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File: 192 KB, 802x602, Chibikenshen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7884666 No.7884666 [Reply] [Original]

hey do you guys wanna talk about Sengoku Rance?
Favorite commander combinations?
Favorite H-scenes?
and more
let's talk about it, mangue.

>> No.7884668


>> No.7884670

No. Delete your thread.

You are several months late to any sort of Sengoku Rance discussion. We have moved on to Rance Quest, so go read that instead.

>> No.7884675

So I just beat the youkai namename and I don't know if I should turn Ryouma into a girl or a boy. I can clear more characters if she's female, but I get more satisfaction from clearing Kawanoe Mine, plus kawanoe mine is female, where yuruza is male.

>> No.7884685

Wait rance quest is out already? When did it come out?
Is it translated?

>> No.7884690 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.7884714

I refuse to read that spoiler.

>> No.7884712

Yes, it is out. As for the translation, important developments include Suzume's permanent death. She returns as a ghost for a while to carry out her unfinished tasks, but then passes on with no regrets to the rather dreadful afterlife that awaits all inhabitants of Rance's world. Also, Rizna becomes a demon; Teru, Magic the Gandhi and Lia are impregnated by Rance, Sill is still stuck in ice and there's no known way to cure her since not even the Kalar queen can help her, Rance nearly goes insane at the revelation and is told a lie about a possible cure so that he can keep his hopes up.

>> No.7884717

I'm sorry /jp/, I just don't trust you.

>> No.7884723

does rizna become a friendly demon like kentarou?

>> No.7884724

S...so Real Dealうっ・・・出る

>> No.7884729


Great! You just ruin my day by just spoil the shit out of me

>> No.7884732

She has this aura of rampant nymphomania and keeps her own hyperthropied sex drive, so she's dangerous to men. Not that Rance will care, you know.

So yeah, the translation group is pretty reliable.

>> No.7884746

Exactly as planned, my dear friend. Now take your shitty thread and get the fuck out of /jp/, provided you are the ingrate who made this excuse of a thread and not another of those fifteen year old curs from /v/ who inevitably get attracted to Sengoku Rance threads like flies to a pile of shit, in which case you can't do much about the thread and should only get out of /jp/ instead.

>> No.7884751

>caring about Rance plot
Seriously, just play and fap. Even Inganock is realer dealer than Rance.

>> No.7884778

Several corrections:
Rance doesn't become nearly insane. He just went completely depressed that he almost kills himself via sex.
In Rizna's ending, it is only written that she releases pheromones that drives men crazy. It doesn't say anything else like you're saying.

Use a better translation group. They're OVER-embellishing what is actually written in the game.

>> No.7884797

If Leila gets captured by the demon army, is there any way to get her back?

>> No.7884800

And being more of a real deal mattered since when? It has never mattered. When you love characters from certain series or enjoy a certain series, it doesn't matter.
A Shakespearean or Greek tragedy is realer dealer than a Japanese VN is. Nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.7884802

I don't think so. Just reload and don't mess up the next time.

>> No.7884803

Well yeah, I've yet to play it.

But it has no Kayblis, no Hornet rape and no Miki's horrible death from Kichikuou, right? Might as well wait for Rance 9.

Does Satella finally get fucked? How about La Hawzel and La Seizel, is there finally penetration or better yet 3P with those two?

>> No.7884813

Even with Reset and Pastel appearing, the entire Kalar storyline takes a deviation from Kichikuoh. Ever since 2000 with Rance 5D, the series has deviated a lot from Kichikuoh's base storyline, so even in 9 or 10, those things may not happen. Satella does get penetrated, finally.
Playing Rance 9 without playing 8 is kind of messed up though. You're getting by on false impressions like the ones you thought were real.

>> No.7884821

I was relieved to find out that Leila's still alive and doing well. The only reason she's not in the game under Rance's control is because Lia herself left Leazas to stay in Rance Castle.

>> No.7884833
File: 69 KB, 552x258, Aburako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get oily!

>> No.7884836
File: 3 KB, 300x57, Cap52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this was my captcha.
Rance's treasure indeed.

>> No.7884840

I liked a lot of H scenes in Sengoku. The Naoe Ai canon one, the Mori sisters foursome, the Kikkawa Kiku scenes (her entire story actually) are just the very favorites.

>> No.7884843

If only you didn't waste a lot of actions for her.

>> No.7884851

Why are you so mean /jp/? Everybody is nice and smiling and friendly but you ;_;

>> No.7884855 [SPOILER] 
File: 725 KB, 800x603, aaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of my whyboner.

>> No.7884859
File: 197 KB, 284x376, AburakoFull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find that you generally have enough actions to get her due to lacking in early manpower. Recruiting all of her minions and selling their soldiers is also a great way of making early gold to pump your primary units too.
And as for Aburako herself the youkai punch thing deals full damage without retaliation to normal enemies and bonus to youkai not to mention her other support powers. I always thought she was a great investment and was always a primary unit in my "win by moving the bar not by full KO" team since she could recharge aoe casters and fight without getting hurt back.

>> No.7884868

Gotta love Takajun Translations™

>> No.7884880

>Satella does get penetrated, finally.

Yes. YES. Today I have masturbated twice already, but my boner is now as vast and relentless as the great Ahi Vritra, I feel as though my semen will gush out like the hundred rivers trapped by the serpent and drown the world in a white, sticky torrent. And just as the bones of the sage Dadichi were the only way to kill the Ashura-dragon, only this scene may relieve me of my boner.

Downloading this instant. I need to submit a paper to a certain journal and have several days' worth of chromatography analysis piled up, but those can wait. My dick has the higher priority.

>> No.7884886

Why can't Kenshin or Isoroku be character cleared? Is it because they have their own routes?

>> No.7884889

Anyone remember that genderswapped Rance thread? Gotta bust out that copy pasta because I just remembered it.
It'd be like you were sitting on your princely throne in your castle when suddenly a wild filthy barbarian woman bursts through the door, naked but wielding a sword, the semen of your best generals dripping down her thighs as she snarls at you with vicious shark teeth, betraying her hunger.
She'd simply cut your personal guard down in but a moment, before slamming you to the floor, stripping your royal vestments from you before mashing her lewd and leaking groin against your face. The smell is awful, and you try to refuse, but she will have none of it. She forces you to clean the mess the other men have made while violently and painfully jerking your dick into an erection more stiff due to sudden swelling brought on by trauma, than actual arousal.
The insertion is surprisingly quick and easy, with all of the liquid filth inside you are not surprised. Liquid filth, the sheer idea makes you retch. You pure royal virginity has been tainted not just by an invading barbarian, but by the semen of other, lesser men.
She aggressively begins squeezing your balls, trying to massage out semen, but in your semi-aroused state you can only feel awkward pain.
She begins taunting you, you call yourself a prince, a man who can't even come? What's left of your pride is shattered, she may have toppled your kingdom, made you second to common serving men in her filthy vagina, but she can not take your manhood. You try to thrust back awkwardly, trying to achieve orgasm and end the ordeal.
But she only laughs at your feeble unskilled attempts, slapping and insulting you throughout. You finally, mercifully, black out.
Only to wake up in a prison full of former comrades and enemies, your only hope of escape being that the barbarian woman sees fit to bring you from behind bars and into her personal harem. With your poor performance you wonder if your life is over...

>> No.7884897

The wiki has answer on that question.

>> No.7884903

oh, really? where?

>> No.7884997

Why doesn't anyone like Ranmaru? she's not a bad captain, especially if you character clear her and put her with katsui.

>> No.7885004

because no sex

>> No.7885006

>Why doesn't anyone like X? If you spend half a dozen turns and a bunch of books powering them up, they're really strong.

Dunno, mang. It's a mystery.

>> No.7885011

> "yankee" dungeon monster is a smoking, scruffy, club wielding bald man wearing a wife beater and jeans with a tattoo of a whale on his forehead

gee thanks japan

>> No.7885019
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, ONEE-SAMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we have this instead of male Rance? It sounds so much better.

>> No.7885040


>> No.7885042
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>> No.7885044

I have managed to clear Kenshin on her route IIRC, you just do all her events. I haven't managed to clear Isoroku in any route.

>> No.7885053
File: 32 KB, 184x82, THIS MOTHERFUCKER RIGHT HERE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My my, what a nice, fully staffed Rance unit you have there...

>> No.7885061

all it says on their character clear page sheets on the wiki is that they cannot be character cleared. It doesn't say WHY. I'm assuming it's because of their routes existing. Although that doesn't explain why Nanjo Ran is clearable.

>> No.7885062
File: 226 KB, 800x600, ALCG0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't let you do that, Star Fox.

>> No.7885084

It kind of sucks that there's no real use for musket units. having to take up the front row is really detrimental to their usefulness.

>> No.7885099

The wiki itself is not completely an authority, because I was able to clear Kenshin before by doing all her events while winning the Emperor Race and making certain states vassal by her Emperor Aura before I finished the game. It's just no one really knows what the exact thing is you're supposed to do to get it.

>> No.7885101

>play one star
>assassination becomes the new confuse

>> No.7885104

BJ scene for Kiku was hot. Recruitment scene was cool. Dere scene was awesome.

>> No.7885110
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>> No.7885108
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You're begging to be Aimed and Shot.

>> No.7885139


>> No.7885143
File: 93 KB, 293x315, 1308875118559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7885146

English only peasant Rancetards go in /v/

>> No.7885149

aargh mages and diviners are so slooow!

>> No.7885153


>> No.7885165

stop responding to trolls, idiot

>> No.7885169


this. It says that monks can use restore action in troop battles as well as commander battles, which jsut isn't true. Goddamn annoying!

>> No.7885170
File: 1.07 MB, 814x655, feelsgoodman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the blue colour around abilities mean limited use? After this fight I couldn't use that ability anymore.

>> No.7885172

uh...they can

>> No.7885174

they list it as a strategy to get extra use out of Magic, Uruza, and Natori because they have red abilities. Except that they don't in commander battles.

>> No.7885178


>> No.7885181

none of my monks I've tried have it as an option to learn, and it's not default there when highlighting allies.

>> No.7885180

>he doesn't know about Dousan

>> No.7885183

I don't know then

All I know is, Asakura and Dosan both have the ability and it works in both.

>> No.7885193
File: 907 KB, 804x602, seriously, look.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look! it's not there!

>> No.7885208

only Dousan can do it in battle

>> No.7885212

Asakura's convert action works in captain battles, not in troop battles. Dousan works in both situations.

>> No.7885217
File: 675 KB, 802x602, theend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something about this picture seems relaxing to look at

>> No.7885225

There should be another monk who can do both. 2nd game bonus character or something.

>> No.7885228
File: 1.04 MB, 812x658, hhhhm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm....What should I do?

>> No.7885247
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>> No.7885244

Suzume ;_;

>> No.7885253

does that mean my ASS is in danger?

>> No.7885260

Man, just for fun sometime I want to do an entire playthrough using only the Animal Guy from Texas and Mysterious Old Men. Panda army is best army!

>> No.7885264

Might be a bug. I frequently use convert action to mass abuse Rance Attack et al.

>> No.7885277
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>> No.7885291

There is only one character that I ALWAYS have to get, for EVERY playthrough.

Himiko. Oh why doth thou hast no lines ? It's like that White Ninja in Daibanchou. The best units are just obscure as fuck.

>> No.7885301

I have 33 points and plan on doing one star true

Any ideas what I should use it on?

>> No.7885304
File: 721 KB, 800x600, 16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this is a rance thread I might as well talk about it here, but I beat Rance 2 yesterday, and I swear I saw every cg in the game but the Dark Alice one is missing. I've got all the character art, and other than two blank squares at the end which I assume are blanks. This make sense to anyone?

pic related, it's the funniest cg in the game

>> No.7885330

Rance needs more girl/girl.
One of his women needs to set out to sexually dominate all of the others and be his number one since she can bring so many others to bed on a leash.

>> No.7885332
File: 1.11 MB, 1440x900, moeH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of his women needs to set out to sexually dominate all of the others

>> No.7885336

Paradoxically, Rance's harem would be like heaven for a lesbian.

>> No.7885339

like Torako and Katsuko?

>> No.7885362

That woman exists. Her name is Lia. But she wants Rance's penis in her more. And that's fine by me.

>> No.7885366

No, I don't like it.

>> No.7885380

Reset's principal desire is to sink her shark teeth in edible objects of sufficient size and her primary function is to trouble Rance because he wants to fuck her but then he doesn't because she's his daughter. Not much room for lesbian rape there.

>> No.7885383
File: 858 KB, 800x600, 55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the straightest and shiest girls in the harem are going to have times when they're lonely and Rance isn't around, and they'll be surrounded by girls they've had sex right in front of. In most orgy scenes, the girls to far away from Rance to fuck him start making out, as if to say "fuck it, I'm not waiting."

By the way, did /jp/ not talk about rance 2 because the translation was so bad or because the game was so short? I really enjoyed how the adventure game aspects led to some pretty hilarious dialogue. Its combat was also remarkably interesting for a remake of a 20 year old game that's about a fraction of the length of most rpgs.

>> No.7885393

judging by the significant emphasis that has been put on her, either she'll become a protaganist in her own spinoff or, knowing Alicesoft, horrible rape

>> No.7885394

does anyone have any cheat-engine sheets that have ogrebones as a discovered value?

>> No.7885403 [SPOILER] 
File: 638 KB, 807x605, that face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7885408

So, has anyone translated this yet? I mean i don't even think Hongfire are on it.

>> No.7885457

In MOST orgy scenes? The only orgy scenes that have that are in Rance 02, and those aren't really Rance's women. They are also just readying themselves for dickings. The latest orgy scene we get (Rance Quest), women didn't wait, they were all exhausted because Rance fucked the breaths out of them. And when Rance is away, the women in his harem don't have sex, or in Rizna's case, she has a Rance-shaped vibrator made by Maria that Rance gave to her. But Rizna's afraid of sex because she goes crazy hot when she does it, so she also abstains from having sex even when Rance is around.

Rance's harem doesn't have sex when Rance is not around. They wait for when Rance is around to have sex again. And this is a recurring theme in the series.

The closest you have to one you're describing is Lia, and even she doesn't do that at all anymore. The last time she did anything like that was with Maris in R3, and that was because Maris was getting tortured by some crazy dominatrix bitch, couldn't completely release orgasm-wise and Rance wasn't there to do it.

>> No.7885460

you mean quest? Last I heard the group doing Rance translation were on the third game

>> No.7885465

Is hongfire even alive? Didn't it shut down?

>> No.7885480

>Are in the process of moving to a new datacenter, check back soon for updates.
I don't get why people keep saying its dead, did I miss something?

>> No.7885488
File: 978 KB, 812x656, difd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else think he was a woman at first? He looks more feminine than Ryouga!

>> No.7885489

Yeah, most of the girls Rance has in his harem are actually prudes. The only one I can remember that would do anything kinky while waiting for their turn is Lia as well. Most definitely Papaya, but she's not really part of his harem and is just a sexfriend that's too busy go to Rance Castle. The only other one who's like that is Milly, and she's dead already because Rance wasn't able to cure her in canon.

>> No.7885491

>most of the girls Rance has in his harem are actually prudes.
This is hilarious when you look at it in the context of the game.

>> No.7885544

> Cunthime
Sorry I just cleared the true story so I missed a lot of thing, it is the Asai Asakura girl showed in that post ? >>7885247 for confirm.
And how exactly you ended in that weird choice if I don't ask to much

>> No.7885546

It just makes it awesome.

>> No.7885552

No, Cunthime does not exist.

>> No.7885567

Man I seriously need a cheat table that knows the value for ogre bones. how get?

>> No.7885576

Yukihime has the most character development out of all the girls in Sengoku Rance.

You can't prove me incorrect.

>> No.7885585

I think Kiku developed more than she did. And so did Ai.

>> No.7885594

fuck character development, she had the hottest HCGs too. being NTRed by that tengu guy fired up my rage so hard I spent an entire night fighting off pandas. then fucking her in front of her daddy was class. later on future replays watching her whore herself out to dirty old men made me cum with the force of infinite suns. god I need to go fap again now.

>> No.7885595

Kou is the only character with decent development in Sengoku Rance.
Actually the game was pretty weak in this area compared to Rance 6

>> No.7885598

That makes a lot of them waifu material. Just the way Japan likes it.

>> No.7885603

Protip: character events don't only differ when you talk to them at their 7-point events.

>> No.7885615

was kiku that pink bitch you never got to fuck?


just thinking about her pisses me off now.

>> No.7885617

Don't forget Kojika. Kanami also had very good development.

>> No.7885621

No, Kiku is the second of the Mori sisters. The one with the scythe and wok. You do get to fuck her.

>> No.7885627


B ut the white ninja sucks ass. Three moves is nothing when there are 5 or so other characters with a similar stat distribution and more moves.


I wasn't even aware Rance 2 had been translated. Is it a CGRascal quality translation?


Thought there was a very partial translation out. Dunno by who though

>> No.7885635

>I wasn't even aware Rance 2 had been translated.
there's a group that is translating all the rance games and they are on rance 3 right now


>> No.7885940
File: 607 KB, 810x656, e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funniest scene in the game

>> No.7886111


>> No.7886177

Rance 2's translation is extremely QUALITY at points but it's readable and funny for most of it, enough to make the short game enjoyable. I liked it a lot.

Rance 2 is also a remake, so it's on par with a modern release. I haven't tried to deal with their Rance 1 translation, to be honest I'd rather they worked backwards from something modern even if getting backstory is nice.

>> No.7886628

Anyone translating Daiteikoku?

>> No.7886674

Why don't you check vndb, or at least the VNTS thread before asking something like this?

>> No.7887445

Best recruitment sequence in the game, you mean.

>> No.7887612

Yeah, it's ongoing on TL wiki, there's even a partial patch out.

So here's the thing: /jp/ has said this game is SHIT and that is very rare for a game not yet translated in a meaningful way. One thing I'll say right off the bat is that while thankfully the art in the game for the best nation (moe moe third reich) is done by Orion (the rance artist). All the rest are doen by different people that while certainly passible enough, I don't find them to be on his level. I'm sure this is just my personal prejudice though, but if /jp/ has a legit reason for hating it I'm all ears.

>> No.7887685

Battle mechanics are completely fucked. The only viable strategy is glass cannon offense, but every area has some kind of gimmick and needs a certain type of unit to attack it, which, on release, you couldn't see, so it was literally impossible to play without savescumming every single time you wanted to attack. That was later patched so that you can see enemies before you can attack, but since defending units are completely static over every game, there's still zero challenge to it.
Beyond that, the protagonist and the entire protagonist faction sucks, turns take forever because the game reads like there has been no editing whatsoever, and there is very little control or input you have over your faction (even in battles) so almost every turn ends up being about 4 clicks and then sitting and watching 15 minutes of generic enemy faction events.

>> No.7887698

What ? The GODDAMN white ninja has 9 stamina points, excellent HIT and EVA. You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.7887716

Kiryuu is a better melee character and far more obscure

>> No.7887733

That sounds like a pretty enormous failure, but hasn't the game sold really well? Everyone just really wants to fuck hitler?

>> No.7887750

So I downloaded the rance 1 translation patch. does it work with the 2010 release or do I need to run the old version of the game?

>> No.7887771

I wasn't aware there were two versions of the game, I thought that was just Rance 2. I was under the impression that rance 1 was the game itself because Alicesoft delacred it freeware.

>> No.7887798


2003: Daibanchou --- 50K
2003: Tsumamigui2 --- 43K
2004: Rance 6 --- 33K
2005: Pastel Chime 2 --- 40K
2005: Galzoo Island --- 27K
2006: Sengoku Rance --- 63K
2006: Tsumashibari - 30K
2008: Toshin Toshi 3 - 25K
2008: Beat Blades Haruka - 25K
2011~ ongoing: Daiteikoku 27K~

For comparison, Key's Rewrite sold 24K~ the last time I checked. Ikusa Megami Verita sold an undeserving low 12K~ The original vanilla Fate Stay Night broke 100K~

>> No.7887806


I like it, but it's not very forgiving. It's actually closer to a puzzle game than a strategy game. Battles much be defeated with a specific combination

The main complaint however, is that there are not enough heroine routes.

>> No.7887820


Oh, you're right. Dunno why I was thinking he had 3 stamina. Still don't like him for being a short range unit that late in the game and taking 9 turns of dedicated persuasion to recruit. If he were long range then yeah, I'd take him any day of the week. His demon counter isn't bad.

>> No.7887839

pretty much +the enormous hype it got are what made it sell. and alicesoft being quite huge so they have big fanbase too which effects it.

>> No.7887847

Leaf (To Heart), Key(Kanon~Little Busters) and Type-Moon (Tsukihime and Fate) are top 3 of the 2000s eroges.
Alice and Eushuly are always at the top 3 of the month when they release their gameplay series but never with huge sales numbers like the 3 mentioned above.
August is entering the top makers rank. IIRC they are near or past 100k recently.
I'm not sure about the how well the Da Capo series did back when it was really popular. But Circus is losing their popularity nowadays.
Giga is a hit-or-miss maker. I remember about Baldr Sky doing very well at sales, but i guess it did not go to the 100k level too.

>> No.7887896

This. HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE for two straight years plus every single other SRPG Alicesoft has made has been excellent and tremendously popular. Think of it like Alicesoft's own personal Black and White.

>> No.7888462

Ah, so it's not even particularily good for an alicesoft game.Just out of curiosity, how is rance viii doing?

100k is pretty astronomical for an eroge. I mean, alicesoft does well but it's still pretty obscure, while Key and Type Moon stuff is popular enough to go mainstream. Of course, they also have less rape.

>> No.7888471

We're not sure yet.

>> No.7888536

In sales or reception? Sales are decent to good. Reception is barely better than Daiteikoku. Alicesoft's giant reorg and shuffling around all the people on their projects in the last couple years has done them no good at all. Haruka's the only thing they've released since Sengoku Rance that has been better than average and it shouldn't even count either since it was in development parallel to Sengoku.

>> No.7888574

So rance quest is getting a mixed reception? For those who've played it, how is it?

>> No.7888994

whats their dungeon keeper?

>> No.7889001

I haven't played it myself, but apparently the opinions on 2ch are pretty bad

>> No.7889065

Gameplay-wise nobody think it's bad.
Just that Rance Quest is more like a side story than anything, nothing is resolved.

The complains are completely different that with Daiteikoku that is actually a pretty bad game.

>> No.7889076

probably because nothings been resolved, they've used it as a plot device to kill or fuck over characters while adding new ones

Not that I mind having a cute loli elf girl daughter, but the tradeoff has been pretty harsh

>> No.7889085

People are just mad/butthurt that the kunoichi (whatever was her name) died.

>> No.7889095

You'd be hardpressed to find too many people who think that the gameplay is good either. Besides Kichikuoh and Sengoku, the gameplay in the core Rance games is something you have to either suffer or endure.

>> No.7889104
File: 33 KB, 300x300, Sengoku_Rance_-_Suzume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suzume appears!

>> No.7889124

I think the gameplay is good, better than 6.
Only way you could dislike it is if you really hate rpg

And there is no point in comparing it with the gameplay of Sengoku or Kichikuou considering they are in completely different genres.

>> No.7889141

>Only way you could dislike it is if you really hate rpg

Careful, bro, your /a/ is showing.

>> No.7889170

You seem to know that place very well. Why don't you go back and stay there?

>> No.7889182
File: 40 KB, 318x512, Pee-Wee_Herman_on_broadway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know you are but what am I?
It's the comeback that works every time!

>> No.7889188

What the fuck are you guys even talking about. What does RPGs have to do with /a/a

>> No.7889190

Being a closed-minded retard who thinks in absolutes is.

>> No.7889193

Fix up your own shit posting before you start redirecting others out.

>> No.7889197

Where the fuck did I think in absolute?
Should have I had written "turn based gameplay" to be better understood? I thought it was obvious.

I will never understand why fags like you always have to come to shit up everything, you seriously have some problem

>> No.7889205

>Where the fuck did I think in absolute?
Here you go, friend!

It's been a pleasure educating you.

>> No.7889217

Go fuck yourself, seriously. So he overstated a conditional, big fucking deal. Most people who aren't literally autistic can understand that he was expressing a general idea that was not meant to be taken literally in that there are zero counterexamples out there, and most people who aren't incredible shitposters wouldn't jump on people for overstating an opinion in the middle of a civil gameplay discussion.

Fuck, your first post where you do the do the redirection literally screams "I'm not from /jp/, please rape my face."

>> No.7889219

Poor boy. So petulant about being called out on posting something stupid. Do you need a hug? Maybe a glass of warm milk? I'll get you a glass of warm milk.

>> No.7889226

It actually is irritating when tremendous shitposters like you, as your latest post indicates, have the gall to redirect people out of /jp/, yes. I thought you might have the decency to realize that your behavior was petty and idiotic, I guess I'll just throw you on the unrepentant troll pile with all the others and ignore you from now on.

>> No.7889232

the gameplay is interesting and you easily enjoy it but the game himself is just unfinished in all the ways.
Somes quests are missings ( 120 / 127-128 ? ) so they're going to release some DLC to complete that.

>> No.7889233

There, there, snugglebunny. Get it all out of your system. You stamp your feet and punch your pillow until all those mean feelings are gone.

>> No.7889246
File: 9 KB, 184x184, gahahah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>troll trying to shit up a thread by responding to himself
hows it feel to never know the touch of a woman?

>> No.7889249

If only.
