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7920915 No.7920915[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>PhD in Maths
>300k starting, anywhere I want

Why don't you have a PhD in math yet jp?

>> No.7920918

I failed out of college because I was drinking alone and watching anime.

>> No.7920922

this pasta is stale

>> No.7920923

I'm not autistic enough.

>> No.7920925

Because I'm not an autistic capitalist pig.
Go back to /v/ and play your Half-Portal 2

>> No.7920929

>implying I can afford college

>> No.7920947
File: 418 KB, 450x369, 1316891700604.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i found some kind of isometry into an immersed submanifolds from our 3-dimensional space into 2D-Loliworld, will i be loli?

>> No.7920948
File: 19 KB, 481x477, 1306155860048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PhD in sex
>500k starting, anywhere I want

Why don't you have a PhD in sex yet /jp/?

>> No.7920973

This pasta is such bullshit. I know a guy who has a Phd in math. he tutors students for a living because he can't get a job. makes about 1000/1500 USD a month

>> No.7920991


but i do

i make 50 shitcoins an hour

>> No.7921030

hit therad

>> No.7921037

>PhD in English and Masters in Writing
>450k starting, any career I want and I get to write books

>> No.7921040

>phd in eroge studies
>300k starting
>capture any heroine I want

>> No.7921071

>PhD in philosophy
>philosophy king in any country I want, virtually unlimited wealth starting

>> No.7921159


>> No.7921164


Take your greentext back to /a/

>> No.7921170


butthurt sagefag
