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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 253 KB, 570x777, tsukasa stabbed to death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
790358 No.790358 [Reply] [Original]

Yesterday in Akihabara.

>> No.790359


>> No.790362

Sage for the Filipino faggot when he finally shows up.

>> No.790363

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.790366
File: 289 KB, 1440x810, 1212899424156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.790375

I'll admit, I chuckled. I am a horrible person.

>> No.790377

>Old news.
>LS whoring.

>> No.790370

I bet it was him. He finally snapped and decided to make real life guro.

>> No.790381

That's why I don't go to Akihabara.

>> No.790390


>> No.790395

...wat? you're Filipino?

>> No.790396
File: 86 KB, 800x450, 1212905713673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.790402

Yea... Pilipino ako... also I'm the sauce of the picture posted in OP... wasn't expecting other people to use them this way though.

>> No.790404


And here he is sage your faggotry to the end of the universe where it's called darker than the abyss itself and colder than the last layer of shinto hell.

>> No.790407
File: 126 KB, 900x600, 1212903615966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.790410

Try harder boy!...

>> No.790412


You forgot your trip you morbid faggot.

>> No.790413

I can't help it... as long as there's blood and cute dead girls in a thread, I'll be there... it's my fetish... what's yours?

>> No.790415

Oh... sorry my bad... >>790413 is also me...

>> No.790416
File: 525 KB, 1440x810, 1212900775753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.790418

I'm a huge faggot please rape me in the anus with an arrow.

>> No.790419
File: 260 KB, 960x720, 1212901111789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.790422

OP here, I know you're the source but wasn't expecting you to be a Flip. I thought you were Korean or something.

>> No.790429

That doesn't make things better

>> No.790435

No more Dead Touhous and Arrows... only Lucky Star from this point onwards...

>> No.790462


>> No.790470


>> No.790531
File: 276 KB, 570x777, 1213010179513psp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.790547

The truth.

>> No.790550

How big was the knife the guy was using anyway? Was it a normal knife or an Australian knife?

>> No.790585

That's not a knife, it's a spoon.

>> No.790588

Someone need to infrom this guy that you can cut people neck arthery and they die, he could have killed 20 times more people if he used this method.

>> No.790596
File: 10 KB, 183x183, WeetBixSlice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeeeah, iiit's for eeeeating weeeet-bix

>> No.790602

and I thought only me and SHiN are the only Filipino faggots who lurk 4chan outside /b/

>> No.790647

There's more of them than you think.

>> No.790706

sup lol

>> No.790816


You just don't know yet, but you're surrounded by Filipino's asking for LULZ

>> No.790845

There are heaps of filipinos.
We are to the world what mexicans are to America.
By the way, why is the bag bleeding?

>> No.790851

It was a young bag in the prime of it's life.

>> No.790864
File: 410 KB, 800x533, Harajuku-380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.791371

wait, YOU drew that? Damn it's hot. You're the same guy who used to post in /c/ eh?

>> No.791388
File: 57 KB, 803x775, konatastab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.791396

> and I thought only me and SHiN are the only Filipino tripfaggots who lurk 4chan outside /b/
fixed. certain discussions with the word "Filipino" in it say otherwise.

>> No.792208
File: 98 KB, 346x500, 40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.792234

that's a pretty GAR funeral if you ask me

>> No.792259

Bottled water? Would the deceased be offended if you offer them beer?

>> No.792269




>> No.792296

Just because a bunch of faggots gave the term a bad name doesn't mean it's sageable, moran.

>> No.792324
File: 113 KB, 882x667, lame sage is lame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.792995

Dyou have a Devart page or something ?

>> No.793013

Why is she taking a nap in a pool of ketchup.

>> No.793019

goddamn summer motherfuckers

>> No.793041

You beat me to it.

>> No.793081

Yeah, about that, how exactly do you kill that many people with a knife?

>> No.793097


You stick the sharp part in them until they stop moving. It's not exactly rocket surgery.

>> No.793103

Maybe it was a Ninja...

>> No.793146

Very easily. All you need to do is puncture the stomach and they'll die eventually. A knife is much more lethal than a bullet because of the bleeding.

>> No.793161

It's much easier to stop an attacker with a knife than one with a gun, yet most gun killing sprees have less death than that.

Still not seeing how a single person could possibly kill 8 people. It's not like running from a knife is very hard either.

>> No.793168


He ran them over first

>> No.793185

He seems to have hit at least 5 of them with the truck first. It was Sunday so Akihabara was packed, no where to run.

>> No.793227

Further proof that knives need to be banned. We need knife control!

>> No.793228

I don't know I see a guy running at me with a knife I think I would either run, move aside, or try to take it from him. Is not like that other guy that had two fucking guns, or some sort of automatic weapon.

>> No.793240

Is an outrage isn't?
What's worst is that they guy actually said he was going to do it, in advance.

>> No.793244

We should also outlaw spoons. A guy can sharpen the side of the spoon to make a kind of blade that might be used for murder.

>> No.793242


Take this shit to /k/ you niggers.

>> No.793250

On an anonymous message board. Yeah.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Just don't mes with football.

>> No.793253

itt: we are all internet tough guys that are convinced no one can kill with a knife unless they can see lines and guns are infallible killing machines


>> No.793261

I was being ironic, dude.

>> No.793278

You know it, faggot.

>> No.793279

Or swallowed.

>> No.793281

Only a pussy gets killed with a knife, I though that was like a universal law or something. Where have you been, man?

>> No.793300

Surely these people were carrying bags and stuff which they could have used as a shield.

You can do shit with a knife against a shield.

>> No.793308

>try to take it from him.

>> No.793307

Surely these people were carrying bags and stuff which they could have used as a shield.

You can't do shit with a knife against a shield.

>> No.793320

I am too lazy to look.

>> No.793328

Indeed, chopsticks only. Real hard to kill someone with a piece of wood an eight year old girl could snap in two.

>> No.793358


So this guy probably was a 2channer. OH SHI-

>> No.793386

>"I'm afraid he did this because he played video games. But he should have known that in life, you can't hit the restart button."


>> No.793393

I'm surprised the police were not notified about the posts on 2chan.

If somebody posted something like that here the police would be at their address very quickly.

>> No.793396

Ironically, they could have stopped him but because he never said anything about killing himself they thought he was another poser just like our Internet Tough Guys here.

>> No.793424
File: 35 KB, 736x736, awesome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT we are all knife combat specialists because we played enough Melty Blood to know how to do a 214 combo as Nanaya.

>> No.793452
File: 27 KB, 264x229, Alladin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because a guy with a large bag would somehow reasonbly conclude that theres always a possiblity of a lightweight weapon weilding murderer coming out of nowhere and stabing your heart and would instinctly raise the bag to precisely block the attack?

>> No.793454

Hey Kung Fu experts, some of the people that were stabbed were knocked down by the truck he drove. Try getting out of that situation.

>> No.793463

even though 1 on 1 it is difficult to take down some one with a knife in a crowd like that they could certainly take him down.
But it would require courage....

>> No.793485

What would I do if someone ran up behind me and stabbed me in back with a survival knife, piercing my precious organs in the process?

a. Go into shock and bleed to death unless administered immediate medical treatment

b. Go into shock and bleed to death unless administered immediate medical treatment

c. Go into shock and bleed to death unless administered immediate medical treatment

>> No.793484

Shhh, just let them live under the illusion that the guy was standing just there and then suddenly stabbed people instead of the reality where he drove a truck and crashed it into the unsuspecting masses.

>> No.793490


d. my wounds instantly heal using Saber's abilities and I TRACE ON and fucking unleash the reality marble on his ass

>> No.793500


Yeah, too bad the flight 93 crew wasn't there.

>> No.793503

Since I'd be a Tourist there, I'd apply my expensive camera to blind him with a flash.

>> No.793507

I guess it takes balls like those guys.

>> No.793597

Best thing if you're already flying is to try to roll out of it and let friction eat some of your momentum, then hope you don't have too many broken limbs to run.

>> No.793632

in not fear..more chance of just being run over same result = ded!!!!

ANYHOWS this is a result of a society that says live ur worthless life as a part time worker in a car parts factory.

>> No.793642


I stand in front of the truck and try to blast it with a kamehameha.

Years later, long after my injuries have healed, I get hooked up with a free waifu.

(I hope someone gets my reference and posts that doujin, because I don't have it anymore)

>> No.795752



>> No.795785

Anonymous Mod 08/06/06(Fri)17:45 No.14585


Go to gurochan or something.

I fucking hate the lucky star image board. flood it with more of your pics, please

>> No.796959


>> No.797149
File: 123 KB, 800x481, 01_026_cr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These incidents are usually rooted together with anon.
Whos next? Probably some butthurt teen residing in /k/ about now.
