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7906703 No.7906703 [Reply] [Original]

Let me tell you why this game is shit

1. It took fucking FOREVER. Even though it's a simple, uncomplicated storyline, they mange to drag this shit out for about 50 fucking hours. Only about lets see 30mins of Coco route had anything significant happening and not recycle materials, the rest was filled with lolcloning faggotry and fucking lectures on 1Dvs2Dvs3Dvs4D. Not to mention EXPLAINING character development. "This is what happened, this is how I got trapped, this is how we are making the chicken sandwiches and turning off the valve, blah, blah, blah..." SHUT THE FUCK UP! Yeah, I saw what fucking happened, you don't have to explain it. You're literally undermining any actual character development this game had.

2. THE FUCKING MCs! Has to be the most unlikeable retarded fuck in the history in VN history. 1 spends half the route being a stuck up, arrogant, dick. The other spends the other half being a unless little bitch. And then the last one, oh BLICK. At the first sign of trouble he instantly just showed up making everything right. Basically they spend the whole of the game being fucking useless and retarded and getting their ass saved by a magical being. 1. MC: I'm so much more grown up now after getting raped by Tsugumi. 2. Other character: Nooo we are all trapped again help we are all gonna die 3. Oh how foolish I was just acting lets continue eating chicken sandwiches 4. Rinse 5. Repeat. This cycle literally went on till the very last second of the game.

>> No.7906705

3. Our main hero got trapped in such stupid fucking ways. "I HAVE TO SACRIFICE MYSELF FOR THE WOMAN THAT JUST RAPED ME! I'M TOO STUPID TO USE THAT THING IN MY HEAD CALLED A BRAIN AND THINK UP A LESS RETARDED WAY!" Not to mention they all got trapped for god know how long bitching and whining about how they are gonna die but can still eat sandwiches happily. It really all seemed like an after though. Like the writers we're thinking "Guys! Wtf!? The game is about to end! We need to bring in a magical being and some zombie immortality virus to save them"

4. The rape. Firstly, is it just me or was this one the most out of place black sex scene in the history of interactive novel? Why was it even there if it is gonna be a black screen? It was a completely unnecessary censoring. It is like they are trying to put in sex scene but they are too afraid to be slapped by a 18+ label. You don't need to have sex to pass the zombie virus. Shock value? Fap material with a black screen? I don't know, but it was terribly out of character for Tsugumi which hated the MC gut to fuck him.

How can anyone rate this game above mediocre? Is the VN community seriosuly full of 12 year olds? "OMG SHIT BRICKS" "FUCK YEAH! TSUGUMI SO TSUNDERE" "OMG LOOK! SHE'S IN THE WASHING MACHINE!" "CLONING CURE VIRUS 4D DIMENSION MIND FUCK" In all honesty I thought Tsugumi route was much better. Not only did it take like 1/10 of the time, the endings were meaningful, had impact and most importantly the MC stayed dead.

tl;dr It's shit. Saying it's the best thing ever has to be an elaborate troll to get people to waste their time.

>> No.7906707

please stop

it wasn't funny when MLA guy did it, it wasn't funny when F/SN guy did it, it won't be funny now

>> No.7906711

MLfags status:
[ ]mad
[ ]buttmad

>> No.7906710
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Make one for the October Revolution

>> No.7906712

>sucks to infinity

>> No.7906723

ok, this one might be good
