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7912929 No.7912929 [Reply] [Original]

How odd, it seems the previous Genius of Sappheiros thread mysteriously got deleted! Whatever could be behind this atrocious incident?

One of the longest Touhou RPGs around has been translated!

A mysterious fog is sapping the energy of youkai across Gensokyo, but not of humans. Reimu and pals bust some heads as they head out to discover the source behind this latest incident!

Prepatched game with expansion set:

Latest patches:

Previous Threads:
1. >>http://archive.easymodo.net/jp/thread/7848236#p7848236
2. >>http://archive.easymodo.net/jp/thread/7882358#p7898433
3. >>http://archive.easymodo.net/jp/thread/7898431

>> No.7912950

regarding the post in the other thread:
Yuyuko has high magic resist, but inflicting her with Byakuren's Starfire m-def debuff works wonders.

>> No.7912962

Thanks, already deleted the thread.
Byakuren is under leveled I think, only used her in the SDM.
What about variety effects and permanent effects? does any one knows the difference between the two?

>> No.7912986

variety is pretty much buffing, while permanent is status inflicting...
yeah, paralysis for example is not exactly "permanent", but it seems to fall under that category.

>> No.7913018
File: 349 KB, 648x512, you've got to be squidding me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, why'd they have to choose this for the enemy sprite of all things?

The three effect types in the game are Permanent, Variety, and Quick.
Permanent effects are the standard status effects like Paralysis, Sleep, Blind, ect. You can only have 1 at a time so a new one overwrites the previous effect.

Variety are buffs and debuffs. A character can have up to 5 Variety effects at a time.

Quick only lasts for that turn and so don't get an icon. They're not as powerful as the other two, but they're usually a side-effect of moves that already do high damage. For example, Mokou's powerful fire moves can Burn enemies.

>> No.7913063


Are Instant Death and Removal Quick effects?

>> No.7913084

how the fuck do I resurrect my tohos?

>> No.7913092

early on, your only options are either mokou's first commander skill, or her last word. later on, sanae can revive.

>> No.7913089

Oh boy, I get to get my butt kicked over and over by Tenshi on the very first turn. Fun times. I'll think of something though so no advice. I already get that most of her attacks are of the Earth element, just need to find enough stuff that resists it.

>> No.7913121

The last thread autosaged didn't it? It was on page 10 or 11 last night. I assumed it managed to die by Yotsuba's hands which is rather rare for the board.

Anyways what level does Sanae get her revival skill? Also what levels were people when they took on inner Eientei and Kagua and Eirin?

>> No.7913126


Sanae learns the revive skill somewhere around level 24, but I'm not completely sure. As for Eirin and Kaguya, I was about level 30 or so.

>> No.7913127

Sanae gets revive at level 24.
My party was about 28, but that is probably the average level for Inner Eientei if EXP scaling is to be believed. I was mostly running from the enemies in Inner Eientei because they're jerks.

>> No.7913133

was around level 30, inner eientei took me a long time to get through and Kaguya/Eirin was easily the hardest boss up to that point.

>> No.7913139

are they working on the cutscene crashes?

>> No.7913169

Well it looks like I'm underleveled. I'm only levels 22-23 for the whole party.

>> No.7913177

if you know the easy mode trick for Kaguya/Eirin and have half decent equipment, I think you could be fine.

>> No.7913192

Well, I guess Tenshi wasn't so bad. Just a matter of getting past the first turn without getting destroyed. It also helped that I got Sakuya's World, that thing is so amazing.

>> No.7913327

Forgive me for being late to the party, but is this game 100% translated?

>> No.7913358

After 50+ tries, I finally beat yuyuko.
God damn.

>> No.7913375

All the bosses seem pretty easy if you know the trick. What I'm worried about is the enemies. Eientei's enemies weren't that hard when sorted into neat little groups, but now they're mixing and then there's the moon maidens and instant death ninjas.

>> No.7913394


Yeah, that place is torturous. You'll be doing a lot of running away since many of the enemies are tough. By the time you get to Eirin/Kaguya you should be decently leveled enough, but you've got tons of tough enemies including the metal turtle thing and the moon maidens and pretty much everything there.

>> No.7913425

More like 99% translated, with a few menu stuff left as is, probably because it would be too much of a pain to change due to not enough space.

I had to stop playing after dying for a 5th time. Then I see all these cheats strats all of the place...

This kinda kind makes me miss the old school days of RPGs, not saying this is the best one ever made or anything, but it does so much right that new "casual" games don't even touch. And this is far from a hardcore game (though new games might think it is.)

By far my favorite doujin games yet. I'd rate it a 8/10 easily

>> No.7913458


Don't look at or use the super easy mode strategies if you don't want to. I've mostly stuck to doing my own thing, remembering the advice for later but not using it for this playthrough. Mostly just smashing through my own way, and talking about the game since I've been enjoying it quite a bit.

>> No.7913517

Yeah, I try not to look for guides or anything, I like the surprise of being Mega Flared every turn until I learn better or Satori using elixir twice in one battle. Or being raped by a mob of harmless looking monster that paralyze my entire party and use instant death and cancel out all my turns.

I also like getting lost in a stage, missing things over and over again. Still need to find the two silver chests in Yuyu's stage before I beat her.

New jrpg games are just:
>Straight path general

>> No.7913526

It's so disappointing to explore an entire town to not find anything hidden.

>> No.7913533


Yeah, some of this stuff is crazy. I tend to get lost quite a bit in this game, but I don't mind too much. The only thing that really annoys me is Satori's Blue Magic and the fact that it's usually learned at the worst times possible, like when my party is about to die. Sure, I understand that she's supposed to be amazing when she gets her Blue Magic, but it's such a pain to get, it takes quite a few chapters before I feel like I'm actually allowed to use her in a boss fight without getting punished for it.

>> No.7913552

Does Satori actually have to take damage/be afflicted by a spell to learn it? I know she needs to get hit, but what if she doesn't take any damage? How about if she's covered by Alice?
The wiki says that only the first hit of a specific spell per battle can cause Satori to learn it. Is this true?

>> No.7913603
File: 109 KB, 646x508, Takeshi'sChallenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched the GCCX episode about this game. Fun times.

>> No.7913635

She just has to be targeted. She can freely die or dodge if she wants. However Alice can't cover her.

And yes, each skill can only have the learning chance the first time it is used. No defending every turn at high levels with -75% all damage and all status immunity accessories shenanigans for you!

>> No.7913653

That's good to know. I'm already putting a kindergartner on the front lines against hellhounds and mind flayers; I didn't want to have to strip her naked too.

>> No.7913668

After a bit of party making it seems a sweeper team of Mokou, Sakuya, Youmu, Marisa, and Nitori is particularly effective with Sakuya, Mokou, and Nitori holding their tier 3 weapons, Youmu with her tier 2, and Marisa with enough points in magic to get slayer effects.

Killing everything fast seems to be working very well so far.

>> No.7913691


Sheesh, no respect for Satori at all. Anyways, if you want to use her, I suggest leveling her up in the commander slot until you get to Youkai Mountain. There are quite a few useful skills there, Satori will be buff enough to take some hits and you'll keep on learning good skills in Bhava-Agra as well, allowing her to hold her weight instead of having her die a lot or just be not very useful in your party for eight chapters.

>> No.7913697

reposting concerns from the other thread:

should I save my rusy blades for youmu? I want to make her a new sword, but I only have 3 and I think I need them to make the time stop sword

I just beat yuka and my main group is level 28 with my secondary group is around level 24. is this pretty much the expected range for where I am? I feel like I'm starved for power exp and especially mp for some characters.

I never complain about hallway levels since this kind of game compells me to spend hours backtracking to make sure I don't miss anything. satori's stage took forever for me to beat.

>> No.7913702


Yeah, fast killing will work well. Reimu doesn't work particularly well at fast killing around that area so that might be why I struggled. I had Reimu, Sakuya, Youmu, Marisa and Satori in my party but Satori didn't have that many strong skills, Marisa couldn't hold enough elemental spells to one shot everything and Youmu requires stances or slayer to kill something quickly.

>> No.7913710

How does control work? I used Satori's last word on a group of those instakill rock things and all three of them immediately cast death on her.

>> No.7913712 [DELETED] 


If the word control appears next to them, then it worked, if not, then it didn't.

>> No.7913729

But then how will I level up Sanae?

>> No.7913736

Wait, so does commander slot gets XP..? Details on this? Is it full xp like rest of the party, what about growth point?

>> No.7913741

Should i make the Beast Slayer Two-handed sword to finally beat Reisen?

Killing fuck tons of Infant Demons and not getting the drop is kind of frustrating.

>> No.7913748

it's full and exp up eq works as well, it's the best spot for members you want to train but dont want them in the battle

>> No.7913769


If she's your commander, you can put her in your party. She's not the best, but she's better than a Satori with only 0-2 skills. Satori is one of the most fragile characters in the game, and you don't want to go into battle with an easy to kill Satori with only two okay abilities that still don't outdamage most of the other character's abilities for 8 chapters like I did. However, I guess if you want to use her before you get blue magic you could try status ailment Satori, I hear that's good for when you don't have any decent abilities yet although I never tried that out.

>> No.7913778

omg thanks for the info, ill suck your dick now

>> No.7913793
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>> No.7913804
File: 49 KB, 600x541, berserker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lancelot says yes, you should make his sword, and it will remain useful for much of the rest of the game

Growth points are shared across the board, even to characters that haven't joined you yet! XP

>> No.7913811

I wonder if I've been missing any treasure chests. Currently right before Kaguya and Eirin I'm guessing and I have 189 treasures collected with treasure collection rate of 34.2%.

Anybody else at this point to compare? Also do items that drop from enemies count as treasures?

>> No.7913836

If you're talking about the infant demon who drops silver trays, then don't bother. Character specific items have a 0.1% drop for most of the game, so don't count on getting any. That's 50 to 100 times rarer than equipment drops!

You actually keep such close track of the percentages? Who cares?

Well, it turns out the Japanese wiki does! Every since stage's page also includes a treasure collection completion percentage!

>> No.7913909

So I did enough Kagami to learn Fang Crush already.
But still no hyper fang crush.
Fuck this shit man.
Do I get anything extra for getting 100% in this game or should I just not bother with this 3% learning crap.

>> No.7913915

I again want to know why the weaknesses in the bestiary aren't translated or color-coded. Aya, get some damn color ink.

>> No.7913947

shouldnt bother unless your a completionist

>> No.7913962

The elements are images and can't be translated, they just wont physically fit with the data they need to be presented with. You wouldn't be able to see the strength or weakness symbols, for instance.

>> No.7913970

Could someone please repost that .gif of Reimilia biting her hat?

>> No.7913987
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Remi hat eating everyday

>> No.7913998 [SPOILER] 
File: 62 KB, 646x505, YATTAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After nearly 300 hours of grinding and frustration, I've finally finished this game. Drop rates should have been increased in the Expansion, seeing as how I was still short of iron/steel/elemental crystals even after getting all my characters to base level 99/P level 99. Pretty well done game overall, though the Expansion was pretty lacking in story and content. They could've added more bosses and dungeons, instead of reusing old ones.

You could just compare the Kanji with the Japanese wiki, or just memorize it.

>> No.7914011

I never liked satori because I thought she looked stupid, but now that I realized that her outfit is supposed to be a kindergarten uniform I like her a little more. I still think her eye thing is retarded though. it feels like zun started to run out of ideas after mountain of faith.

>> No.7914041

Has anyone managed to make Cirno worth a spot as a damage/support character? On paper she seems crazy good: Fast, Resistant Ice Mage with high chances of freeze, instant death, and can debuff mdef+res. She also has barriers against magic/phys.
In practice, her lack of good ice spells is crippling, with her 25 ice skill being the best for damage with no bomb. Even with IND stacking, she can't freeze the hard stuff.

Of course I used her as a tank for the stuff that Mokou had trouble with and it worked out great, but still disappointed in her damage even compared to the other mages, which are fairly lacking compared to the broken characters.
Sanae and Byakuren both completely overwhelm her in contributed damage and support. I guess she is stuck to either being a tank, mage only parties, or water weak bosses.

>> No.7914083

why no satori?

>> No.7914110 [DELETED] 


>I realized that her outfit is supposed to be a kindergarten uniform

But it's not, that's just a fan joke.

>> No.7914121

Cirno's defenses are paper thin, her freeze is unreliable and risky, she's outdamaged by Marisa, Patchouli, Satori, and all the physical attackers. Alice, Mokou and even Remilia serve as better tanks in most situations. The only use I found for her was manipulating the land gauge to favor water, so that Sakuya does even more damage with her ice sword.

She was in my second party.

>> No.7914123

HOLY FUCKING SHIT, took me like 20 tries and 2.5 hours to beat yuyuko.

I broke down and used a stratagy on the web. Her damn high evasion and mag resist...and I got lucky for Alice to tank all of youmu, she didn't use her best aoe skill on me.

>> No.7914146

i meant you could have done this...D:


>> No.7914174

What good is Sakuya's time stop tree for? What's this Time Sign it's referring too; does she get some time stopping spell latter on?

>> No.7914197


She gets Perfect Square, which stops enemies and Private Square, which gives her two free turns. I have not found a decent use for either because somehow stopped enemies still managed to move either on the same or next turn, and Private Square's MP cost is way too high to use in a boss fight. I pretty much only take points in the Time Stop tree so I can get the attack boosts.

>> No.7914217

She has reflect and massive water land regen.
That's already enough to put her over most of the people assuming you are going to gear and manage the field right. When she is the right person for the fight it makes it stupidly easy.

It's fairly obvious that Mokou and Alice are going to be better all around, but there are some fights Mokou doesn't do well. The point I was asking was if anyone had succeeded in making her useful for her intended use which I haven't been able to do, and I don't really see how it would be possible unless I am missing something big.

>> No.7914266

God damn, those big blue birds in the Netherworld are tough as nails.

>> No.7914354

Is it just me or does Marisa start to fall off later on in the game? Even with slayer effects and hitting weaknesses I feel as if she isn't doing enough damage.

>> No.7914409

Why is the BGM in this game so awesome?

I just got to Inner Eientei and i can't stop headbanging to save my life.

>> No.7914460
File: 70 KB, 646x505, cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, I didn't experiment with Cirno as much as I did the other characters. Her usage seems so specific that you're better off using an actual tank rather than a mirror that regenerates and counters physical. She can regenerate 200+ under the right land conditions, but that doesn't mean much with her low HP and defense. Defense ignoring/barrier passing skills will rip her apart because she doesn't have the HP to survive them, nor does she have enough evasion to dodge them.
If you stack Milky Way Curtains, Solideo, etc, she can survive most anything, but that applies to every character. When you stack those accessories, you leave your other characters vulnerable because Cirno doesn't have a party wide reflect/barrier/taunt.
Reflect won't save your party from Meteor/Comet/Dark Giga Flare/Medoroa/etc. Some enemies also absorb land effects, leaving her with no regneration. I consider Cirno the worst character in the game, mostly because I'm unable to find a use for her that isn't overshadowed by other characters. Perhaps someone else can offer some input.

>> No.7914528

I'm going to try to ESC Yuyuko's last attack. What kind of status effect is death?

>> No.7914541

you can also kill her while Private Square is active and she won't cast it.

>> No.7914563
File: 279 KB, 650x514, cirno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to have to agree. In addition to being so frail, Cirno is a victim of overcrippling specialization. She spams freezing ice, but most of the toughest enemies like dragons, angels, and demons are extremely resistant to such things, and unless you waste your IND items on her it doesn't work that well for most endgame enemies in general. I equip my two treasures of Japan on her just to keep her on par and able to complete her quest. The only two times she got to be Strongest for me was against Mokou and combining her barrier skill with Remi commander to drain back all the damage she took while blasting the enemies with counterattacks. Such controlled situations make her look good, but in actual practice against real threatening enemies Cirno tapers off. Kind of fitting since every other character is more canonically powerful and respected.

She pretty much exists to show you that a skull icon for weaknesses exists. Too bad she didn't have it when you fought her! (600% damage!)

>> No.7914585

The JP wiki says that Instant Death is Quick status effect. If you use Little Legion while you kill Yuyuko, Alice will absorb all the instant deaths and leave the rest of your party alive.

>> No.7914598

Good to know, but beat her without it.
That was pretty hard, but doable. 3-5 tries.

>> No.7914768

Yeah, that's pretty much been my experience.
Oh well, I guess I'll just do as I've been doing and just swap her in when I'm doing quests with things that are vulnerable to instant death or I want to level her.

It's too bad though.

>> No.7914811

anyone know where i go to grind for iron in post expansion?

>> No.7914835

Well this is frustrating. I've gotten 196 of 197 treasures so far with some backtracking. Problem is I can't pinpoint the 1 treasure I'm missing. I also don't know if that glitch with the duped sunflower seed made one chest possibly count twice and that I'm really missing two chests.

>> No.7914840

Iron is really terrible in the game, but don't forget that you can make iron from other excess drops you may get during all your grinding.

>> No.7914878

I rotated between the Genbu's Swamp, Forest of Magic (second visit), and the Garden of the Sun (dark version).

>> No.7914893

I rotated between Genbu's Swamp, Forest of Magic (second visit), and the Garden of the Sun (dark version). You can try Eientei, Hakugyokurou, or Bhava-aga too.

>> No.7914938

Well, Cirno can do some things like counter debuffed bosses who attack a lot, like in this video.


Still gimmicky and unnecessary, but hey, it's something.

>> No.7914989
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What about the hidden chest in Youkai Mountain?

I can't even see anything there, but damn.

>> No.7914992

Yes, there are a few situations where she is very good. It's just that either she is great or terrible, there is no real in between.

Even if she had a spammable very high bombless single target ice nuke she would probably barely out do the other mages on overall damage.
But she only gets a low+ and the multihit ice attack, that's not even a good joke.

Basically the same kick in the face you feel when Byakuren hits 65 and learns Dark Hole. You know, I really could have used that 40 levels ago.

>> No.7915007


>> No.7915046 [DELETED] 



>> No.7915065

>>7914835 here.
Found the thing I was missing. Turns out I never got the thunder shield. I now have all treasures assuming that sunflower seed didn't count twice.

Time to go fight Kaguya and Eirin.

The JP wiki puts footnotes for all the hidden chests thankfully which helped a ton looking for chests I missed. Was able to sniff out the chests I missed with the footnotes and by checking what equipment I had and didn't have.

>> No.7915151
File: 119 KB, 646x508, KaguyaIsFantasticSupport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheesed Kaguya and Eirin. Is there anyway Nitori isn't great? She's been a great damage dealer in nearly every situation now.

>> No.7915166
File: 135 KB, 646x508, RainbowGreaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this give Alice resistance to all elements? Because if it does then these our the first boots weapon worth a damn.

>> No.7915185

Yeah it does. The main reason I use boots is for mach kick and low kick anyway though.
The daze is fairly good. I mean it isn't as good as Mokou's Confusion/Silence/Blind lockdown, but then again not much is.

>> No.7915212 [DELETED] 

Her ultimate weapon combines the best of both worlds

>> No.7915213

Nonono, I mean where did you get the map? Can't find them on the wiki.

>> No.7915233

Bleh. After Chireiden and the Netherworld, Muenzuka is really dull. I can tell that it's supposed to be a nice, calm palate cleanser, but...bleh. It's just a hill with some junk on it. The enemies aren't even anything special.

>> No.7915235
File: 464 KB, 655x513, rkg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her ultimate weapon combines the best of both worlds

>> No.7915243

Just got Sakura, Patchy, and Nitori in my party. I set up their growth and figured I'd level them up in Scarlet Devil Mansion a bit before moving on. I threw them in party with Reimu and Byakuren, but they're getting around 5 exp a fight. I know I need to level sort of evenly, but is it worth grinding them up here? I'd try just taking two of them and moving on, but their max HPs and MPs are really low, and I'd still have a few left behind that I'd have to grind up anyway.

>> No.7915251

For some reason I'm having a lot of trouble in Muenzuka. I'm just not killing things fast enough.

>> No.7915272

Yeah, stuff is durable, but nothing comes out and rapes your whole party like mind flayers or those big blue birds.

>> No.7915290

Just bring them to former hell. You're currently too early in the game for level differences to really mean anything. They'll level up more quickly there as well. Growth points are where the character's main strengths is and any new character you get has growth points about your level to use.

Also it might be worth crafting Nitori's first weapon to get magician and warrior slayer. Makes her really potent against them. And there's a lot of magician and warrior enemies in the game.

Also be sure to get the Kourindou bonus weapons. They're fairly good weapons for early in the game.

>> No.7915294

Oh wait, I meant magic forest. After that is former hell.

>> No.7915311

Thanks. My only problem really is that their max HP/MP is so low. Patchy's max is 4 HP, and even Sakuya's getting oneshotted like crazy in SDM.

>> No.7915351

My solution to that was to use Hinotori skydance early on with Mokou in the center. She's more meaty HP wise so she can tough it out.

>> No.7915385

make one the commander and put the other two in the same column as alice

>> No.7915387

just download it, what happens when the AT reaches 0?

>> No.7915398

He doesn't have Alice though.

>> No.7915403

just win a few battles. They don't have to survive to get EXP. Only the "removed" effect can deny that.

>> No.7915409

until they run out of lives, anyway.

>> No.7915412

welp, then it's time to run to the circle, it's quite simple
also, as the above guy suggested, do you have Mokou and Hinotori Skydance? If not, then use Hakurei Type

>> No.7915443

I have both, but went with Hakurei Type to start with, and put Sakuya and Nitori in front and Marisa and Reimu in the back, with Patchy as a commander. Went alright, but I made it a few areas in and found a party of those yellow demons and just wiped on 'em. Mokou held up alright but as soon as they pick someone else, everything seemed to be picking on Nitori and she would just get oneshot.

>> No.7916082
File: 188 KB, 2054x970, beautiful three.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone notice this?

They call it Full Moon Revenge, but I know Beautiful Three when I see it.

Legend of Mana reference - check

>> No.7916109

it upsets me that unless you fiddle with ACC/EVA, most of the attacks miss
Part of the reason why I prefered magic damage in boss fights so far...

>> No.7916359


Well, I've been liking that move quite a bit. Physical damage has been outdoing magical damage for me lately even with the chance to miss, Sakuya's normal attacks do almost as much damage as Marisa's magic hitting an enemy's weakness, sometimes more. If you actually do use Sakuya's last word you've probably already won, missing is extremely rare and it almost triples damage so that even Youmu can't keep up with that with criticals, it's ridiculous.

>> No.7916704

That's pretty much the way it goes after you get to the temple. In boss fights magic is still useful when they have very high pdef, but Amplifying Scroll and some hit goggles usually fixes the missing problem. If not, Unquick does. The combination of diverse groups, physical growth, and slayers just starts eating away at chasers and multitarget magic for random battles.

Don't be afraid of Skydance's def debuff, it is actually much better than the other baiting formations for anything that doesn't spam multitarget physical attacks. -33% def is a lot, but the massive 75% chance to hit the center target solves many more problems. The only other one that compares is the Poison one, which has 76% chance to hit the defender, but also gets whacked by row attacks unless you use reimu to heal.

>> No.7916740

I can't seem to get the Final Burst formation.
According to wiki:
>Healing Circle at Hakurei Shrine after exterminating 300 Youkai and clearing Hakugyokurou
I got 2 new ones from the healing circle after Eientei but didn't get Final Burst.
I'm also already at the Youkai Mountains stage, should I have tried to obtain it immediately right after the Hakugyokurou stage? I doubt it so maybe it's actually 3000 Youkai since I'm still only at 2500+ kills.

>> No.7916763


I can't find a reason to use it, I'm a different guy but I use a comparatively fragile team, with Reimu being the only character that can tank hits decently. Sakuya probably could as well if I focused more on her defenses than her offenses but I don't want to give up the attack boost.

>> No.7916779

There is are many other good formations. The point was that if you are using a baiting formation you might as well use the most effective one that has a very high attack boost on top of it.

>> No.7916789


I dunno, I still prefer the Hakurei formation, I can't stand seeing even my tougher characters get two shot so easily. The only other formation I used is the Neo Hakurei one for fighting Iku, I really liked the fact that Reimu could heal everyone with Barriers maxed but I don't know if I'd want to use it all the time.

>> No.7916826

With a fragile team, more reason why you should use the baiting formation.
Unless you kept everyone armor up to date, they usually die in 2hits, having a tank tanking everyone damage is the only way to survive.

>> No.7916834

They have double the chance of attacking anyone other than the forward. I guess if you use Reimu as part of your back line that is alright, but light armor users die if they gets sneezed at by anything in Stage 16+.

>> No.7916856


I don't really have a tank so to say. Reimu's the closest thing I have to a tank, she can take hits better than most everyone if she heals every turn, but I can't take the chance that I get unlucky and someone in the back gets one shot. I'm on chapter 15 I believe.


That's pretty much how it is in chapter 15 as well. Well, they can survive, but only just barely. I wonder if I should give the defense boosting accessories to my light armor users instead of Reimu.

>> No.7916870

Unless they can wear heavy armor like Youmu, Alice or Sakuya they will get 2shotted usually.

>> No.7916883


Youmu and Sakuya actually aren't taking hits that great. Maybe because I went full offense for them though.

>> No.7916890

300 by Marisa

>> No.7916897

They aren't going to unless you put them in the def spot with the best heavy armor you find. You can make do without Alice though.
I used Mokou and Reimu as tanks for the whole main game.

>> No.7916916

There is actually no reason to avoid using Alice.
Alice make everything easy modo.

>> No.7916917


May as well stick with Reimu then. All Sakuya can do is heal herself, which is quite tanky, but having my secondary healer alive is more important.

>> No.7916918


I don't really want to use Alice though, even if she's the most broken overpowered character in the game, same with Nitori unless I find a spot where I absolutely need to. So far I haven't had that problem yet, but if I do then I guess I'll use them.

>> No.7916923

That sounds like a reason not to use her. For random battles she was never great for me anyway. The best she has is Decoy or Mach kick+Daze. Some of the very hard miniboss types really benefit from having her in the party though.
Not much compared to having an extra light user, an extra damage, or Mokou's 50% chance to blind and mach punch.

>> No.7916924

It is better to use everyone evenly and even if you dont want to use them rotate your commander spot. You wont be able to avoid those party split.

You are gonna be fighting 3boss with 3 4man party later.

>> No.7916926

I just tried it with Marisa as the playable, still none. Did you mean 300 kills only by Marisa?

By the way, there's also a "Kinds of Youkai Exterminated" item in the encyclopedia tab in the records. The wiki must've probably meant this and the "Youkai Exterminated" in the Battle History tab.

>> No.7916932

The reason why she is good for the later stage is you would be fighting enemies that can breathe attack your whole party and wipe you in 1turn.
Unless you use Reimu or Aya to cast reflect breathe every turn you would be running back to the circle everytime you are out of bomb/mana. Alice with a dragon shield can block it for your whole team. It makes fight so easy when you dont have to do any healing or buffing and concentrate on blasting everything in 1turn.

>> No.7916938

Which Blind takes care of easily for anything in the main game.

>> No.7916945

Solo Marisa at SDM, Aya/Mokou Commander
Wear MYS resist
Blazing Star everything

>> No.7916949


Yeah, that's gonna be trouble for me, I already know. I don't want Sanae to get behind my other guys that are strong though, I don't want my main healer and buffer getting destroyed so I'm stuck, especially since my strong guys are more than twice as strong as my weak ones and if I put in the weak guys then my party won't win battles.

>> No.7916961

I see, thanks for the info.
Kinda frustrating because I'd have to manually keep count and also wait for respawns.

>> No.7916977

Most mobs later have at least 50RES, so you gotta keep your inducing rings for your debuffer. I prefer using them on Sakuya for instant death but yeah it depends on your playstyle at the end.

>> No.7917118

what's the best way to grind for items now?

>> No.7917165
File: 206 KB, 639x480, chest1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need to find some maps of this game.
How do I get to this chest? It's got me stumped.

>> No.7917247
File: 58 KB, 400x400, yukamoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it funny how light and happy the Stage 8 theme is - while it's full of monsters who will rape you until you're unable to even crawl.

>> No.7917297

it's very close to the start of the level, it's accessible from the area to the north-west of the first room.

>> No.7917332

Komachi is ridiculous! Money from Yesterday deals huge damage, dispells, and hits the whole party, that defense-piercing attack can kill ANYONE at any time, and she attacks, like, three times a turn!? How am I supposed to deal with that?

>> No.7917351

the thumbnail is maybe to small to see what exactly I did there, but let me just say that Alice with Marionette Parrar is god tier.
Another tip: Komachi's moves are dark elemental. Manipulate Land accordingly.

>> No.7917370

>Komachi's moves are dark elemental
I Royal Flared and Youkai Bustered her a few times, and Money from Yesterday went from painful to one-shotting most of my party.

>> No.7917371
File: 147 KB, 960x720, Unknown 2011-09-15 14-23-15-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, found the pic
it's actually from the Yuka fight, but the position is the same

and an alternative to Light would be Earth, Komachi hates that too

>> No.7917404

hey, uh, this game isn't running for me at all. does it not work on windows 7 or something, or am i just not good with computer?

>> No.7917413

The latter.
Run it in windows 95 compatibility, and make sure you have the DirectX it wants.

>> No.7917437


i've already changed the compatibility settings, but how do i tell if i have the right directx driver?

>> No.7917456
File: 133 KB, 550x413, 1262240051416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is up with outer eientei?
>Press select to switch parties
>press select
>nothing happens
>press every button on the keyboard
>nothing happens

>my face

>> No.7917460

>I got around the DirectX problem by installing the 2.00 version of the game, patching to 2.06 via the official site, and then replacing the 2.06 exe with the 2.00 exe (it backs up the 2.00 exe after updating).
seems to work for some.
Otherwise, run dxdiag to see if you have DirectX 9.0

>> No.7917472

open the config and see and the 2nd tab what the S button is mapped to

>> No.7917495


it looks like i have directx 11, so i'll try monkeying with the .exes. thanks for the help

>> No.7917763

I think you need to get the 9.0 one it requests.

>> No.7917930

>Satori learned Spider Net!
>Turned tail and ran away!!

Oh, you ASSHOLE.

>> No.7918165

Is there any spell that needs specific events for satori to learn? I don't want to miss any spell.

>> No.7918204
File: 46 KB, 644x508, shake it easy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just encountered one of this.
I only scanned it with satori
4/4 hp and weak to slash.
Bitch got away in the first turn.
What do they do?

>> No.7918221 [DELETED] 

It's been mentioned before that Hyper Fang Crush is the only missable spell for Satori. You can get it at stage 18 from Kagami.

The metal slimes of this game. Regular yukkuris are worth 1k exp. All yukkuris drop exp boosting accessories, except for the Yukkuri Emperor.

>> No.7918237
File: 274 KB, 651x514, yuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Hyper Fang Crush

They are most definitely not weak to slash.

>> No.7918286

How do you kill them?

>> No.7918329

The same way metal slimes are fought in Dragon Quest games. They are absolutely immune to all magic, and extremely resistant to physical attacks. They will likely take 1 damage if at all from most physical attacks that hit when you first encounter them. They have a high probability of ambushing you and keep trying to run often. It's a race against time to take them down! Gradually as you get stronger it's easier to kill earlier yukkuri, though in general you want accurate attacks, preferably multi-hit as long as it can do damage. Youmu has yukkuri slash which inflicts slayer on yukkuri.

Also, their drops get rarer and rarer. I believe the first is 5% drop, the second is 2.5% drop, and the final one, the Yukkuri Crown, is a 1% drop!

...and I just got it so here's a picture!

>> No.7918332
File: 608 KB, 647x513, crown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7918347

Sanae's Snake bomb works pretty well on yukkuris

>> No.7918408

Can I play it using AppLocale?

>> No.7918412

are there certain places where yukkuris are more likely to spawn? I was finding them in a certain screen in komachi's level, but after finishing garden of the sun and going back I can't find any more.

>> No.7918419

No. JapLocale!

Also, for those of you who have beaten the expansion, did you guys take on the famously difficult bonus dungeon? I wonder what it takes to make people who slugged through hundreds of hours to make it this far, having already done grinding for many of the best items, to just give up at the thought of taking on this extra stage...

>> No.7918420

Can anyone tell me what Nitori's chaser damage is based on? Thanks in advance.

>> No.7918433

This game has the absolute WORST blue magic system I've ever seen. There's just no way around it.
I'm not even talking about hard to get spells like leaf shield and stuff; most stuff has a 1% to 5% chance to be learned WITH the learning skill maxed out. That's a 5% chance to learn a specific skill, IF the enemy casts it, IF it's cast on Satori, and ONLY for the first cast per battle. It's fucking ridiculous.

>> No.7918499

AppLocale is fine, though it does crash during scenes every once in a while, if you have compatibility set right its shouldn't stop you.

I know right? It was pure luck that I got Mind Blast my second try and I have only gotten to more spells since. Though I hear that her Blue Magic is pretty OP if you get all the best spells.

We just need a patch to raise healing AND drop rate.


>> No.7918517


Calm down dude. Satori is useless anyway. You're not missing much

>> No.7918523

Learning I mean.

>Satori is useless

Unless you learn are her best spells. All the ex boss runs I've seen use Satori. Her bomb spells do some of the best damage in the game.

>> No.7918531

Physical attack + elemental.

>> No.7918553

>We just need a patch to raise healing AND drop rate.
Someone get on this immediately. I'm not asking for iron from every group or a 100% learn rate, but give me something reasonable.

>> No.7918583

Why raise healing? My characters are all in the 90's and a medium power heal is 60-70%+. The high power heal is full hp for most, except maybe Mokou. Sanae does lack a bit compared to Barrier Reimu in the 30-60 range, but its not that bad.

If anything after a drop patch I'd want a balance patch that fixes up some of the weak characters and moves spells around to make the early and mid levels not such a chore. Unless you meant learning rate at which I wholeheartedly agree.
I gave up on learning shadow burst from the fairies in the forest after 3 hours. It has a 5% rate and I had learning maxed.

>> No.7918594

You're calculating her learn rate wrong. Those higher degree learning skills replace the ones before them. With maxed out learning tree she only has +200% chance to learn a skill. Making a 1% skill a 3% chance to learn.

It really is a pain, I've been trying to get Satori to learn Shadow Burst for the past hour with maxed learning and she simply refuses to learn it.

>> No.7918628

Around what time should I farm for Satori Blue Magic? Or at least what strong Blue magic is at my level? 1% chances sound like a bitch to obtain... Next mission is Muenzuka atm.

>> No.7918636

When she is capable of surviving more than one attack in the area you're farming and has maxed learning.

>> No.7918644

If you plan on running a chaster spam team, as soon as possible. Otherwise around 30-40. To be honest she isn't great until you learn the more powerful stuff, and she is more fragile than even Patchy.

During the main game she is pretty much your only dark attacker, which is terrible.

>> No.7918653

Give her poison/induce rings and just poison the shit out of everything. You should try to learn the single elemental target spell as soon as possible though.

>> No.7918666

I'm starting to believe the rates for learning shadow burst are wrong. It's been over an hour, Satori has maxed learning and I've gotten shadow burst cast on her at least 30 times now.

>> No.7918673

If you just keep Satori in your party, lots of spells will be learned because they'll be spammed on your party dozens or even hundreds of times.

>> No.7918689

Most of the spells are terrible though, and as a party member she doesn't shine until late game. I mean I did the same but it left me kind of jaded towards being 'forced' to have her in my party.

>> No.7918700
File: 153 KB, 646x508, ShadowBurst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it, why the fuck won't you learn this skill, Satori. You've ended up learning fire breath and gale sword while running away, but not this after it's hit you over dozens of times now.

>> No.7918709

i'm going to test right now and see if i run into the same problem as you.

>> No.7918731
File: 114 KB, 646x508, Finally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freaking finally. I started about an hour and a half ago, but I finally have this skill. Now to get earthquake from those rocks that hang out with the elephants in Garden of the Sun and acid storm from those walking fish in Eientei.

>> No.7918746

Where do you get mass heal?

>> No.7918764

Just go try to get shadow burst from the monks in the netherworld. You'll learn it long before you get that.

>> No.7918802

okay so I'm new to this game, is it normal that it crashes right at the start? I'm on 32bit Win7 JP Locale, do I need some sort of special settings etc?

>> No.7918821

I see... thanks.

I'm asking because i don't usually remember the skill names in this game, except the ones that the game makes sure you never forget.
I'm looking at you, Mind Blast/Petro Breath

>> No.7918820

Don't make it sound so simple. You need to charm them, and as far as I know, only Byakuren can do that.

>> No.7918828

Read the thread first.
Running in 95 compatibility and have DirectX9?

>> No.7918851
File: 343 KB, 646x532, sb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 tries...5 minutes. i learned it from #61 Shade.
I'm going to guess success rate may depend on which monster you fight.

>> No.7918891

I could have sworn I saw a silver chest in the upper netherworld...but I can't find a third key and I can't find the chest again...am I seeing things?

>> No.7918901

Well, all these support spells are 100% learn rate with learning tree so it really just comes down to how good Byakuren's IND is and them actually casting it.

>> No.7918932


Damn, thanks, I read OP's but not the other threads or past 20 first posts since it seemed spoilerish...

>> No.7918954

Yeah, but some people might not have Byakuren yet/not want to pick her up early.

>> No.7918967

You could... get Satori to use her last word, and hope that the monk decided to cast mass heal on the same turn he was controlled.

>> No.7918969

It is possible, but you probably just got lucky. I mean there are several people that finished the main story of this game who learned Hyper Fang Crush completely on accident their 2nd or 3rd time doing those fights.

That's how I got it.

>> No.7918977

What? How? Satori's last word causes control, and you can't make controlled enemies cast support spells.

>> No.7919024

During that turn that a character gets controlled, they will continue performing whatever action they were cued to do but for the other side. That's why your character that was about to nuke the opponent will now nuke your party instead...

So it sort of works as a 1-turn charm, technically.

>> No.7919027

I FINALLY learned mind blast. Then the barely-living mind flayer got incredibly lucky and killed my entire party.
Hold me, /jp/.

>> No.7919034

By the way, did anyone here NOT pick up Mokou and Byakuren early? I wonder what their joining cutscene dialogues are.

>> No.7919045

I didn't and I'm not going too. I might tell you, if I remember.

>> No.7919059


I've lost many a skill that way. Especially Tsunami. I don't see the big deal about Mind Blast though, hasn't been very useful to me.

>> No.7919065

Mokou was patrolling the bamboo forest as usual, upon mention of Kaguya's involvement Mokou goes "That wench! unforgivable etc" and joins the party.

Byakuren was going to the Youkai mountain to get the opinion of Kanako and Suwako. some hint of rivalry from Patchy as she joins.

>> No.7919081

Well...I'm a completionist. I'm not going to 100% this game, but it still hurts to lose stuff.
You should have seen me when I accidentally ran from the fight I got demon shock from.

>> No.7919103
File: 150 KB, 965x765, rivals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forever rivals

>> No.7919109

Satori may have bullshit game mechanics, but oh man do I love her animations. Hey eye attack animation looks silly ("Hey guys, look at this thing!") but everything else looks great.

>> No.7919149
File: 52 KB, 108x184, patchu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the game's defense, there are over a hundred blue magics and many versions of moves for each element, some with high learning rate, so people who use Satori can get by reasonably without much grinding as she's bound to learn lots of the AoE moves naturally anyways sooner or later through the game.

It's just hell for us completionists who care about those 1% learn rate moves.

The sprites in this game are pretty awesome in general

>> No.7919168

I really like the Yurusanae sprite.

>> No.7919228

I love Marisa's casting sprites. Look at that grin she's got when she's about to cast something.
>Oh man, this is gonna hurt a LOT...

With that, how into it she looks when she uses a spellcard, and her cool victory sprite, she looks like an angry action hero.

>> No.7919280 [DELETED] 

I realized I'm not slacking off enough, and thus I decided to give this game a try.
Is everything I need to play it on the first link of OP's post? Is it 100% patched?

>> No.7919476

I love everything about this game. Including the fact that I spent the last 3 hours wiping on Cirno and Momiji because Sanae kept getting frozen (through head start > Res up > unresist > Face punch).

There isn't a single thing in this game I love more than it's sprites. Jesus fuck The sprites are so fucking good. Maybe except for Youmu's running sprite, it's pretty shit.

>> No.7919507


Funny, I just learned it on my first try

>> No.7919508

Isn't it sad when a doujin game with almost not budget and few people working on it has better design, execution, gameplay and music then most professional titles made today.

>> No.7919509

She's never gonna draw that sword...

Speaking of Youmu, that cutscene fight before her and Yuyuko's boss fight was...weird. Something about it was really off-putting.

>> No.7919588

I've found, like, one crow feather throughout the whole damn game. Aya cries whenever I enter Kourindou.

>> No.7919599
File: 860 KB, 1395x2000, mon11_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mad.
Lets see, 3days since I started going for Hyper Fang Crush, probably go through like 4hours so far and I still havent learn it yet.
I finally realize how jinouga girl felt.

>> No.7919623

This move. This fucking move. It's driving me insane right now.

God it's so hot. Sakuya keeps running out of MP because of how much I'm spamming it. Please tell me there are more moves like this.

>> No.7919744

Didn't work. Marionette Parrar is indeed awesome, but Komachi pierces right through it, oneshots Alice, and proceeds to oneshot the rest of the party.

I DID beat her eventually, but Alice spent everything beyond turn three dead on the ground, and the only one left at the end was Marisa with <30 health left. Definitely the hardest boss so far, by a huge margin.
Was I supposed to dispel her when she charged up or something? Can I even do that yet?

>> No.7919767

Hmm, when I fought her Komachi couldn't get past Alice's shield at all and rarely did more than 20 damage. It's extremely important to give Alice a good shield.

>> No.7919774

Are you using Sanae buff?
It shouldnt one shot the whole party. You can always alternate spam little legion and Reimu barrier if you really cant tank the hit.

>> No.7919786

She had the ghost shield at the time.
How would it help anyway? She's got an attack that isn't affected by defense at all, and she uses it pretty often.

>> No.7919794

She doesn't one-shot all of them at once, she one-shots them one by one.
Usually. Her area attack only one shot people in a couple battles. Mostly ones it which I focused on light attacks; is it light element?

>> No.7919814

The only problem you should be facing is the money shot skill.
Besides that Komachi is weak. The usual Sanae buff, Byakuren debuff and Alice blocking should make the fight piss easy. Try using Patchouli to reset the land to decrease her attack power.

>> No.7919825

No Byakuren yet.

Well, it didn't. Sanae's buffs and Alice's blocking and all my land manipulation just BARELY scraped me by.
What level should I have been? I don't know if would have mattered; that defense piercing thing I keep mentioning was hitting in the 300s.

>> No.7919842
File: 179 KB, 640x480, c37ea590b0a21f7409b8d6071ae26d56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>money shot skill.

>> No.7919865

I did it at about lvl16+ with my Alice being lvl18.
You should try to get Byakuren in your party since she is your only other light attacker after Reimu and Satori.
With a debilitate on Komachi, you can just laugh your way through the battle.
Give Alice a dark shield and a dark ring and just tank it for the team with your mages shooting her.
But I am sure you can luck your way through it without a debuff. Just pray you can kill her before she land the money shot.

>> No.7919870

Son of a bitch, alice was 17, everyone else was 20-24.

...I'm making an extra save to figure out why the hell this boss was so hard.

>> No.7919976
File: 150 KB, 648x531, withdebilitate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just load back my old save.
With debilitate, money from yesterday does 0damage.

>> No.7920460

Youmu is kind of overpowered at higher levels, i was bored and tried soloing dungeons with her. properly equiped she can breeze through dungeons by herself, although picking the winnable fights.

>> No.7920556

Just beat Alice earlier and spent some time leveling her up in the Forest of Magic, and started making my way through the next chapter. Have a couple of questions though. I was wondering if there were any strategies for dungeon roaming at this low level, as currently I'm just sticking a party in Hinotori Skydance and exploiting weaknesses. I know that's the most logical way to get through, but I've seen discussion on some more in depth methods and I haven't been able to figure them out, and I'm assuming I'm too low yet. I'm trying to level fairly evenly and I switched Marisa for Patchouli, and she's not very MP-efficient, but I hate relying on one caster. I also don't understand Nitori's chaser abilities, I've used it a bunch of times but only seen it activate once, and it was on the turn she used it.

Sorry for the shitty questions, but with all the skills and formations and items in the game, it seems way more complicated than I'm playing it. I'm still getting by with all the starter weapons and haven't seen a need to waste materials on the first set of synthesized weapons.

>> No.7920603

For me, the best way to level up in the earlier parts of the game was to use speed formation and spam Alice's defense on everyone.

THen proceed to AOE spam with Patchy, Needles AOE with Remiu and then use Sakuya or Nitori as cleanup.

Works till about stage 8, then enemies get more HP.

>> No.7920712

It seems like stage 18 onwards every battle is becoming bomb spell card spam from entire party or i be dead before ant group of enemies,leaving me outta mp in like 4 battles.

>> No.7920717

>currently at stage 7...

>Reads about 18+ stages...


>> No.7920722

the enemies become immune to all permanent and quick effects or what?
If Private Square or Mind Blast stop my enemies, I can pretty much do whatever I want for the rest of fight.
Sonic Stream formation, so good

>> No.7920762
File: 29 KB, 430x650, remiliabitinghat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7920775


>> No.7920785

Even with 3 IND gear on satori with IND + formation and used youmu to half their resistance, i've only seen 1 enemy got stun by mind blast every 5 battle.

>> No.7920805

Can anyone make a gif of Okuu when she's eating the cucumber?

>> No.7921193


It'd probably be a good idea to put points in her Trauma tree if you want it to work more often. Although I've been putting most of my points in Satori, Third Eye and Eye trees since I've been focusing more on pure damage.

>> No.7921316

So now I'm stuck somewhere in stage 15 without any way to get out with a ton of items. This is going to be fun. Also, is Death Breath any good? Satori managed to learn it while I was trying to escape. I'm almost out of MP too.

>> No.7921324

Can you switch other, fresh characters into your party? Or use Byakuren's commander spells to restore your MP?

>> No.7921332

Just run to the save point and track back for any missing chests.

>> No.7921347


The other ones are too weak, although I did use Byakuren for MP restoration. Strangely enough I found my way back though so I don't need to worry anymore. Can't believe I got out of that alive.


I couldn't find it. I was around the area where you get the silver key. I'll probably go after it now though.

>> No.7921360

>Can't believe I got out of that alive.
Those are the best parts of the game.

>> No.7921379


It is pretty nice. A couple monsters even dropped some nice materials so I could get a new weapon for Marisa and some armor for Satori.

>> No.7921518

Is it just me, or do enemies start getting really durable between Komachi's level and The Garden of the Sun?

>> No.7921525

shouldn't be yet.
Check their weaknesses or change your strategy.
Get "Arondight" for Sakuya. That thing is ballin

>> No.7921527


It starts a bit there, but as you get further it really starts to show. Marisa won't be annihilating entire mobs anymore and will even struggle to two shot an enemy when she hits its weakness, even with slayer effects some enemies won't be killed with a single hit, stuff like that.

>> No.7921529

I don't like the sound of that...

>> No.7921542


Well by then you'll have more MP and skills, so it shouldn't be that bad for the most part. I had to respec Marisa from Power into Magic so she would have a chance to cast her spells multiple times, and put some points into Lasers for the Warrior and Magician slayer effect. Some places will make you extremely frustrated though, Inner Eientei comes to mind. Tough to kill enemies that can stop you, delete you, and kill you in a single hit while being tough to kill as well. Plus that place is a maze.

>> No.7921558

stage 24 is a map filled with mid-boss/boss tier mobs. hope you enjoy going through the place when you get there

>> No.7921567 [DELETED] 

Well, that's the final level, isn't it? I'd be insulted if the enemies weren't stupidly strong.

>> No.7921579

Well, that's the final level, isn't it? I'd be insulted if the enemies weren't stupidly strong. But this early on? Hrm...
From what I heard about petro breath, I was expecting rock-flavored mind blast. Boy was I wrong. Way to skimp out on the lack of a petrified sprite, by the way.

>> No.7921601

If you mean stage 21, the thing is that if you run away, the enemy will disappear just like yukkuri. However, there is a barrier Bloodfort Andromeda that makes running away more difficult, at least before you clear the stage.

Stage 24 is in fact Garden of the Sun again

>> No.7921651

Oh my gosh, stage 15 just got serious. An antlion, two unicorns and two of those giant eyeball things. You have just got to be kidding me. I have to run from almost everything now.

>> No.7921660
File: 359 KB, 1277x953, touhoumeiiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I haven't had this much fun from a touhou RPG since Touhou Meiiden. Too bad the translation project was dropped...

Thanks for the links Mokou.

>> No.7921744

That's what I thought. I don't remember 24 being that hard. I was using Reisen as my main attacker too, so I obviously was not going for an optimal team.

21 was hard though, especially running into the mini bosses.

>> No.7921779

It's funny because when I look at all the advice given in this thread, I don't see much advice my main party can use.

It makes me feel like i'm really going to hit a brick wall with them. I run Sakuya, Mokou, Youmu, Byakuren and Sanae. I switch up my commanders to make sure my entire party keeps up though. I hardly ever switch them out, and have taken down everything with them so far. I'm about to head to heaven.

My main strategy consist of melee nuking with Mokou great confusing everything. Byakuren buffs Sakuya's accuracy and enchants Sakuya's and Youmu's weapons with elements, while debuffing my enemies. Sanae just buffs and heals.

That reminds me, I found it silly how fast Suwako and Kanako went down. I mean, why can they be great confused so easily? I hardly took any damage besides melee attacks and once frog lady died, Youmu last word proc'd. Goodbye Kanako.

>> No.7921796

Not Really, you might have some problems with turtles depending on how you have speced and geared your physical attackers since your party isn't balanced. Most people just ride the chaser spam 1 turn everything until stage 19 bandwagon.

>> No.7921808 [DELETED] 

Yeah, fuck turtles. I've ran into them a couple of times. They haven't killed me yet but if they were paired with stronger enemies, I can see how they'd screw me over. It's good to hear I won't be doing so poorly.

>> No.7921832
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I just recently started this.

Matango. This thing is the biggest bullshit I've ever seen, what the fuck.

>> No.7921833


You might have some trouble with Tenshi, the only way I've been able to beat her is with Reimu. I've mostly been using the same six characters. Reimu, Marisa, Satori, Sakuya and Youmu with Sanae as my commander except during boss battles, which I usually have Mokou or someone else as my commander and switch Marisa out for Sanae, although I used to switch out Satori until she started getting her strong spells.

>> No.7921836

You'll have to be more flexible on boss encounters though. Reimu will probably make a lot of them easier.

>> No.7921854

Fucking iron. Fucking, fucking iron.

Where are they guys who made the translation patch based? We need a drop rate boosting patch. This is ridiculous.

>> No.7921863
File: 115 KB, 640x480, momiji207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Forest of Magic is pretty much Marlboro: The Maze-Level.

>> No.7921917

Kill them last so you don't have a bunch of birds beating on your sleeping party.

>> No.7921940

Managed to beat Genji, he wasn't that bad. It was kind of close though, he took down everyone but Reimu and Sanae and I managed to finish him off with Fantasy Heaven. What a fitting end, but now I have to go to Genbu's Swamp where I apparently have to party split again. I have a feeling I'll be stuck here for a long time.

>> No.7921958

yeah stage 21, didn't check my bad.

>> No.7922022

If you pick up Byakuren and Mokou early, do they appear and talk in cutscenes that happen before they'd join normally?

>> No.7922044


>> No.7922046


>> No.7922056


>> No.7922425
File: 223 KB, 639x479, weird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently I have an easy time with bosses most people think are hard, and a hard time with bosses that are supposed to be pushovers. Ugh.
Word to the wise; Medicine is not weak to fire, no matter what Satori's Scan says.

>> No.7922442


Well, apparently people are using the easy mode method or something. Anyways, I didn't find that battle to be so difficult, I think I went after Yuuka first, Medicine second. I don't think my characters were getting poisoned very often.

>> No.7922456

God damn, how long is this whodunit plot going to go on?

>> No.7922474

easy mode method? i dont think it works anymore now that sakuya's private square got longer cooldown time

>> No.7922476

well, a certain shrine maidens poison field was kind of handy

>> No.7922477

I don't think you're supposed to win this fight without without 5 points in Snake tree

>> No.7922482


I just mean the general chaser strategies with Nitori everyone tends to use, although I don't use Nitori.


I have never put a single point into Snakes ever, I haven't even gotten a Snake weapon for Sanae since I started the game and I still beat it. I kind of forget how though.

>> No.7922491

Oh yeah, it wasn't THAT hard, but still harder than it should have been.

Sanae's RES buff and proper equipment took care of Medicine, and Yuuka's weak to thunder.

Sanae's poison guard would have been very useful, if I'd looked at her snake tree at all...but snakes cost iron, which is stupidly rare and almost all goes to Sakuya and Youmu, so...

>> No.7922509

Well, the snake which Sanae has at the start of the game is more than enough for this battle.
Without snakes?
The only way I could imagine how to survive the horrendous poison barrage is a maximum RES buff usage and much praying for the best

>> No.7922532


I dunno, it wasn't that big a deal. I had Reimu and Sanae on my team and usually only one or two characters were poisoned at a time so it was easy to heal them back up if they were poisoned.

>> No.7922536

When does Byakuren normally join? I don't want to bother leveling up Mokou now if another level 1 wuss is joining up right after Eientei.

>> No.7922607

MoF map

>> No.7922618

When is that? At the start or end of it?

>> No.7922637

start of stage 11 i think
really? iirc i won the first time i fought Yuka/Medicine with byakuren elemental enchanting my physical attackers with weapon bless and lightning element. then i was easy modo from there

>> No.7922873

Is there any iron or silver trays in Eientei? I want that damn Arondight.

...but then again, if I get that, I won't be able to afford another weapon for another half-dozen tiers...ugh...

>> No.7922893 [DELETED] 


There should be some, but not much. I did get Arondight before then but I don't remember how. I do know that I didn't use Silver Trays for Sakuya's armor though so that's how I had enough to get her weapons.

>> No.7922912


There should be some. I managed to get Arondight pretty easily since I had been saving Silver Trays, I didn't think they were worth using for Sakuya's armor so I only used them for weapons. Chances are after then you should be able to get another weapon for another character in the next two chapters, Iron drops are a bit more common when you get to Inner Eientei, it's dropped by those armored rat looking things.

>> No.7922938

In general at that point most enemies that drop iron each have 4% chance to drop it. By contrast, don't expect character item drops like Silver Tray since that's 0.1%, so be very niggardly about their usage until the expansion

>> No.7922948

I'll keep that in mind, thanks.
4%, huh...how much is that with the gamer's fan?

>> No.7922957 [DELETED] 


I usually have enough when I need it, I only ever make armor for Youmu and Satori since everyone else's armor becomes outdated so quickly. Actually, the characters I haven't upgraded haven't had an equipment upgrade either. I should have the materials to get them some nice equipment, although I'm short on Iron since I made a new weapon for Sakuya on chapter 15.

>> No.7922969

I usually have enough when I need it, I only ever make armor for Youmu and Satori since everyone else's armor becomes outdated so quickly. Actually, the characters I haven't trained haven't had an equipment upgrade either. I should have the materials to get them some nice equipment, although I'm short on Iron since I made a new weapon for Sakuya on chapter 15.

>> No.7923016

I dont see why people go with character-specific weapons. I've been using knives on Sakuya and axes on Mokou and it's going fine. Are the specific weapons that much better?

>> No.7923043

they come with special effects and their tree are much better than the standardize weapons

>> No.7923059


It's not just for the weapon, but for the weapon trees if you do decide to pick a unique weapon. Sakuya gets a 90 attack boost with 20 points in Two Handed Swords, and a spammable three hit attack at 25. Knives give only a 25 attack boost, with axes only giving 50, so I don't want to pass up on that power. If you're not leveling the unique weapon tree, then usually you can use a different weapon though.

>> No.7923076

how effective is sanae as an attacker? I tried getting snake bomb and it's not really doing a ton of damage but the mp drain is pretty significant so at least I can keep doing it every turn.

>> No.7923088

in the beginning, she's decent but later she's more of a buffer/cleric support type of character but not sure how her damage is with an unique late game

>> No.7923165

How many rusty blades should I expect to get?

I've made like 2 weapons for Youmu already and I'm getting scared that I'm making too many. I really want her T4 though, for the crit/exo.

>> No.7923181

I don't like outer Eientei at all. I've been here 10 minutes and it's already my least favorite dungeon.
The two-party thing is neat, but feels really forced.

>> No.7923189

Professional titles are too casual. Most games are just press X->cutscenes->press X and repeat.

This game basically makes SMT looks easy

>> No.7923203

Do Sirens have a 100% Pretty Mirror drop rate? I keep getting them.

>> No.7923214 [DELETED] 

The person making the patches was fiddling around with increased drop rates and made a mistake. I don't know if this was fixed in later patches or not.

>> No.7923217 [DELETED] 

You are not fully patched, get the individual game.pak and Img.pak in the OP.

>> No.7923252 [DELETED] 


Oh, okay, guess I'll do that. I guess I got 6 free Pretty Mirrors though, although I probably won't use them anyways.

>> No.7923575

The left side of outer Eientei has me stumped. I can't find my way past the first few rooms. Do I need to advance further with the right side party and find a switch or something?

>> No.7923587


Invisible walls, look in the inner rooms

>> No.7923625

Augh, I should have known...

>> No.7923654 [DELETED] 


Have fun in that Infinite Hall place, that got me stuck for a while.

>> No.7923705

Is there a way to stop Kanako from brutally ass rape me?

>> No.7923737

She has an incredibly crippling vulnerability to a certain status effect you wouldn't normally expect. Suwako as well, but to a different status. Vulnerabilities in next spoiler if you don't want to try guessing at them.

Kanako is vulnerable to instant death. Suwako is vulnerable to pertrification.

>> No.7923760

>Start game for the first time
>Reimu says two lines then does nothing
>try pressing all the buttons, thinking that the cutscene was just really short
>she continues doing nothing
>for 3 minutes
>restart the game
>Reimu says two lines and the game crashes
>restart the game
>finally the cutscene plays all the way through (I think)
>game crushes after its done

Fuck that. I still haven't finished Raidou Kuzunoha vs Souless Army, the framerate drops down often because PCSexe2 is imperfect, but it'd rather put up with that then this shit.
Oh, and before you ask, I'm quoting myself.

>> No.7923767

Just started playing and beat the SDM, FUCK YOU RED MAGIC. Not that it was really too hard, though, I had to fight Remilia and Nitori twice because lolcrashes but I managed to not die at all.
So yeah, after finding out about Mokou and how maze-ish the bamboo forest is, I decided to try the Konami code because why the hell not, and my surprise when it actually worked was hilarious.

Loving this game so far, even though it lags a ton every now and then here. What do the options in the config.exe do? Also, is there any way to change the HighQualityMode=Yes in Game.ini to No without the game exploding on launch?

>> No.7923771

Have you guys even tried to set it to win 95 compatible?

>> No.7923786

Nope. Thanks.
Don't care right now. Busy putting Hindu gods into a tube.

>> No.7923787

Yup. The game works as it should most of the time, but if I change that one line in Game.ini it stops opening.

>> No.7923806

See last line of
If you don't want to use >>7923737 method.

>> No.7923825

Oh, and we've hit the bump limit.
Just remember to make a new thread once this one has hit pages 10 or above.

>> No.7923919

I'm going to bed soon so I'll make a new one now. I'm glad the game is so popular on /jp/!

New thread:
