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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7929920 No.7929920 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do if that actually happened? You are browsing /jp as always when suddenly, a big hairy ass would grow out of your computer screen and shoot explosive diarrhea all over your face?

How would you react?

>> No.7929925
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>> No.7929923

I'd report and sage the thread that it came out of.

>> No.7929930

But that's no different than what /jp/ is always doing OP.

>> No.7929929

where are the mods today

>> No.7929951

>what if
but this is exactly what is happening over jp for at least the past 10 hours! I mean, only this, nothing else. click on jp, ass comes out.

>> No.7929953

Reporting doesn't do anything.

>> No.7929965

That's what shitposters want you to believe.

>> No.7930013

Fuck you Miri, make my song.

>> No.7930017

Miri is a faggot

>> No.7930019

age'd for truth.
