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7928957 No.7928957 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, would you really believe in a religion of its clergy offers sex?

If that's the case you know who you should worship Right?
Sol Invictus

>> No.7928964

sorry, i'm christian


>> No.7928984
File: 184 KB, 356x1389, 1296996847360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe? no.
Would i join said religion? yes.


>> No.7928995

wasn't there some egyptian cult that had sex priestesses that got popular in rome but then augustus banned it because he was a prude?

>> No.7929024

>i'm christian

In other words, you would and do?

>> No.7929053

after 9 years of catholic school you couldn't pay me to have sex with a nun

>> No.7929054

Christians and Catholics are not the same thing, same ballpark.

>> No.7929063

suck my ballpark

>> No.7929374

may have sauce?

>> No.7929390

No girls allowed in valhalla.

A prude who had to deal with the half egyptian spawn of caeser. You'd probably dislike the sand women if they gave birth to your competition.

>> No.7929392

It's funny because Catholics were the first Christians.

>> No.7929417

No but if they were hot I'd totally fake it.

I faked Pentecostal, I can fake anything.

>> No.7929456
File: 28 KB, 449x271, sup nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, I giggled. How's it going, fa/tg/uy?

>> No.7929505

