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File: 17 KB, 223x447, Pills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7897568 No.7897568 [Reply] [Original]

did yu stop taking those pills yet anon?? its bad for your health!

>> No.7897569

would there be pills inside the pills

>> No.7897572

I refuse to take pills. Something about relying on something outside of my body makes me hate it.
Until I'm sick as a dog. Give me all dat shit.

>> No.7897574
File: 130 KB, 600x806, 9fc7dde32115fdcf78a361a1a161aaec6df0263d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go on and off with them all the time. So far so good.

>> No.7897577

do you not rely on food that comes from outside of your body?

>> No.7897611

I rarely use sleeping pills, they help tough.

Gotta love working 5-shifts.

>> No.7897616

>I refuse to take pills. Something about relying on something outside of my body makes me hate it.
Do you also refuse to take food and water?
How about oxygen, do you refuse to breath?

>> No.7897617

I have just pills with liquorice for sore throat.

But I heard you can overdose on them. That might be good idea.

>> No.7897630

Not a good idea.

>> No.7897635

Why not good idea?

>> No.7897641

You might end up being dead tired for over a week and sleep 80& of the time and feel bad man. So no, you should rather eat good stuff and roll around.

>> No.7897648

>dead tired

Do you mean DEAD?

That's the point.jpg

>> No.7897700

Not dead dear, just dead tired.

>> No.7897702

capsules full of fish oil are bad for your health?

this is the first I've heard of it
