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7894646 No.7894646 [Reply] [Original]

Who was the better culprit/villian /jp/?
Yasu, Kyrie or Takano?

>> No.7894654
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Beatrice, so Yasu.

>> No.7894662

Suck my dick dude 

>> No.7894664

Eva was the killer
There was no way Hideyoshi would've smoked if she was in the room at the time.
eps 5-8 never happened.

>> No.7894668

Kyrie was the most awesome.
Takano was the most sexy, unexpected.
Yasu was....christ, Yasu was horrible.

>> No.7894677

Smoked? What room? Refresh my memory.

>> No.7894694
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Jeez, Uminekos were so bad.

>> No.7894704

I want a Chiru anime just to see swimsuit Erika animated.

>> No.7894719

I'm glad there will be no Chiru anime. /jp/ does not need to be Umineko general thanks to /a/ again.

>> No.7894725

nice dubs dude

>> No.7894728

I liked /jp/ when it was Umineko general. More so than touhou general. We actually had things to discuss back then.

>> No.7894747
File: 22 KB, 494x441, alien_base1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the murders in Umineko weren't caused by a witch. It was aliens.

>> No.7894751
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I knew it was Aliens.

>> No.7894768

The culprits were Jessica and Gohda. They faked their deaths and stole all the gold to open up a beach resort for lesbians. 9/10s and above only, of course.

>> No.7894804 [SPOILER] 
File: 253 KB, 498x747, 1309132039561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was there ever even a single doubt in the world that it was Gohda?

>> No.7894826

Starting an umineko thread with a shit crossover fanart of the stale lime guy meme is poor taste. OP is a jobless manchild and probably uses anime catch phrases and 4chan memes in conversations.

>> No.7894835
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Kyrie is the best villain. She really should have been the mastermind.

>> No.7894852

It still strikes me how undeveloped Gouda was. "He's a cook. He's had a good job before."
He was there just for the sake of being there.

>> No.7894858

He was supposed to be having an affair with Nappi.
If yu want to talk about characters taht were there just because, talk about hideyoshi
>he's a good husband, he was poor

>> No.7894863

He was supposed to be having an affair with Natsuki, but Ryu-chan scrapped the idea, resulting in Gohda just, well, being there.

>> No.7894880

I see you've been here a few days and think this is a "no-fun allowed"-board. I suggest you lurk a few weeks longer before you start posting.

>> No.7894915
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This is a no fun allowed board. Now go back to /a/ or whatever board you're native to, nerd. Reported for shit posting.

>> No.7894919

You're wrong. Lurk more.

>> No.7894922

They are all so retarded with half baked schemes with stupid reasoning, there is no winner

>> No.7894927

All of you show your retardation by not saging.

>> No.7894933

Well Kyrie was awesome as a cold killer machine, but if that tea party was canon she'd also won the first prize as the most gullible villain ever.

Random crazy girl says there's a megaton bomb in the basement? Sure! why I should doubt that?!

Random crazy girl says that the card in her hand leads to a bank account with a shitload of money and she's just handing it to us? Sure! Why I should doubt that?!

>> No.7894948

>Ten tons of gold in front of you.
>there can't be any dyno

>> No.7894958

Umineko was pretty good until episode 5.

What a clusterfuck it become.

>> No.7894990

You mean 3.
5 was the best.
