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7881927 No.7881927 [Reply] [Original]

If you were to review Tsukihime what score would you give it?(1-10)

>> No.7881937

8, It was great in every way but the audio/visual quality could've been better.

>> No.7881939
File: 318 KB, 270x4384, tsukihimejpguide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7881933


>> No.7881932

i give it a 10!

>> No.7881945


>> No.7881941

8/10 homus

>> No.7881946

5/10 because it was an average story.

>> No.7881954


>> No.7881955

8 if I were to disregard near-side route.

>> No.7881951

>Ciel good ending
>not harem

>> No.7881963
File: 15 KB, 460x379, whoarc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op, your pic is beautiful.

>> No.7881964

At the time of release 10

currently an 8

Its a must play if you enjoy fantasy, but alittle dated.

>> No.7881972

i never played it

>> No.7881974

It was a good VN, though not as good as F/SN.

>> No.7881984

you dont "play" a vn you READ it

damn just how fuckin nood are you jesus chris

>> No.7881990

Both Tsukihime and FSN are 8/10 materials.

>> No.7881998

I'd give Tsukihime a 7 and FSN an 8. Not bad, but nothing amazing.

>> No.7881999

You know play has more meanings than

>> No.7882000

Wow, what a faggot. Too bad Arcueid's true end is the canon end. And she is by far the best heroine anyway.

>> No.7882003

Clicking a button when you want to advance the text doesn't equal "playing".

>> No.7882011

Selecting decisions from multiple choices is playing.

>> No.7882009


>> No.7882014

absolutely perfect 10/10

>> No.7882015


>> No.7882033

No, it's selecting decision from multiple choices.
You're just given the choice to take another way, and thus advancing the text that way.
If you read a book and it said "For ending 1, go to page 532" and "For ending 2, go to page 560", would you say you were playing the book?

>> No.7882037


>> No.7882039

3/10 because I actually read a lot and I can't stand cheap graphomania from the author without any experience like Nasu.
7/10 for the concept.
9/10 for designs from Takeuchi (and all good art later).

>> No.7882044

1, possibly the worst anime I've ever seen

>> No.7882063

You could legitimately say that, yes, though it'd sound a bit awkward. I personally "read" VNs, but it's a pointless debate and it's autistic to nitpick about it.

>> No.7882065

For the last time, yes clicking on a choice might be called interaction.

If you call that gameplay and advertise that to gamers they're all gonna laugh at you. Just like calling a visual novel literature. You're not technically wrong, just enjoy being laughed at.

>> No.7882080

You must have been bullied badly when you were young. No one laughs at me.

>> No.7882084


>> No.7882086

>No one laughs at me
I am.
Therefore, you're faggot. QED.

>> No.7882091

Oh no, the gamers will laugh at me. Whatever will I do? They might even give me a wedgie before they head back to the frat house to play Call of Duty and drink Natural Ice.

>> No.7882097

Over the Internet doesn't count. Just say that to my face little shit, I'll break your neck.

>> No.7882131

Suck my dick, dude.

>> No.7882165

just fuck already

>> No.7882168

suck my cock, dude

>> No.7882173


>> No.7882186

Maybe you should go back and read Dune,buddy.

>> No.7882204

...why I keep coming on this board?

>> No.7882216


>> No.7882222

using a realistic rating scale? 7,5/10
using a 'modern' scale where everything below 8,5 is shit? 9,2/10

>> No.7882235


>> No.7882242


Wouldn't read again.

>> No.7882244

Why the HELL are you using commas.

>> No.7882305

germany. we do it like that over here

>> No.7882335

What a backwards nation

>> No.7882399

according to wikipedia most countries that use a decimal point also still don't use the metric system, so I guess you've got that one backwards
