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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 54 KB, 226x312, EVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7910093 No.7910093 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever wish you lived in Japan during the 90's?

-Nude __ magazines
-Slutty heroines
-sexy outfits
-bad ass main characters

>> No.7910122

And that's different from now, how?

>> No.7910136

Daiz killed anime

>> No.7910151

Now shows are just shitty moe

>> No.7910159

Well, the popular ones tend to be these way. If it sells, MASS PRODUCE THE SHIT OUT OF IT.

>> No.7910176
File: 41 KB, 640x400, TWO_055.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fap to 16color CGs. It's like I'm living in the 90s.

>> No.7910180

I wish I could find pictures of a 90s eroge store.

>> No.7910202 [DELETED] 


moe has existed forever, buttflanger.

>> No.7910208

Pure moe vs slut moe

>> No.7910249
File: 29 KB, 320x240, dn3-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality vs quantity, but It's all relative

>> No.7910252 [DELETED] 

Being an American kid in the 90's was pretty sweet, too

>> No.7910272 [DELETED] 

OP got confused and meant the 80's.

>> No.7910286

But Eve came out in the 90s.

>> No.7910317

Yeah, but everything he said reached its peak during the 80's. The 90's was a transition from that to today.

>> No.7910318

>Slutty heroines
I wonder why this disappeared in mainstream eroges.
Is it solely because of Kakyuusei 2 or are there other reasons?

Kinda ridiculous how even prostitutes are virgins in eroges.

>> No.7910333

There are still sluts and non-virgins in eroge these days.
What you are mentioning is due to August not wanting to alienate its userbase.

>> No.7910341
File: 497 KB, 1920x1800, 1300584546048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah nowadays they create so much backlash it's basically a financial suicide

>> No.7910351

Source on all of them please.

>> No.7910349
File: 4 KB, 220x170, LOLI RAPE MODE ENGAGED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heroines need not to be slutty to be raped

>> No.7910358

Man, I was thinking about the same thing at the gym today (the MOON. OST came on my playlist).

I think non-virgin heroines are hot as HELL.

>> No.7910365

Just look up the slut tag on vndb.

>> No.7910371 [DELETED] 

I want those specific games though. I already have those list before (that image along with the source was posted on 2chan) unfortunately I formatted my PC and lost the txt file.

>> No.7910382

I just saved the pic, sorry. Maybe someone else can recognize the titles.

>> No.7910386


Nevermind found it on my pc.
フレグランス/Rainy Blue/今宵も召しませAlicetale/つくとり

>> No.7910407
File: 33 KB, 433x380, 1313071378918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a scale of 1-10 what would you rate Moon.?

>> No.7910454
File: 564 KB, 1020x898, usedgoods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

world needs more used goods

>> No.7910478
File: 189 KB, 640x480, moon_metalgear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7.7? I dunno I loved the female protag. She was cool, sort of lewd, and the game was a little dark too. So that just made it all more fun. I just wish the game was a bit longer.

Pretty recommended if you like 90's adventure games or eroge and such. Also it reminds me of Metal Gear a lot (the older NES/MSX ones). I'm guessing the devs were big fans.

OST is sick too, but not as good as the OP game's. Actually Eve Burst Error is awesome to play too.

>> No.7910483


that can't be right, I still see a huge market out there

in fact, isn't the ongoing NTR boom a subset of slutty heroines?

>> No.7910490


I'm actually wondering how much of 2D virgin fanaticism is a forced 2ch meme and how much of it is real

>> No.7910489

7.7 for your favorite eroge?
How about slut heroines in plot focused novels?

>> No.7910498

Most NTR in eroge starts as rape, and sometimes the heroine comes to enjoy it. If Japan liked real sluts it'd be easier to find type A NTR.

>> No.7910499


well. it depends on the definition of slut

the way I see, it's a buzzword thrown to any character that is not vestal virgin middle east woman under a veil level of purity

Tamenee from To Heart 2 is still very popular. She definitely sexually assertive and not virgin like. Is she a slut? by 90s otaku definition she's not, but by nowadays otaku definition I'm not sure anymore.

>> No.7910511


As an NTR purist, I'd say If rape and drug use is involved it's not NTR

It's just called rape.

Otherwise, a vast majority of rape eroge can be considered NTR because the heroine almost always ends up liking it

My litmus test for NTR is this.. can a woman put herself in the main heroine's shoes and not be put off by it? If so, then it's NTR

>> No.7910514 [DELETED] 
File: 201 KB, 1238x555, 1276909056935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rape type NTR is the worst.
No point in it unless the female loves the cocku.

I do love slutty females, probably why i like NTR VNs in the first place.
As all other eroge's these days only have 100% pure pure maidens in them.

>> No.7910519

Majority of NTR heroines are virgins at the start of the game. Those that are not are in a steady relationship with the protag.

They aren't sluts. At least at the start.

>> No.7910523

Assertive heroines aren't rare at all in today's eroge. Of course they're pretty much always virgins.

>> No.7910528

>Otherwise, a vast majority of rape eroge can be considered NTR because the heroine almost always ends up liking it
No because the protagonist is usually the rapist or sometimes the girl being raped.

>> No.7910535

A textbook example of classic NTR in a videogame would be princess Yoyo from Bahamut Lagoon

Did she do it because she was drugged, black mailed or mind controlled? No, she did it because she considered the Prince the better man. I hold that as a staple on how all classic NTR heroines should be like.

But well, that people have varying definitions of NTR means that the genre has grown.. for the better or worse

>> No.7910534

>Do you ever wish you lived in Japan during the 90's?


>> No.7910539

fetish games will always have fetishists buying them. The point is you rarely see heroines with sexual experience in your average plot/chara games anymore. Even Season of Sakura, my first eroge, had an "unvirgin" heroine, but today something like that would spark bad reaction from the buyers and bad rep, which is why it's avoided entirely.

>> No.7910549


Nowadays, being a virgin does not give you immunity

I've seen people call Haruka and Ai from Amagami as bitches on Japanese online discussion sites (which in 2ch term means slut)

>> No.7910550
File: 109 KB, 500x400, MOON55031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not my favorite. It's just one of my favorites.

I don't really have one absolute favorite in anything really (music, games, movies, etc).

>> No.7910552
File: 39 KB, 320x240, graphics_009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuuko is love.

>> No.7910555
File: 509 KB, 764x1052, 1313539129662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a list of your favorites(Eroge) with ratings beside them.

>> No.7910567

2ch otaku call characters slut primarily for one reason: they feel sexually threatened

to be specific.. the litmus test is like this

"suppose we were too have sex, how likely is this character going to make me feel inferior because of my own lack of sexual aptitude?"

she's going tease me about it -> this makes me insecure -> SLUT!

>> No.7910578 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 370x350, 12959640165001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's going tease me about it
This is my fetish.
"Ufufu useless virgin-kun~"

Makes me wish more heroines were like that..

>> No.7910591 [DELETED] 

Its really bizarre when you see that shit when the girl is supposedly a virgin. Juan Gotoh usually does that the few times he uses virgin girls. Acting like a pro and teasing the guy when she is inexperienced as well.

>> No.7910619 [DELETED] 
File: 1.04 MB, 2441x3028, 1342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer experienced females if they are to act that way.
Otherwise it just makes no sense.

Though i guess i am okay with ojou/nee-sama characters acting that way even though they are virgins.

>> No.7910624

Rape victim heroines are a different matter for a few obvious reasons.

>> No.7910629

The genre hasn't grown, in fact it has regressed. NTR games nowadays are all rape shit.

We need actual NTR where the heroine actually falls in love with the other guy. Only True Blue/Triangle Blue comes to mind. (I guess orekano counts too but the protag cheated first.)

Reminds me of a game I played where the heroine stripped you naked and tied you to chair. Then she called other guys in and proceeded to have gangbang infront of you. Shit made me rage hard.

>> No.7910631
File: 106 KB, 704x396, 534480669_504082d55e_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this person. let's call him Satoshi

Satoshi walks down a street. He passes two women. As he passes them he catches them whispering to each other. One of the girl is even smiling. What's so damn funny!? Satoshi feels extremely anxious. How dare those bitches mock him? Satoshi continues walking home while planning the revenge on women in his mind.

The thing is.. the girls weren't even talking about him. Satoshi just made assumptions because he insecurity problems.

Satoshi, my friend, is a typical otaku. When a woman greets him, he begins to 2nd guess her "true" intentions. When a woman is whispering to her friend, they are obviously gossiping about him. When he hears a woman complains about how the weather is hot and makes everything so sweaty and smelly, they are obviously commenting on his body odor. And when Tame-nee makes this expression, all Satoshi sees is a smug self righteous whore

>> No.7910642
File: 99 KB, 397x393, GuessWhereIJustHadThisFinger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reminds me of a game I played where the heroine stripped you naked and tied you to chair. Then she called other guys in and proceeded to have gangbang infront of you.

I am going to need the name of this.
It sounds like something it would enjoy alot.

>> No.7910648

Their reaction goes through four different stages. First comes the inferiority complex ("I am still a virgin and she is not, I am a failure as a male", "I couldn't possibly satisfy her with my total lack of sexual experience" etc). Then comes fear ("If she finds out she will make fun of my virginity", "She will think of me less as a person" etc). The third and most infamous stage is anger ("Why would that slut open her legs to someone in the first place?", "How dare she lose her virginity before me?"). And the final stage, and the one where anime come in, is escapism ("I don't need to confront real women anymore, I can look at cute anime girls all day"). Of course those anime girls have to be virgin, otherwise the delusion doesn't work.

>> No.7910697

90's Japan was the one true heaven on earth...

>> No.7910707


>> No.7910739

You haven't really mentioned anything about living in Japan in the 90s. Presumably you could get the same experience by having some dude send you a box of VHS, magazines and floppy disks every month with the latest OTAKU CULTURE items.

>> No.7910761

Did C's ware ever make Dakimakura's for their heroines?

>> No.7910776

It's funny because 90s Japan was actually in the middle of a huge economic crysis that span more than a decade.

>> No.7910831

I did not know that. Thank you,anon.

>> No.7910850

So any reason why japan changed their views so much? like why not so much mature women in anime/vns? What do the Japanese think of the 90s anyway? like the vns,anime and such? do they hate it because its not moe and such?

>> No.7910881

When I gained control of the world.

>> No.7911045

Blue note

>> No.7911055


>> No.7911075 [DELETED] 

Don't forget:
-Used schoolgirl panties in vending machines

>> No.7911950

Well there's the Kakyuusei 2 debacle. Not sure if that's the only reason though.

>> No.7912726

What is the Kakyuusei 2 debacle about?

>> No.7912764

One of the heroines was not a virgin, rage followed with people going as far as sending back the game to the company, in pieces.

>> No.7912771 [DELETED] 

Funny, I skipped straight to the third stage. Sorry if some of us have standards.

>> No.7913183

Why so much rage for back then? I thought a lot of heroines weren't virgins ikn games back then. your telling me this game started and changed changed the style of anime/vns forever? like how it went from mature women to moe?

>> No.7913266

Said heroine was the main heroine and a childhood friend to boot, and the game was advertised/known as pure love type.
Then people actually play the game and find out that she's not a virgin, while saying hilarious lines like "At least it's my first time in the ass".
It was basically THE original nerdrage over that kind of thing

>> No.7913294

Elf confirmed for major trolls.

>> No.7913386

I didn't mind '80-90's anime, but I have to say I enjoy '00-'11 more. There are some things that were common in '80-'90's that are rare today that I'd like to see more often, but aside from that, it's better now.

>> No.7913537
File: 201 KB, 640x352, DP-Project Eden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7913549

GTFO newfag gb2 /a/

>> No.7913656 [DELETED] 

>like how it went from mature women to moe?
The people who found liked the more mature women of the 90s naturally finds them to be moe.
Wheras the new generation who grew up on KyoAni and the like might find them to be less that.

Moe is not a style.

>> No.7913782

What exactly is 'moe' anyway? That term is ill-defined.

>> No.7913882
File: 132 KB, 450x337, disc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a dating sim and advertised as a pure love game.
Said heroine is the main heroine.
She's also your childhood friend, and a really close one at that. The type that wakes you up in the morning/cooks you food/gives you chocolate during valentine etc.
Turns out she's already going out with some random douchbag (a rich med student I think) which dumps her during the game.
Her route practically consists of you being the rebound guy.
Not only that, she has the tendency to compare you to Mr. Douchbag during hscenes.

Basically you get friendzoned, NTR'd then became the rebound guy.

Mind you elf wasn't some minor company, they have a few games that sold over 300,000 copies. In comparison Key and Type-Moon only reached at most 100,000 copies. Elf practically started the dating sim genre. Their Dokyuusei/Kakyuusei series was really popular and the de facto dating sim for the PC. And Kakyuusei 2 was their first dating sim since the new millenium. So naturally the game was _really_ hyped, people were calling dibs on who's their waifu before the game got released.

A lot of people picked Tamaki (the main heroine).

Why? Kakyuusei 1's main heroine (and also the most popular char) was a childhood friend-like type of character. She is also really pure and doesn't have much knowledge about sex. So a lot of people picked Tamaki expecting her to be the same. It didn't help that they have similar personality either. Naturally everyone expected Tamaki to be similarly pure.

Because of that the purefags flocked to Tamaki. Now imagine the ensuing rage.

>> No.7913896

What you find KAWAII

>> No.7913906

'No fun allowed' nerds are the worst kind of nerds

>> No.7913946

Sounds great.

>> No.7914024


>> No.7914028 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 411x376, 46357653788265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7914045

but that really started the change in sexy mature women with boobs to little moe girls doing nothing everywhere? what happened to the people that like the "mature style" when the change happened?

>> No.7914075

They're dead,son.

>> No.7914240 [DELETED] 

Fuck you, I enjoyed his detailed explanation

>> No.7914265 [DELETED] 

I was talking about the nerds that mailed broken dvds because they didnt like the game...

>> No.7914432
File: 186 KB, 1038x720, 1312071534886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid uneducated opinion.

>> No.7914454 [DELETED] 

No you.

>> No.7914484 [DELETED] 

but we can download all that now too. The only difference is that we have broadband instead of 52kbit/s modem connection...

>> No.7914499
File: 22 KB, 247x350, 4988720891640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck finding some hidden gems that aren't uploaded.

Also: early 90's censors suck ASS.
They don't have vagina's

>> No.7914548

Kakyuusei 2

Can you really blame them though? Imagine your playing Love Plus and you see your heroine going out and kissing some random guy. Also said random guy looks like a douchbag/playboy and the type that used to bullied you. This happened in the game.

Elf practically got boycotted by Otakus, sales of their next games after Kakyuusei 2 were abysmal. Because of that all the other eroge makers got scared and turned all their chars into virgins just in case. This is why nonvirgin highschool girls in eroges are extremely rare.

Nowadays elf is still alive but they're now relegated to making NTR games and living off remakes of their old games.

IIRC there was someone that tried to burn down Elf HQ too.

>> No.7914549 [DELETED] 

I'm looking for a Riverhill game like Burei or Dragon Knight, no luck.

>> No.7914569

>IIRC there was someone that tried to burn down Elf HQ too.

Really? Over a fictional character?
Going to need a source on that too.

>> No.7914637


i'm sure usedgoods.jpg won't get me anywhere

>> No.7914634

And this is why there are no eroges/vns with women in there late 20s to 30s? Any vns before this happened with them , what about now?

>> No.7914649

>there are no eroges/vns with women in there late 20s to 30s?
But there are?

>> No.7914647

What? There are plenty of those.

>> No.7914675

Funny how they usually end up being virgins.

>> No.7914686

Name one, I mean like one were you are a 20-30 year old man and all the heronies are in their 30-40s and they are like yuuko and marimo.

>> No.7914723

Sorry, I read about it a few years ago.

IIRC this from a doujin revenge game called Resign I think.

>> No.7914804
File: 101 KB, 639x400, asters21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever try this game?

>> No.7914812

Stuff with non virgins don't have problems selling, and there are plenty of such games, even looking at popular titles. Regardless though, it is more or less suicide for a company to trick the Japanese otaku audience that a pure character in a standard school setting romance game isn't pure. May be a huge loss for story telling, but they are in the business of making money, and as seen with Kakyuusei 2, it doesn't lead to good things for your company. It's not a mentality that is gone either, as can be seen with what happened with Kannagi manga. At the end of the day, it is the Japanese otaku at fault, but there just isn't a market for games which have a twist that an innocent seems girl isn't in an innocent seeming game, as the audience does not want to read something with this risk and will avoid any company which tries to do this. They want either something where they aren't expecting a pure love romance, which does well, or they want to know that they are getting a pure love romance.

>> No.7914831

>Stuff with non virgins don't have problems selling, and there are plenty of such games, even looking at popular titles.
Name one.

>> No.7914859 [DELETED] 


>> No.7914888 [DELETED] 

And do note, VNDB tagging is far from comprehensive.

>> No.7914922

Yeah if you look at those you'll see that:

Majority of those are fetish games/nukiges.
The few romance games there were made a few years ago. (<2005)

Also in Baldr Sky's case, the heroine in question lost her virginity to the protag and is only fucking the protag.

Nonvirgins heroines are estranged from mainstream eroges. You won't find them in moege/charage anymore. At least not as heroines. It hurts sales.

>> No.7915168

Tried playing this with the pc98 emulator but it was unplayable, I got distorted and inverted colors in the choices dialog making the text unreadable, and the mouse cursor didn't lineup with the mouse position.

vndb indicates that there's a win95 version, anyone???

>> No.7915191 [DELETED] 

I dont think there is any problem with non virgin heroines.
I dont think you can consider 00unit a virgin in MLA.
The problem with Kakyuusei 2 seems to be unique.
>She's also your childhood friend, and a really close one at that. The type that wakes you up in the morning/cooks you food/gives you chocolate during valentine etc.
>Turns out she's already going out with some random douchbag (a rich med student I think) which dumps her during the game.
It was ahead of its time. It came before the NTR wave.
It would be a masterpiece now.

>> No.7915292

What the shit are you talking about?

>> No.7915318

Try compatibility mode.

>> No.7915327

I like the delinquent dreamer character archetype so much more than those shitty bishounen angst factories.

>> No.7915330 [DELETED] 

Some of you are oversimplifying things way too much with your "90's=all mature older women; Now=all pure little girls" dichotomy.

>> No.7915349
File: 16 KB, 160x168, chara_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dont think there is any problem with non virgin heroines.
They really don't sell anymore or else we won't be having this discussion.
When was the last time you encountered a nonvirgin highschool girl in your average galge?
What happened to all the sexually experienced outgoing cheerful girls that actively hit on guys that used to be a common archetype?
Let's face it, having a nonvirgin heroine is a risk eroge developers nowadays aren't willing to take.
The few that are nonvirgin turned out to either lost their virginity to the protag before the start of the game or used a dildo/vibrator.

>I dont think you can consider 00unit a virgin in MLA.
That's a pretty unique situation though. Hell depending on how you see it its debatable if she's even living or not.

>The problem with Kakyuusei 2 seems to be unique.
Only because no one dare follow in its footstep.

>It was ahead of its time. It came before the NTR wave.
>It would be a masterpiece now.
If its released today and not back then I bet it would cause an even bigger shitstorm. Trolling your fanbase is never a good idea.

>> No.7915426 [DELETED] 

Simply, if you release a pure love game with a non virgin heroine, and you don't make this explicitly know before you release it, don't expect otaku to come back and buy from you ever again.

>> No.7915490 [DELETED] 
File: 464 KB, 1000x1000, 1323..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quite enjoy playing/reading what i think is a pure love game, only to be slapped in the face with "Protag-kun i-its not my firsto timu but.."

A joy i dont get to experience much these days..

>> No.7915496

I don't mind such a realization, but the majority of the paying customers for these games do, and to the developers, they are the only people who mean anything to the companies.

>> No.7915497

How? Also what's the best PC-98 emulator and its setting?
Quite a few games I tried have graphic problems.

>> No.7915520 [DELETED] 

他の男の精液を流し込まれるわたし…… 愛する彼女は先輩の肉棒を嬉しそうに咥え込む

>> No.7915550

I like characters that act like sluts to compensate for the fact that they're actually virgins and when the protagonist finally pushes them across the line they panic and become submissive

>> No.7915555

fuck now if baldr sky ever gets translated now I'm going to be torturing myself wondering what that spoiler was about.

>> No.7915566
File: 18 KB, 225x225, 1297517440366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wont even see it coming..

>> No.7915572
File: 125 KB, 640x400, 503350-rouge-no-densetsu-legend-of-rouge-pc-98-screenshot-atmospheric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Right click exe
-Hit properties
-Hit compatibility

>> No.7915766
File: 446 KB, 1020x755, usedgoodsmoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as >>7914723 said, it's doujin game called Resign. that was just like really small plot-point in it with very little revelance, but still nice to see that even someone got guts to do that nowdays (and damn I laughged for that reason for this scene). and holy crap I thought that I was like only person that has played/knew what Resign is, but seems there are others.

>> No.7915884
File: 538 KB, 696x737, dl-gaten01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of elf, they're making a new NTR game at the moment.
Same artist as Kakyuusei 2 and the heroine suspiciously looks like Tamaki.

>> No.7915888

I laughed at the 完全処女!!! part

>> No.7915895

She looks adorable! Thanks Anon.

>> No.7915900
File: 124 KB, 388x489, 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do want~
Captcha agreed: want lick-you.

>> No.7915904

epic captcha win

>> No.7915944

Same scenario writer as Biniku no Kaori and Ningen Debris. Nice.

>> No.7915955
File: 64 KB, 211x215, 1315801039729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it going to be a pure NTR game?
Because i am cool with that.

I wish there were more NTR VN's disguised as pure love eroge though.
The surprise NTR is always alot more painful when you dont expect it.

..And more delicious.

>> No.7915967
File: 24 KB, 704x400, 1290564485340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7915974 [DELETED] 


>> No.7915984 [DELETED] 

For a second there, I thought I was in /a/.

As for source...fuck off back to Gaia.

>> No.7915985

>I wish there were more NTR VN's disguised as pure love eroge though.
If they're disguised as pure love eroge, NTR fetishists won't buy it and they'll anger their fanbase, it's kinda retarded.
If there's disguised NTR, NTR sites/threads will get hear of it and it's not a surprise anymore.

>> No.7916011 [DELETED] 

True enough..

>> No.7916029 [DELETED] 

That macro is from Seto No Hanayome if I can remember right. I need to rewatch that wonderful series.

>> No.7916064

The best heroines are other people's wives.
They're already broken in.

>> No.7916094

It'd be really hilarious if that game turned out to be a really adorable pure love game. It would complete the circle.

>> No.7916127 [DELETED] 

株式会社エルフ御中                      平成1





>> No.7916156
File: 831 KB, 1118x1600, 53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTR is pretty fun, also, the number of dicks don't change a girl

>> No.7916726

I actually didn't played the game, I just skimmed through it and fapped to the hscenes. I thought it was nukige.

The story seems pretty good though so I'll go back and read it properly later.

>> No.7916749

human mating is so creative. I don't understand why some of them hate this part...shouldn't morals be left over from instincts based matters?

>> No.7916782 [DELETED] 
File: 612 KB, 1029x800, Clipboard09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well yeah, the story is pretty nice in it, sure it isn't masterpiece but it kept entertained the whole time, and it was just my kind of story which is why I place it pretty up in my lists. although I never did the evil-route in it as after finishing the good-route and getting to the choice where it branches between the good/evil-route I just can't choose the evil-option due to really liking the characters and not wanting to see anything bad to happen to them

>> No.7916799 [DELETED] 

>What exactly is 'moe' anyway?
Moe is a subjective term for what you find attractive. And for those of you of lewd nature, "attraction" isn't only a sexual thing. It can be, but it doesn't have to be.
>That term is ill-defined.
No, not really. That definition really is the core of it, and is also at large common knowledge among related circles, and Japan at least, and the less fooled ones in the west.

People used the term to troll the shit out of Kyo Ani's shows back in the days, in lack of a better means to do it.
This "ill-defined" view of it of which you can easily encounter on /a/, and now even some other places, is born from how people who didn't know of the word, tried to make sense of it by comparing its usage in this trolling trend in which its use was flawed. Naturally, one wouldn't make sense out of it that way considering how the trollers never had common basis for it either, ignoring how it is actually supposed to be used.

In Japan, people might use it very casually at times and let it not be all that restricted or choked by the definition, but people are still generally aware of it, a term that's generally used for subjective attraction/affection.

If you post this on /a/ or some other place, the discussion starts a shitfest however. With people being annoyed by how their usage of the word doesn't make sense following the proper definition of the word.
And proceeds to go on an defensive stance even though no one even bothered them about it, and they try to argue that "languages change with their usage!", "language is fluid!!", which of course is true, but doesn't make sense at all in this context given how actual definitions are still in use.

>> No.7917612

So what's the exact english translation of the term? Or is it untranslatable? Do we just not try to translate it and let it get assimilated in the English language?

>And proceeds to go on an defensive stance even though no one even bothered them about it, and they try to argue that "languages change with their usage!", "language is fluid!!"
Yeah, NTR is in a similar position. A lot of people think NTR == mindbroken bitch and would argue long and hard for it.
I predict the next term will encounter the same fate is chuuni.

>> No.7917653

Chuuni? You lost me there and it's better to know it here then from some retard who may be doing it wrong.

>> No.7917759 [DELETED] 

But no one can agree on the definition of chuuni already anyway.

>> No.7918389 [DELETED] 

I wonder if the japs are aware of how we use real deal and disney

>> No.7919120

It's kinda hard to explain.
Basically its stuff people with chuunibyou love. (Think Okabe Rintarou from Steins;Gate)
They think its edgy and cool but its actually childish.

In VN this usually translates to:
Bullshit powerlevels
Having over the top attack names/terms preferably in Norse or some other western languagage
Lots of made up words/technobabble/nonsense infodumps
Plot/logic/consistency sitting in back seat in favor of 'coolness'
Making the game appear 'grimdark' by say having heroine almost raped
... And they still attend school even with all the shit happening

A good example is BLOODY†RONDO

>> No.7919251

That's more or less what I understood for chuuni.
What other definitions are there? Luckly, I haven't heard any other...

>> No.7919460

You don't need to disguise the game as pure love for surprise NTR.
It will just end up with the wrong fanbase buying your game and raging at you.

You just have to disguise it so people think they're on the pure love route/good end.
They're rare but there are NTR eroges with routes like that.

>> No.7920165

So, to see if I got it, since it checks all of them during certain parts Fate is chuuni?

English-speaking peasant race here, so I don't have anything else to usa as an example.

>> No.7920200

FSN is chuuni through and through.

>> No.7920235

It's been called the shangrila of people who suffer from chuunibyou. Though I see plenty of people who say they like chuuni so it's not entirely pejorative as a term, it kinda depends on who's using it, like a lot of slang.

>> No.7920268



>> No.7920373

7/10 You almost made me request a translation.


>> No.7920553

The windows 95 version sucks.
It only runs if you set your desktop resolution to 640x480 256bit colors.

>> No.7922246

This is true everywhere in the world Always has been. Notice how Christianity only puts emphasis on WOMEN to be chaste?

>> No.7922673

That's fine since I'll be using VirtualPC, link where?

>> No.7922736

This is certainly wrong. I know from experience that traditional Catholicism, at least, will make you feel like shit about it no matter your gender.

>> No.7923071

Got it from share, wait lemme upload it.

>> No.7923133


>> No.7923190

maybe i'll have better luck playing this than i did with the emu, thanks!

>> No.7923213

CP was legal in Japan until ’99. 

>> No.7923224


This is what Adult Swim kiddies actually believe.

It's okay that Cowboy Bebop,Full Metal Alchemist and Inuyasha were your first anime but keep your mouth shut when veterans are talking.

>> No.7924247

So what's the best VM for playing old eroges?
I tried Virtual PC/XP Mode but most wouldn't play since DirectDraw/Direct3D isn't available. ;_;

>> No.7924254
File: 30 KB, 640x400, 493427-branmarker-pc-98-screenshot-cave-dungeon-a-treasure-chest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just buy an old shitty pc98?

>> No.7924269

Those things are freaking heavy, the shipping alone would be enormous.

I'm not really talking about PC98 games though, I'm talking about old Win95 eroges. A lot of them have problems running/installing.

>> No.7924277


>> No.7924560

I can't really help you with that. Have you tried DOSBox?

>> No.7924590

Sadly, children do not have the mental faculties to make solid, well thought opinions or decisions. Neither do teenagers.

So, until they are mature, one is not supposed to fuck them. It's the sensible thing to do. Of course, if life expectancy drops to 40 like 5000 years ago, then this will change.

>> No.7924609

>So, until they are mature
Damn,bro. Do you see how stupid that comment is?
Half the population(In 'murrica) doesn't fit the description of "mature"

Everything else you said isn't even a fact.Also:
All black people are rapist. All old people are wrinkly.

>> No.7924614

DOSBox is only for DOS games.

>> No.7924620

I see people often using a program called "Pc98 for Zaurus"

>> No.7924625 [DELETED] 

That's a PDA app...

>> No.7924629 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 360x240, yukkuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what that is. Sorry I couldn't be of any help.

Alice-soft re-released of of their older games(for free) so those work on windows.

>> No.7924750

It's perfectly fine to have non-virgins but you have to make it clear to your customers before they buy the game what kind of characters it is you're offering for sale. People don't like feeling deceived.

Stoneheads does fine with stuff like SEXFRIEND and Sweet Home, but you know what you're buying before you buy it, e.g. the character interview videos for Sweet Home ask the women, "So, how many dicks have you had?"

>> No.7924755

If by "CP" you mean nude photo books with no sexual activity, then yes, that's correct.

>> No.7924758

I don't see the problem with this. Why are they illegal now? Did they raid houses looking for the magazines after they banned them?

I feel bad for the companies that published them. They must of lost a lot of money from it.

>> No.7924776

Nah Japan has a trade off with fairly strict regulations on distributing child nudity but possession is legal so you don't go to prison for your baby photos.

>> No.7924785

So why did they stop the nude photo books?

>> No.7924802

Pressure from the UN

>> No.7924806

So pretty much jack asses trying to change some others culture?

>> No.7924811


>> No.7925505

Bumping with awesome artwork. I really dig sketchy looking artwork.

>> No.7925510 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 637x396, nthesun1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I forget the image..

>> No.7925542

>child pornography
Back to your cp chans.

>> No.7925654

How is it not culture?

>> No.7925658 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7927780 [DELETED] 

That's a nukige though targeted at people with that fetish.
They need to put it back on your average eroge nowadays.
I'd luck to romance a slutty heroine and turn her away from her slutty ways.

>> No.7927788

That's a nukige though targeted at people with that fetish.
They need to put it back on your average eroge nowadays.
I'd like to romance a slutty heroine and turn her away from her slutty ways.

>> No.7927790

Manga art was awful in the 90s.

>> No.7927820

More like getting scans of them was awful.

The doujins between the 80's and 90's are an interesting lot. They made serialized doujins like the hentai Alice in Wonderland and anthromorphosed bee girl getting railed by random bugs.

Obtaining the doujins other than this and well-known ones is like searching for Atlantis now. No one bothered to archive as well back then.

>> No.7927891

More like, the only medium where 90's art look good is manga.

>> No.7929353

Well I don't think scanners are affordable back then.

>> No.7929984

I'm actually playing Eve burst error now and it's a fucking chore, even though I finished Desire a mere week ago. The shit you have to do to proceed with the story in this game is unbelievable, I'm starting to worry that my mouse might get smashed from the clickathons.

>> No.7929992


Use this. Some minor differences on the wording compared to the game tho.

>> No.7932733

Speaking of EVE, do you think it's better to play the english version or the Japanese remake?

I only thing I know is that english version is animated and have no ero. While the remake has different artstyle but is a straight VN.

>> No.7932750

No, not at all.
Burn those sluts in hell.

>> No.7932752

I remember seeing jailbait magazines in Japan a few years back, fully nude 15 and 16 year olds. I wonder how many there still are floating around out there.

>> No.7933639

Depends on what you want I guess.
The remakes design of Natasha looks a lot cooler.

>> No.7933639,1 [INTERNAL] 

What was wrong with this thread?

>> No.7933639,2 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.7933639,3 [INTERNAL] 

Where will I talk about the 90s Japan culture now

>> No.7933639,4 [INTERNAL] 

>Where will I talk about the 90s Japan culture now

>> No.7933639,5 [INTERNAL] 

Suck my cock dude

>> No.7933639,6 [INTERNAL] 

OH NO! The janitor made a MISTAKE!!!

>> No.7933639,7 [INTERNAL] 

Of course you made a mistake you stupid twat.

I can't wait for you to get your sorry ass kicked out of the janitor position, and when you do, you better not come back to this board.

>> No.7933639,8 [INTERNAL] 

Then we can discuss this topic once again.

>> No.7933639,9 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.7933639,10 [INTERNAL] 

How about.. you REMAKE the THREAD

>> No.7933639,11 [INTERNAL] 


Too much work, it will just be clumsily deleted again anyway.

And who the hell is the shoe drooling chucklefuck responsible for deleting all the sage posts? I hope moot reamed his ass (then again, that's probably how he got the job).
