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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7892800 No.7892800 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you started hormone therapy yet, /jp/? Don't you want to be the little girl?

>> No.7892810

I am tired of people drawing girls, adding a little peepee and calling them traps.

It's the dude on the right that should dress up.

>> No.7892813

I want to be the little girl, not the tall weird looking tranny.

>> No.7892820

I'm fine with just dressing up at home.
plus I have things that just wouldn't fit right on a woman's frame.
also this.

>> No.7892816

Because it's just not the same.

>> No.7892821

I agree they're just dickgirls

>> No.7892828

But some people are like that when they are younger (Like Nong Poy and Kayo Police) and if they do hormones they end up being the most beautiful trannys alive.(Though surgery is an option too Tsubaki Ayana looked terrible before it)

>> No.7892838

That won't make me a little girl, it will make me a man without a penis. No, no. I shan't convert except through a portal or under the care of /jp/ Manor's expert and inspired surgeons.

>> No.7892846

Yeah, but the market for this are curious boys who dress up occasionally. I hardly think you want to alienate your fans by making such assumptions.

>> No.7892886

I disagree, they should be as girly as possible. I don't dress up to still be a man, I want to look pretty.

>> No.7892895

Because I'm not gay.

>> No.7892904

I want to be a cute little girl, not some disgusting abomination.

It's not worth it unless you start before puberty.

>> No.7892907

The same reason people say you shouldn't meet your heroes, it won't live up to expectations. The limits of science are far too great, as is the constant horror of reality.

I think I'll wait until I die, maybe I'll get another go.

>> No.7892911

I don't want to be an actual girl, just a cute boy who could be mistaken for a girl.

>> No.7892913

Little is the key word there.

>> No.7892946

Because after I've become so scarred from all the battles with plantlife and household instruments that I've fought that I wish to become the manly man.

>> No.7892949
File: 610 KB, 3648x2736, jp meetup hotel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually meeting with my therapist for the first time tomorrow, here's hoping it goes well.

Even if I ended up looking horrible, Gensokyo is always an option I guess.

>> No.7892970

It's just not worth it(for either looks or power) unless I'm an android little girl. I'll settle for being a brain-in-a-jar with either a digital or remote controlled robotic little girl.

>> No.7892992

I want to be a girl and a real life magical girl so I want to start hormones soon.

But becoming a magical girl is almost impossible because im too tall (5'9) and big (130 lbs).

So ill just dye my hair pink and and wear cute clothes everywhere

>> No.7893001

Hah, height is no restriction on MY road to wizzardry!

>> No.7893153

If you start now, there's a very good chance the science will improve drastically in the future, maybe even becoming perfect with stem cells.

>> No.7893158

I don't take hormones because I do not want ED

>> No.7893179

Everyone knows that magical girls can transform from their everyday loli-form to a teenage / young adult form; surely you can find the magic spell you need to take you in reverse!

>> No.7893184

Listen to this man /jp/

>> No.7893195

I don't want to be the little girl, I want to make sweet hot love to the little girl.

The problem is she'll start growing breasts in 3 years and I can't fucking have that.

>> No.7893202
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And there's a good chance it will not, or if it does, it will be too late for me or still lead to a flawed end result.

The more suffering this life is the greater the reward will be when it's over, right?

RIGHT? The suffering DOES have a reason, yes?

>> No.7893208

It's too bad you aren't into oppai-loli, because they've got a medical procedure for that:


>> No.7893213
File: 58 KB, 604x526, 1316382918582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dr. Steve Brule on /jp/

>> No.7893289

The more you suffer and despair in this life, the more beautiful and pure you are as a little girl the next. Clearly, if you're a hideous, smelly, and worthless male NEET now then you've benefited far too much from being a lewd ojou-sama in your previous life.

>> No.7893301

I question the soundness of your premises.

>> No.7893305

/jp/, if you become a little girl successfully, would you allow other, more pedophilically inclined, /jp/ers to act as your guardian, provided they weren't into rape or torture or anything like that?

>> No.7893312

That's exactly what I thought, phew.

>> No.7893314 [DELETED] 

What, specifically, bothers you about this?

>> No.7893318

What, specifically, bothers you about this?

>> No.7893317

Why would I want anything to do with anyone who isn't going to rape me?

>> No.7893330

If it was LOVING rape and torture it'd be okay though, right? It'd be like a drunk, abusive husband. As long as they weep once they realise what they've done it'd be okay, because then I get to see them suffering and comfort them.

It would be perfect!

>> No.7893334

I'm sorry, but as a little girl I can't let your violent autism hurt my tender skin. We cannot be in a relationship once I become the little girl, anon. It just won't work out between us. It's me, not you, okay?

>> No.7893357
File: 537 KB, 800x1000, eatanfairies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but I was referring to ME being the little girl, I just want an abusive, guilt ridden /jp/er husbando.

Unless you're the even littler girl, in which case you shouldn't taste so good.

>> No.7896041

I would let you, but in a pure relationship only.

>> No.7896063

>implying that with hormone treatment I can become a lil girl

>> No.7896073

>implying he doesnt dress like a cute girl
your power level is pathetic!

>> No.7896086
File: 21 KB, 550x413, twink-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no pictures ITT
>just cartoons

Fuck you, Davidson. Wasting my time... ;3

>> No.7896104

I plan to shave my body completely within a week, or would waxing be better for not having done it in a long time? Any good places for frilly skirts, panties and Zettai Ryouiki thigh highs? Also how do I know what my sizes are in womens?

>> No.7896110

Because taking hormones does not make you the little girl. It makes you an ugly super effeminate guy.

>> No.7896116
File: 127 KB, 400x500, bignigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>naturally huge shoulders and chest
>implying I could be the little girl
>implying I WANT to be the little girl
I like being a man. dealwithit.jpg

>> No.7896120

Enjoy an amazing fap that day and then regretting it for the next 3 weeks when it starts to itch

>> No.7896125


I was accepted into /jp/ Manor earlier this year, but by some unfortunate circumstance, I did not awake to find myself there on Valentine's Day. I'll try again next year.

>> No.7896126

I've shaved my legs and groin before, I know how itchy it can get. Thats why I'm leaning more towards waxing and such this time.

>> No.7896131

"naturally" big, bullshit
they are tiny, you don't even lift

>> No.7896219

What makes you think you'd make a good looking woman? Besides, you're going to look terrible either way. Don't have to take that shit real early in life in order to look like a halfway decent chick?

>> No.7896225

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7896246


>> No.7896252

I hardly ever itch after I shave, idk why this is commented so often. I go with the grain once, and then against the grain on the final pass. Electric razor for the chodular area cause I can't see that far under reliably (or coordinate in a mirror). TMIget.

>> No.7896301

If you guys are serious invest in make up and find tutorials on Nico or YT (Preferably an asian because they KNOW about makeup) it will make a difference.

>> No.7896320

take testosterone and other anabolic steroids. become manlier and less of a pussy

>> No.7896334 [SPOILER] 
File: 402 KB, 670x484, sailmn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you're sailorslut.
Seriously, YT is the worst platform for gathering information about this, trust me. Unless you're a clown and want some makeup-tips for your circus show.

>> No.7896400

Michelle Phan is almost as bad as Xiaxue when it come to make up.

But I guess YT is only good for hair.

>> No.7896405

I don't want to be the little girls, I just wanna fuck people that do.

>> No.7897336

I could become a little girl for you but my shoulders are fucking broad.

>> No.7897755
File: 11 KB, 256x243, 1315222806975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have feminine body
>make some photos wearing panties out of curiosity
>they don't look half bad
>send it them to my old trusted friend
>he now has a crush on me

>> No.7897765

Suck his cock dude.

>> No.7897772

Posting "cock dude" should give you a warning, and if you try to post it again then you get a thirty day ban.

>> No.7897778

>Be 6'9.

Well, it doesn't stop me from trying, I just don't show others or look in mirrors.

>> No.7897784

Suck my cock dude.

>> No.7897788

cocky dick frustrating you?

>> No.7897790

That right, a little girl, not a shemale faggot.

>> No.7897791

So if you re into sucking, you can suck mine too

>> No.7897803

Im short (165cm, go google), i have slim shoulders, long eyelashes and large hips for a guy. Few months ago i crossdressed as a goth girl, short skirt, stockings, boots, corset etc. for a local con. Great fun I had, mostly necause my friends didnt regognize me and looked at me lustingly.

>> No.7897810

after i get turned into a little girl
everyone is invited to suck my cock

>> No.7897844
File: 108 KB, 336x406, superman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7897857
File: 169 KB, 1191x971, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are sluts!

Damn this japs and their girly legs. I would look too manly, even with non-transparent pantyhoses on.

>> No.7897874

I can deadlift 525 pounds.

Try explaining that to people while wearing a skirt.

>> No.7897982
File: 230 KB, 885x1714, 989413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn.. i have legs like that thou

>> No.7898152

fat goth legs

>> No.7898164

Get this disgusting 3D shit outta here.

>> No.7898184

bump for more kawaii 3D traps :3

>> No.7898194

Nobody finds that ironic shit funny or insightful.

>> No.7898210

go away troll
