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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7938326 No.7938326 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone into Ren'py games?

Anyone making one, or have some good one to recommend?

Here's one I'm doing in the early stages -


There's quite a few games out there and not all of them are shit. What would you recommend we check out?

>> No.7938349

I'm making one.

>> No.7938355



>> No.7938358

I am already familliar with both ONScripter as well as various KiriKiri engines.

I will be honest with the fact that I have barely even checked RenPy out because I haven't exactly understood why I should use it over the others, or a specifically crafted engine from scratch if that would be suitable somehow.

They have some FAQ or something right? Is it actually informative is it overselling the product?

>> No.7938379

why do that girl have tape all over her lol

>> No.7938387

I'm actually making a Touhou dating sim right now, complete with stats True Love style. I really don't know what to do for art since I can't draw, I guess I'll just poach art off Gelbooru since only /jp/ will ever play it.

>> No.7938419
File: 12 KB, 394x496, template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't do that kind of stuff. I may post some info about it when I finish the story.

I can share this, a rough outline of the story. It's a little outdated though.

>> No.7938442
File: 478 KB, 1200x800, db7abb42174859097a3ce4c5ced4e6ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen Ren'py games that aren't shit. Which is quite sad. IMHO main reason for this is that every author thinks "my VN is awesome so if I release it with shitty graphics some decent artist will help me" and releases half finished product. Something that can (arguably) be forgiven to old "when they cry" can not be forgiven to modern games.

That reminds me of simbrothel - they used this method for getting art too afair.

>> No.7938448


I'm not sure what to do for art either, if you look at my drawings in the OP they're mostly quick sketches but I can't necessarily manage much better. If you look through a lot of threads though, you'll see much the same, but the final art is gone over in photoshop or whatever and it's much better. Practice art so you at least get proportions vaguely right, then go over in Flash, Photoshop or whatever. It might look a little generic, but you may find some way of getting creative with it.

Getting a tablet will help too.

Artists are much easier to procure for VNs than they are for say, comics, where it's a nightmare to find someone. You only need about 20 sprites and a couple of CGs to make a short-ish VN look decent. You could always use stock sprites and tweak them if you're really stuck(like Don't take it Personally Babe).

>> No.7938452


I disagree, Ren'py games are surprisingly decent. I haven't played many, but they've all been worthwhile to some degree.

I hear Magical Diary: Horse Hall is meant to be very good.

>> No.7938480
File: 192 KB, 727x654, irischar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a transvestite.

>> No.7938509

That could be a secret twist in the story!

>> No.7938515

i thought it was some visual gay dude

>> No.7938516

op, listen to me...you need an artist. anyone is good. don't ask why, just trust me.
found yourself an artist.

>> No.7938522

Yes! when will be ready?

>> No.7938524



>> No.7938548


Did you read the description? that's sort of the point, or close to it anyway. I went a bit too blatant with it though, I'll tone it down the next time I draw her. I want her to pass, but I don't want her to look typically female either.


They're doodles, not in game art. I know I can't draw anyway, but I'll see what I can do in photoshop first. I'll use a fairly simple art style.

>> No.7938558
File: 97 KB, 297x702, anotherthreaddrawingbyr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please get a real artist.

>> No.7938563


In fairness, it's better Higurashi and not far off some ZUN art.

>> No.7938570


You kidding? I wish I could draw like ZUN, I'd just need to hide the hands :(

Real artists are tough to find, too.

>> No.7938736

No they're not. You're using Ren'py, right?
Looks like the recruitment forum has at least two people willing to do art for free.



>> No.7938794

you don't need a real artist so much as you need a dedicated artist

if they have even a tiny bit of talent, artists can always improve, so long as they have a good personality and will stick with their work

there are tons of artists who have a bit of skill (pixiv has tons of amateurs who have skills) but lack the proper character to work in tandem with other people

you just need to hope you get lucky, because there is no way you can judge someone's character over the internet

you'll probably go through three or four artists, all of whom do a bit of work and then demand money from you because all they wanted all along was a powertrip, before finding one who actually likes your project and genuinely wants to help

>> No.7938808
File: 132 KB, 1018x575, 1316461240871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shock Cocoon thread? Shock Cocoon thread.


>> No.7938820

Looking forward to this

I liked the preview.

>> No.7938827
File: 720 KB, 640x480, Nagisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For fucks sake, since when does /jp/ help random LSF developers churn out their garbage?

The main problem with OELVNs is WRITING. Almost all OELVN writing sucks. No matter how good your art may be, if your writing sucks the VN sucks. No matter how bad your art may be, if your writing is good the VN can be good (see Ryukishi07's works).

OP, there are no good OELVNs to recommend. Because OELVNs are 99% garbage. Go play a real VN instead before even considering writing a VN yourself.

Here's Clannad, good introduction to the medium:


Now stop working on your VN until you've at least played an actual VN. Then don't come back to /jp/ until your writing is any good.

>> No.7938849

99% of OELVN's have terrible writing
but also
99% of Japanese VN's have terrible writing too

There are over a hundred thousand VN's. /jp/ discusses about 10 or so VN's at most.

Just to put things in perspective.

>> No.7938860

But we already have enough shit threads.

>> No.7938867

>see Ryukishi07's works

Shitty art and DEEP storyline

Keep it in mind, most japanese VNs are made with a serious working team being paid and not a "doujin" group that doesn't even have talented people.

>> No.7938876

The irony of this post is amazing!
>group that doesn't even have talented people.
Some fine examples would be
Myth,Killer Queen,Tousui Kitan,and eden.

>> No.7938920

His plots notwithstanding, Ryukishi07's writing is way above any OELVN so far, and quite decent for Japanese VN at large.

>> No.7939348

Christine Love's next VN will probably be "good". This is the first one she's not rushing to get done in a month.

I quite like some of the shorter "Pass your evening away" ones like Heiress 2 as well. Really, the writing's not that bad. You just have to learn to avoid the ones that are obviously shit.

And KS is still great.

>> No.7939391

I have a nukige almost completely planned out but I don't have any practical skills so it's never going to get past that stage.

>> No.7939414

I had the idea to fuck monstergirls years ago but I too lacked any skills. Now this whole monstergirl craze is under way and I missed my chance.

>> No.7939424


the main difficulty is finding people who "get" the characters. I really probably need to improve my own art at least to the degree where I can communicate how they should appear. I've had people draw my characters before and it doesn't always come out quite right. Breasts too large, too skinny, wrong heights(I need to do a height chart), etc.

Style in general is tough - I don't want a typical Animu style that most OELVNs go for. I don't mind if the art isn't technically great as long as it captures the characters well.

Finding an artist in general that's coming from the same place I am is difficult("Creative Differences"). If I was doing something more generic, it wouldn't be that difficult, but since I have a specific idea, and am dealing a lot with minority issues etc. I need to make sure to get someone who's not going to be turned off by that some place down the road.

>> No.7939473

Got a challenge for you all:

Go to the Lemmasoft Renpy forums, and click on "Works in Progress Feedback". Post how long it takes you until you start crying blood.

It certainly didn't take me long.

>> No.7939483

What I'm going to do is finish the story and have potential artists read it without pictures so they get a feel for the characters.

That'll probably be my only requirement of the artists; to read the whole VN. They can take the art in whichever way they want, as long as they read it first and have a feel for each character.
