tha barrell turnin'
You feel tha hollows burnin'
Nigga, now you learnin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Call it attempted murder
Nigga I'm trynna merk ya
When I come back, bussin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!
Don't trynna say I'm trippin'
When I get to flippin'
Then I smack tha clip in

Nigga, my gun go off!!
We call it puttin' work in
Leavin' niggas hurtin'
Homocide's lurkin'

Nigga, my gun go off!!

>> No.7944520

Sick quints homie!

>> No.7944523

Spamming manually takes the autism Gold medal, bro.

>> No.7944526
File: 28 KB, 354x365, 50cent-chan is perplexed by this faggot shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitch Nigg/a/ doesn't know the hidden ancient art of sapminge
>Is an /a/utist PonyKimchif/a/g
>Calls da mothafuckin' BO$$ an autist
>implying i'm your kin and not totally superiur

Fuck boy you can see it to belie' it
Trynna dodge and wave it, end up a parapelegic
Belie' me, it's easy
I'll hurt you, I'll merk you, I'll pop some'in
Drop some'in, I ain't gone stop huntin'
Run-run till you're spun
One shot, one gun
One-9... 1-1, emergency
It's murder B
It's excellent execution when I'm pullin' tha trigga
No mistake, for that cake
I'm hittin' you and ya niggas
Feel tha flame when I aim
For tha top of ya brain
See tha spark and tha bang
Nigga shit ain't a game
Do tha math or get blast
Bullets go thru tha glass
Go-thru-ya-ass, fast
And tha leather seat sittin' Ave
It's not a war when there's casualties on one side
I ride!
Turn it up on you niggas after Jay ride-by
I click-clack, that's that! I don't flash, I mash
I wave tha Uzi at 'em
I make a movie out 'em
