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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 5 KB, 257x206, 0031.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7923510 No.7923510 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/,

First time visitor here, I have a question. I assume quite a bit of you are studying/know some/are fluent in japanese. How did you learn the language? I'm currently going through Rosetta Stone. I'm still in the beginning, but there's stuff I don't understand, like the numbers - sometimes 'one' is 'ichi', other times it's 'ippon', 'ikko' and various other forms and I can't grasp when to use what.

tl;dr: What is your recommended method for learning japanese?

Pic unrelated.

>> No.7923523

is that picture an actual flag or something like that

>> No.7923533


>> No.7923543
File: 68 KB, 453x660, 0030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think I got it off a website with other easy-to-misinterpret pictures, so I don't actually know it's origin, sorry. Here's some more of the same, though.

>> No.7923548

It's mai dick in one of your orifices (dunno which one, though).

>> No.7923541

Looks like a building in front of a sun.

I feel a sence of nostalgia when I look at this picture, reminds me of "Hizashi no naku no real". I guess because its a tower in the afternoon sun.

>> No.7923552

Try consuming the heart of a Japanese person.

>> No.7923554

It definitely looks like a japanese flag to me, but the yellow bit looks like something is penetrating it... How horrifying.

>> No.7923560

Maybe it was a mistake to put that picture up?

I really need some advice here, guys, please.


And why the sage, what's wrong with my thread?

>> No.7923565


>> No.7923566
File: 30 KB, 300x300, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7923567


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>> No.7923576


Seriously? I can't ask a fundamental question like 'How do I learn japanese?' on a board that's EXCLUSIVELY ABOUT EVERYTHING JAPAN-RELATED?

>> No.7923578

This thread is made a million times a month.
Go to here and look for similar threads.

>> No.7923580

OP pic is a logo, for everyone wondering.


>> No.7923581

>And why the sage
Every day.

>> No.7923588

have fun

>> No.7923590

Okay, I chuckled.

>> No.7923592

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>> No.7923596


This board is about everything OTAKU related. Japanese grammar is not otaku related. Post some dolls and porn.

>> No.7923604


Well, excuse me for wasting five precious seconds of your life. Holy fuck, you guys are wound up tight.

It would take one of you a few seconds to recommend a method, while it would probably take me hours to sift through the archive. Shame on me for trying to look for an easier way to solve my dilemma.

>> No.7923609

>while it would probably take me hours to sift through the archive.


>> No.7923611

You can delete your thread now.

>> No.7923612
File: 206 KB, 647x800, 1316884777897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry OP, I know /jp/ can be hard to deal with at times. If you didn't notice, this board is specifically for Otaku culture, (Visual Novels, Touhou, etc.) not "Everything related to Japanese culture".

A lot of people make the same mistake you do and they ask /jp/ for help learning Japanese, when that's really not what this board is for. That's why people are giving you a tough time.

As for me, I don't know much Japanese so I can't really help you

>> No.7923619

   ( ´Д`) <This thread
  /    \
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    〉 )  ( .::旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦.
   (_,ノ    .`ー'旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦.

>> No.7923621
File: 16 KB, 240x251, 1316462446427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away already.

>> No.7923626

You people suck, I'm outta here.

>> No.7923630

I dislike people acting kind towards self-elevated asshats more than the asshats in question.

>> No.7923639


Thank you for being the one level-headed person on this board. I'm sorry for mistaking what the board is about.

>> No.7923640


Clearly you're not from here. Reported.

>> No.7923646

So, burst in, not even bother lurking for a few minutes. Demand help and question everything about the board and how it works. Get mad for not getting spoon fed and having to actually work to get the information.

I usually hate our high defenses here since it makes us stagnant, but for once I agree. You just can't be this conceited and expect help.

>> No.7923647

Sorry, misclicked here instead of /lit/ but I just got to say that's pretty autistic, bro. A'ight. Peace.

>> No.7923650


Cry harder.

>> No.7923655


>> No.7923667

You can hide threads, you realise? You don't need to sperg over somebody who isn't in your niche circle of otakus expressing interest in your secret internet club house. "Someone wants to know things I know? REPORT SAGE FUCK YOU GB2/b/!!!11111"

It's just the internet, dude. It can't hurt you to realise other people exist. Now while I don't share your interests, I'd like to think that people can co-habitate a website like 4chan without cannibalism. Making a bad name for /jp/ encourages asshats to troll /jp/ and your reacting and saging and screaming because someone wants in on your secret club instead of ignoring threads (gasp) encourages them.

Let them be and eventually they'll fuck off.

>> No.7923675


>burst in
How do I 'burst in' a board?

>not even bother lurking for a few minutes.
I checked through the first 6 pages and didn't find a similar thread.

>Demand help
When did I DEMAND anything? I even said 'please'.

>and question everything about the board and how it works.
I didn't question anything. In fact, I apologized after learning that the board isn't about what I asked for. I didn't really know there's a big difference between Japanese culture and Otaku culture.

>Get mad for not getting spoon fed and having to actually work to get the information.
I got upset because people immediately started saging my thread and telling me to get out with no explanation of what I did wrong.

>> No.7923670

Best thread on /jp/.

>> No.7923681


Fuck off.


Stop trying i-it's embarrassing.

>> No.7923683

Instead of replying to you stupidity I guess I'll just do this:

Now fuck off.

>> No.7923686

Hiding threads is what led to the current state of /a/.

No thanks.

>> No.7923704

See: >>7923686 for a discussion, not flinging shit and putting your fingers in your ears and going LALALALALA

Okay, so hiding threads wouldn't work. Perhaps a sticky thread could alleviate the issue. With links to archived threads and the gist of what this board is all about.

>> No.7923715

>gist of what this board is all about.

Does the title not suffice?

>> No.7923719
File: 181 KB, 499x500, 1316288356821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've told you twice already.
