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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7936660 No.7936660 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ why don't you like 3D girls? You day 2D is superior but 3D is physical and warm and they have soft boobs (or a nice flat chest, for you lolicons) that you can rub your hands all over.
You say they won't like you hobbies?
But there's a lot of otaku girls!
I'm a real otaku girl myself. I love touhou and hentai games as much as you. I would love to have an otaku boyfriend but you all are so bitter.

Pic related. A real otaku girl

>> No.7936673

Being around an otaku girl is suffering.

>> No.7936676

I only like fake tits

>> No.7936684

Can I see your pics OP? If youre not trolling, I might be interested.

>> No.7936685

>touhou and hentai
sorry, I'm all up for roleplaying but you lost me there, bro

>> No.7936687
File: 225 KB, 450x320, 746956-bigthumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ why don't you like 3D girls?
But we do.

>I'm a real otaku girl myself
Welcome to /jp/ sister!

>> No.7936691

Just no

>> No.7936754

because i copied and pasted into my photo editing program, i didn't just edit the photo

>> No.7936764

Real otaku girls wouldn't have to ask other otaku why they don't like real girls.

>> No.7936771
File: 613 KB, 295x221, 1317358062969.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one day
oh you.. /jp/

>> No.7936770

Because a woman can:

1. Die before me and leave me alone.
2. Leave me.
3. Break my heart.
4. Betray me.

An imaginary girl that I create inside of my mind cannot do this. If I want to feel physical sensations then there are items that I can buy that will simulate this.

>> No.7936769
File: 432 KB, 500x384, 1317358044290.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry 2D girls are sexy but deep down i want the warmth of an otaku boy to comfort me at night

>> No.7936795

If you proudly call yourself an otaku, you're just a weeaboo who doesn't know what the word really means.

>> No.7936798


Pretty much. Humans are too unpredictable. It's dangerous to befriend them, let alone fall in love with one.

>> No.7936799

can't you just drink prune juice instead?

>> No.7936802

I know what an otaku is because I am one
just because I'm happy with what I am doesn't mean I'm weeaboo loser

>> No.7936805

Only if you have a puffy vulva

>> No.7936837

Every thread must be replied to.

>> No.7936840

i don't have a brother
only a little sister

never posted my pic here before or on /soc/
it's /cancer/

I go outside to eat, to buy clothes, and to buy games
There's also a store near me that sells figures so I'll go there sometimes

>> No.7936841
File: 26 KB, 300x350, 1317358770130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck boy you can see it to belie' it
Trynna dodge and wave it, end up a parapelegic
Belie' me, it's easy
I'll hurt you, I'll merk you, I'll pop some'in
Drop some'in, I ain't gone stop huntin'
Run-run till you're spun
One shot, one gun
One-9... 1-1, emergency
It's murder B
It's excellent execution when I'm pullin' tha trigga
No mistake, for that cake
I'm hittin' you and ya niggas
Feel tha flame when I aim
For tha top of ya brain
See tha spark and tha bang

>> No.7936844

but i love /jp/
i come here every day

>> No.7936847
File: 429 KB, 640x480, 1317358830559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

