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7898431 No.7898431 [Reply] [Original]

Once again, it's time for a new Genius of Sappheiros thread! One of the longest Touhou RPGs around has been translated!

A mysterious fog is sapping the energy of youkai across Gensokyo, but not of humans. Reimu and pals bust some heads as they head out to discover the source behind this latest incident!

Prepatched game with expansion set:

Latest patches:

>> No.7898440

Do I ever get access to the human village? It'd be nice to see Gensokyo's human populace for once.

>> No.7898454

are they fixing the crashes? I can wait

>> No.7898448

Nope, the incident is only affecting youkai and not humans, after all. They dudes at Myouren is the closest you get. Though I think a cutscene in the ending or expansion prologue features the human village.

>> No.7898464

wait a second...that doesn't look like a touhou.

>> No.7898455

Link to the previous threads next time so people can find them in the archive.

>> No.7898484

How to fix DirectX problem when running in Windows 95 mode:

-Download the 2.00 version of the game somewhere else
-Download and apply the 2.06 patch from the official site
-Delete the 2.06 exe, use the 2.00 exe instead (the 2.00 exe is backed up after patching, just rename it)

>> No.7898485

Lame. I was hoping for a "defend the village!" level too, what with the reason Reimu's even bothering with this mist in the first place.

>> No.7898527

Ok, well it's not too late

Previous two threads:

>> No.7898622
File: 65 KB, 651x508, Alice1234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an issue with Alice. I can only use 3 of her skills.The other skills are unusable.

Did I do something wrong? or is there a proper way of using her skills?

>> No.7898627

equip a shield

>> No.7898668

While most of the characters are fairly easy to figure out and complement, what about Reimu and Youmu?
By comparison Sanae ends up out damaging and better supporting the party in most fights. Reimu seems ideal for any non-baiting formation because of her small area on heal?, but overall she seems to be a very contained character unlike say... Nitori.

Reimu: Light Magic Attacker, Decent AoE, Status Barriers, Healing.
Benefits from: Supporter, Debuffer (Byakuren?)
Cons: Takes up a mage slot while not doing spectacular damage

Youmu: Physical Powerhouse with -stats.
Benefits from: -res, -pdef (Sakuya, Byakuren, Satori?)
Cons: 1 turn stance startup per 3-7 turns.

Alice is needs a shield.

>> No.7898732


So far, I use Reimu more of a mixed supporter in order to complement Sanae. Do damage with Needles, Fantasy Heaven against certain enemies, while Sanae heals HP, Reimu can cure a status ailment as well. Then again, I use Sanae as a pure supporting character, since I feel as if her damage is weaker than Reimu's although her healing is much better. I also use Reimu as my tank, since she can take hits the best on my team besides Sakuya who I want in the front to deal tons of damage. As for Youmu, she's more of a boss killer. Stance up, huge damage, attack, more huge damage, repeat.

>> No.7898760

Reimu's biggest thing is her Borders and their 1000% speed guaranteeing a turn's worth of protection against a lot of things, which lets your other characters safely set up buffs, ect. Also she recovers Permanent effects easily whereas Sanae needs to bomb or single-target.

For attacking, the thing is that Reimu is a mage while Sanae, if she tries to attack, is a physical attacker. I don't believe Sanae actually has any attacking magic spells. Sanae's offense specialty is that her serpent bomb lets her recover a lot of MP and it doesn't actually cost a bomb, so she can keep spamming AoE for free for a long, long time. However it tends to not be too powerful, rather the benefit is that it inflicts the status effect her snake has, like paralysis.

Sanae actually has the strongest weapon in the game in terms of raw attack power once she switches over from Kanako's snakes to her ancestral weapons

>> No.7898761

The thing is with Reimu, her spells do poor damage if you dont put points in Gohei.

>> No.7898766


I see, I haven't used Reimu's borders at all past the SDM. Well, I tried it once against Reisen but they were useless so I decided to stop using them again. I'm currently on chapter 11 I think. Not sure if I'm overleveled or not, half of my characters are around level 33 with about 42 power points.

>> No.7898771

So does the prepatched link contain those two patches linked beneath it?

>> No.7898801

At this point levels don't really matter much anyways, except for getting new moves, which only significantly impacts a few characters like Byakuren who finally gets her High attack power all-enemies Light+Instant Death and Dark+Petrify bombs in her 30s. Having good equips, ect and growth paths to support the character's role is generally much more important.

>> No.7898817


I see, I was just wondering if I was making the game too easy. Usually I get as far as I can in a dungeon with my six characters, then go back to the entrance when the going gets tough or when I get a rare item, then keep on doing that until I beat it.

>> No.7898824

Really? I've found the opposite.
Reimu's healing is strong and can hit your entire team in anything but Hinotori Skydance while curing permanent effects. Her light attacks are based on MATK and are weak against anything that doesn't have a weakness against light.
Her bomb heal is a full cure for everyone, and her barriers offer awesome protection.

Sanae has buffs and a strong single target heal, but her aoe heal is weaker and requires a bomb. She has to cure single target. Her Specials are physical, making them stronger in many cases, and ele can be followed up by Nitori. Her MP drain on physical lets her use high mp attacks with no worries.

Both in one team would be way too low damage for my liking.

Putting points in Gohei is less important than 20-25 in Spirit attack from testing on using her as a light mage. Either way giving up area healing and barriers for Gohei would make her not worth taking at all in my opinion because then I would need Sanae too. Having a good Gohei does help a lot though.
I guess I'll keep following my rule of Reimu for physical parties (Sakuya, Youmu, Aya, etc) and Sanae for magical parties.

>> No.7898847 [DELETED] 


Maybe it's because I don't have all my points in Healing, I dunno. I usually use the Hakurei Type formation, and the only time Reimu's healing doesn't suck is when I have to use Aura Gem or when she gets her Final Word. As for Sanae, her full party heal takes a bomb but also heals everyone for about 2/3rds of their health. I also love how great her single target healing is and the fact that she can revive allies, which Reimu can't do at my point in the game. As for damage, I've had plenty of damage so far. The only time I've had trouble was against Eirin and Kaguya which I beat with a party of Reimu, Marisa, Sakuya, Youmu and Sanae with Mokou commanding, although I didn't even use her commander abilities the time I beat her.

>> No.7898859


Well, maybe it's just how we put our points into each character. I have put almost no points into Barriers because I have not found a single use for Reimu's barriers past the SDM. I put 25 points into Sanae's healing tree as well. One reason I prefer Sanae as a healer to Reimu is the fact that she can revive allies, which is something Reimu can't do at my point in the game. So far my team hasn't been lacking in damage except against Kaguya and Eirin, who I still managed to beat. I'm playing a bit differently though since I'm not using half the characters I have, Byakuren, Mokou, Aya, Patchouli, Nitori and Alice are usually benched.

>> No.7898877

This game looks like it's shit.

>> No.7899000

Yeah, Satori Learning is truly a bitch. The one single time when RNG was sucking my dick was when Mass Heal was learned on the very first chance.

>> No.7899004


It really is annoying. The only time my Satori ever wants to learn anything useful is when the entire party is about to die, meaning she doesn't really do that much but I keep her in my party anyways for the small chance she learns something nice and doesn't die. I have a bad feeling about that Iku battle since I really want Thunderclap.

>> No.7899034

So uh what's the best strategy to deal with Mind Flayers again?

Kind of frustrating when you rape your way through Hell and slaughter Orin & Okuu on your first try, then instantly get gibbed by a group of three Flayers.

>> No.7899042


When there's 3 Flayers or more your best bet is to run away.

>> No.7899048

welp, they do seem to be somewhat vulnerable to lances. Use the Sonic Stream Formation (gotten after 13 encyclopedia entries from Aya + saving at the shrine circle) or spam Illusionary Dominance and start the lance mayhem.

>> No.7899078

I expected Sakuya and Patchy to join up pretty quick, but Nitori is quite the surprise.

>> No.7899138

Actually RNG wasn't being kind to you at all. Support spells have base 50% learning rate so it can't screw you over if you have any points in learning. In fact if you were having trouble with the priest casting it on you in the first place then it was actually being mean.

>> No.7899208

Thunderclap has a 100% to learn if you have Satori's learning tree maxed.

>> No.7899211
File: 89 KB, 960x720, Unknown 2011-09-21 23-43-20-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right after suggesting a Sonic Stream nuke tactic, I tried it out myself in stage 10, Inner Eientei.

Fucking Glorious.
The one drawback is that you need to run to the circle every few minutes, but who the fuck cares when the enemies Berserk, Timestop, Slow etc. the shit out of you. I can cheese faster than you, nananana!

>> No.7899222


Oh, I didn't know that. Now it's just a matter of making a useful team with Satori and Sanae. The Iku battle probably won't be for a while though so I'll think about it later.

>> No.7899271

That formation sounds nice for random battles. I've been using a chaser abuse team in the baiting formation.
So I always end in one round, but it would be nice to end the round without being hit.

If you are farming around the circle blitzkrieg might be better though, especially if your Nitori is doing most of the heavy lifting and you can Mokou or Sanae to chase.

>> No.7899505

Inner Eientei fucking sucks, been wiped out a good 6 times now by shitty luck. Things I love most about it:

Time Stop effectively killing everyone in one hit
HDD Crash removing 4 party members at once.
Fights going south by the end of the first turn, but unable to escape because of damage net.
Cold Breath 2-shotting 3/5's of the party, and the fact that those maids always seem to come in pairs.
The enemies that reflect magic/physical attacks.

Maybe I just really suck at this game.

>> No.7899544


Inner Eientei can be rough, don't worry, once you beat it things will be looking up. There's nothing like that in the next stage that I know of.

>> No.7899585

A lot of people start running into problems there, especially if they are using chaser / aoe spam teams.
Try a more single target approach like Sakuya instead of Nitori, etc.

or pump sanae's buff line as high as you can and cast +Res on the opening of every battle and equip +res/-status items.

>> No.7899636

Have Sanae in your team with speed items.
Spam +res buff at the start of every turn.
Proceed to rape them easily.

>> No.7899674

Actually, pretty much all support skills are guaranteed learns. The difficulty is in getting them actually casted on Satori.

Reimu barriers, Alice using Doll Legion, Sanae buff, formation to boost RES, Satori as commander, killing them with lances which they're weak to, and their own medicine: they are very weak to instant death! And of course, as always, RUN

A tip in high-damage enemy areas is to give each your main team equipment to make them highly resistant to different elements, so if you get unlucky and nuked by enemies' breaths, ect, one character can survive much longer and live to run away. Remember, after the early parts of the game, how you equip and grow your characters is much more important than grinding levels. Keep trying out different strategies!

>> No.7899689

So how long IS it?
I was the one anon who kept getting instagibbed, but found Mokou and is now on Easy St.

>> No.7899725

Hitting autobattle when you mean to hit run sure is fun.

>> No.7899753

The game devs know, which is why they actually made an option to turn it off!

>> No.7899802

So what does Exorcism actually do?
And one of them satori weapon has VOI damage? The heck is that?

>> No.7899806

Really? Where?

Also, if I die and lose the stuff I've found, does it go back to it's chests? Please, PLEASE tell me it goes back to it's chests.

>> No.7899809

No worries, they go back to wherever you found them.
Not sure about random encounter drops, though.

>> No.7899814

Oh, those are gone for sure. No Damascus Shield for me. ;_;

>> No.7899899


Yeah, chests just recover their items. Drops are lost but you can get them again. Equip drops aren't usually too rare compared to material anyways, and you can only get one of each.

Exorcism dissolves enemies that have Divine Barrier. Mostly it's just the "Foreign God" enemies that have them, like those pesky angels and demon pairs that just keep upgrading. You can check it in the bestiary too.

Here's how it works. They are percentages. So if they have 50 Divine Barrier, that means they only take 50% damage from your attacks, and that's after all their resistances. That's why it can be so hard to kill those angels and demons. Exorcism subtracts from that. So if you attack with something with Exorcism: 25, 50-25=25 so now they will only have a divine barrier of 25 and take 75% of the damage. If you had something with Exorcism 75, that'll just drop their barrier to 0 and let you damage them normally, but won't let you do extra damage.

VOI is void element. Moves that do not have an element listed. Therefore, nothing can be resistant or weak to it (though VOI physical attacks seem to become whatever physical element your weapon is). I think they usually say Type: ?

>> No.7899907

This game is an OCD person's greatest nightmare.

I realized i was missing 6 chests around inner neet-clubhouse and started to panic. Checking the atwiki and the locations finally revealed their locations.

I swear the majority of you here missed steel dagger, dragon lance, raiden shield and flame ring too.

>> No.7899921

Sanae's RES boost did the trick against Mind Flayers. Gave her the speed dagger that the cats drop, put a few points into daggers for another +20 speed, and cast the RES buff at the start of battle.

>> No.7899959


I probably did. I just go look where I think there's something, but if they're hiding it in places that I need a guide to find then I just won't bother. I've already decided not to use a guide for this game and just play it my own way.

>> No.7899973

There are no missable items so you can just go on and come back for them later

At the same time though the game is also for you since the records neatly lists and even numbers all the monsters, items, ect and give you completion percentages, so you can see what's missing and guess areas to check based

Heads up that Hyper Fang Rush blue magic for Satori is the only missable in the game, just in case you missed the ten times I said that earlier since it's probably important to you to catch-em-all (oh and don't run from mind-controlled Kaguya for an easy win as you lose her entry). Also be sure to talk to Chen and Ran when you see them to get their formations. I haven't heard anyone saying they're missable but I haven't seen them yet in the postgame, so yeah, be safe

Don't grind all enemy drops though unless you really need them. It's much easier when doing quests later when you're much stronger and breezing through the early dungeons. I keep getting random drops left and right when I do quests.

>> No.7899985

So dose this game have cool looking magic/spells?

>> No.7900044

Most are your classic looking 2d sprite animations, but a lot of the bombs and such use pretty nice rendered 3d graphics, they look pretty good.

Also, time for round 4 vs Alice. Last two times doll kamikazed on me, so close to killing it too.

>> No.7900081

Reimu might suck in the beginning and scrubs fight but she is very useful for boss fight. She is like Alice in that sense where they are almost 100% needed for in boss fight.
The only two characters that I find uselesss are Aya and Mokou. I have no idea how to use them, they are both physical attacker but they are terrible compare to Youmu and Sakuya. After Sanae got her revive spell, Mokou is practically obsolete.

Is there a good way to build Aya? Does speed/evasion actually let you solo fight?

>> No.7900109

um, the last file seems to have disappeared
I only got 1-4

>> No.7900120

New patch
I'm updating the prepatched game, so the files aren't there right now.

>> No.7900128

I want to use youmu's katanas, but even the best one I can craft is weaker than the random swords I've been finding. plus swords let her use moves without needing a stance. on the other hand sakuya becomes weaker than nitori when I switch her to knives, but at least that cherry dagger lets me use her attack spell every turn without having to worry about mp.

>> No.7900126
File: 461 KB, 650x510, moko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aya is the most niche character. I made a post in the last thread about her uses. Also I like Reporting everyone so I level her a lot

Mokou packs high fire-elemental heat that can target all enemies immediately, unlike Sakuya and Youmu. She also has the Tsuki Curse area move if the enemies are fire-resistant. With her gloves she can inflict status effect, and using Mach Punch glove move she can inflict powerful effects on multiple enemies. She is a tank and can revive herself automatically 20% of the time each turn once you get 20 in her Hourai tree (and +60% HP at Hourai max), so she's custom made for her own formation, the ever popular Hinotori (Firebird) Skydance. She is also a great commander for safety in boss fights.

Otherwise, possessedbyphoenix possessedbyphoenixpossessedbyphoenixpossessedbyphoenixpossessedbyphoenixpossessedbyphoenixpossessedb

>> No.7900140
File: 398 KB, 646x505, which2hu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the best formation for this party? luna dial would make my front line stronger but marisa weaker, and konpaku stance lowers defense.

>> No.7900147

I used Mokou as a mixed tank/attacker for clearing dungeons. She can take hits better than Sakuya/Youmu, has auto-regen in fire lands, and can potentially reraise during battles. Her Damascus Knuckles can cause Great Confusion, forcing enemies to use regular attacks. Fujiyama Volcano is fairly decent against bosses weak to fire and can cause Burn, stunning them for a turn. She also learns two reraise spells later.

For Aya, she's more of a physical support/offhand attacker. Most of her skills allow your party to move first, have increased chances of dodging, allowing physical hits to hit 100%, etc. She's extremely useful for hunting Yukkuris, where she can prevent surprise attacks and let you move first. You'll encounter more enemies using breath attacks later, and Aya can reflect those with her 25 pt Fan skill.

>> No.7900148


Your party looks very similar to mine, I'd have to go with the Hakurei Type since that's what I've been using, but maybe someone else has a better suggestion. I don't really like Hinotori Skydance because of the defense decrease.

>> No.7900152

Aya details please? She is my waifu.

>> No.7900192

Master of All / Apollo Break / Hakurei for Balanced
Last Moriya / Wall of Faith / Neo Hakurei for defense
Soultrapper / Scarlet Moon / Skydance for Offense
the counter one.

Keep in mind that if Reimu is barrier specced you would rather have a clustered one like Fence or Wall of Faith for healing.

>> No.7900195

That is the problem I have with Mokou.
His physical is not strong enough, tank terribly compare to Alice and cannot do fire elemental as well as the mages or Nitori.

I have been using Sakuya with maneater + full IND items that death/greater confusion just proc so often that she can handle all the magic immune mobs while my chaser and elemental mages handle the rest.
Youmu being youmu just 1shot mob with a bomb from the Asura tree.

Damage doesnt matter when you kill stuff by inflicting death.

Speed formation with Alice.
Considering that you only need 2 mana to cast the marionette parrar, just spam it.

>> No.7900197


I see, so that would work for him. I don't use Alice or Nitori, so I guess even one or two differences in a team can be huge.

>> No.7900202

Katana tree's specialty is the chance for instant death and to attack twice. However Youmu does just fine with other weapons. Axes complement her Manussya tree well for example, since that buffs her accuracy to make up axes being terrible at hitting, and axes offer high power and armor penetration. And you don't need to use the mediocre axe moves since you've got awesome stance moves.

I took down the final boss with Youmu with a certain special amazing sword though.

Depends on what Reimu is. Hakurei Type/Hinotori Skydance are good when you have 2 mage, 2 warriors, and 1 tank.

What are peoples' general favorite formations? My current favorite is Moriya Destruction.

>> No.7900204

Every character in the game is useful in their own way. Aya is probably the most niche one though. Her damage is pretty mediocre, though if she gets her last word she can act twice a turn. Her specialty is turn manipulation and helping the party dodge or hit things. Naturally, she herself also has the highest dodge rate, and her fans boost that even further. Since I hinted at it earlier, I'll point out that Aya is the most critical element for yukkuri hunting. Her Air War tree lets her prevent getting ambushed which yukkuri are prone to doing. And then in battle her Illusionary Dominance (or Paparazzi if she is the commander) will let the rest of your entire party go first before the yukkuri. Therefore, if you yukkuri hunt, Aya might just become your most leveled character, which is necessary for scanning enemies as Aya has to be their level or higher.

Also, she is critical in combatting dragons and other breathers, as her maxed Fan skill lets her reflect breath attacks. Unlike Reimu's, it doesn't cost a bomb and has no cooldown time. So the next time you go through an area with cockatrices or other breath users, consider bringing Aya.

Another use of Illusionary Dominance is against bosses with countermoves, of which there are several. Normally those moves have high priority, but they can't counter you if your party goes before they can set up their counter!

For me, the big thing with Mokou midgame was actually her Damascus Steel. Normally Silence is pretty worthless in RPGs but here it's pretty great, as not many enemies seem to resist it and it renders threats like Mindflayers and Angel/Demons somewhat helpless. It can activate with her target-all skills too.

>> No.7900238


Skydance is probably the most useful for the longest time.
After that I personally like Wall of Faith.

My Mokou with the silence gauntlets was absolutely beast throughout the main game. Mach Fist can silence 2 enemies, or 4+ if the echo procs. Her All Fire skill is great in a Skydance chaser team:
Fire Chaser -> Summer Flame -> Flame (Satori) -> Flying Phoenix used last only if you didn't kill everything.

Her fire skill hits like a truck, almost always harder than Patchy's low attribute ones unless the monster is physical resistant or magically weak.
Either way, for normal mobs Mokou and Sakuya both were far more useful than Alice for me even in stage 21+
The only time Alice outshined either was in Scarlet moon.

>> No.7900239

is it a good idea to use this dakimakura shield with alice? it has good stats but only 10% activation, but her skills give 100% activation while covering allies.

I don't think I have any of those. how do you get them?

how often does the instant death work? the muramasa sword that I can make has death on it too, but her konpaku flash move only kills shit half of the time.

>> No.7900245

I really need to stop relying on Mokou as my commander for boss battles, but if Sanae dies then my party can't win. I wonder what I should do.

>> No.7900254

How do shields work?

>> No.7900253

Poison Shield is probably my favorite. It's a super baiting formation much like Hinotori Skydance, but not as risky. Put Alice in the front, use Hourai Doll, and watch as enemies do 0 damage to her.
For general farming, Ripple lets me maximize physical attacks via auto-battle.
Sonic Stream for cheesing battles with Lithos' Aging Drizzle, Ras Algol Maenads and Cosmic Supercluster and yukkuri hunting.

>> No.7900281

How do you get poison shield?
Wiki just said garden of the sun with Alice?

>> No.7900283

Prepatched game has been updated.

the shields EVA is the chance it will add it's status to the character when attacked. The chance will only happen for listed attack types. The same symbols for resistances are used to show if the EVA chance is positively or negatively increased. No symbol: just EVA chance, marked with a star: will just about always activate. Triangles means less chance than the EVA, but that's better than not being able to block an attack type at all.

Game's manual can tell you more.

>> No.7900286

I love Byakuren running sprite.
She looks like a moe super heroine.

>> No.7900288

Is there any way out of dungeons besides hoofing it and those little warp things?

>> No.7900297

Or failing that, a map?

>> No.7900302

If you don't have any items you care about, you can just open and close the menu to autosave, then close the game.

>> No.7900306

Man, I hate Cirno. If I don't kill her early then she keeps healing 512 a turn and dodging every single attack ever, if I do, Momiji runs roughshod over me with that stupid Cannan attack that one shots Sanae. Too frustrated to try again, I'll play tomorrow.

>> No.7900314


I beat the game once without ever understanding shields. I'm not convinced of their usefulness.

of course this was the significantly less balanced 1.06 game version.

>> No.7900315

Really? If I recall correctly, once you kill one the other is pretty helpless. They work as a team. Momi's cannon has terrible accuracy and needs Cirno to freeze enemies in place to hit them.

>> No.7900321 [DELETED] 

Kill an enemy with Toxic(lethal poison) then go to the healing circle at the Garden of the Sun.
The easiest way to do this is to boost Satori's IND as much as you can while giving her +poison damage equipment. Poison en enemy with Poison Hand (Poison Art may work if you have enough bonus poison damage). Sanae's tier 7 or 8 weapon works as well, but I doubt you have enough materials to craft those.

>> No.7900325


I'm serious. I keep seeing the green miss thing over Cirno whenever I fight her, and it's bugging me so much. Then she does 300 damage to everyone one by one except Marisa and Sanae, and by then I'm out of bombs and MP with so she's free to heal and beat me up. And for the Momiji's terrible accuracy Cannan attack, it nearly almost always hits Sanae no matter what I do so I'm forced to use Mokou because I have to keep Sanae alive to heal everyone at all costs. If I try to kill Cirno first I'll see a ton of missing, even with Sanae's accuracy buff.

>> No.7900327

Kill an enemy with Toxic(lethal poison) then go to the healing circle at the Garden of the Sun.
The easiest way to do this is to boost Satori's IND as much as you can while giving her +poison damage equipment. Poison an enemy with Poison Hand (Poison Art may work if you have enough bonus poison damage). Sanae's tier 7 or 8 weapon works as well, but I doubt you have enough materials to craft those.

>> No.7900328

>dodging every single attack ever
What? Just use a mage team and fire her to death.
I dont think magic can ever miss.
Just get +res from sanae or reimu barrier to avoid perfect freeze.

>> No.7900331


My mages are severely underleveled except for Marisa, that's a no go. Cirno's party freeze isn't a problem, I already use Reimu barrier. The problem is that the battle just drags on so by the time I get to her I don't have the resources to kill her.

>> No.7900333

Not surprising, I just equipped the best ones on the tank types and used the others to cover for weakness.
I guess it might be because I used the same sweeper team for 90%+ of the game.
Hakurei type, Mokou, Sanae, Nitori, Patchouli, Satori.
can set up 3x chaser for fire/ele, 2x for anything else.
2x light and dark attacks, physical/magical elemental
buffs, healing res, etc.
The only enemy group I ever had trouble with was a few that had both reflect magic and physical.

Bring Nitori. Self Enchant fire, use rage 8. You can potentially 1 shot Cirno.

>> No.7900334

I'm in level 3 and everyone is really fragile. Am I expected to have a tank or something yet?

>> No.7900338


My Nitori is level 17, she's not going to be doing anything worthwhile. I'll probably just power through it like I usually do.

>> No.7900343

I just kill them with poison art with Satori with Alice in my team.
Nope no dice, still no poison shield. Do I have to kill them with poison in 1turn?

>> No.7900346

She has mage slayer and can do fire on top of it... thats more than anyone but Sakuya with fire weapon can do.

>> No.7900349

Green miss is a result of high POT stat and not evasion. Magic is your best option since it can't miss. However, some attacks like some of Mokou's fire spellcards have very high accuracy.

If you can get rid of Cirno or prevent her from freezing you, an EVA buff from Sanae should prevent Momi from hitting you with the cannon.

>> No.7900353

Poison isn't enough, you need to get Toxic effect by piling and buffing IND as high as you can

>> No.7900354


Except she's going to die in one turn. I have not trained her, given her any worthwhile items, nothing. Anyways, seems as if I actually didn't miss against Cirno this time so I can go and beat down Momiji. I really do need to stop using Mokou as my commander though. I want to use other characters but she's just way too useful since she can revive Sanae. Maybe I'm relying on Sanae too much as well though.

>> No.7900367

>Except she's going to die in one turn
>Mokou as my commander
I found your problem.
You are not using Alice.

Also level is not an issue in this game. EQ > Level.
As long you take off EQs from your high level characters and give it to your lowbies you will be fine.

>> No.7900369

All questions regarding GoS can be answered with 4 basic things.

1. use Hinotori Skydance formation

2. level your damn characters. Your 6 man superteam isn't going to cover every possibity.

3. Youmou WILL one-shot most divine barrier enemies. Make sure she has up-to-date weapons/ items

4. make full use your non-party member's bombs. a lot of people forget about nitori's hydro camouflage or byakuren's mana restore commander spell

>> No.7900378

Toxic effect?
Is that what you meant?

>> No.7900382
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The status effect needs to say "Toxic". Raise Satori's IND via Launch Earrings, Byakuren's Hyper Trigger, Amplifying Scroll, Hypnotic Ballet, etc. I think the damage to reach Toxic is about 600 a turn, and Poison Hand has a higher poison effect than Poison Art.

>> No.7900387


I haven't used Alice since I started besides the one time I was forced to split up my party. She was okay, but I didn't really need her that much. Also, another problem I had was having Devakola Stance and a Devakola related skill with Youmu when I never even use them, so I replaced those. As for the other thing, the problem is that Nitori has half the health of my other party members. She wouldn't survive anything even with my best equipment. Anyways, I don't know how to effectively use the other party members so I'll probably stick to what I know best unless I really feel the need to switch party members. Usually the only problem is me forgetting to switch on a few abilities or putting point in the wrong tree.

>> No.7900394

>Youmou WILL one-shot most divine barrier enemies. Make sure she has up-to-date weapons/ items
how? I'm using her and she only does around 150-200 damage.

>> No.7900401

You don't need her, but if you plan on trying to power through everything you'll definitely want her.

Are you using asura stance?

>> No.7900404

There are dungeons where you have to split your party up, so you shouldn't let party members languish.

>> No.7900409

If you have Alice in your team, she will tank everyone damage with little legion skill and marionnete parrar while the first skill is on cooldown.

>> No.7900423

Oh shit.
I think I finally need to craft my items.
I cant share swords anymore, 3party split at lake temple.

>> No.7900444

Just a headsup: This is the stage with Hyper Fang Crush, the single missable in this game.

>> No.7900454
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it's actually anything higher than 500. just went and picked it up

>> No.7900455

Just remember, you only need to win the battle to learn a blue magic skill. If you manage to learn Hyper Fang Crush, you can lose the next battle and still have the skill.

>> No.7900469

In fact, lose the next fight on purpose. You might just shoot yourself if you get Hyper Fang Crush, win, then have the game crash in the following cutscene.

>> No.7900478

I like how Nitori's backpack explodes after every single battle.

>> No.7900484

Why is it cashing so much, any way around it? and yes i have it on windows 95.

>> No.7900490


>150-200 damage

yea....level 1 Youmou isn't going to cut it for end game bosses broski...I kinda assumed it would be obvious you would need to level her up...

>> No.7900504

no since most normal fights end in 2 or 3 rounds and it takes 1 round to use the stance. I've been bringing her around since I thought she would be good for boss fights, but even using a weapon with bird slayer she only does 200 damage a hit to these damn cocatrices.

>> No.7900580

youmu is level 25. is that not enough for where I am?

>> No.7900588

Regular attacks just aren't going to cut it anymore in general. If you don't use her stances she'd only be good for the chance of instant death or mediocre damage.

>> No.7900593

Unless you have slayers effect, normal physical attack is pretty useless.
There is a reason why Nitori almost always take a spot in my party because of the chaser with 3mages and her weapon slayers effect for those pesky magicians.

>> No.7900608
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nah yo. the time stop on Meteor of Mutsusei is awesome

>> No.7900659

I put points in swords so she can use razor wind and meteor zapper, but those use a lot of mp and don't really do much damage either.

>> No.7901040

If you aren't going to use stance attacks, there is little point in using Youmu. Might as well use Sakuya, Aya or Nitori.

Despite what the loser notes said, Tenshi was easier using Patchy, Nitori, and Sanae to completely lock the land in full ele while Reimu was heal and barrier spamming, and Byakuren using dark / support. With full ele and enthunder, Nitori's rage eight did 600+ per hit, and tenshi's earth attacks were doing <50-100.

>> No.7901104

I'm already using sakuya and nitori though. the point is I'm wondering how to make youmu more useful in non-boss encounters that only last 2-3 turns.

>> No.7901139

I have a technical question about the game, I want to play with an xbox controller but the settings won't let me set the buttons. What would be the solution?

>> No.7901147

Well, the best you are going to get is using instant death weapons and using her to attack enemies weak to it.
What you are trying to do is like using chasers with only Marisa's single target stardust attacks, or using Alice with no shield, etc.

Her 1 stance startup is why her stance attacks are so good.

>> No.7901158

Use a 3rd party program. I recommend xpadder. Just grab it off of /rs/ instead of buying it. It'll let you set the controller to input as keyboard buttons and it's really easy to use. Works perfectly with my arcade stick at least.

>> No.7901175

but if I try to use asura stance by the time I can attack most of the enemies are already weak or dead. is youmu just not a good character outside of boss fights?

>> No.7901262


>> No.7901263

She does fine in any battle lasting 3 rounds or more. Even when you have all of her later skills, you'll notice that she is all about preparation and setup because she gets more self buffs than just stances.
The best 2 turn thing you get is a self buff that makes her normal attack hit all. Otherwise you switch to the stance you want depending on line or area.

She pierces divine, has high instant death, crit and counter rates with some useful stat downs and very high stats.
She is not ideal for a team designed to sweep everything in one turn, but when you come across a hard single target she can shine. Multi Angel teams? no problem.

You have Sakuya (multi hit, debuff, slayer), Nitori (chaser, elemental), Mokou (multihit, limited fire offense, high hp), Satori (low hp/mp, mix between all damage types), and Sanae (Ele wide pierce, All phys attack, Support) that all deal physical damage without the 1 turn start up, and get a few more later.

>> No.7901283

So this game has an accessory which nullifies ALL of those bullshit status effects right?


>> No.7901284

well right now my team is the one posted in

nitori does huge damage with that 8 shot gun skill but doesn't have enough mp to use it. sakuya does ok damage with illusion spells but can only hit one thing at a time. marisa can hit groups with magic napalm but her damage doesn't seem to be keeping up at this point. reimu has pretty much the same problem. I was doing ok up until now, but it seems like I can't beat certain enemy groups without bombing or getting lucky last words.

>> No.7901292

>So this game has an accessory which nullifies ALL of those bullshit status effects right?
>may prevent
>often prevent
I have bad news for you.
My Marisa just got instant death by the ika mind flayer wearing a SOLID CIRCLE PERMANENT shirt with Sanae +res buff. This isnt FF7 where wearing a ribbon make you totally immune to it.

>> No.7901308

I like Sakuya pouring in tea and Byakuren doing her moe pose

>> No.7901347

Use chaser+3elemental attacker and a tank if you arent facing any magic resistant mobs.
The best setup is actually 2melee, nitori and 2elemental mage. Depending on the mobs you might want to bring Sanae for the status ailment or Byakuren for more dark magic.
With Nitori and Marisa having slayers for magicians/warriors and Patchy/Satori/Byakuren filling in for elemental weakness you would have no problem killing everything in 1 or 2turns.

>> No.7901360
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There's this, but you won't get it until late post-game. You'll have to do with 75% and 50% resist accessories for most of the game. I don't think there is an accessory which completely prevents every status effect.

>> No.7901374

I haven't really been using nitori's chasers much since the only way I can hit multiple enemies with fire/ice/elec damage is with bombs. if I level up some more I can get the mystic one but that's still a long way to go.

right now I'd say the thing giving me the most trouble is attacks that kill or severly damage multiple characters at once. if I get hit by earthquake or poison breath I have pretty much one turn left to kill everything or I die. I can switch raymoo from exorcism to healing, but then my damage output will be even lower.

>> No.7901385

You can potentially attack 6x in a turn with Marisa/Patchy/Satori with Nitori max in his chaser tree.
Satori 5mp single elemental target spell can potentially do the about the same damage with Patchouli High single elemental target spell.
Stick with single target spell instead of aoe.

Aya has a breath reflect but it is not really spammable because of the high cost. Best to tank it with Alice if you cant kill all the mobs in 2turns.

>> No.7901411

how do Alice's damage reducing skills work, those who reduce either/both Physical/Magical damage by a high percent?
Only for one turn?

>> No.7901423

I spent all yesterday getting skills for satori, but she's still about 5 levels behind the characters I'm using now. I guess I can try using alice instead of youmu, or switching my entire party if that doesn't work.

>> No.7901560

Thanks but I found out pressing the Default button allowed me to set the keys.

>> No.7901584

yes only for one turn, its usually used in conjunction with Hourai Doll(Taunt,Aggro) when alice doesnt have the party-wide guard skill.

>> No.7901738

>Nitori really benefits from being with Sanae and Mokou

I'm quoting this from the previous thread that I never got a chance to reply to. Can anyone explain this to me? I thought Nitori only benefited from being with anyone that used wide-range elemental attacks like patchy or marisa.

>> No.7902072
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say what?

>> No.7902076

Does that prevent you from buffing?

>> No.7902080

it only affects bad status.

>> No.7902084


I really don't know how I can split them up. They're already behind, if I get them to catch up then my current strong team won't be strong enough to deal with bosses.


The closest thing I ever had was a Border Amulet, which sometimes nullifies all status ailments. The only problem? Drops from those elephants and it's pretty rare. I had one and lost it the next turn because I got ambushed.

>> No.7902091

Most of my characters are at mid40 and I have problem fighting a bunch of mobs with status ailment breath and 2shot most of my characters. It is already pretty darn difficult with 5characters but splitting it into 3team of 4 is tough. I dont even dare to replenish my MP at the shrine incase they respawn.

Fuck you lake temple.

>> No.7902104

Aya counters breaths, make them inflict the ailments to themselves.

Also the stage doesn't really compensate for you having less characters, so you might want to just backtrack with your good full team once you clear out the monsters in one path. Otherwise, like usual, really put your Metal Gear skills to good use at dodging enemies on the map. Strategically run loops around them!

>> No.7902107

that Sonic Stream formation also seems godly when running away. Angels, Demons? Hightail it.
Together with a Vigilance Aya no one can stop your looting.

>> No.7902118

How do you actually get Sonic Stream formation?

>> No.7902124

use Fathom, the Aya scan on at least 13 enemies, any will do. Then go to the circle at Hakurei Shrine

>> No.7902321

Buffs are considered variety effects as far as I know.

>> No.7902565

Is there no way to have this in proper full screen?

I can do it with 1.0, and get a small tiny little box in the middle of the screen.

I can go with 2.0 and have parts of the screen to stretch outside the screen's window.

Or I can go with 1.5 and have an image full of artifacts that still doesn't cover the screen.

Is the game really incapable of normal full screen?
Just how did they code this thing?

>> No.7902896


Still hoping for an answer to this. Why exactly does Nitori benefit from being with Sanae or Mokou?

>> No.7902980

Every time I open the growth window, the game starts to slow down on FPS, and at one point the game becomes unplayable with all the freeze.
Does someone have this problem? Can't believe I can't run this properly (Pentium IV,1gb ram)

>> No.7902988

I'm not that guy who said that, but my guess is: Mokou Fire and Sanae Thunder.
but yeah, I don't really know how this is superior to Marisa/Patchouli/Satori elemental rape.

>> No.7902996

I managed to get it to run in full screen by setting it to run in 640 x 480 screen resolution and then hitting Alt + Enter.

Kind of an odd work around method but it looks fine.

>> No.7903021


>I don't really know how this is superior to Marisa/Patchouli/Satori elemental rape.

That's what I was kinda getting at. I thought she did best with Patchy especially since her spells target everything on the table.

>> No.7903262 [DELETED] 

That feel when you finally get Satori to learn a good skill and then lose the battle.

>> No.7903271


fuck her, shit takes too much time. i'll just use her as a commander when the party splits.

>> No.7903275


Yeah, that's been happening a lot to me as well, although my luck is looking up now on Youkai Mountain after about 6-7 chapters of not learning anything. Got Satori to learn Shining Stars, Earth Javelin and Tornado.

>> No.7903277

>almost always
I meant complete protection.
For most purposes, Sanae's RES buff is good enough to protect against status effects, but you'll never be completely immune to everything.

>> No.7903282

I was just trying to get Petro Breath.
Before that: Poison Hand learned! Earth Rock crushes me.
Then: Petro Breath learned! 3 girls stoned out of their mind, the rest falls 2 rounds later.

Screw this, I will get that stuff when I'm much stronger

>> No.7903285


You can still use her to poison the shit out of the enemy. That skill alone makes her pretty good.

>> No.7903294


I wouldn't even bother trying to get Petro Breath at that point. It's supposed to be a 1% chance of learn, not much better when Learning is maxed and it has a chance to completely destroy your party. My Satori was pretty weak at that point as wel, only had Destruction Beam from when I tried to find a silver chest in the SDM that I never did find, Shadow Boom, and Mystic Eye Beam. She did get Fang Crush and Constrict a bit later but I don't think that's really any good on Satori.

>> No.7903314

does gamer fan's effect work even if your commander is equip with it?

>> No.7903327


I think it should, I put one of my characters in the commander spot with the experience boosting item and it still worked.

>> No.7903364

I've been told it doesn't. And the boost is minimal anyways. Only bother with it if you're backgrinding

I learned Petro Breath TWICE during turns I was running way trying to find the encounter for Leaf Shield, so now I still don't have it...

>> No.7903377

I've been ignoring these threads for a while, I guess it's time to see what the fuss is all about.
How translated is this?
Also, why isn't it Genius of Sappheros instead?

>> No.7903397

Should it be? Googling that just nets suggestions for Sappheiros


It's fully translated besides a few miscellaneous Japanese characters here and there

>> No.7903406

Nitori can chase off both Sanae's Large Pierce ele and Mokou's All fire.
Not only that, but those two are Physical elemental attacks, just like chasers. That means that against magic strong mobs, they will do much more damage.

The response was to a post trying to create two balanced parties but instead managed to make 2 bad ones.
It was an example given because Nitori would be better with Mokou, Sanae, Marisa and Aya over Alice, Sakuya, Reimu and Patchy because chasing one nuke is pointless.

This post lists some extra reasons: >>7900333
You can only chase 3 times and for most random battles 2 chases is enough to end it unless you are using the wrong element. Your choices would be: Patchy, Satori + one other with 2 free slots.
If you want a balanced (ie not sweeper) than Reimu+Marisa/Alice/Mokou or Sanae+Mokou/Alice are your only choices.

>> No.7903411

Sappheiros is greek for sapphire, I think.
But "sapph ero" has nice implications. What a shame.

How translated is this game?

>> No.7903430

So I started this and I was wondering, since it isn't in the manual or on the wiki, can I redistribute growth points whenever I want, or do they get locked in at some point? It seems like I can fuck with them as much as I want, but I don't want a retarded penalty that I wasn't told about.

>> No.7903480

Yes, you can redistribute freely, and should do so when the the character serves better doing something else. Reimu might switch between being light mage for random battles and being barrier maiden for bosses, for example.

>> No.7903525

She can also chase off Sanae and Youmu's hit all normals, Mokou, Sakuya and Sword/Dagger multi hits, and Satori's physical specials. Her chase everything is ok, but to be honest if you aren't hitting a weakness chasers are pretty weak.

>> No.7903542

So, what would most of you guys rate this game?

For me, this is probably the best Touhou fangame i have played, enjoyed touhou labyrinth a while back and always wished for a more standard RPG like this.

>> No.7903548

Man, I just can't hurt Kanako. And she hurts hard. I think I'll take a break until I can think of a way for her not to murder me.

>> No.7903558

just bring in Youmu and stall until she gets her last word then use it for instant death also if you have petro breath i think you can petified suwako too

>> No.7903570


Suwako isn't the problem. I do 3000-6000 damage a turn once Youmu gets set up. But man, Kanako can really take a beating. I can't do nearly enough damage. I probably would have used Youmu's last word if I had gotten it just to test it out, but she never gets it. Maybe I'll replace Marisa with Satori, she has Shadow Boom which will help.

>> No.7903583

Pay attention to what your party member says when you die

>> No.7903592


I turned those off once I got past Reisen and Tewi from what I remember.

>> No.7903606


Kanko is easy, she is weak to instant death. I used Sakuya's Power Direction and killed her with the first hit. You can use Killer World to make your chances better.

>> No.7903630


Man, now that you told me I'm going to go out of my way to avoid it. I'm really stubborn that way. It sounds really dumb but that's how I usually am.

>> No.7903662
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well, guess i better get used to this, cause when i go to hell this is the only game they're going to have

>> No.7903669

Running in compatibility for 95.



>> No.7903678

Japanese locale bro. Or get rid of the the Japanese characters in the path.

>> No.7903682

Did you track down the DirextX it wants?

>> No.7903698

yeah i also hate those guys, what's worse is the affected allies doesn't get exp/pwr and i am not even sure if they get be revived
if your going to do it the hard way i suggest getting byakuren and use dark enchant+ weapon bless on your physical attackers as kanako is weak against darkness then spam dark spells

>> No.7903717


I'll probably use Satori instead, she's got Shadow Boom so she should do okay. That and my Byakuren is weak. I can't take that many charge hits from Kanako though so I'll probably just need to hope for Youmu to pull through for me.

>> No.7903799

really? byakuren's buff are stronger than Sanae's due to being single target but her elemental enchants are pretty much where she shines.

>> No.7903822


It's mostly because she's greatly underleveled, so she only has 90 HP as opposed to Satori's 157.

>> No.7904527

My Satori is lv20 and I'm about to go to Eientei.
Any useful skill i should get?

>> No.7904570
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took about two hours to get this.

>> No.7904599

At that level, just all target elementals and mass heal.

>> No.7904604

Nice, it took me five hours!

Also, for lots of 1% skills, don't bother. The thing is that if you use satori you'll naturally learn a bunch of stuff, because things like breaths will just keep being used on you hundreds of times. I just learned Petro Breath for the third time and actually got to keep it this time.

>> No.7904622

Mokou is the total bad ass of this game.
I ran ahead to Crab Girl + genji while still in my random battle team, killed genji in 3 rounds with Dark Galaxy, Silent Serene,and set land to max fire.
Do the same the next 3 rounds, and get crab girl to 1/2 with max Electric, Fire, Dark when she just flat up kills everyone but Mokou who is regening 230hp+ a round.
After 3-4 rounds of taking <100 damage and healing it all up, Last Word res to easy win.

Mokou, you are my tank permanently.

>> No.7904629
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I up you this.

Currently at the disco/inner neet-house

>> No.7904653

mokou can one shot genji too if you have all the buffs and stuff in place.

>> No.7904728

>I managed to get it to run in full screen by setting it to run in 640 x 480 screen resolution and then hitting Alt + Enter.
Thanks, really. Much better. Can finally play this without it bothering me.

>> No.7904806
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( ・∀・)  

>> No.7904810
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( ・∀・) 

>> No.7904864

game is starting to feel kind of grindy at mid 20s. power takes forever to get and I've been using the same moves forever. plus I'm running out of mp after only 5-6 fights.

>> No.7905232
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Wiki says Alice's defense doll summons are weak to elemental attacks, especially earth, and resistant to just about everything else.
So I open the fight with Patchy's earth aoe spell. 6 damage each from a health pool of 200.
I shrug this off, thinking I can figure something else out since both Marisa and Nitori have elemental attacks, and the former has pure magic. So, as per the plan, I cast Colosseo World in round 2 to cut off Alice's self-healing. Her dolls gang up on Sakuya and take her out in 2 rounds since I can't heal her.
Ragequit at that point. I suppose I could grind more levels since My characters are all around lvl 11 with ~17 POW points, but damn... I thought I could at least scratch her.

>> No.7905243

I didn't get that either. I think the wiki might be wrong.
I beat her an hour ago at lower levels than you. Marisa's AoE ice spell killed most of the defense dolls in one cast.
What were the attack dolls supposed to be weak too? I just sorta bum rushed them.

>> No.7905263

According to the Wiki, "all magic, especially elements." One clue that something may be amiss here is that it cites Sanae's Sky Serpent as a particularly effective means of clearing them.

>> No.7905268

Yeah, I don't think the wiki can be trusted.

>> No.7905273

Whoa. I didn't think Lullaby of a Deserted Hell could sound so angry and threatening.

>> No.7905275
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That's what the game says too

IIRC what I did was put my main attacker's growth in the tree that would give them the most patk/matk stat boost (Equipped nitori with the strongest spear, then leveled up her spear mastery till I got the +35 atk bonus, etc) and then tried to beat her as quickly as possible

Having mouku as your commander is great too, if you didn't already

>> No.7905298

Yes, in fact, I did that the first time. I was reluctant to put the one that'd been my tank up until this point into the commander slot, but I had to in order to get all my necessary attackers out there.

I tried her again and got wiped 'cause I haven't figured out a strategy for her elemental summons, and they were the first ones I met.

Third trial, I got through her defensive summons easily. Marisa cast her aoe blizzard bomb thing, which barely did anything, but Nitori had water chaser up and cleared everything in one hit. Next round was elementals, and I got shut down again.

Has anyone found shutting off Alice's self heal all that useful, or should I just focus on destroying each wave and surviving with Sanae's heals?

>> No.7905312

IIRC Alice's self heal didn't do anything I couldn't outdamage, so it probably isn't worth it to worry about it

>> No.7905322

Ignore Alice entirely until all her dolls are down. Don't worry about her healing, she's a pushover on her own, even with full health.

>> No.7905329

>Marisa cast her aoe blizzard bomb thing, which barely did anything
That's weird...I swear, it did 200-300 damage for me.

What are these chasers I keep hearing about? Would they make Nitori not terrible?

>> No.7905348

chasers add bonus damage to spells of others in the same round. Pretty useful for aoe sweeping.
But Nitori needs a good weapon to be viable. Most probably the pistols, because most of them have Warrior/Magician slayer.
Sunny Strike them and they will fall like flies.

>> No.7905352

>make Nitori not terrible
What the fuck did I just hear?
Nitori is the one of the most useful character after Sanae.
Magicians/Warriors that are highly resistant to physical and magic, no problem. All her weapons have that slayer effect.
Cant damage most mobs because they have high high magical defense?
No problem she have elemental bullet.
Have Patchy, Satori and Marisa in your team? She can attack 3times in the same round.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention she can summon sword chaser as well later so your team of Nitori, Sakuya and Youmu can be even more effective.

>> No.7905355

>But Nitori needs a good weapon to be viable.
Well that explains it. Still haven't found any spare parts.

>> No.7905373

has anyone found a use for nitori's torpedo spell?

>> No.7905506

She does fine with Axes and Spears for most of the game, like everyone else. Just using her guns can let you one shot warriors/mages like Cirno. Pretty sure you don't get the slayer effect while chasing, only on gun skills and normal attack.

Is it even worth trying to learn Hyper Fang Crush? she never even uses the skill, then you 1%->3%. thats like 2-3 minutes+ a try.
I'm guessing you took a backup save at the circle outside, made it read only and just exited when you failed to learn it?

>> No.7905530

Kagami isnt using that at hyper fang crush.
Should I leave her at full health so she doesnt use WBOMB or does she only use hyper fang crush when she is low on health?

>> No.7905569

Ok I just confirmed it.
I didnt attack her and just kept defending until she used hyper fang crush.
Store power->Hyper fang crush.
Dont bring her health down as she will use bomb refill instead of hyper fang crush.

>> No.7905756

So the chaser effect lasts for the whole round, not just the first spell of that type cast?

Haven't seen a good gun upgrade yet, but then, I'm only level 11 and, I'm assuming, haven't gathered enough of anything to make something useful, despite opening all chests and killing everything in sight. Right now I just have this feeling in my bones that Nitori and Patchy are waiting to come into their own. Reimu, too, to an extent.

>> No.7905783

the chaser activation number can be increased with her top left tree. +2 chasers is more than enough, I don't see the need to go all 25 points

>> No.7906132
File: 106 KB, 962x720, armpits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hell is this? i dont even...

>> No.7906929

Beat Iku now. I don't know if something is wrong with myself or Satori but she keeps getting hit with Iku's Shock Death combo even though she has the second highest RES in the entire party.

>> No.7906937

>This mist feels like it's drawing me towards death...this must be Yuyuko's doing!
>Whatever, let's go kidnap Satori.


>> No.7906941

to use her ability to interrogate the perps, duh

>> No.7906942
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I would've done the same thing. It's good to have your priorities straight

>> No.7906953

That's incredibly roundabout. Unreliable too; you can't lie to Satori, but Satori can lie to you.

>> No.7906969
File: 319 KB, 368x368, sanaesmirk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's Gensokyo common sense in action.

>> No.7907014

-Alice's dolls blowing themselves up when Alice dies
-Okuu casting Mega Flare after dying
-Yuyuko casting instant death on everyone after dying

This game upsets me.

>> No.7907029


That shouldn't be happening, especially not the Alice doll one. I killed Alice with one doll from her Doll Wall formation left, it stayed around but it didn't blow up, although it was only taking about 5 damage a hit. Chances are they were only near dead.

>> No.7907037

How am i gonna get 30 iron ore to make Kusanagi sword?

>> No.7907189

The three split at the lake temple is so unbalanced.
Area 1 was solved by a Mokou and Marisa duo including the boss. Hardest mob is the one that charms, but blind takes care of everything.
Area 2 enemies were crushed by Sakuya, Sanae.
Area 3? Don't fuck when those guys. Light weak mobs that one shot you? check. Petrify breath spam? check. Most mobs extremely strong except against only one type of attack? check.

All of my characters were in the low-mid 40s, and Area 3 was just killer. I did a 2-4-6 character split and Area 3 was by far the hardest with both the best gear and all my best accessories and weapons.

>> No.7907190


time to grind~

>> No.7907309

So Komachi is absolutely wiping the floor with me. From my experience, it doesn't seem like something I can get around, so I'm guessing I'm under leveled.

She's killing my entire party with Money from yesterday, and her counters are taking half of my characters health. I'm not wrong when I say I need to just level right?

My highest level is 20.

>> No.7907311


I was only three levels higher than you, which shouldn't be that big of a difference, think of a different strategy to beat her. I forget how I did it though.

>> No.7907312

don't do physical damage if you want to live.
Speed Formation. Marionette Parrar.
Either Earth or Light magic spam. Preferably light because it weakens her abilities I heard.

>> No.7907314

No, levels won't help you much. You need to figure out strategies against different bosses, otherwise a few more HP from levels won't help when you're killed in 1-2 hits.

>> No.7907322


Do Komachi's counters really hurt that hard? From what I remember I beat Komachi with both Sakuya and Youmu on my team.

>> No.7907350

they don't. but a Nitori trying to shoot her who gets countered and moneyshotted the same turn is a bad thing. As all boss battles, depends how RNG treats you

>> No.7907375

Thanks for the advice.

I didn't really have levels totally in mind when I was saying I was underleveled, more like I want more POW and equipment. Some of my characters still have their starting armor and stuff like that. I'll try a better strat but her killing in on the first turn doesn't seem like something I can help much, cept for commando spells but how far will that really take me?

>> No.7907384


What I did was use Youmu's commander spell to reduce her RES, then debuffed her a bit. Of course, you should have Sanae along to buff your shit up too.

You really should go get some better armour, too. It'll help a lot.

>> No.7907472

God I wish the elements in the bestiary were translated, or at least color coded like they are everywhere else in the game.

>> No.7907579

Nothing feels better that Satori Mind Blasting the shit out of everyone in Eiantei.

>> No.7907605

Where's the link to that patch that makes all the drops like 100%?

Fuck this grinding, I wish that they at least raised them a little bit more or made more materials available in the game.

>> No.7907637

Man, Bhava-Agra looks like it's going to be a huge pain to navigate. It's not Palace of the Earth Spirits annoying yet, but I'm worried about those Elite Mind Flayers although they haven't done anything bad to me yet.

>> No.7907648

i think what i did with this one was go straight damage with Reimu/Marisa/Sakuya/Nitori, and have Sanae buff (PDEF and EVA especially) and heal the party, while Mokou was the commander in case anyone gets killed. the faster the battle goes, the less chance she has of Moneying the party two turns in a row.

>> No.7907671

What is up with those Locomo Dragons? Skills like Dragon wave and Normal Attacks with a Dragon slayer weapon are doing <100 damage.

I mean they are easy because I'm abusing blind, but they take a good 10+ rounds to kill unless I use Dark Enchant on Sakuya or Youmu which cripples my party against the other mobs they come with.

>> No.7907803

Is there any way to beat Kaguya/Eirin without relying on control?

>> No.7907830

Have not tried it, but 13 points in laser tree gives Marisa slayer effects for both kaguya eirin, and it seems to function together with Master Spark.
And they both stand in a line.

>> No.7907904


You know those buffs Kaguya performs? Reimu and Sanae's dispel abilities can be used to get rid of them, I found it highly useful in beating them since they can't double their defense and make my offense useless or kill me in two turns.

>> No.7907919

Does a torrent for this exist?

>> No.7907943

Nothing exists; only you. Everything you see around you--people, objects, ideas...they're all simply ideas in your head.

>> No.7907984
File: 511 KB, 633x475, momiji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck man.
I was in my "Sonic Stream nuke" party when Momiji showed up out of the nowhere, and I still beat her.

>> No.7907990


Well, it isn't meant to be hard, she only has about 6000 HP.

>> No.7908004

yeah, but what surprised me is that I could hold my ground with an underleveled party which was in the glass cannon formation (-20% def, -50% eva)

the canon Momiji was more dreadful than that.

>> No.7908013


Trust me, she is more dreadful than that. Just you wait.

>> No.7908021

when she comes with Genji, huh?

>> No.7908026


I didn't see her with Genji. But you'll be fighting her again soon with someone backing her up.

>> No.7908067

I've been sorta stumbling through the game, but I haven't really run into anything hard. Everything goes down pretty quick and easy with a little preparation, and the bosses have some neat tricks (I'm looking at you, Okuu) but nothing soul crushing.

...is the palace of earth spirits going to change my tune?

>> No.7908079
File: 44 KB, 640x480, orz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this place.

Eight+ enemies clumped together in a small area.
Narrow corridors making enemy battles almost unavoidable.
Can't run away from battles.
Every fight is essentially a boss fight.
Returning to heal resets the mobs.

I barely got past it with intense savescumming, though maybe I just suck.

>> No.7908082


Probably not. You've got Mind Flayers which can be annoying, but Satori is one of the easier bosses in the game.

>> No.7908089
File: 728 KB, 400x578, Mind_flayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...is the palace of earth spirits going to change my tune?
probably. No, definitely.

>> No.7908199

Cool. What do they do?

>> No.7908207

shut you down with paralysis and instant death. Comes best with that fucking bird which prevents magic.

>> No.7908247

Half way though PotES, finally saw a bird that really messed me up with its magic cancel, but I recovered.

Everything else I just AOE to death and usually get them in one turn. 4 mind flayers? psh, easy.

Doing it right?

>> No.7908262


Perhaps, but watch out if you get a magic cancel bird with some Mind Flayers. Oh man that's the worst team to be up against there, no AoE allowed, time to die.

>> No.7908268

Good thing I have aya as a commander (only good thing she's for...) so I can go first.

I had way to many failed runs in the stage before to not have at least 2 times for aya to bomb so I can win a crazy battle.

>> No.7908275


Oh, I see. I didn't use Aya there. I think I had Mokou as my commander there.

>> No.7908276

They should have given Reimu Light chaser and Byakuren Dark chaser. Would have made for more interesting combos.

As it stands, Nitori is flat out unmatchable until stage 20+, where she becomes average to meh depending on the enemy groups. Her rage 8 + elemental buff and sword chaser just gets more and more useful over elemental chasers when every single enemy in the group has a different elemental weakness, and non weakness chasers hit for 0.

>> No.7908277

And abusing Speed formation with Alice and the inferno shield.

Got a Lorez Wristwatch as a drop that says its good to block (all elements and physical types listed) but it only has a 20eva.

>> No.7908293


That reminds me, what formations are good? I've only been using the Hakurei formation because I'm afraid of using defense reducing formations, and I don't like some of the line formations since column attacks will hit everyone.

>> No.7908337

Was using Hakurei most of the game until stage 5. Having Alice defend the party is very helpful as long as you do her growth right and give her a great shield. I've hardly taken damage in this stage, and since its the Inferno shield, it protects me from blaze and fire breath.

>> No.7908349

Hinotori Skydance was fine for me until the postgame, and I almost never used Alice.

Otherwise, the poison one, the counter one, fence of defense and wall of faith.

>> No.7908382
File: 310 KB, 639x479, Untitled3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you guy's weren't kidding.

>> No.7908396

Okay, where the heck is the first gold key for Stage 5?

I've cleared out like every enemy here and just been running around and can't find it. Found the gold key though.

>> No.7908401

Oh god they resist all magic and have almost no weakness.
You guys really, REALLY weren't kidding.

>> No.7908399 [DELETED] 

Silver I mean

>> No.7908410 [DELETED] 

>Gold twice

Found the silver, but can't find the gold to get to the basement.

Been doing so much killing already level 13 for my main party. Satori should be a piece of cake now if I can get to her.

>> No.7908420


There's a place where you have to turn on three lights, two of them are obvious and one is hidden past a wall. That place hides a ton of stuff from you but there's a way to tell if there's a hidden path in a wall or not. That is the most time consuming dungeon I've been in so far.

>> No.7908434

Great Demon, Mind Flayer, and Instagib fairy all in one group. Nope.
This stage 20 dungeon is brutally long. Even stacking all my bombs on byakuren for the mp regen, I've had to recharge 4 times for Satori who is casting 2-3x 9-12 mp spells per battle with all mp accessories.

>> No.7908437

Found the duengon.

>3 spiders, 2 cats and that tentacle monster

Oh crap. So I hear spiders will kill you eh?

>> No.7908454

Is it just me or is res completely worthless? My characters with the highest res keep getting affected by status ailments, while Youmu only has 8 res and doesn't get hit by any of them.

>> No.7908569

How do I get to that silver chest in that large closed-off space in Chireiden, behind the smirking Satori picture?

>> No.7908592
File: 102 KB, 640x479, smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's near the end of the dungeon, don't worry too much about it. I was wondering about it too until I got there.

>> No.7908607

well, it's more like at the very end, the staircase to that area is right beside the staircase to the pre-boss room.

>> No.7908615

Ok then, what about the first gold key? This place is a damn maze.

>> No.7908621


Fucking overleveled and can't fucking beat Satori, she fucking used Elixir TWICE. I didn't even have any mp left after the second one.

Maybe I need a different party....

>> No.7908619

did you try wandering around until you find it? That usually works for me

>> No.7908627

Sakuya has that one spell to prevent healing.

>> No.7908641

I did, but I'm apparently blind and missed the enormous hallway leading to it.

This angry, evil remix of Lullaby of a Former Hell worked for hell proper, but it's not doing so well for this calm, if confusing palace.

>> No.7908679

Thats what your 100GB worth of touhou music comes in right?

Also, can't believe I tried to force beat a boss without the right strategy. Just used Sakuya to null the elixir and barriers to protect from petrify.

>> No.7908694

is it worth crafting any of the shields or accessories? so far the only thing I've made is the magnum for nitori.

youmu gets status resist from some of her stance skills. are you sure that's not what's doing it?

what song is used for the garden of the sun bgm? it sort of reminds me of the sky level theme from paper mario.

>> No.7908698

Anyone got good enough eyes to read what Aya writes on the ground when she gets KOed?

>> No.7908722

I just realized the ominous villain/pre-boss music only plays when your part walks on screen.

>> No.7908786 [DELETED] 

>There is one way you can prevent losing most, if not all of your stuff. After you get party wiped, exit the program, go to the backup folder in the save folder. You should notice that there are two files with different names than all the "backupxxx.sav" files. Copy one of the two files to your save folder and rename it to whatever your save file name was ("SVD000.sav" for first slot save, "SVD001.sav" for second slot and so on). Open the game and load that save, and you should reappear inside the dungeon just a bit before where you got wiped. If the save doesn't show up at all, try the other file. (Obviously you should keep a backup of your original save file as well in case things go wrong)
...does this really work?

>> No.7908804

I somehow managed to dupe a sunflower seed, but I don't know how. I remember exploring the first room of the Garden of the Sun briefly, finding a sunflower seed then heading to Kourin's. Ultimately I decided to not craft anything and I quit the game. Not sure in what circumstance I quit it though.

In the end I the next time I opened up the game I was outside Kourin's with that box that shows you what items you lost and when I returned to the Garden of the Sun the chest with the snuflower seed was still closed and I still had the sunflower seed from the first time I opened it. I tried leaving and going to Kourin again and exited the game on the synthesis menu, but that didn't duplicate what happened before. Ended up outside the garden of the sun the next time the game opened and the sunflower seed was still collected. In the end I got one more seed than I should have.

>> No.7908806

Nothing in this game will break your spirit like clearing out half a dungeon while getting really lucky with drops, bum-rushing and dying too the boss just to see what she does, then realizing that you didn't return to the surface.
Is there a good bestiary anywhere so I can know what to kill to get my stuff back?

>> No.7908810


It shouldn't be enough to out resist Reimu who has 45 RES. Not only that, Satori always gets hit by a status ailment when she has 33, and the other characters have less than that.

>> No.7908816

the records screen shows what each enemy drops.

>> No.7908825

if you got all the way to the boss doesn't the healing circle save your items?

>> No.7908826

You can always revert back to the healing point save point.
Go to the backup save folder and find the healing point save just before the boss.

>> No.7908836


No, it doesn't. I'm not him, but even with saving circles I lose all my items if I die so I find myself going back and forth often so I don't lose them.

>> No.7908848

They don't, but I keep thinking they do.

Hey, that's a good idea. Looks incredibly time consuming, but it's worth a shot.

>> No.7908853

Another tip.
If you RESET before you go back to the world screen, your savefile will not be overwritten with the world save one.

>> No.7908869

Even better idea.
...all my back up saves seem to be full of someone else's party. They're all in the garden of the sun, mid-20s, and have Mokou, Byakuren, and Satori.
That's weird.

>> No.7908878

Sort it by date.
Find the savefile by the time before you engage the boss.
It isnt that hard silly.

>full of someone else's party
Hahaha you are using someone else prepatched Touhous.

>> No.7908898

>Sort by date
Dur. I am so stupid sometimes.

>Hahaha you are using someone else prepatched Touhous.
I feel violated...

>> No.7908946

Man, I take back what I said about those Elite Mind Flayers. They're starting to kick my ass now. Time to take out the anti-paralyze accessories. Probably won't use them on Sakuya though, too obsessed with getting her attack as high as possible.

>> No.7909016
File: 153 KB, 638x478, rape time2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The scene's before and after Satori's boss fight made me feel absolutely terrible for beating her up. She wasn't even hard; it's like she was just panicking and flailing at my party as they laid into her.

>> No.7909056


I think that's the entire point, it's just a bunch of jerks beating up anyone that gets in their way.

>> No.7909078

Beat pets up
Pillage house
Beat up kindergartener
Kidnap kindergartener

More games should be like this

>> No.7909089

She was even griping about how her expenses kept rising too.
She's trying to figure out how she's going to pay the bills and make ends meet, and you barge into her room, gang up on and beat the shit out of her, and drag her out of her looted house into a world full of racist fucks that hate her for everything she is.

>> No.7909091


Man, Satori gets no respect, no respect at all...Anyways, I fought a somewhat tough battle just to get a sword I'll never use. Is there any reason to use normal weapons on Youmu or Sakuya? The unique weapon trees for both of them seem so much better it's not worth using other weapons.

>> No.7909164

Well beat Yuuka and Medi with a party that was level 19. This game doesn't seem so bad if you play smartly and use the walkthrough for bosses. Time to take on Eientei with my equally leveled characters that range from level 19-20.

I wonder what levels other people were at this fight.

>> No.7909274

how do I beat yuka? aside from poison she doesn't seem to do that much damage, but none of my attacks seem to be very effective against her. should I respec raymoo into healing to counteract the poison?

>> No.7909280

>use walkthroughs for bosses
my pride will not put up with that. I just kind of stubbornly flail my way through

>> No.7909300


That's pretty much what I've been doing. Only time I took advice from this thread was with Kanako and Suwako, but the game crashed, I decided to see if I could get Satori to learn Face Smash and got Youmu's Final Word luckily, so I used that chance to beat it "my way". Pride is a dumb thing sometimes. Especially since I hear stuff about splitting my party into three and half my party is level 18 while the other half is in the 40s.

>> No.7909304

I like using knives for sakuya just because it seems more appropriate for her character. I had been using swords on youmu since it lets her use attacks without wasting turns on stances, but apparently you can't use stance moves at all then so I switched her back.

>> No.7909425

Sanae's snake whip tree has the answer.

>> No.7909475


I was considering knives on Sakuya, but I can't pass up that +90 attack from the two handed sword tree, it's just so amazing. Not to mention the fact that she gets Full Moon Revenge, which is pretty much like having a spammable Killing Doll that always hits three times. I wouldn't say it's the best move, but it's been pretty useful for me so far.

>> No.7909519

is there somewhere where we can download just the english patch? i've got the game already but its in full japanese

>> No.7909580

Yuka's weak against lightning so use elec spells or byakuren's elemental enchant on youmu/sakuya and press the win button

>> No.7909616
File: 175 KB, 1024x768, trojan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this game doing to my computer?

also why does it show that I have a silver key left for the first stage? I'm sure I opened all the chests.

>> No.7909925

so yeah. I just finished up the expansion stuff, and I just realized Sanae had a new group heal. I wonder how much easier that would have made some of those fights in the temple.

>> No.7909936

I LOVE blue mages, but learning the spells here is an even bigger pain than usual, and seeing Satori face down in the dirt 90% of the time makes me sad. Any tips?

>> No.7909948

Nevermind, it just looks like the group heal. What a pity that she doesn't get a new one until 65. Reimu's been out healing her since the 30's.

>> No.7910003

disregard satori, level her up and then come back. my Satori is 30, has quite many spells now and is still only good for Mind Blasting.

>> No.7910006

This crashing is awful. Went through all the solutions and couldn't make it through a single scene, and after seemingly randomly deciding to work and making it through the first two scenes, it crashes just before I take control.

>> No.7910207

I like how my game just crashed after wiping the floor with Yuuka.

>> No.7910302

Just beat Reisen and Tewi. They were pretty easy. Reisen I had to beat twice since the first time I beat her it crashed after Tewi's cutscene. Beat Reisen on the first and third goes and Tewi on her first. Completely destroying Reisen with Sakuya's Arondight Full Moon Revenge and Tewi with Nitori's Rage Eight and Youmu's Devaloka skills.

Levels of everybody range from 22-23. Using the walkthrough to plan my strategy is making this really easy, but then again I dislike trial and error methods as they are lengthy.

Also when does Sanae get her revive skill?

>> No.7910508

just made weapons for sanae, mokou, and aya in preparation for eientei. I hope this doesn't short me on materials for something later. I wanted to make youmu a new katana since she only has a shitty 104 attack power, but I only have 3 rusty blades and I think I need to save them for that time stop sword.

also am I doing it wrong because my main party is level 28 and my secondary one is level 24 which seems a lot higher than some people in the thread are reporting, but the game doesn't seem particularly easy.

>> No.7910858

Why do you use Mind Blast? The excel file tells me that the skill cost 20 mp. Satori's Bondage Art costs only 8 mp and can also inflict paralysis on multi-target. Does Mind Blast has better success rate or something?

>> No.7910919

does bondage art do damage? mind blast does decent mystic element damage in addition to the paralysis chance.

>> No.7910975


It makes me sad too, keep her as a commander or something so she gets levels until around Youkai Mountain. I don't know what it is but Satori started learning tons of abilities at Youkai Mountain, and keeps on learning at Bhava-Agra as well. She's got quite a few good abilities now, Thunderclap being one of them.
