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File: 806 KB, 4978x4356, 1316203667302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7882029 No.7882029 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not saying Aliens are the reason /jp/ is so shitty,
but it's Aliens

>> No.7882034

you're hair is a bird, my argument is invalid

>> No.7882036

Shh the reptoids post here.

>> No.7882040

Are you saying you're an alien?

>> No.7882042

And why are you using wtH-sama's trip when you're GAY GAY GAY as HELL?

>> No.7882043

Just reported this thread to the sector 7 overlord. Enjoy being melted down for parts.

>> No.7882051

He didn't use the word HELL in his post. The aliens already got him.

Rest in peace, WtH-kun.

>> No.7882053

History channel is shit, yeah.

>> No.7882058
File: 11 KB, 288x216, kira_yamato_039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im pretty sure Naturals are the problem.

why cant they leave coordinators alone?

>> No.7882056
File: 50 KB, 420x420, fuck_this_thread_OUT_OF_HERE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that feel when you were scared as HELL of aliens
but then moved to a basement and have no windows so aliens can't abduct me

>> No.7882061


If you are so afraid of aliens, stay in the plane. You are not Will Smith.

>> No.7882094

I was HELLa scared of aliens when I was a kid, but I got over it when I realized that I could agree to let them perform experiments on me in exchange for transforming me into an immortal loli if they abducted me. Also word got around in school that I believed in aliens when I was 11, and some bitches said 'Hey anon do you believe in aliens', I said 'I believe in the possibility of life on other worlds'. They said 'lol what a freak!!!'

>> No.7882140

I got into similar ocasions as a kid in school, too.
I still remember children laughing at me for believing "humans evolved from monkeys". Stupid underdeveloped, christian country.

>> No.7882153

But humans didn't evolve from monkeys, but from some sort of marsupial common ancestor.

Really, why don't you know something so basic?

>> No.7882178

Haha, that's why I posted it into quotation marks. It's how far people would get to understand it, and thus mock me.

>> No.7882209
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Then why not tell them that?

I live in damn 3rd world country with a vast majority of christian/catholic population and I have never come across with anything or anyone contradicting evolution, Darwin or even saying how atheism is wrong and immoral.

Must be an education related issue rather than faith, I guess.

>> No.7882233 [DELETED] 
File: 260 KB, 1600x1200, 353545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason /jp/ is so shitty is because asspained mods can't take an obvious joke.

>> No.7882259


Actually, I think it's just that you've studied with rich people or were just very lucky.

I'm not the guy you're replying to, and I'm also stuck in a shit country and it seems no one here is capable of a feat of inteligence greater than writing their names.

That's generaly the situation in most places.

>> No.7882277


>> No.7882286

Jeez, where are you from?

>> No.7882295

It's U.S.A. thing really. The Vatican never formally rejected the theory of evolution, which means roman catholics do not have any problem believing in both God and the theory.
After all it's an issue that can be easily adjusted, the process of evolution really happened and God with his divine influence made it happen. That's the same excuse they use for like... everything! Even inernet was created by God by gifting humans with his divine inspiration according to them.

Only retarded creationist murricans can be so fucking moronic to deny the evidence and claim that God created humans from a heap of mud.

>> No.7882293
File: 112 KB, 1278x720, Ancient Aliens S03E01.mkv_snapshot_13.41_[2011.09.12_21.27.12].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's the reason I started watching that show, but I stayed for the interesting ideas and the whole "IT MUST'VE BEEN ALIENS".

>> No.7882303
File: 166 KB, 1594x1196, 1314595527897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7882308

If you want to joke around, then go back to /b/ kid.

>> No.7882310

It's not fair that crazy people can make a living off of being crazy.

How can /jp/ ever get that to work?

>> No.7882312
File: 307 KB, 750x850, it is shitposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7882317
File: 132 KB, 600x800, 1306954497285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said, an education related issue. Your country needs to assess that before anything else. That is, of course, if that is convenient for those in power.

>> No.7882314

you are now realizing that the pope supports the idea of alien life, evolution, the big bang, etc, while retarded protestants still believe the earth is 6000 years old

>> No.7882334

>If you want to joke around

You should be more aware of your surroundings. Look at the thread you're posting in.

>> No.7882342
File: 111 KB, 400x400, 1310844333248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still seems like a more reasonable and flexible position than being adamant in your world view.

"Oh, I know that changes over time that affect a species favorably will be kept, but I think that some of it is too complicated to be created by chance, and thus must be orchestrated by a superior intellect" kind of thing.

>> No.7882355


Well, yeah. I agree with you there.

>> No.7882359

That means nothing.

If it weren't for the half intelligent discussion going on, I'd say it should be deleted.

>> No.7882361

And what if earth is the sole winner of an universal lottery?
If hundreds million of years are too few in your opinion, multiply that for trillions of planets.

>> No.7882370

>half intelligent discussion
>ancient alien theory

I can't even find a reaction image for such painful irony.

>> No.7882377

The irony is that your posts are dismal in comparison.

>> No.7882382

It's not retarded if it's ironic.

>> No.7882385

You wouldn't know irony if I ironed your pants right in front of you.

>> No.7882386

Guess what? Nothing happens. Humanity is screwed, nothing we do is relevant, and we might as well descend into hedonism since we are all going to die anyway. Existence is Futile! Yay!

I hate to say this, but Nietzche was kind of a dreamer when he came with his uber mensch proposition. Man is just not made for that sort of thing. But I am preaching to the choir since the whole NEET deal is about giving up on life as he rest of the world knows it.
