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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7914186 No.7914186 [Reply] [Original]

Is it wrong that I only listen to dead Japanese idols because....it adds a chilling experience when I listen to them?

Yukiko Okada is my favorite, after this performance, she jumped off The Sun Music building.


>> No.7914202

That's so sad, why did she do it?

>> No.7914208


That's even creepier, no one knows why.

>> No.7914212
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HELL no I do it all the time

>> No.7914218
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>> No.7914223
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>Okada with a slashed wrist in her gas-filled Tokyo apartment, crouching in a closet and sobbing. Two hours later, the singer jumped to her death from the seven-story Sun Music Agency building. The reason for the suicide is still unknown. Her untimely death resulted in many copycat suicides soon christened with the neologism "Yukko Syndrome" for copycat suicides in Japan.

Man, she really wanted to die.

>> No.7914245

Did he kill himself in...Er..the woods where a lot of people kill themselves?

>> No.7914257

Aokigahara? I don't know, seems like the picture implies that.

>> No.7914284
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>copycat suicides
Why would you do that?

>Yukko Syndrome

>> No.7914303
File: 41 KB, 450x531, 1314148404308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All idols are psycho shit. With the age of 20-25 they will kill themselfes like a programmed roboter.

>> No.7914320

So this girl is basically real life Chihaya? Even the way her hair's parted looks kind of similar.

Idoling in Japan is incredibly cutthroat. You basically have to pretend to be a completely different (fake) person 24 hours a day, and you're forced to do degrading things in order to advance a career that will last only a few years at best. It's hardly a surprise that some of them would kill themselves.

>> No.7914331

>>and you're forced to do degrading things in order to advance a career

Like what?

>> No.7914339

like suck my cock dude.

>> No.7914341

Suck the company president's dick under his desk while your boyfriend is in the room discussing business.

>> No.7914342

all those shitty embarrassing game shows.

a bunch of shit about you is exposed to the public as well, also stalkers.

>> No.7914351

*fapping to shining musume*

>> No.7914356

That's actually probably accurate.
Idols aren't a natural talent, idols are manufactured - it's not like there's only one particular girl that can fit a given role, and even with how hard they have to work it's not like there's a shortage of candidates.
So to rise above the competition and gain fame in the first place, you have to be willing to pay the price.

>> No.7914358


How about dead Seiyu? Like Deedlit's VA, Shiho Niiyama - died of Leukemia.

>> No.7914371

Typical life of an idol.

>> No.7914375

Though I'd imagine that that's limited to the beginning of their career - not because popular idols gain respect or much control over their career, but rather because it would be bad if it leaked out somehow. Particularly in the modern information era.
Also, think about it - why would any idol, an attractive woman that could easily get a job as a secretary or some other shit that requires cute face and good presence, go into porn after finishing her career - if she's not already used to selling her body for money, that is?

>> No.7914435

>requires cute face and good presence
There's you answer. It's not like she dislikes having sex. Why not get money for it? and use her dwindling fame to her advantage to sell more videos. Being an idol itself is selling your body and looks. porn is just a gravure shoot where you get laid.

>> No.7914943

It must suck to be an idol..

>> No.7914972

Buts it's worth it when she finds that NEET diehard fan that rescues her from the business with his love

>> No.7915202

fucking otakus
why would they boo her while she's singing

>> No.7915239

Like in Perfect Blue?

>> No.7915749
File: 314 KB, 486x1596, yukiko_okada_suicidio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems that Yukiko's mental health had been in serious decline.

Which caused her to jump off the roof of the Sun Music Building and her brains all over the pavement.

Her fans started to do the same, which became known for the "Yukko syndrome" and 1986 began the highest suicide rate for Japan.


>> No.7915758
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>You will never have loyal fans kill themselves for you.

>> No.7916147

>Yukiko's mental health had been in serious decline.
Yeah, I doubt that. It's most likely an official statement meant to hide the fact that fame doesn't come cheap wherever you are.

Remember that famous Korean woman (she was a singer or an actress, can't remember her name) who killed herself some months ago because she couldn't take the degrading things she was asked to do? It's the same thing.

>> No.7916149

I can't imagine how much it sucks to be a woman.

>> No.7916151

Found her. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jang_Ja-yeon
Somehow I was under the impression it was a few months ago, not in 2009...

>> No.7916158

I'm not sure if they're booing her.

>> No.7916159

>>she was beaten and forced to entertain and have sex with several program directors, CEOs and media executives

Wow. This is exactly like my doujins.

>> No.7916171

She has somewhat sad face expression here


>> No.7916174

She seems somewhat sad in OP's video too.

>> No.7916186

I'm willing to bet that the producer over at Sun Music (or someone else higher up) was raping her on a day to day basis. After she was found with her wrists slit, why would she be back at Sun Music a couple of hours later?

>> No.7916199


>> No.7916207

>committing suicide

>> No.7916210

I can't wait till the Idolfags find these threads.
>These girls you are posting are only exceptions, I believe in mah pure gurrl. etc.
Always ends like this.

>> No.7916230
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>implying guys can't be used as sex slaves
Your innocence is delicious.

>> No.7916240

>why would she be back at Sun Music a couple of hours later?
Most likely the person who found her didn't allow her to leave their sight, so they took her to the only place they could (the Sun Music building) because, logically, there are more people who can keep an eye on her there and look out for her, and her our apartment was filled with gas.

>> No.7916669

No, if logic applied she would have been taken to the nearest hospital with a psychiatric ward and she would have been comitted.
Logic didn't apply, the need to save face did, the need to try to keep anyone outside the company from finding out what she had done and the state she was in.

>> No.7917478
File: 636 KB, 850x1280, 675_ske48_takayanagi_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see what the big deal is.

Most idolfags don't believe this. You're just projecting.

>> No.7917616

Then why have I seen this happen 2-3 times already on /jp/?
Could have been trolls though, but does not seem likely.

>> No.7917664
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Idk maybe some are like that.

>> No.7917706

It means you're a hipster.

You only listen to idols who are underground

>> No.7917737

Shit like this is why Miku, Idolm@ster etc are superior: you have the cute and entertaining parts of idolfaggotry without the plastic surgery, sexploitation, and so on

>> No.7917761
File: 29 KB, 856x477, misery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. She looks... tired.

>> No.7918255

Her smile does not mach the face, she looks very sad if you hide her smile with your finger.

>> No.7918306


Why didn't her parents put a full investigation about why she committed suicide?

>> No.7918355


I believe her parents weren't exactly thinking of her best interests, there's another theory that she killed herself because her parents pressured her badly to be an idol, so they could be very rich. So add that and the fact that she could have been molested and abused by the Sun Music staff.

I remember they tried to make these rumors about her suicide being based on her mental health and being turned down by a grown man, but those turned out to be completely false.

If her mental health was that bad, she wouldn't be able to perform at all and companies aren't going to risk their business with an idol with mental issues. Idols could not have ANY boyfriends/girlfriends and the staff made sure of that.. Since Yukiko's booty was theirs for the taking

>> No.7918381

Well, shit. Seems like Sout Korea is even more corrupt.


>> No.7918409


To tell you the truth, Both are equally corrupted, it's just Japan are better at keeping secrets

>> No.7918435

I will never forget the look in her eyes.

>> No.7918848

Japanese idols make more money. A lot of the problems in Korea stem from the fact that they rarely pull a profit.

Look up BBC's The Dark Side of K-Pop or something like that. It's a video on their website.

>> No.7920026

If you were are parent, would you give your child to some agency where you have no control over your child?
Media takes over for them, you see your kid every other day I imagine.
No responsible parent would do that.

Somehow hoped for more.

That was just the management saying "We don't make any money because of piracy" + "The contracts for idols have gotten alot longer, so they know what they are signing up for (olololo)".

The links if anybody is interested.
