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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 16 KB, 240x251, butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7891225 No.7891225[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


So it seems that /jp/ has officially admitted defeat in an argument regarding the worthiness of eroges.

I have argued that eroges are shit because:

1. Their purpose is to provide sexual stimulation, which as a goal is futile and pointless.

2. They are inefficient at providing sexual stimulation, as compared to porn and viagra.

3. They do not aim to provide intellectual stimulation, which superior genres such as sci-fi do.

4. Narratively speaking, they are demented, obsessive, static and repetitive.

Refute my arguments or admit defeat.


>> No.7891232

Wow, /jp/ is really more pathetic than I previously thought.

>> No.7891242

How does it feel to be intellectually checkmated?

>> No.7891245

Anyway, I'm saying I'm technically better than you, meaning I'll be above you, being above /jp/ If your argument wins.

>> No.7891254

Prove my arguments?? That's laughable my friend. In 4chan, opinions=lulz and trolls=trolls. And you fit that equation very well. The fact that you have the odyssey to continue to repel everyone around you and trying to make yourself stand out makes you the biggest loser in this thread. I wonder what your parents have to say about yourself. Either way, you outta feel ashamed of yourself focusing on nothing but troll culture. Are you unemployed or something?

>> No.7891250

that's nice, dear

>> No.7891252

Eroges have many things going against them.

The anime industry is, currently, something like a 2D brothel that is masquerading as a massage parlor. Eroge lacks the plausible deniability of most anime because it actually contains canonical porn. It's more difficult to acquire and harder to discuss, outside of places like /jp/. VNs and eroge are obscure even in Japan, and let's be honest, like every form of entertainment, most of them are crap.

Additionally, there's the translation factor. Anime and Manga mostly consist of pictures, and even poor translations can float these because the greater half of what's going on needs no translation. Vns, on the other hand, have huge amounts of text and rely greatly on the quality of their writing, necessitating not only much more work and effort of translation, but very high english skills as well in order to convey the spirit of the text in another language. Because a great deal of eroge is masturbatory shlock, it's harder to even get people interested in it.

That said, trolls aside I don't think the community as a whole dislikes eroge, as the popularity of YMK, FSN, Sengokou Rance and others have proven.

>> No.7891253

I am buttfrustrated

>> No.7891261
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>> No.7891255
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>Internet argument

And I didn't even read the thread.

>> No.7891257

Cool story bro.

>> No.7891264

>enter a VN thread with an OP who doesn't like the fact that everyone on /jp/ is intellectually challenged
Might be good, you never know...
> Visual Novel/Eroge Fan is posting
Goddammit, are you people still arguing with this shitposter? Let him be.

>> No.7891263

nice argument avoiding in a previous thread, dude.

by creating a new thread you've just proved your attention whoring. reported for meta thread btw.

>> No.7891271

At first I thought this person was trolling but I can see from the fact that he is continuing the argument all by himself he is sincerely just butthurt

>> No.7891269


Reported for shitposting in my intellectual discussion.

Get banned faggot

>> No.7891276

The best way to distinguish a work of pornography from a conventional narrative is to look at its structure. All narratives, to some extent, are concerned with such things as character, plot, exposition, development, climax and resolution; but in pornography these are merely nods to propriety, threadbare garments which barely conceal the real purpose of the narrative: to deliver a particular kind of gratification again and again. Conventional narratives may head in any direction, but porn always orients itself towards its pet catharsis, and never strays far away.

Imagine, for example, that you were unaware of porn, and watching one of those softcore "erotic thrillers" on late-night cable. Within minutes you would notice that it was no ordinary thriller, that something about the storytelling was a bit off. You might wonder if it was strictly necessary, from a narrative standpoint, for the characters to disrobe and hump each other every five minutes. You might wonder why random, pointless characters are introduced just to be fucked, and why the plot is contrived in such a way as to allow all the leading characters to hook up in every combination a heterosexual male might care to see. To one expecting a conventional narrative, the porn narrative has a demented, obsessive appearance; it is static, repetitive, moves only in circles.

>> No.7891277

uh oh

>> No.7891279
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>> No.7891287

Woah, woah, woah, who cares about all this shit? I just like cute 2D girls.

>> No.7891281

It seems that retardation is a social disease on /a/. Be sure to report this thread.

>> No.7891282
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>> No.7891286
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>> No.7891284

I am so buttmad and anally ravanged that i'm going to call the wahhumbulance for my pooperfrustration.
The buttranger strikes again!

>> No.7891283

And then he started to use memes and insults as an argument, clearly this person is frustrated.

>> No.7891290
File: 1.31 MB, 480x360, internet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every thread.
No exceptions.

>> No.7891293
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>> No.7891302

Oh wow, babby's first troll.

>> No.7891297


>> No.7891298
File: 14 KB, 250x250, kuso thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the worst thread.
Stop making these dumb threads and spamming.

What's next, a "butthurt"? Maybe a "u mad". How about some "random argument nullification", while you're at it?

>> No.7891301

>"Why should I eat? Having to ingest organic substances is so primitive"

Because ingesting food is what keeps you alive. Try listening in your Biology lessons.

>You know, as much as you may want, there are quite a handful of tasks a human has to complete in order to keep a healthy body. You may want to live in your anime, but you can't deny your own natural needs.

All of which are obvious.

>Now whether you release it by masturbating or actually having sex doesn't matter.

Wow, look at this non sequitur.

You are implying that masturbating is a required "natural need". This is erroneous however. Masturbation is not a required natural need. Once again, back to Biology 101 retard.

>Also, reading sci-fis doesn't make you smart, it just stimulates creativity, and that's as useful to scientists as it is for poets

And where did I say that reading sci-fi made you smart? Oh, that's right, nowhere.

I said that sci-fi is intellectually stimulating. A point which counts AGAINST eroge as eroge does NOT provide intellectual stimulation.


>> No.7891309
File: 80 KB, 256x360, ahegao plushie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fascinating. Here's my list of reasons.

1. They are not translated and I can't into Japanese ...yet.

2. I can't be arsed to download and install shit.

3. It's commonly censored to hell and back.

4. I can't be arsed to read walls of text simply for fapping.

5. Doujins are better anyway.

>> No.7891308
File: 161 KB, 1052x796, 4fc68d6eed498fc1e43eeb89669c9067..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pseudo-intellectual analysis of porn

8/10 made my eyelashes twitch and post futa

>> No.7891313

I like /jp/.
They remind me of a male version of myself in highschool.

>> No.7891314
File: 57 KB, 402x475, 1316240198307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related OP

>> No.7891318
File: 237 KB, 800x600, 4c4529443dc2fe79812616f2ebcad08d..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is ISM and athens tier of human waste

>> No.7891322
File: 263 KB, 776x935, 1257394003465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to /d/

>> No.7891323

There's bussloads of anons watching this with frowns on their faces, wishing you would all pause and ignore this discussion. But they cannot tell you to do so because then they wouldn't ignore it themselves and thus perpetuate the horrible conversation.

Do you people understand what I'm saying?

>> No.7891321

Wow, it's like you're psychic, see >>7891301

>> No.7891324
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>sci-fi is intellectually stimulating

>> No.7891326
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>> No.7891327
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>> No.7891330
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>> No.7891333
File: 30 KB, 333x250, yawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7891334

Truly, you are a laughable figure.
The state of motherboard is worrisome and...
Please, reconsider from posting further.

>> No.7891335
File: 98 KB, 386x274, Best of bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7891336
File: 42 KB, 600x383, 1316285102200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong, retard? Did your Saten thread get you banned?

19/09/2011 - the date you're butt got ranged hard 4/20

>> No.7891342
File: 74 KB, 450x600, Yawn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7891339


Thank you for providing your reasons and supporting my argument.

>> No.7891346
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>> No.7891354
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>> No.7891349

reasons are not facts buddy. stop pulling stuff out of your ass and get your shit together.

>> No.7891350

>You are implying that masturbating is a required "natural need". This is erroneous however. Masturbation is not a required natural need.
It is, even apes do it. Because if you don't, your body will secrete it forcefuly. Or have you not experienced it yet? Also, not doing it builds up to stress.

>I said that sci-fi is intellectually stimulating
As I said, it's not. Real study is intellectually stimulating. As far as I understand, religion itself is composed of fiction, and look where it drove out people to.

>Because ingesting food is what keeps you alive. Try listening in your Biology lessons.
I made an anology and was not expecting for an answer to that.

>> No.7891356

>call /jp/ weeaboos out on their faggotry
>respond by posting pictures showing their butthurt

How can you even get so owned in an argument?

>> No.7891359

If the OP is such an intellectual (cough). why does he argue with such riff-raff then? isnt that an insult to his own intelligence?

>> No.7891364
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>> No.7891373
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>> No.7891370


Nice backpedaling, dumbshit.

>> No.7891372
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>> No.7891376

He's not. Potential intelects wouldn't be wasting time this way on 4chan. It's still funny to keep it burning though.

>> No.7891377

>It is, even apes do it. Because if you don't, your body will secrete it forcefuly.


>Also, not doing it builds up to stress.

Wrong. It doesn't. Whoever told you this trolled you hard.

>As I said, it's not.

Why not?

>Real study is intellectually stimulating.

I agree, but it doesn't help your argument.

>As far as I understand, religion itself is composed of fiction


>and look where it drove out people to.

Religion has done both good and bad. But it's not relevant to our argument, which is about eroges and not theology.

>> No.7891386

I see carry on then...

>> No.7891392

I'm tired, OP is fucking boring.

It's like someone from /sp/ raids /jp/ while spouting "u mad".

>> No.7891393

ITT: Faptards get owned to hell and back.

How can you get intellectually raped so badly? Is it because my arguments blow your mind?

>> No.7891395
File: 77 KB, 500x600, 1316463965704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7891395,1 [INTERNAL] 

>herp derp i'm retarded
>you're retarded
>you cant refute my arguments and you're proving my point, i won

Ah, Internet, providing me with amusing experiences every day

>> No.7891395,2 [INTERNAL] 

I actually had fun with him too, sort of. Too bad he propably is buttrange banned by now.

>> No.7891395,3 [INTERNAL] 

>Are you unemployed or something?
Is this supposed to be an insult?
