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File: 51 KB, 590x453, shock_cocoon_promotional_art_by_project_kanetsuki-d34d2xm[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7893631 No.7893631 [Reply] [Original]

>works 2 jobs
>has contact with females on a regular basis
>contributes to the community
>currently in charge of making the best english VN out there
>is a loved member of 4chan

Kritzinger appreciation thread

>> No.7893634

shut up mugen nobody cares reported for ban evasion

>> No.7893637

>Kritzinger self-appreciation thread
Fixed that for you, Kritz.

>> No.7893639


>> No.7893643


>> No.7893646

Your mom.

>> No.7893648

who are you quoting

>> No.7893662

I'm still trying to grasp on why are there people so fixed with constantly making reverse-troll threads about this game.

No, really, what's the deal?

>> No.7893667

That feel when you have 2 jobs too but still no female contact.

>> No.7893673

It's called viral marketing. Get used to it, it's what all the cool edgy people do these days.

>> No.7893677

>best english VN out there
lol no fuck off torturer porn is for fags.

>> No.7893678

The same reason they engage in any other kind of shit posting. I've yet to figure out what that reason is.

>> No.7893683

You tell me why hotglue is so fixated on bringing kiddies and retards from whatever mmo forums they're "trolling" to raid /jp/. kritz just happens to be their leader.

>> No.7893681

See, that's exactly the sort of post I'm talking about. Dude, at least I hope you aren't trying to be funny, seriously.

>> No.7893684

You guys are just mad because someone's doing something productive while you just fap and stuff dragon dildos up your ass when you could of been someone

>> No.7893686
File: 87 KB, 1278x278, hot gonna fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7893691

it's true though, I was in their irc for 5 seconds and they couldn't stop talking about spamming their own threads everywhere

>> No.7893701

What channel? I want to verify this myself.

>> No.7893709

I wasn't really trying to be funny, no. I'm just saying that's what's going on here.
I hate it just as much as the next guy. It's fucking retarded and I hope Kritzinger realizes it.

He even advertised it on a BR forum

>> No.7893716


>> No.7893719

You realize that this is being spammed by the butthurt hotglue fag right?

>> No.7893723

Reported for lies and greentext without quoting anyone.

>> No.7893729

You realize I'm just bored and trying to add fuel to the fire, right?
I believe you guys call it trolling

>> No.7893741

Right, now I'm convinced you guys are just trying to stir shit up for whatever reason.

>> No.7893760

Coincidentally, my posts in this thread have been made entirely by my own volition. I don't even communicate with the members of Studio Nihi.

and here's that BR forum I mentioned, if you need proof:

>> No.7893763

Trying to hard grimdark shit VN. Art is fine though.

>> No.7893766

Now you're just being silly, I first thought the user was going to be Kritzinger or something.

>> No.7893767


It's not BR, its an spanish comunity and I doubt that that poster is from the SC group.

Just saying

>> No.7893771

Shh, don't point out inconsistencies in my statements. My plan will be ruined.

>> No.7893772

>verb \ˈkwōt also ˈkōt\
>a : to speak or write (a passage) from another usually with credit acknowledgment b : to repeat a passage from especially in substantiation or illustration c : borrow 2a <quoting the motifs of past artists>
>: to cite in illustration <quote a similar case>
>a : to state (the current price or bid-offer spread) for a commodity, stock, or bond b : to give exact information on
>: to set off by quotation marks

Let's back up there.

>: to cite in illustration <quote a similar case>

But really, you guys should try harder in your English classes before attempting to look cool and edgy online.

>> No.7893780

Cry some more.

>> No.7893790

It's not very mature to get mad just because you did something that was dumb as fuck, Sion. Go to bed.

>> No.7893800 [DELETED] 

>kritzinger meta-thread

why don't you losers give it a rest? he already went to sleep an hour ago.

>> No.7893805

Who or what are you quoting?

>> No.7893807

shut the fuck up nerd

>> No.7893810 [DELETED] 

nice dubs

>> No.7893811

Get out of /jp/

>> No.7893818


You don't have to let it get to you, just try to stop acting like a retard in the future.

>> No.7893827

says the one who got dubs.

>> No.7893835

Stop trolling.

>> No.7893844
File: 2.80 MB, 1280x970, __downpour_of_regret___by_suihara-d38gnqa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7893847

So you think that's trolling?.

Your >>>/a/ is showing.

>> No.7893853
File: 91 KB, 900x506, shock_cocoon__gascoyne_cg_by_project_kanetsuki-d4adls5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7893876

Only someone from /a/ or a similarly shitty board would fail to recognize that post as having hidden intentions.

>> No.7893879

So what he did to be a "loved member of 4chan", uh?
