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7938364 No.7938364 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Your favorite VN heroines and why

I love her. She's like the female version of me ... except she's rich ... and has balls ... and does what the fuck she wants. Basically all the ideal characteristics I would like to have but with a similar outlook on life. And she's quite the looker at that.

>> No.7938373

>a looker
No really? She can be anything your imagination wants because she isnt real. Also she has a huge forehead

>> No.7938372

>And she's quite the looker at that

No. Just no.

And your VN is shit.

>> No.7938397

Only girl I cared about/finished route in that shitty game.

>> No.7938400

/jp/ - Waifu bashers culture

>> No.7938409


He's mostly being bashed for saying an Anime girl is "a looker" as if there's some form of variance or something.

He's clearly stupid.

>> No.7938425




But that's wrong you fucking retard. She's how the artist that made her wanted her to be and has a specific set of traits that make her attractive to me. What your prepubescent brain is saying is that HURR ALL CARTOON GIRLS R SAEM BCUZ THEY NOT REAL XD


>Anime girl


>> No.7938431

>bringing up anything about YMK in /jp/

You're just asking for it.

>> No.7938436


>But that's wrong you fucking retard

Where the fuck do you think you are? It's pretty easy to tell when someone isn't from here. Just stop trying, as it's nearly as painful as your failure of a thread. Reported.

Now fuck off.


>> No.7938439

This thread is shit. How are you going to hate on a guy that simply likes a character and wishes to be a girl?

The only problem I see is using the term "looker". OP, don't you feel that's just a LITTLE BIT antiquated?

>> No.7938447

Not to trash your waifu anon, I can respect that you like her.

But I was always incredibly off put by her. All humans makes mistakes, I know that. But life isn't a game.
Escapism is one thing, but Mizuki never really even considered the consequences of all the shit she did, shit that she later even brought you into as well.
She didn't really get real until she realized that she had gotten pregnant.

In comparison, Aeka couldn't handle the life she led. She tried to shield off her surroundings, and when that didn't work she couldn't really take it.
But even at its worst, she still valued life. She couldn't handle how things were, but she were still serious about things, and would embrace things if they were just slightly different.

Likewise, Nekoko had problems to cope with life, and eventually slipped into the world of drugs.
However, she quickly realized how destructive the situation she had gotten herself in was, and she actually tried to fight the drugs, with or without you, futile or not.
During the story she were always serious about everything, she just couldn't keep away from the drugs due to the immense addiction and shit etc.

...I am sorry. I bet that void in her life is what is supposed to attract so many to her. But... you know. Unlike the other girls, she couldn't take her life seriously, and made all kinds of stupid choices even though no outside element directly pushed and trapped her into those circuimstances.
In very crude way that might perhaps even be slightly offensive to say, but in short, if she simply realized that she had no problem, she wouldn't have any problem. Meanwhile, Aeka and Nekoko were very aware that they had problems, and they were problems they couldn't really handle all that well, but at least they still tried, and tried until the end. In comparison Mizuki couldn't even take life serious enough to even try... I don't really know what to feel about that.

>> No.7938457



But you are an obvious homosexual

>But that's wrong you fucking retard

Why don't you search for retard and in the archives and see how many times /jp/ uses it


/jp/ uses post parody every other fucking post. they even have copypasta for it.

I'm on /jp/, shitposting central of 4chan. Where the fuck do you think you are you butthurt retard? If anyone's new around here, it's you. Suck my cock dude.

>> No.7938475

I think what attract people to them is because if you are not using a walkthrough, her route is probably the first one you will get into.

>> No.7938481


>> No.7938488

I think I got Aeka first.

Then again, I went full white knight mode at first sight.

>> No.7938499


Mizuki's problem was on a much deeper level than the other two. She was facing an internal struggle while the other two only had external problems. Most people spend their entire lives facing external forces that they never even have time to think about deeper questions. However, when your life is perfect, you have a lot of time to think about the meaning of life and why you are alive. She found as I did, that there really is no "point" to life. You live and you die. Being afraid of that is a natural response and her story is about her running away. She finds a reason to live life when she has a baby.

>> No.7938504

I bet you are right. Personally however, I took extra means to avoid her.
She have the earliest available ero-scene in the entire VN. Once I stumbled upon that one which I felt came out of nowhere, I was really offset by her sudden and great advancements, that I loaded a previous save in order to avoid her for girls that wouldn't jump into my pants before I even got a chance to introduce myself properly.

>> No.7938505


>Mizuki never really even considered the consequences of all the shit she did

She did after you got sent in the hospital, a little late but it still happened before her return in the end. The scene in the OP pic also showed part of her development toward realizing her mistakes. Not the OP, but I liked her the most in YMK because she showed the most natural character development of the three and despite the whole over the top fiasco in Macau I think the events that led to her development were more sensible, the connection between them and their effects on her character just made more sense to me as opposed to the other heroines. Aeka's and Nekoko's personalities were pretty static for the most part of the game then they suddenly just jumped in one scene.

Anyway, whatever, thread's already hopeless because

>> No.7938518

>Mizuki's problem was on a much deeper level than the other two.
Being a conceited rich girl with an enjoyable life who happens to have no goal in life isn't deep at all.

>> No.7938528 [DELETED] 


>avoid her for girls that wouldn't jump into my pants before I even got a chance to introduce myself properly

So I'm assuming you never got through any of the route?

>> No.7938533



>> No.7938535


>avoid her for girls that wouldn't jump into my pants before I even got a chance to introduce myself properly

So I'm assuming you never got through any of the routes?

>> No.7938536

The thread is
>Your favorite VN heroines and why
Why are you all talking about the shit that is YMK?

>> No.7938544


>avoid her for girls that wouldn't jump into my pants before I even got a chance to introduce myself properly.

MC knew Mizuki months before the game began. The were at the very least acquaintances and at most friends. Nekoko pulled your dick out and sucked it for basically feeding her. Aeka was pretty much blackmail saying she would kill herself if you didn't do it ... yes, the other two were so much more romantic ...

>> No.7938546
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People go to /jp/ mainly to shit on other people and stroke their own penis.

You're trying to ask /jp/ to talk about characters they love the most. It might be futile, but I applaud the intentions. Expect obscure untranslated shit though.

>> No.7938552

Random senpai from other class isn't very deep friendship... Apart from that I really liked all the routes, Aeka's most as the last roofstop scene was DAUMN satisfying.

>> No.7938555 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 577x500, 1251553502271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: you talkin shit bout my waifu?


>> No.7938573
File: 138 KB, 400x386, 43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..I have a major thing for female heroines who are broken in one way or another.

For some reason i really dont care much for a character unless they have flaws.
And if they are crazy, even better.

>> No.7938576


It was much deeper than the others by comparison. Not to mention her and the MC had the most natural relationship out of the three. There was nothing to be gained or lost with the relationship with MC except the relationship itself. While with Aeka and Nekoko there obvious strings attached. Mizuki never forced her problems onto the MC, although he did get dragged along for the ride. In the end he made her tell him her problems and willingly got involved. In essence her motives where the most pure of the 3 girls in pursuing the relationship.

>> No.7938579

My most favorite heroine would probably be Nagisa from Waremete. She was the funny yet lonely type, and I have a soft spot for the loners. She was always easy going, from what I remember, and had a feeling of high class. A very classy lady. There are many notable characteristics and her route was my favorite of the game. It's been a long time since I finished that VN, but of the other VN's I have played, she was the least forgettable character our of any of them.

>> No.7938590
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She is very skilled and competent, but she is far from perfect and frequently makes mistakes.
But she still tries really hard with things and put great effort into what she finds important, and it's partly due to this that she is very skilled and competent.

She is nice and caring, and cares about other people and her fellow people.
She tries to stay strong even when/if she is not, and tries to stay on course even when things are difficult.
She is reliable, and a shoulder to lean on. She is one that could/would give something back when given something in return.

She shouldn't try to shoulder the world on her shoulders, and she doesn't. But even when she puts more on her shoulders than she can handle, she would be willing to share her weight with you.
And even if she would succumb to said weight, she would appreciate it if you tried to help her, shoulder the weight and eventually help her back up.
And given her person, if you would eventually succumb to weight yourself, you would be able to know that she would try to shoulder you and help you back up.

>> No.7938612

>In essence her motives where the most pure of the 3 girls in pursuing the relationship.
I think the word you are looking for is empty. She couldn't take things seriously, her life, or his, let alone their relationship. She couldn't take anything seriously and just went along for the ride, an arbitrary retarded tthat she had designed.

Better late than never, but she didn't get a grip on herself, her situation, or her relationship until much, much later.

It's true that Aeka rushed things. But she knew she wanted a relationship, even though its true that she wanted a proper relationship in a life somewhat more normal. But it was still real for her, the first steps had just been skipped, but it was still very important to her and they got to know eachother in retrospect, something she was very keen on making sure it happened. Given she didn't break and snap anywhere in between.

To Nekoko it might be true that he was someone she couldn't easily differ from initially, and that it all somewhat started before she barely even realized that it had began.
But Nekoko desired a normal life, and the random dude she had found were still very supportive, and naturally she cought an interest with him as well. She tried to get to know him, and she tried to reach a normal life.
Eventually things went a bit over the top, but together she managed to muster the strength to go through with a real rehabillitation program, and she devoted everything she had to succeed and return to him.

>> No.7938613

I would like to argue that alwhile Aeka's and Nekoko's situations were quite fucked and not how they should have been, their intentions and feelings were pure.
Meanwhile Mizuki's feelings didn't really turn pure until much later. Feelings can't really be pure if there aren't any actual feelings or life behind them. She grew to love with all her heart and embrace the importance of it all, but that wasn't until much later. She threw herself over him as an empty zombie at first.

>> No.7938621


It just so happens that Mizuki is a very polarizing character, attracts lots of arguments. I honestly don't know many other characters that are like that except for the ones in Symphonic Rain. Yeah, I probably have a lot of VNs to read to learn more.

To add to the discussion of this thread, my favorite VN character is Mint from Galaxy Angel. None of the characters in GA were anywhere close to being complex or anything, but I just enjoyed her personality, fit my tastes perfectly. She was mature, intellectual, considerate, humble despite being from a wealthy family and upbringing and despite her insecurities about looking too young for her age, she didn't shy away from enjoying childish stuff, except for the costumes thing but that hobby is kind of embarrassing in general anyway. Note the past tense. I only liked her in the first GA. In GAML and GAEL, her personality was altered, maybe not noticeable to most people but it certainly was to me. Back in GA she really acted maturely but in the latter games her maturity became more like a facade instead -- she spoke like an adult but acted like a child, became less considerate and humble and her insecurities were just blown way out of proportion. For example, when she is likened to a child in GA, she would only be a little disappointed, but in GAEL, she becomes outright upset. In the ending of GA, she shows a bond with Tact, that despite her being able to read minds, she didn't need such ability to trust him. However in GAEL and GAML, she would easily make wildly false assumptions on the context of what Tact is doing and in GAEL in particular, she would demand trust from Tact despite of being so accusing.

>> No.7938638
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>But she knew she wanted a relationship

No, she wanted a bodyguard and she whored herself out to get one.

>But Nekoko desired a normal life

She HAD a normal life. Did you even read it? What she wanted was attention and she became a drug addict to get it. All MC was to her was a supply of food and fairy power.


>their intentions and feelings were pure

Yeah, no. See above. You can call Mizuki "empty" if you want, but that doesn't change the fact she was the only one out of the three that wasn't using the MC for her own personal gain.

>> No.7938646

My favourite heroines are~:

Saya from LB!EX
Ai from Oretsuba
Akane from Kiminozo
Ayu from Kanon
Nanasaki from Amagami
Sumika from MuvLuv
Mitoko from Damekoi
Kinu from Tsuyokiss
Tsubakiko from Sekai Seifuku Kanojo

>> No.7938663

>No, she wanted a bodyguard and she whored herself out to get one.

That didn't turn out very well. MC was a spineless faggot for 90% of the story.

>> No.7938749

>She HAD a normal life. Did you even read it? What she wanted was attention and she became a drug addict to get it.
Using terms from the novel itself.
She had a colourless life, and she made a mistake in thinking drugs could give her life some colour.
What she came to want was a normal life, albeit with colour. But then again, with facts in hand she would rather gone back and search for colour in another way, the drugs were a mistake, but a mistake she got stuck with.

Yes I did read it, did you?

>> No.7938762


You just reiterated what I said but took up a paragraph to say it. Most people have boring, colorless lives, it's not out of the ordinary. She just wanted to be special and being the attention whore is, became a drugged out slut.

>> No.7938774

Mariarose from Esundere.
She's pretty much my ideal tsundere, spoiled rich girl with a tender side and weird values.
Overprotected by her maids, jealous of other heroines, with a strong character and a good head on the shoulders.
And she isn't bipolar or prone to violent explosions like shitty low tier tsunderes are.

>> No.7938775

Muramasa, Konome, Rain amongst others

>> No.7938784

You are forgetting how she wasn't high 24/7, only most of it.
And she did come to realize the drugs as mistakes, just something she couldn't keep herself from. Addiction can be a bitch like that.

She actually despised the fact that her drugged encounters ended with sex with him. This she said herself.
She kept being interested in him however, even in between the drug use. She also lacked the courage to properly confront when she wasn't drugged.
She also couldn't keep herself from the drugs, and when she took the drugs she found herself drawn to him.

If it wasn't for how he came to accept her and was ready to devote himself to help her with her problems, she would have gone straight into a wall.
Hardly a slut. I dare say she was the least slutty of the three of them. You can't judge her person when on substance, cause that's not really her actual self.
You can critisize her for taking the drugs, but the things done while on them, less so. And drug abuse and addiction is a bitch, she did at least fight it, and she actually succeeds in her route. That's to be admired if anything, it's common for people to not even have the strength to fight it. She did well.

>> No.7938802


>You can't judge her person when on substance, cause that's not really her actual self.

I hate it when people use that excuse. I've experimented with quite a few drugs and in every case I was still me at the core. I had enough control to make my own decisions. Saying "it was the drugs" is a pathetic excuse for people who can't own up to their own actions. The drugs probably lowered her inhibitions to a large degree, but she was still herself and they were all her decisions. That includes sucking a stranger's dick under the counter and letting him fuck her up the ass on a trashcan in a back alley.

>> No.7938814

Why are people still seriously discussing YMK? Do you English Only Peasants honestly have nothing better to do? YMK is such a shitty VN I can't believe you guys still go on about it like a broken record.

>> No.7938831
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Just incredible charisma. Dat voice, dat smooth talking, and those reactions...
I usually hate the protagonist, but Tomo is in a different league. I love watching as he wins everyone over, and I'm actually waiting for when it's his turn to talk again.

Will also feed you, help you without ever being asked, open every door for you, help you with the housework, and it's always amusing to read her thoughts. Damn I wish she was real and wish he was a girl.

>> No.7938854

>The drugs probably lowered her inhibitions to a large degree
One's inhibitions are a central part of one's character. They aren't simply there, they are in large part something you build yourself as a part of your character.

And drugs like these don't simply lower your inhibitions, they lower your inhibitions while at the same time rush and flood your system in a way that greatly disrupts one's hormone balance among other things, which with many drugs have great effect on one's thought patterns, priority, and desires.
In combination with battered inhibitions, such drugs can be really really dangerous.

People can do things they haven't even thought about doing before, let alone had the enrgy for, or even wanted to do.
Even lighter drugs can make you love doing things you usually find incredibly taxing and or boring, while at the same time making you lose sight and care, completely over favorite hobbies. This I know first hand.
Heavier drugs, the kind that can easily kill, or morph your mind completely, can do much more than throwing 180s on your desires and outlook on life. They can twist and throw in thoughts and desires you would have never even thought/dreamed of before, even ignoring if they make sense to reality, let alone your own person. In combination with your inhibitions dropping, you can't really blame people straight and outright when doing things they never would have wanted to do. This I know second hand.

To deny any of this is in fact a great deal of disrespect to drugs and the problems they can cause and the many lives that suffer because of them. Just because you have taken a few drugs yourself and felt that you can handle it, does not, mean, that are an expert on the area or that even other persons would have even remotedly similair experiences.

>> No.7938924
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I grew to love Spica alot.
In before someone points out that she is the first heroine in the work. I liked the other characters, although Garnet was a bit much.
Spica however, she felt special.

>> No.7938959

I love how she procceeded to give shitman a handjob in that scene.

>> No.7938960

The who from where?
I can't find anything about her.

>> No.7938962

>Thinking /jp/ has quality posts anymore
>Thinking /jp/ EVER had quality posts
>Thinking /jp/ isn't the main shit posting board on 4chan
>Getting mad over shit posting even though it's been around for years
>Stay perpetually mad when you visit this board

Enjoy your aneurysm at 29 faggots.

>> No.7938983

>Rationalizing the use of drugs by saying that you aren't yourself while using some of the more mindfucking ones so that people shouldn't judge you based on that
>Implying that the act of taking judges and how they amplify/distort your base psyche is somehow completely different from the 'normal' you and not just another aspect of 'you'
>Implying that people who are on drugs should not be judged as so, meaning that I can get high and murder anyone I want without guilt since I'm no longer 'me' while doing so and be absolved of all of my crimes

/jp/, land of Neitzche Wannabes.

>> No.7938994

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7938998
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The manslut i am i tend to fall in love with any female character that has long black hair, even more so if they are empress/Onee/Ojou-sama types.

>> No.7939015

Do you lurk /jp/ every hour just to post this?

>> No.7939039
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>Your favorite VN heroine
I'll leave this one to Kou.

I didn't confirm it yet, but I'm quite sure that Spica and Sora share the same voice actor.

That makes me like them both a little more.

>> No.7939043

Mira > Oki > Kusakabe > Spica >>>>>>>>> Garnet.

Though Spica and Garnet get major points for having one of the best scenes in the fandisk.

>> No.7939057
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Yuuko(ef) and Hayami(h2o).

I like Yuuko because of her design(Its so good!)
And I found her motives interesting and I love her archetype.

Hayami would be the only Tsundere(Besides rin)
that I like. She also has a wonderful backstory.

>> No.7939066

I didn't like Mira much, she was fun and all, but her main route was shared and her second wasn't nearly as good.

>> No.7939070

Love is blind.

>> No.7939086

Excuse me, Mira had the best motherfucking route in the game. What isn't awesome about overcoming the "Gunbuster problem" by also moving the entire fucking earth at near the speed of light? Also, the Demon King's fucking TAIL. Also, she's the loli, so she's automatically the best.

>> No.7939096

The problem with that is that it wasn't nearly as awesome as her first route.
Spica's 2nd route actually kept the quality from the first, but MIra and Garnett's just fell flat in comparison.
That said I liked Amaho the best, because of her personality.

>> No.7940005


>This I know second hand.

So you're pretty much saying you know absolutely nothing? Great, you should shut the fuck up now. If I we're you, I would shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.7940027
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The best

>> No.7940039
File: 817 KB, 1040x614, FMD Muramasa 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favourite heroines: Kanae from Muramasa, because she's fucking crazy.

Why do you assume that it's just one person posting that?

Anyways, get the fuck out.

>> No.7940076

You can still be judged while on drugs, just not completely.
Even in a court of law they would most likely alter the final verdict by a whole lot on the grounds of "insanity" or something.

>> No.7940149

Second hand is at least not third hand.

>> No.7940259
File: 978 KB, 1411x851, sora_is_love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my two favorites have to be:

Sora because she's just pure love

Haisherra because she's the alpha and omega, the tyrant, cruel yet can be gentle, battle maniac, mentor and bestest of friend when not on her bad side

>> No.7940262

The best Fate Rin
The best Tsukihime Ciel
The best Tonelico Cloche
The best Dai Kunagi
The best Milky Holme Nero
The best Mitsudomoe Mitsuba
The best Baka to Test Minami
The best Sailor Moon Sailor Mars
The best Marvel Kathy Powers

>> No.7942967
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>> No.7943663

You have impossibly shit taste

>> No.7943685


>The best Fate Rin

>The best Tsukihime Ciel

>> No.7944078

I believe he is, through irony, calling you're Fate the worst Fate.

>> No.7944094

Those both look accurate to me.

>> No.7944333

Eh, that's not right at all.
Yes, Ciel might be odd, but the list is generally genuine.

>> No.7946889
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Ciel is a cock craving slut. I just wanna punch her in the face. I don't know why Arc doesn't just kill her off.

>> No.7946900
File: 156 KB, 1434x1072, 21917368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the best Tsukihime

Present ARMS.

>> No.7946985

Oh god! What happened to her leg?

>> No.7947031
File: 262 KB, 800x750, 21903238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Hisui's leg from off-screen.

Don't question. Desist.

>> No.7947038

Something still doesn't seem right here. Though if a tripfag says it's ok, then it must be!

>> No.7947047
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So it is written, so shall it be.
