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7940648 No.7940648 [Reply] [Original]

Since the old thread went poof, thanks to shitpost spam or something, here's the latest issue of "Waiting for Totori~n".

Old thread: >>7871454

Ar Tonelico For Lazy People Pack™:

Contains torrents for the games along with the emulator installer and bios. Plugins are automatically included. Thanks to Anonymous for this.

Note: Newer emulator downloads than what is in the lazy pack can be found here: http://pcsx2.net/downloads.php

AT2 Raki bug patch - http://www.mediafire.com/?bp8ydy03ml7r5xa
You shouldn't need this if you're using a new version (0.9.7+) of PCSX2. Thanks to anonymous for uploading this!

Latest Technical Data Compilation Room Issue:

Latest Toukousphere Translation can be found on the top of this page:
April Fools TKS:

AT Visual Book (now available):
Atelier Official Chronicle (now available):

AT2 Flash Cosmosphere:
Offline Version:

>> No.7940654
File: 231 KB, 900x800, 684bbd158390c6e2b223b9b95ed110ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free stuff is great, right?

Lossless albums:
Ar tonelico Music Collection Torrent: http://www.bakabt.com/153236-ar-tonelico-music-collection.html
All tracks are encoded in FLAC format and include scans of covers and booklets. Torrent does not include AT3's Drama and Hymmnos Musical discs.

Alternative set of torrents:
AT - All: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=116396&d=1240137696
AT2 - All: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=108204&d=1232984269
AT3 - OST: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=112183
AT3 - Hymmnos albums: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=111040


Mediafire Folder of Ar tonelico goodies:

- AT1-3 OST, Hymmnos Concerts
- AT1-2 Drama CDs, Hymmnos Musicals
- Utau Oka ~Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor~ (Album)
- AT3 Artbook
- Offline AT2 Flash Cosmospheres
- AT3 Yokkora fan disc

* Original /jp/ content:
-- originspuke.jpg
-- Vectors of Install Points (.png and .svg)
-- Misc. Ar tonelico Vectors
-- No-fun-allowed Raki

>> No.7940665
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>> No.7940667

*Obligatory Luca text*
*Obligatory response text*
*Obligatory "glad that's out of the way"*

>> No.7940677
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Note to self (or whoever makes the next thread):
Remove the dead links to hongfire.

Anyhow, in celebration of amazon.com having shipped my copy of Totori~n earlier today instead of the middle of October (as they had stated), here's some nekomimi (pun intended)

>> No.7940812
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Bah, I had images lined up for the thread... oh well, you got to it first. I was just waiting until I was fairly certain the shit post spam was gone. Oh well, the /a/ thread on Totorin clocked 264 posts in fairly short time...

>> No.7940827

NISA said Totori was shiping in Europe today right?
I'm living in France and I bought my copy two days ago in a local store... Isn't it strange?

>> No.7940843

I can see through Finnel's chest

>> No.7940883
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Ah, sorry about that. I didn't find any AT/G thread and it didn't feel right, so I had to do it;;

On a somewhat related note ... considering a perceived 90% of the atelier_totori tagged images on gelbooru are Totorin and Mimi being all raburabu over each other, I was wondering if that's just the fanartists yuri-goggle'ing it up or if there's something like that in the game? (please say yes)

>> No.7940915

Mimi isn't used to people calling her a friend and when Totori does that, she goes tsundere, I think.

>> No.7940924

I had this question in the other thread, but no one really answered: My screen seems to freeze whenever I go (I assume) into the world map for some reason. I use the newest version of PCSX2 and this was from Melody of Elemia.

>> No.7941052

I missed you, guys. Half a day without a GUST thread made that time rather boring and bleak.

>Anyhow, in celebration of amazon.com having shipped my copy of Totori~n earlier today instead of the middle of October

I told you so.

>> No.7941084

Well, /a/ has it 4-5 hours ago, and civil as well. It because some faggots spam /jp/ and our thread pushed behind.

>> No.7941149

No thanks

>> No.7941185

They're just really really good... friends

In Meruru, Mimi is helping out because Totori is there. Also, I find it kind of amusing that Totori's clothes in Meruru has some bits from her ending clothes for Gino (the tiara design is somewhat similar) and Mimi's (hood, the high boots)

>> No.7941197

Indeed. Mimi and Totori's lesbianism is, basically, the same Cordelia and Rorona share. Tsun and all.

>> No.7941223
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So much lesbanism

>> No.7941259
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Oh well, I guess I better stock up on some batteries for my goggles then.

You did, and I'm really happy you were right.

>> No.7941341
File: 443 KB, 500x1077, 00738db2d1e31aa1cf7e837927d83b6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you're done, could I borrow those goggles? Actually, I probably won't need them.

The wait to get the confirmation email saying that Totori has shipped is starting to really get on my nerves. I've already resigned to not playing it till week after next, but it doesn't make the wait any better... Oh well Hopefully when I wake up, there'll be a nice email saying that it's been sent off and I may get it before the next week is out.

>> No.7941566

Spoilers for TotoMimi in Meruru:

>> No.7942270
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I'm eagerly awaiting the shipping email too. I really want to play it yet I know I wont be able to for at least a week because of how long the shipping takes to arrive in the UK. It almost makes me wish I ordered from a UK retailer but I'll be damned if I'm missing out on a poster with delicious Totorin feet. On the other hand it allows me to play the Ico/SotC HD collection and Dark Souls when it's released in a few days so I'm grateful for that.

>> No.7942296

/v/friend here. I've been hearing a lot about the series lately, and it seems interesting. What would be the best place to start?
I've heard of Totori and Rorona, and I feel like getting the Totori limited edition version before the price balloons online. Also, did Rorona have a special edition?

>> No.7942349

>/v/friend here

Get out.

>> No.7942376


Yes, but nothing special as far as I know. Just an artbook and a soundtrack, I think.. could be wrong though. If you're interested in getting started though you might as well play Rorona first since if you play it after Totori you'll be a little disappointed since Totori improves so much over Rorona. They're an acquired taste though so be warned.

>> No.7942377

Yeah yeah, sorry for everything. I'm being serious here, can anyone please help me out?

>> No.7942383 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7942405

Got it. So, how good is the alchemy system? Hell, that's what initially got my attention. Also, what else is there to enjoy in the series?

>> No.7942408

Wouldn't even bother bro.
/jp/'s delusions of grandeur are far to great. All you will get is a wall of autism.

>> No.7942426

The alchemy system is probably the best in the market, I'd say. It's pretty simple, though. Get items needed for synthesis, and depending on the quality and traits of said items, the result inherits most of said personal, little things out there.

And part of the enjoyment is a more open-ended experience, alongside being one of the few series of RPGs that does not focus on big evils, cruel villians and friendship, but rather the small lives of little characters.

>> No.7942429 [DELETED] 

You forgot this one meido

>> No.7942457

I'm midway through the Atelier Iris trilogy and plan on finishing those, then playing Mana Khemia 1/2, then Rorona/Totori, and from what it looks like relative to the other Atelier games the Iris trilogy is more like a cross between a "normal" Atelier game and a more traditional RPG. Would this be a correct assessment?

>> No.7942696

So which in the series would be the best to start off in?

>> No.7942718

It would be correct, yes.

Honestly, Totori's the most casual friendly of them all. If you just want to get a taste of what the series is about, though, Annie's good for that, too, even when it's rather simple and small in comparison to its console sisters.

>> No.7942814

Isn't the rest of the DS Atelier series untranslated? I'm a bit scared that I'll get too interested in Annie and grow hungry for the rest of the series, ha!
I'll try it out, anyways.

>> No.7943511

I'd say Mana Khemia is the most 'casual friendly' sub-series. It's got a complex enough synthesis system but rewards you for aiming for specific results, the combat system is very engaging and gives a good alternative to working on synthesis and best of all, you're 'level locked' based on story progression so you don't have to worry about over levelling and making the battles too easy.

>> No.7943520

>EXEC CUTYPUMP is playing

time to kick ass and chew bubblegum

>> No.7943587

And don't forget MK in early play is challenging enough to make the player get interested. No support, not enough healing items, strong enemy at night, time limited assignment, with only 3 party members and no item to synthesize.
Sir, it seems we have the same goal.

>> No.7943682

Did NIS censor the outright yuri relationship Rorona and Cordelia have?

>> No.7943949

Still awaiting Totori to get shipped. Still playing Rorona to get Astrid End, I'm almost there.

Anyone else liked the battle themes in Rorona? For a game that has no focus on combat, most of them are quite good. My favorites are Nose Dive (the Super Strong Monster boss theme) and Cyclone (Iron Giant, sorta final boss-ish theme). The theme when you fight the Demon ain't bad, either. I think the only battle theme that isn't so great is the normal one -- and then I hear the "these random enemies are too strong for you, man" music for the first time a few days ago, which caught me off-guard, and it's superior to the normal version.

>> No.7943951

Cyclone was great. I also found myself sitting around in that underwater area a lot just to listen to the music.

>> No.7944009

Oh gods... that Demon was a royal PITA. Was totally caught off guard by it and I had used up most of my bombs (and the remaining Terra bombs I had weren't doing the job). The poisons were also a pain because I had nothing to clear them. Oh well, the twin battle gods (Gio and Sterk) cut loose and Rorona was on heal duty. Using Anhks to give a max HP boost really helped. Speaking of which, I still need to figure out if I could tack on the increased range trait on those things. Get 4 of them, 2 of them +def and the other 2 +atk, never use up the last use to let them regen and I'll be cheering for all of the remaining 5 months on the clock...

>> No.7944024

>Oh gods... that Demon was a royal PITA. Was totally caught off guard by it

Where the heck did it came from, anyway? It's not even like you were on a special platform or anything (I thought you'd get to walk into that giant eye in the sky). And it wasn't even like the treasure it was guarding was worth fighting a 10,000 HP super boss with high defense and annoying status attacks.

Same deal with the Iron Giant, drops down from nowhere and the treasure from what I remember wasn't worth it. You'd think you'd get something a LITTLE better for beating the hardest boss in the game (excluding Gio). At least the IG's entrance + the music's intro was cool.

>> No.7944025

I love them a lot; they've been on my gym playlist for over a year now. Nose Dive is my favorite; it has a lot going on in it. When I first heard it (during that tournament duel part with Sterk) I just put the controller down and listened to it for 5 minutes.

Also got Totori this morning, and if I can recall correctly it has battle theme DLC. Definite buy for sure.

>> No.7944221

Well, it was on a kinda suspicious dead-end platform with a chest on it, but certainly not suspicious enough to send up a flag saying 'Caution: looting this chest will force you into an endurance boss fight'

Sure enough, I was feeling a little cocky because I had synthesised (and wholesaled) a bunch of high powered bombs and other items and all of the trash fights until then were a case of 'use one Meteor and insta-win' so I was more than just a little worried when not only did the 100 quality near perfectly synthesised single target terra bomb fail to do any reasonable amounts of damage owing to the fact it still did fire damage and not explosive, but the damage it did do barely registered on the bastard's health bar. Then there was its melee attacks which healed it for 200+ per hit. Next time around, I'll be packing Ice Bombs.

>> No.7944650

The relative lack of healing items early on in MK isn't really that big of a problem. Night Time mobs however, yeah that is rough and to be fair, they do give you ample warning about it. I shudder to remember the last story dungeon in MK which was super long and you have to trudge through multiple sections at night.

MK2 upped the difficulty somewhat especially when you crack on Hard mode where enemies gain new attacks and spam AoE. To be honest though, so long as you plan ahead, carry enough items with buff effects and don't be afraid to use said items (a habit that took me a long time to break. Damn you Tales series for bashing in the idea that using items = you are weak) things go a lot more smoothly.

Example in MK2: First major fight you get on Roze's path is against the rival group. Their beefy 'fairy' has a delayed attack that hits extremely hard and has the chance to instant KO. Not that it needed it because it hits hard enough on Hard to KO you outright. Green Soup for the +Def and defend actions when the attack is going to go off and you can tank a hit with plenty to spare at 60% HP.

>> No.7944658

A quick question regarding MK:

Does the US/EU version have dual audio or do I have to look for an undub?

>> No.7944661

Dual audio. Doesn't appear that any of the audio track was cut so no need to look for an un-dub. If you've got a keen ear, or just understand some Japanese, you will notice some name disparities which may throw you off a little.

>> No.7944669

Yes, i remember that part. That idiot fairy beat my tsundere ojou-sama in one move. And Main heroine recovery spell annoys me.
But i still think MK > MK2.

>> No.7945856


Cyclone is really catchy, probably my favourite theme from the game.

>> No.7946516

I have been playing Totori most of the weekend and can't say enough about how much better this game than I thought it would be. Better at almost everything than Rorona, battle mechanics are more polished, crafting and quests are less tedious, areas are larger and there is much more exploring, Cole is much scarcer, and graphics are better. The only thing is I thought Rorona was better with was crafting (more difficult but I liked fucking and being more choosy with my ingredients and general fucking around rather than a point system) and music (haven't heard everything so that may be subject to change)

Also are my yuri goggles being thick or does Totori want to be an item with Mimi and vice versa?

>> No.7946734

why does not rorona say barrel

>> No.7946743

She definitely does.

>> No.7947139
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There's a reason for the sheer amount of Totori + Mimi images.

>> No.7947166

i'm having a heart attack oh my god

>> No.7947336


She does, just not in the english dub for whatever reason, despite the fact that the dub in other games say BARREL (I think -- only played Iris 1). I hear Totori DOES say it in the english dub, though.

>> No.7947362

witch totori wuld u fuk?

>> No.7947389

She does say it if you use a barrel in battle.

>> No.7947483

FINALLY received the notice that Totori got shipped. Geez.

>> No.7948444

I did it! At last, I've gotten Astrid Ending! Woo-hoo! Ahh, and it's so satisfying, too, so heartwarming. And now I can finally move on to other games!

Free at last, free at last, thank Ar Ciel Almighty, I am free at last!

>> No.7948464

>I am free at last!
Totori exists right now, you will never be free.

>> No.7948916

You may have finished the Astrid ending, but have you gotten Platinum and completed the encyclopaedia? What about the previous Atelier games? You're not out of the woods yet, and there IS Totori and (hopefully next year) Meruru.

>> No.7949170

Ah, Odin Sphere coming to PSN tomorrow.
Bring some GUST games, Sony.

>> No.7949195

>Out for Delivery, October 03, 2011, 9:04 am
>Sorting Complete, October 03, 2011, 8:54 am
>Arrival at Unit, October 03, 2011, 8:26 am

Only about a week later than advertised, no biggie.

>> No.7949201

I'd like to have Mana Khemia, indeed. Hell, gimme AT so I can have a reason to buy them again.

>> No.7949287


I haven't even gotten my dispatch email. I had the money taken out of my account a few days ago but I've heard absolutely nothing from NISA. Being an importer is suffering.

>> No.7949303
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Damn, and there I was, thinking "man, I'm holding out for Odin Sphere because they said it would get an HD release with no slowdowns, but it didn't come out yet, fuck."
Also, this just in from the US(IT fag).

>> No.7949353
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And here it is. I hope the others get it soon, too.

>> No.7949869

I got mine in today as well.
The box is disappointingly small. I noticed that AT3's box was slightly smaller than Rorona's, but this one is barely half that size.
Did people complain about the packaging or something? I kinda liked the large boxes.

>> No.7949874

I always had trouble getting them open.

>> No.7949957

Well, most joked about "NISA's oversized boxes", but I don't think many complained.

That said, AT3's box was one fourth smaller in width, and the same size regarding height in comparison to Rorona's box.

But yeah, I too liked the large boxes. That and it now won't fit for display as perfectly as it could, next to Rorona's box.

>> No.7949991
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>the first enemy in the game is twirling a barrel in his hand

>> No.7949993

I got mine today, too. I probably won't be playing it for a while, though, since Dark Souls and RAGE both come out tomorrow and I tend to only play one game at a time.

>> No.7950015

I usually play one game at a time, as well.

Not this time. There's no way I can wait for playing either Dark Souls or Totori, so I'm playing both.

>> No.7950107

Totori might just be most adorable little girl ever. Holy shit, she is cute.

>> No.7950166
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I just got a PS3 the other day. Can anyone give me some nice ideas for an ID? I'm stumped here.

Plan on getting AT3 soon.

>> No.7950233

Just put your nick, man

>> No.7950236


There's no way in hell I'm going Platinum for Rorona. Way too much time-consumption for bragging rights. Sorry.

I know I have Totori next but it seems to promise to be less tedious than Rorona was. And no, I didn't play any of the other Ateliers besides the first Iris. I bought Mana Khemia 1 from a buy 2 get 1 free used games sale but I haven't played it, no thanks to backlog.

>> No.7950238

>>7950236 here

Also, I heard about the news of several PS2 games including Odin Sphere and GrimGrimoire coming to PSN. I hope the first two Ar Tonelicos and Mana Khemias join them someday, hopefully with the bugs fixed.

>> No.7950265

I don't have one. Feels bad man.

>> No.7950396

Yes, tomorrow God Hand, GrimGrimoire and Odin Sphere are coming to PSN, I'm buying all 3. Hope to see some GUST games soon.

From now on you're Spica

>> No.7950406


I wonder how much they'll be. I'm trying to save my money to get Fate/Extra.

Also, if you buy something off PSN does the money go directly to the developers?

>> No.7950433

$9.99 each
>Also, if you buy something off PSN does the money go directly to the developers?
Dunno, guess it's the same as any other retail.

>> No.7950529

Just got back from EB/gamestop.

I guess each store in the city only ordered 3 regular editions and one collector edition of Totori.

>> No.7951206
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>> No.7951529

Whoo hoo! Just got my shipping confirmation email. Hopefully I'll get it just as the weekend hits.

>> No.7952052


Alright, someone please explain the barrel thing to me.

>> No.7952737


It's a running joke with GUST games, particularly in the Atelier series. In most of the games talking to a barrel results in the character shouting "Barrel!". They also got mentioned quite a bit and there's even fights including/against barrels for added 'What the fuck?'.


>> No.7952960
File: 210 KB, 330x475, Totori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we should make this video as obligatory as the Luca copypasta in these threads.


Totori's voice might sound high pitched at times, but this...this is beautiful. A true miracle.

>> No.7953642

Still no shipping confirmation for Totori ;_;

>> No.7953971

>Processed through Sort Facility, October 03, 2011, 10:58 pm, ANAHEIM, CA 92899
>Accepted at origin sort facility, October 03, 2011, 10:58 pm, ANAHEIM, CA 92899
Electronic Shipping Info Received, October 02, 2011

Goddamn it.

>> No.7953987

Just bought the first game at a used game store.

>> No.7953990

The games mentioned earlier are out on the US PSN. Does anyone know if Odin Sphere still has slowdowns? If it doesn't I might get it, but I already have two copies of the PS2 version, and I'll probably skip otherwise. I'll probably skip God Hand since I already have, and have finished, it. Even tho, I have to say, the prices are entirely reasonable(9.99 each game).

>> No.7954008

Thanks man, been waiting all day.

>> No.7954053

Downloading Odin Sphere.

>> No.7954131
File: 1.07 MB, 2560x720, 51721f43b114d4305e6fd98042c943d8841de6ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The with every minute I'm advancing through Atelier Rorona, I'm suffering more from all the HHHHNNNNNNNNGGGGGG.

If that gets any worse, I'll seriously have to fear for my life.

>> No.7954521

Ahhh yes, that picture reminds me of one of Astrid's mysteries. How did she manage to get Pamela, a ghost, into a swimsuit?!

>> No.7954534

Dat Lionela

>> No.7954649

Well fuck, it looks way better than on PS2.

>> No.7954657

Atelier games are feared for their ability to induce heart attacks

>> No.7955007

Does it still slow down when there's a lot of stuff onscreen?

>> No.7955026

It does a bit, but everything loads faster and looks nicer with the smoothing on.
It also disconnects you from PSN when you run the game. It's pretty much a POPS for PS2, pretty sure this could work on PSVita.

>> No.7955062

I just finished Totori and got the Normal ending, vast improvement from Rorona, can't wait for Meruru.

Has anyone made an ending guide in English yet? I couldn't find one, but then again my Google-fu is pretty weak.

>> No.7955530

That sounds kind of lazy and this means we'll never get a proper HD rerelease, but I guess it's better than nothing. Still not sure about buying it again, but I guess I'll think about it.

>> No.7955559


>> No.7956047


This is my first time noticing this, Lionela's swimsuit, especially the bottom, is see-through...

>> No.7956084 [SPOILER] 
File: 605 KB, 2560x720, Totorin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's see-through. It's just very close to her skin tone. As expected of Astrid.

>> No.7956086


>> No.7956087

why does this game cost $90 to $140 on amazon? i was thinking about buying a ps3 and picking up ar tonelico and dark souls, but the price is too much. seriously, why the fuck does ar tonelico cost 90 dollars?

>> No.7956463

NISA is a very small company that localizes very niche games, so they print their games in small batches.

Your best bet is to hit up all the FUCKING GAMESTOPs in your area, it's likely that you'll find a sanely-priced copy at at least one of those locations.

>> No.7956760

Welcome to every NISA published game that isn't one of their SRPGs.
I had the same problem, so I got it off of ebay for 70$

>> No.7956910

Ar tonelico aside, I want to make sweet love to Akiko Shikata's voice.

>> No.7957051

Best off pre-ordering anything you want that isn't Disgaea. I always buy 5-6 copies for my friends just in case, because if I ever do have to sell you pretty much always make some amount of change.

To this day I can't even understand why people paid me $150 for a sealed premium Neptunia and $120 for my played open one.

>> No.7957084

We all do.

>> No.7957116

Yeah, I don't get it. Isn't that what we have piracy for?

>> No.7957256

Also, Neptune avatars on PSN.

>> No.7957953

I was able to find the first game for $16 yesterday at a used video game store. Just look for it at the used stores and you might be able to find it cheap.

>> No.7957972

How much?

>> No.7958017


>> No.7958074

I got Noire

>> No.7958113
File: 108 KB, 800x818, 1310797051125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying them all at once

>> No.7958381

>>7947483 here

Atelier Totori finally came in the mail. Thank goodness. Whoever handles NISA's shipments needs to get slapped around.

However, I just started on Disgaea 4 so I probably won't play Totori until I've beaten D4.

>> No.7958406

Same here.

Totori froze on me when I tried to go to the item menu. I haven't been able to save yet and I had to start a New Game again. The last thing I needed today.

>> No.7958735


Yeah, that seems to happen with a lot of Gust games, actually.

>> No.7959043

Almost done with Totori. I can get Evil Face down to 20%. Time for some grinding I guess, got about a year left. Too bad I probably won't get the highest rank.

>> No.7959095

I haven't played Totori yet but I did get a peek in the trophies link (I didn't look too much due to spoilers).

Is it better to just go straight for True Ending or do the basic Normal Ending first?

>> No.7959172
File: 747 KB, 1350x821, Totori Crystal Waltz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't achieve True Ending without 90% of the other endings. Including Normal.

If I recall correctly, you need Normal, Rich, Chim, Jeeno, Sterk, Mark, Mervia, Mimi, and Rorona Endings cleared before you can embark on the grand "clear almost everything in one go" quest for the True Ending.

>> No.7959214


I know you have to clear all flags first, what I meant was should I go for the Normal End on first playthrough and True Ending on second playthrough (like with Rorona) or just go get the best ending in one go?

>> No.7959226

You can get every ending in one playthrough according to the guide I linked earlier in the thread.

>> No.7959255

One month until the package pass through the customs... i need Totorin.

>> No.7959278

I just got Totori today. I want to play it, but I have work tomorrow and Dark Souls is coming.

I fear I will have no time for my jRPG...

>> No.7959362

So playing through at1 trying to get into this series and im just a bit into the 2nd phase, and I have to say the gameplay while it has alot of potential all the fights have been way too easy. Does it get any more harder from this point on? What about the next series gameplay?

>> No.7959386


>> No.7959414

I just got Totori and for some reason I don't have any voices.

>> No.7959443

First try toggling the voice language at the title screen (mid game can cause problems).
If that doesn't work delete the game data and reinstall. Install any DLC one by one afterwards. I had some problems with the model viewer DLC.

>> No.7959471
File: 117 KB, 800x449, oopss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work tomorrow as well, at 6am. But I waited too damn long for Totori. I am just getting an energy drink on my way there tomorrow. Fuck it.

And thankfully I can only afford this game for now.

>> No.7959492 [DELETED] 
File: 283 KB, 1600x1200, 1313020361493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delete Sudo thread
>leave this shit

>> No.7959666

Fuck yes Totori's dad is Batman

>> No.7959676 [DELETED] 


>> No.7959686 [DELETED] 


>> No.7959796 [DELETED] 


>> No.7960530 [DELETED] 


They get easier as you progress through the game. Unless you intentionally gimp yourself the games aren't hard whatsoever which is why no equipment runs seem to be pretty common. No girl power and/or dirty reyvateils is also an option for AT22.

>> No.7960549

There's a fairly small section in AT1 which is disproportionately more difficult than any other part of the game due to physical immune enemies, which prevents you from quickly charging the emotion gauge.

AT2 can be difficult if you are poor in timing and you don't manage to keep up with levels.

GUST games usually don't focus too much on combat so it's rare to find one that has a well developed combat system that was balanced in terms of difficulty.

>> No.7960547


They get easier as you progress through the game. Unless you intentionally gimp yourself the games aren't hard whatsoever which is why no equipment runs seem to be pretty common. No girl power and/or dirty reyvateils is also an option for AT2.

>> No.7960767

Why not try synthesizing better offensive and defensive items, instead of grinding? It'll save you some time and it'll be more rewarding, too.

A brotip: Get Elixirs with the "Living" trait, if you haven't already. Make them revive, as well. They're lifesavers.

>> No.7961388
File: 67 KB, 853x474, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the name of this character?

>> No.7961490 [DELETED] 

>There's a fairly small section in AT1 which is disproportionately more difficult than any other part of the game due to physical immune enemies, which prevents you from quickly charging the emotion gauge.

Hitting physical immune enemies charges the vanguard's matter at roughly the same rate. If anything immune enemies make it easier to build harmonics before the fight is over.

>> No.7961522
File: 115 KB, 853x480, Qoga-00073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That is Momoko, Finnel's abusive mind guardian.

>> No.7961534

>There's a fairly small section in AT1 which is disproportionately more difficult than any other part of the game due to physical immune enemies, which prevents you from quickly charging the emotion gauge.

Hitting physical immune enemies charges the vanguard's meter at roughly the same rate. If anything immune enemies make it easier to build harmonics before the fight is over.

>> No.7961547
File: 690 KB, 2477x3500, Scan0019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This x10. Those physical immune guys are the easiest fights to end with a max harmonics gauge, unless you charge your RT's song too far and 1-shot everything, only getting 3x items.

The only disproportionally difficult area was the horn, and that's only due to the guys that cast death on your party members. And even then, your RT should have 8-15 charges of an instant revive all->full heal spell so it's really more of a minor annoyance anyhow.

>> No.7961562

>it's really more of a minor annoyance anyhow.
Especially when your Reyvatail gives you an earful every time.

>> No.7961586

You mean the Drachen Elixir? Where the fuck do I get a Dragon Tusk? I killed that damn dragon in Old Sanctuary 3 times already and didn't get anything. Do I just keep killing him until he drops it or do I get it somewhere else?
Also, I saw someone use a N/A bomb in a video. That shit looks pretty cool. Guess you only get to make it after you hit the highest rank since I can't find it anywhere. When does the game end anyway? I'm at y5m12d17 and have 500 points left.

>> No.7961868

Wait, there should be a normal Elixir, right? Fuck, I guess I somehow missed it. Where do I get the recipe?

>> No.7962332
File: 144 KB, 596x842, 35478151e98804b543b2c506b57ba193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, found it myself. You can buy it at the shop in Frontier Village after unlocking the final dungeon.
So I finally beat Evil Face and got the normal end. Very easy with some elixirs, dimension eggs and shadow bands. Pretty weird end though. Didn't Totori pretty much save the world? Why doesn't anyone give a shit? Also holy shit, Piana is cute. Why is there no fanart of her?

>> No.7962372

Is there a Windrider or equivalent in Totori, or just the magic walkin' shoes? I've been holding off on exploring some of the farther flung areas until I can at least make the shoes, and if there's Windrider too that'd be just peachy.

>> No.7962382
File: 106 KB, 712x1068, 1311297880944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delete good /v/ threads
>leave this shit

>> No.7962406

>/v/ threads

>> No.7962414

What of them? I just don't know why this /v/ thread was left alone while some of the more interesting ones were bombed.

>> No.7962437


/v/ has surprising taste in video games, why would they defile such a thread as this?

>> No.7962439

Because somebody decided that this thread was /jp/-related.

You can use the report button, or email moot, if you disagree with their judgment.

>> No.7962444

welcome to /jp/ newfriend.

>> No.7962488
File: 1.50 MB, 258x205, Riot_cop_drummed_001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How many weeks has it been since you discovered 4chan, little newfriend?

This is a continuation of a thread that was started months ago. It has been kept alive naturally (bumped by "secret club" members hurrr) and is still very active. With a new game released this week it should be more active than ever.

The same was true with world of tanks, recettear, and all other flavor of the month games in /jp/. The threads linger for months with janitor/mod approval. The mods approve because the community approves.

>"But why are some /v/ threads allowed and others deleted?"

Because rules are not black and white. Go ask /k/ why posting airsoft will get you banned, but a nerf gun thread will be celebrated. For that matter ask them why lamia porn threads are sometimes tolerated in /k/.

Double standards are everywhere on this site, and you have to learn to accept them. They are the nuances that define each niche group. The kid who "runs to tell teacher" the moment a rule is broken is a kid who will never be accepted as a part of that group.


Just let it go. Participate or hide the fucking thread.

Picture sort of related.

>> No.7962495

>Evil Face

Oh geez. Did I just get spoiled on the final boss? That's what I get for having this thread tabbed when I haven't beat it yet...

>> No.7963743

Innocuous bump to safeguard against /jp/ getting shitty.

>> No.7963758

Your safeguard against shitposting is bumping a shit thread?

>> No.7963911

AT threads are shit threads?
Are you new here or something?

>> No.7964001


Looks like we got a shitposter right here, seeing as how he took offense to the safeguard comment almost immediately...

>> No.7964011

It's ironic because AT shit only got here a few months ago with the rest of the /v/ garbage. I believe it is you who are the new one.

Says you as you bump this shit again. Also 4-5 minutes is hardly "almost immediately".

>> No.7964015

So, Totorin came, but I think I'll postpone it since Dark Souls arrived too and it has strong online elements, so it's probably better played right now. Also, stylish limited editions ftw.

>> No.7964016


Funny you wait 3 minutes before responding to the comment about you being offended so it won't look immediate.

Oh dear, I just bumped again. You must be steaming.

>> No.7964028

Go look at what's occupying the last 5 pages or so. /v/ or not at least it's not /b/.

>> No.7964045

Oh god, how come I just found this?
For a fan-made hymmnos, it's quite awesome.

>> No.7964084

urrrk... Miku. Attempting to put two vocal parts like that using a synth voice is just a sure fire recipe for an aural cluster fuck worse than any ali project song.

>> No.7964090
File: 213 KB, 1599x899, Ar Tonelico Thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to prove how much wrong you are, even if you are a troll, a capture from a thread from a year and half ago.

>> No.7964090,1 [INTERNAL] 

I think he's just legitimately retarded.

The posters who play /jp/ police but have no idea what the fuck they're doing are the worst.

>> No.7964886


Dark Souls LE is quite nice indeed but you can't beat a poster of a little girls feet.

>> No.7965075

>>7964886 but you can't beat a poster of a little girls feet.
Someone hook me up with this. Please.

>> No.7965389 [DELETED] 


>> No.7965413


>> No.7966246
File: 1.62 MB, 1824x1681, Ceci sitting pose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anyone got an idea of roughly how many lines they decided to cut voices from? I recall the original game had every line that wasn't tutorial or the small ending epilogues voiced.

>> No.7966260 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 350x367, Angry Slav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delete Cirno spam
>leave this shit

>> No.7966289

I'd imagine half of them were left unvoiced in the English dub, if not more.

>> No.7966308
File: 277 KB, 414x1458, e1e4061cef656bf85f474dd6c3ad2347a41eb037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7966727

I've already gone through a few unvoiced plot-irrelevant cutscenes unfortunately.

>> No.7966771
File: 477 KB, 1125x879, totori8447757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>my face when getting platinum adventurer status with like a year left

Hell YEAH time to synthesize pies and booze all day. Having loads of fun with Totori so far.

>> No.7966967

The events between your party members in this game are all great. I just wish there was something for every pair.

And that Filly girl is kind of lewd.

>> No.7966974
File: 21 KB, 298x497, slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And that Filly girl is kind of lewd.

Yes, indeed. Just look at this slut face she makes.

>> No.7966981
File: 723 KB, 750x978, totori0002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mimi apparently has dat ass according to the other characters.

>> No.7967000

>HELL yeah time to synthesize pies and booze all day. Having loads of fun with Totori so far.

>> No.7967032

Too bad the DLC characters don't have their own events, I love me some Ceci. Also got my premium pack in today, artbook is small but some of the character sketches are neat.

>> No.7967083

Now if only she wasn't a loli.
Well, at least with that picture I can pretend she's not.

>> No.7967112

Do you have to get all the endings in order to unlock true, or can you just do everyone's final quests in play one to open up true?

>> No.7967369
File: 286 KB, 500x278, atelier-totori-alchemy-artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play Eazy-E while I'm synthesizing. I think it helps my luck tbh

>> No.7967374
File: 62 KB, 490x538, 1317740152820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7967401
File: 1.21 MB, 800x1124, totori9048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Now if only she wasn't a loli.


But I'm using Mimi and the axe girl at the moment. Gotta have the best of both worlds.

>> No.7967424


You have to unlock every ending flag. That includes the character endings and the "special" endings (Store, Chim, probably another) and the Normal Ending. At least, according to the PS3 Trophies link above.

>> No.7967656
File: 498 KB, 654x1133, 20854645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why pretend?

>> No.7968109

I can confirm this. I've shelved the Japanese version of Totori because my run ended with ~33 pies instead of the required 35, and couldn't get true end.
Friendly reminder to make sure you start working your chim the moment you get it, or you are easily in danger of no chim end.

>> No.7968503


dat everything. Mimi is so delicious.

>> No.7969263
File: 594 KB, 980x1400, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never played an Atelier game, Totori seems interesting though. Should I import it?

Also currently replaying AT2, choosing Mir again. Every other route is completely inferior.

>> No.7969268

>Every other route is completely inferior.
Other routes don't force Croix to have feelings for the girl and are developed naturally.
Not to mention the guilt trip her CS is, makes Cloche loook like a saint.

>> No.7969276

By the way, any news regarding the next Gust non-atelier game ?

>> No.7969278
File: 22 KB, 225x225, 1318093749793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how I intended to take a short break from Dark Souls to try out Totori and ended up not playing DS at all once I started it. They really improved on Rorona with this game.

>> No.7969304

>They really improved on Rorona with this game.
So boring to slightly less boring?

>> No.7969323
File: 201 KB, 492x800, 1286696643703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Rorona wasn't boring.

>> No.7969362

believe it or not
it's from boring to awesome

rorona was relatively shitty
totori is awesome

>> No.7969528


> Gust non-atelier game

Ar tonelico was a significant aberration. Gust makes Atelier games and not much else. I don't believe they've announced anything post-Meruru, although if I had to guess I'd say they're probably going to do some PS Vita ports of the older games, and maybe continue Atelier Lina on the 3DS - which we will never see outside of Japan.

>> No.7969577

I have no idea why they haven't built off Khemia's engine. Especially if they're just going to halfass it with skills and attacks now that they're using modeling instead of sprites.

>> No.7969680


Because it's a PS2 engine and no one is making/buying PS2 games. What does the engine have to do with anything?

(Also, Mana Khemia is part of the Atelier series. A9 and A10.)

>> No.7969816

hopefully pamela will get her own spin off

>> No.7969869

Why the fuck did Totori take Pamela with her to that tower when she didn't know she's a ghost? Was she really going to let Pamela sacrifice herself? Totori~n, that's pretty fucked up.

>> No.7970273

Not invited to many MENSA meetings, are you?

>> No.7971529
File: 285 KB, 600x600, 131554846927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so addicted to that cauldron right now goddamn. I have dreams of the noise and sparklies.

How do I access the model viewer?

>> No.7971537 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 400x278, 1314156912153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that MENSA isn't full of self-proclaimed "geniuses" that are retards in reality

>> No.7971562

I think you need to beat the game once.

I plan to use it as an upskirt viewer personally.

>> No.7971853
File: 576 KB, 800x1000, Mimi_lowangle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad you can't angle the camera upwards.

>> No.7971894 [DELETED] 


|KAWAII TRUCK | ‘|”“”;.., ___.
|_…_…______===|= _|__|…, ] |
.”(@ )’(@ )”“”“*|(@ )(@ )*****(@




>> No.7971914


>> No.7972362
File: 480 KB, 1920x1080, 1315539156561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically, it's a /jp/ meetup.

>> No.7972453

Totori's Rorona is delicious

>> No.7972458


>> No.7972490
File: 958 KB, 850x1069, sample_547dc357f23d7b256388c8fb58d577ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, her slightly longer hair makes her even more pretty.

Also: Now that I can recruit Lionela, I had to kick out Cordelia out of my party (since I need Sterk for offense) ... why can't my party hold all these cute girls?! ;_;

>> No.7972587
File: 492 KB, 550x580, 1309470566115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I.... I'm not the only one who prefers the older Rorona?!

>Kicking Cordelia out for Lionela
Well... it's not like those two were all that compatible with Lionela using Water and Cordelia Fire... Although, Rorona could play a mediating role with her bombs to push the gauge one way or the other...
Sterk and Gio on the other hand is just a sight to behold in the damage stakes.

>> No.7972828

Grown up Rorona actually looks like she has some confidence in what she does and how she looks. Rorona also has a peculiar kind of willpower to her, she's the type that does everything that she's told to, but still advances her own plans and will.

>> No.7972841

I just had a terrible nightmare, and woke up screaming. No joke, I'm not making this up.

The nightmare?

Me watching TV and a trailer comes on:
"An M. Night Shamylman Film"
"Starring Shia LeBouf"
"Ar Tonelico"

>> No.7972877

Somehow, I really want to play Rorona after reading this thread, but I would have to update my PS3 - so no more pirating for me. This is a pretty hard decision.

>> No.7972897

I updated for Totori and Dark Souls. No regrets.

>> No.7972979

You don't need to update for Rorona.

>> No.7973184

I don't have that barfing shurelia pic, but if I did it would be posted here.

Lets see how we can make that even worse...

Keira Knightly as Aurica
Zooey Deschanel as Misha

>> No.7973205

They merge Mir and Shurelia into one character.

That should be enough to cause an hero amongst the fans.

>> No.7974332

Does anyone wish Totori was their daughter?


>> No.7975873
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x800, Rorona Valentine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adult Rorona is easily the most popular version. And she's certainly the most endearing one.

She even won this poll against her loli rendition in a 2.3:1 victory.

>> No.7976006


>> No.7976022

I love Rorona, but she seems to get dumber and more airheaded as she gets older.

Kinda like Homer Simpson.

>> No.7976203


>> No.7976315

But what about teenager Rorona?

>> No.7976840

Can't be helped. Every time she learns something new about alchemy it pushes something old out of her brain.

Like how to be afflicted by status ailments, apparently.

>> No.7977147

I don't want to finish Totori because I'm so far in and I know I can't get the true end so I'll just end up with a crappy normal end.
Being the little girl is suffering

>> No.7977153

Mir played by Megan Fox

>> No.7977161

Tatsumi played by Adam Sandler

>> No.7977165
File: 22 KB, 612x346, suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7977384

You can rest assured that even the Normal Ends are pretty worth it. And besides, just another reason to play again and be the little girl all over again!

>> No.7977457

Holy shit now i know why people say iris 3 is bad. 50 hours of fucking nothing. Dammit.

>> No.7977508 [DELETED] 
File: 323 KB, 1200x1600, 063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Cocona is fine too

>> No.7977511

you can see her butt from the front?

>> No.7977514

reported for not using spoilers instead of shitty censorship.

And I would mention, I have been banned for less.

>> No.7978389


No tits, no vagooo, completely worksafe.

>> No.7978685

Hey fa/tg/uy /jp/ers, help a brother out, will ya?

Some guy is trying to get Ar Tonelico working as a pen&paper roleplaying game


>> No.7978711 [DELETED] 

Take this kind of stuff to /h/ or something.

>> No.7978711,1 [INTERNAL] 

Thank you Janitor. I will not allow Cocona to be sullied like this.

>> No.7979453

So where does this cosmosphere joke of Finnel having a middle name starting with Z come from? They do it both in Saki's cosmosphere and Tyria's binary field...

>> No.7979456 [DELETED] 


Also >>>/v/

>> No.7979471

Dude, nobody's given a shit about the 'no porn on blue boards' rule for years.

>> No.7979478 [DELETED] 

And yet the post was deleted, and people have been banned for it here. You are new here I take it?

>> No.7979501

Been on 4chan since '05, dude- back when people *did* give a shit about that rule.

Posting NSFW content on blue boards is like speeding- it's technically against the rules, but it's only enforced sporadically unless it's done to an extreme and making a big deal about it just makes you a giant faggot.

>> No.7979504 [DELETED] 

That was Youtube comment quality.

>> No.7979546
File: 64 KB, 450x1000, ai2-noin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Noin so delicious?

>> No.7979553 [DELETED] 

That's cool. I however do care about NSFW content, and if the poster does not even have the common decency to spoiler it, I will make a deal of it. I do not need to see that rubbish. I will delete my posts now so as to not clutter the thread.

>> No.7979613 [DELETED] 

Oh God, I want to fuck Totori so bad. ;_;
Maybe a kiss would be alright too. But I would definitely like to lick her.

>> No.7979614

Now the meido is deleting on-topic posts he disagrees with? Jesus Christ man.

>> No.7979617
File: 498 KB, 1000x1429, 17ff95f713519ef8b4b1b4ca28b47a87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God, I want to fuck Totori so bad. ;_;
Maybe a kiss would be alright too. But I would definitely like to lick her.

>> No.7979618

Discussing moderation policies isn't exactly on-topic.

>> No.7979622

He deleted more than that. He also left some of the moderation policy discussion untouched. The bias is getting a little overboard.

>> No.7979650 [DELETED] 

If you're referring to my own posts I deleted them myself as they have nothing to do with the thread.

>> No.7979688
File: 66 KB, 450x401, atelier-annie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's your Atelier Annie OTP? Mine is Annie x Killbert

>> No.7980080


Back of the line asshole.

>> No.7980171

I'm starting to feel bad for Lyner. I went for the Shurelia End in my playthrough of 1, and only after that did I find in some supplemental material that Shurelia and Frelia don't have genitalia. I've doomed the guy to life with a girl he can never consummate his relationship with...

And what's worse, Tyria only has them because Kurogane was a massive creep...

>> No.7980173

Misha=superior option.

>> No.7980178

In both of those, I believe Finnel is supposed to be a foreign exchange student with a middle name (Japanese people do not have middle names). This is funny to Aoto and the others, so they call her Z as a joke, if I recall correctly.

>> No.7980177

If I had even a shred of artistic talent, I would now be drawing a pic of Shurelia wearing a dress, lifting her shirt, and saying "Look, seriously, I'm like a barbie doll down here." with Lyner being all orz in the foreground.

>> No.7980180

I don't particularly doubt the truth of that, but what was that in? A cursory google search doesn't yield anything obvious.

>> No.7980181


... Surely a drawfag can do this? It sounds hilariously awesome.


Sasha is a genius, I'm sure she would find a way to throw a fleshlight onto her or something. If not there's always her install point..

>> No.7980241

I'm in phase 2 of AT2. I really miss the AT1 girls.

>> No.7980255

I personally fucking love all of the AT2 girls, but the general opinion of /jp/ is that Cloche/Luca suck but the third RT who joins late in phase 2 is good enough to make up for it.

>> No.7980512
File: 113 KB, 579x819, 9f2880843fce1fcd409979574aa6cb60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I found this, all I could think was "Look out Reimu, she's coming for your job!"

>> No.7980704

As characters I think they're fine, but as love interests they just lack the charm and sincerity so far. I hate how sparse and secretive their Cosmospheres have been.

>3rd RT
Might be cool for the tie-in if she isn't overdone.

>4th RT
Has acted the most sincere. Just for that, her supposed ending is tempting me much more than it should.

>> No.7980818

good evening. I randomly stumbled upon AT1 soundtrack and I think I've fall in love with Akiko Shikata's voice.
uh, just that. sorry for the intermission, carry on.

>> No.7981345
File: 259 KB, 811x1110, 9416f5982bd18cc04d05dabcbf6cbddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grab the rest of the soundtracks and the hymmnos concerts if you haven't already and stick around for a while longer

>> No.7981403
File: 4 KB, 320x224, Failed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to Ar tonelico's, can someone describe which and how should I build my gauge and emotions in battle?
Please, I can't understand that system at all, in-game guides didn't help.

>> No.7981586

It was the same for me. It's so addictive...

>> No.7981610
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It's not fair.

Who in their right minds puts Shikata Akiko AND Kokia together on the same album?

This is too cruel!

>> No.7981636
File: 100 KB, 600x800, 701426 - Legend_of_Zelda Ocarina_of_Time Princess_Ruto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own Rorona, Totori and Qoga. Which one should I play first?

>> No.7981676


I'm assuming you've already played AT1&2, correct?

>> No.7981719

I think I'll just do a no help run of Totori~n and wait for a step-by-step guide to come out for the true ending.

>> No.7981727

Anyone know where I can get Totori or Qoga cheap as fuck?

I'm a poor Easter European student ;_;

>> No.7981738

I've never played a Gust game, I just bought those cause they were cheap.

>> No.7981741

>step-by-step guid
That's fucking retarded. You could as well watch a video of someone playing it on youtube.

>> No.7981745

Uh, it's not like they detail what happens. The Rorona ones just list all the events and stuff so you don't miss them.

>> No.7981808

Still, it's like watching a video. There's zero challenge.

>> No.7981849

Just stated totori...

I like the license system but I have a question on this one:

"complete 9 quests before any repeat"

Does this mean do 9 different quests without repeatign any, or does it mean complete 9 quests before the quest issuers relist previously completed quests?

That fucking blue slime hunt comes up every second day. Does this kill all progress to my 9 in a row just because it appeared as an available quest?

>> No.7982032

The latter. It's pretty impossible to do early on because there's such a limited number of quests.

>> No.7982072


Was afraid of that... And completing that had a bonus as well.

For the early quests where it gives something like "magic grass", can I just dump D rank materials on them to clear the quest and make room for new ones? Is there any consequence for low quality other than no bonus item?

>> No.7982291

You have to do 12 in a row anyway, might as well save it until you have 7-8 unlimited time quests, grab a couple of easy kill quests, and come back hoping there are some synthesis/gather quests waiting.

>> No.7982788

Yeah, with AT1 and 2 at least the respective Hymmnos concerts were somewhat equitable and the ending songs were on Red. But with 3, you have what? 3 Shimotsuki Haruka and 1 Mitose Noriko songs on Red and the rest of the randoms, and you have freaken 5 songs from Shikata Akiko and 3 from Kokia and this time the ending song is on Blue.

>> No.7983131
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>> No.7983152

What? This got translation?

>> No.7983166

Red never has a chance. The closest it gets is in At2.

>> No.7983198


>> No.7983252
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>> No.7983254

Where were all the Haruka songs in 3?

>> No.7983436

What is this?

>> No.7983461

link to the whole thing?

>> No.7983840

This needs to happen

>> No.7983867

Who the fuck reads a book on a bathtub?!

>> No.7983885

I do.
If you're taking a bath to relax it's fucking bliss. Unless you doze off and drop your book of course, that wasn't fun.

>> No.7983949

Alright, so when I heard Qoga was coming out my list of PS3 games was non existent since I had just bought one. It looked neat so I pre-ordered it and then looked around online because I wanted to play AT1 and AT2 before playing Qoga. I ended up loving AT1 so much that I moved right into AT2 (which I loved even more) but then I was burned out and couldn't bring myself to play Qoga until I finally started it a few days ago.

So, whats the deal with the girls in Qoga? The both seemed kind of meh to me until Finnel starts being a masochist in her cosmosphere. Is the 3rd girl (I'm assuming there is one since that seems to be the trend here) any better? At this point I'm probably going to go Finnel route and hope the masochism continues. Currently just after where you uninstall the crystal that forces Soma out.

>> No.7983978

Yeah, Saki is bland beyond bland, and Finnel's ok if you like a mix of M and slightly tsundere. Third reyvateil really does come down to personal preference, but the general consensus I've seen is that she's a top tier reyvateil.

I think it's possible to get the true ending for a girl with only two hearts on her (is this correct?), If so, give Finnel two hearts and one to Saki, so you're open to choose between Finnel and reyvateil #3

>> No.7983993


>> No.7984007

I'm not sure it makes much sense to be able to get a true ending without 3 hearts, so I'll look that up before I do it, but thanks for the advice. Whats the 3rd reyvateil like though? I she comparable to anyone from 1 or 2? Just want to go right for the girl I think I'll like the most because I probably wait a while before doing a second run through.

>> No.7984015

Saki is shitty in the route-neutral parts but I kind of liked her in the scenes specific to her path.

Going 2:1 instead of 3:0 causes you to miss out on a scene (that grants a trophy) in late phase 3, but that's it. If you absolutely must get everything you can do some save scumming to have your cake and eat it too there.

>> No.7984039


Basically you can lock in one of the first two girls by giving all three heart points to them or you can lock them in by giving them only two and then maxing out their cosmosphere. So you can give Finnel your third and lock her even if you don't finish her CS (though why the fuck wouldn't you do that?) or you can 2:1 her and leave your options open. There's exactly one scene that you get for 3-pointing a girl but not for 2-pointing her, so it's not even that huge a difference in the long run.

Also keep in mind that like in AT1 there's a bad end and a "normal" end where the story stops before the last phase.

>> No.7984056

Saki is the ultimate good girl. Its just that shes so stereotypically girly that its kind of boring and overused. Though Saki overwriting Sakia is a tragedy since Sakia in CS9 is the cutest thing in the game.

I get a kick out of the whole master/servant thing in any game, so Finnel is pretty high on my list out of all three games.

Third girl has her moments. Has similarities to AT2's third in that shes a good character but the romantic aspect is really weak. Goes overboard on the whole "lol so randum XD" shit at times, but its not that bad overall.

>> No.7984088

Is there an equivalent scene for just 2 hearting a girl, or does 3 hearting her just net you an extra scene? Does the 3rd girl get some actual interaction before I get the 3rd heart? Also, thanks for the heads up about the false ending. Shit threw me off in AT1 at first.

>> No.7984249


You only get the extra scene with 3-heart point girl. It occurs in both normal ending path and true ending path, IIRC, so you can save BEFORE the third heart point decision, get 3 heart points on your preferred girl and get her normal ending, then reload and put 1 point towards your unpreferred girl for 2:1 and proceed to true end path.

If you want to know when the last heart point decision occurs, it's at the top of a place with a starry background and music you haven't heard before that point. You'll go there midway through Phase 3.

3rd Girl unfortunately doesn't get much interaction in unless you defeat a certain boss that appears after the third heart point decision. You'll know it when you see it. Also, the boss is timed; the characters will even warn you that you have to be quick in killing him (I forget how many minutes, around 7-10). If you kill him in time, you can proceed on to true end (onto Phase 4) or normal end. If you don't kill him in time, you're kicked out the true end path and can only go normal or bad.

>> No.7984959

The Chims' ability to dupe items has me in full-on OCD mode. It's like, oh man, this is such a nice material, it'd be a waste if I lost it forever, better have Chims collect more before I craft it away. I think I would actually prefer that they collect items generically because I am spending an inordinate amount of time on this. It lets me make some pretty bitchin' gear with minimal time elapse in game, but maximum time elapsed in life.

>> No.7984977
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>> No.7985629

It was already that bad with Rorona. you could sink a good 15 or so minutes per day just running around town, picking up as many requests as possible, turning some of them in immediately and setting up the wholesales for the next batch then finally deigning to synth some request items to turn the clock.

>> No.7985642

Totori~n makes me want to open a window and yell "I am the best little girl ever!"

>> No.7985647

Croix x Jacqli
Cloche x Targana
Luca x Skycat

Does this sound reasonable to anyone else?

>> No.7985658

In my eyes, it would be more accurate with ``Luca x everyone and their best friends''.

>> No.7985661

>Cloche x Targana
I don't get where this pairing comes from, given that they have almost no interaction in the game, at least none that would even spark the idea of them hooking up. I suppose it's a "pair the spares" thing?

>> No.7985663


Seriously. Even Croix x Targana seems more likely.

We've almost managed a whole thread without getting *that* post ... don't ruin it!

>> No.7985691

I dunno, it doesn't really feel like a proper general without that copypasta.

>> No.7985705

They're both:
- High in the Grand Bell government
- Nobles
- Blonde
- Tsundere
- Trying to get into Croix's pants

>> No.7985840

Things happen in the Toukousphere that you would never believe.

>> No.7986075

Holy shit, it's still going. And they're actually producing stuff (as far as I can see)

What the hell IS that board?!

>> No.7986220
File: 1.03 MB, 1653x1540, 21733380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel obliged to post this. Just ignore Saki, the rest of the picture is fine. That is all.

>> No.7987143 [DELETED] 

You're right, no Luca copypasta feels wrong.

Also, new thread:

>> No.7987585

New thread:

