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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7881081 No.7881081 [Reply] [Original]

Who else here wishes that no one was translating VNs? Because for me, nothing is more annoying when /a/ and /v/ discover something you've liked for a long time, and the new, horrendous fanbase forces you to dissociate yourself from it.

>> No.7881091

Stop being a hipster with air of superiority, not everyone knows Japanese.

>> No.7881087

is this a anime?
Whre can I dld dis xD
Eww gross hentai O_O

>> No.7881088

I feel people like you are far worse than the ones you complain about.

>> No.7881110

pic unrelated?

nobody really gives two fucks about KnS

>> No.7881121 [DELETED] 
File: 159 KB, 480x480, 1300916326184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel
>mfw some english only peasant tries to talk about some poorly translated kusoge near me

>> No.7881127

Nah you're just a pretentious cunt.

>> No.7881133

Japanese, especially VN-level Japanese, is easy as fuck to learn if you aren't completely retarded. Taking a little bit of time to become proficient is a more than acceptable tradeoff for keeping away the kinds of drooling morons that read translations.

>> No.7881129

Stop being such a hipster.
Why should you like something any less because it can be viewed by a broader audience?
You are the horrendous part of the fanbase.

>> No.7881141

Being a hipster's so cool.

>> No.7881151

I agree. Things lose value if you allow morons to usurp it.

>> No.7881152


>> No.7881156 [DELETED] 

i feel like eroge is too mainstream now
i should find a new hobby

>> No.7881165

People like you is everything what is wrong with /jp/, OP.

>> No.7881168

NEET =/= hipster

>> No.7881169
File: 38 KB, 552x569, theseawasjusttoomainstream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure guys.
Haven't we already had 9001 meta-threads about how shitty /jp/ is at being a bunch of hipsters ? It's like they don't know how to be subtle about it and end up being laughed at by everyone.
Like ITT.

You can be sure as hell if these same guys had been born Japanese they'd be crying about baka gaijins liking what they like, too. But no, most of them are just Wapanese at best.

>> No.7881170

I know because I studied it, but reading in Japanese IS slower, and I'm not pretentious enough to not allow other people to enjoy what I enjoy.

>> No.7881162

>Stop being such a hipster.
>Why should you like something any less because it can be viewed by a broader audience?
>Being a hipster's so cool

I seem to have clicked on the wrong board. I swore I was on /jp/, where FSN is almost universally derided as shit despite having a rating of 90 on EGS, where Saya no Uta is dismissed as babby's first, where Rance VII (but not BBA) is redirected to /a/ as a result of being popular with other boards etc

>> No.7881164

And which VN's specifically are you talking about?. The only translated one's are all babbys first.

>> No.7881174

>"VN-level Japanese"
>VNDB Statistics: over 7000 titles

and they all use the exact same level of japanese?

and why the fuck would you need to "keep away" other people? VNs don't have multiplayer mode, you don't have to interact with them in any way



>> No.7881180

Ironically you're posting on /jp/, which is flooded with those /a/ and /v/ posters you're complaining about.

>> No.7881179

If you think what he described is the equivalent to NEET, then yes, NEET = hipsters in your case.

>> No.7881183

Hi OP, it's true that I don't like talking about VNs with faggots from /a/ and /v/ so I try to read them quickly, but if you are so proficient in Japanese I'm pretty sure you enjoyed the VNs you read 5 years ago in 2ch threads, right?

>> No.7881199

This place is even worse than 4chan.

>> No.7881206

Agreed 100%, I'd love to see english-only peasants getting mad when translators stop working on their precious Visual Novels (which are a medium for Otaku Intellectuals such as themselves).

>> No.7881208

not sure if you're joking, but I agree
at first it was just people posting "hey I played this game" "cool me too", now it's full of translation drama, pirates/purchasers debates, people being unsufferable faggots and/or attention whores and/or trolls, people stroking their own e-penis on their blogs trying to go for who is the most blowhard asshole around
won't find a new hobby probably because I like fucking heroines too much, but it's pretty shit

>> No.7881214

>forces you to dissociate yourself from it
Wow, grow some balls.

>> No.7881222

I do not give a shit about fanbases.

If something is fit for my tastes, I'll enjoy it regardless of what other people think of it.

>> No.7881227

I fail to see why any of that would affect your enjoyment of the games themselves.

>> No.7881228

Not sure if you're joking, but I agree.
I can't believe real people play my favorite games, too. And oh wow, real people cause drama.
Have you tried ignoring the drama and spending more time playing ?

>> No.7881235

>horrendous fanbase

/jp/ is the same shit. Most people here haven't even played the classics and are only parroting what the translators are hyping.

>> No.7881242

The funny part about this thread is that the people dissenting are probably the same ones responsible for the "every VN becomes shit after it's translated" meme.

>> No.7881258

What are some good Vns? Whats the real deal?

>> No.7881261

Dutch angles.

>> No.7881264

you can avoid the bad fanbases by reading obscure VNs no one gives a shit about

for example Katahane and GA EL got translated recently and no one gives a fuck about them

>> No.7881265

It doesn't bother me when retards like what I like.

It does bother me when a game I liked gets a poor translation.

Also, most English-only players seem to be ungrateful cunts so I wouldn't mind them not getting any translations out of spite.

>> No.7881266

Official /jp/ list of kusoge
1. Muv Luv
2. Cross†Channel
3. Umineko
4. Yume Miru Kusuri
5. Subahibi
6. Fate/Stay Night

Official /jp/ list of kamige
1. Clannad
2. Planetarian
3. Muramasa
4. Baldr Sky
5. Tsukihime
6. Grisaia

>> No.7881270

/jp/ - High School

>> No.7881271

It doesn't? Enjoying a game and talking about it are two different things,
I do spend a lot of time playing, but if I could stay away from /jp/ I'd already do it, and coming here means I get to read that shit

>> No.7881274
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>no one gives a fuck
Oh, okay.

I'm pretty sure 3 of your kamige and 3 of your kusoge are troll material. Otherwise it's truth.

>> No.7881282

It's troll material because they're actually all worth reading.

>> No.7881283

I haven't seen a single thread about it on here, or any other boards, so no, no one cares.

>> No.7881290


>> No.7881309

The thing is, the more the fanbase, the larger the percentage of normalfags. I wouldn't be shocked if eroge containing loli or incest are banned sometimes in the future.

>> No.7881315

Is that you, artefact?

>> No.7881318

Yes, OP, the normalfaggotry that translations inevitably bring really is unbearable, but what you are doing is equally bad or worse. Neither you, nor the normalfags are needed.

>> No.7881464

No, as I said in the steins gate thread but didn't want to derail it, I'm more disappointed seeing my favorite eroges getting animated, followed by the people only watching its adaptations making opinions on the entire franchise not giving two shits how the original game was.
I actually enjoy rereading eroges I loved with a translation and see how the translator handled my favorite parts. I also like talking about my favorite eroge with other people who liked it, regardless if they played it with or without translation.

>> No.7881764

To be fair, most of the time they have no choice but to make their opinion on the franchise based on what is available to them. Even if they cared about the original material, if it is not available in their language, only the adaptation, it hardly matters whether they care or not.

>> No.7881801

If you can fluently read Japanese, then there is no reason to come to an English site to bitch about games being translated into English. Not that there is anything wrong with discussing untranslated visual novels on an English site like this, but there is a sense of arrogance if you solely want to bitch about stories being translated into the language of this site. If you wish to talk about a visual novel without people who have read the translation, I'm sure there are Japanese sites that would be happy to accommodate you.

>> No.7881829

>nobody really gives two fucks about KnS
Now I admit I haven't been browsing /jp/ as much lately, but wasn't this the holy grail of localized VNs just a few months ago? What has changed so much since?

>> No.7881837

Well it's good, but I don't recall any comments like that.

>> No.7881851

>People whom I deem lower than me in terms of tastes and intellect are liking something I like
>Time for me to act pretentious and dissociate myself from them!

I feel sorry for anyone who can't enjoy something just because of the fanbase. I don't use the word often, but you're the definition of a hipster and a shit poster, so go back to /b/ or wherever it is you come from.

>> No.7881861

You are confusing it with MLA I think. I really don't think anyone likened it to holy grail or some shit.

>> No.7881868

This. You really have no right to complain here since you can go talk about your favourite VNs or series with other Japanese people that have read the original source. Most of 4chan obviously has no access to adequate translations or knowledge of the language to read the original works, so bitching about it here is pointless when you don't have to partake in the threads.

If you simply get angered at seeing them, you're a hipster.
If you can't even read Japanese and get angered at them becoming popular, you're a retard.

Neither bodes well for your case.
Saged, reported, and hidden.

>> No.7881875


Kara no Shoujo was viewed as a good mystery visual novel both before and after being translated.

Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.7881878

MLA is no longer regarded as the best here, not for years.
You're confusing /jp/ with /a/ spillovers.

>> No.7881938


Muv Luv Alternative and YUNO are likely from an objective basis the best that Japan has to offer for Visual Novels. The former is at the top of both EGS and VNDB (although the EGS is the All Ages version, which is untranslated), while the latter has nearly all 10s with the limited score pool on VNDB and both versions of YUNO have a 95 median on EGS.

That is not to say that your own subjective rating should agree, however if you are arguing that these are shit, be prepared to back it up, regardless of if you read untranslated titles or not, without resorting to my taste > your taste.

>> No.7881960

>objective basis the best that Japan has to offer for Visual Novels.
I like how this is completely irrelevant to the original claim that /jp/ is divided on whether or not MLA is the best. Good job wasting an entire paragraph on nonsense in an attempt to justify your tastes.

>however if you are arguing that these are shit
No one even began to imply that. Why are you so defensive? Is something bothering you? Did something hit a nerve? Go on, do tell.

>> No.7881973

They already tried banning eroge. It failed. Hard.

>> No.7881977

MLA is shit possibly even the worst eroge ever made and anyone who thinks it's good isn't a true NEET /jp/sie but some fucktarded /a/ or /v/ faggottrash

>> No.7882022

Sharnoth is one of your favorite? Your taste is pretty bad.

>> No.7882016

It actually makes me really happy when more people play my favorite games.

Like didn't Shikkoku no Sharnoth get translated? I hope /a/ and /v/ enjoys it.

>> No.7882031

Not as shitty as your shit taste, shittaster.

>> No.7882189

Deal with it nerd.

One of my favorite VNs: Sharnoth
One of my favorite RPGs: Tactics Ogre
One of my favorite /jp/-related characters: Homu

>> No.7882205

>no one was translating
Me, for one.

>> No.7882218


>having shit taste

Do you even lift, son?

>> No.7882225

i thought moon was your favorite VN

>> No.7882247

I can deadlift 5 Sudos.

One of my favorites. I got a lot of favorites.

>> No.7882253

Stop liking things nerd.

>> No.7882263

Hipster is a term co-opted for use as a meaningless pejorative in order to vaguely call someone else's authenticity into question and, by extension, claim authenticity for yourself.

It serves no conversational function and imparts no information, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker.

Meanwhile, a market myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you're probably sensed the pattern on your own).

Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a hipster; the term is always applied to an Other, to separate the authentic Us from the inauthentic, ironic,Them.

You can't define what that kind of behavior or fashion or lifestyle actually is, nor will you ever be able to. That's because you don't use hipster to describe an actual group of people, but to describe a fictional stereotype that is an outlet for literally anything that annoys you.

The twist, of course, is that if it weren't for your own insecurities, nothing that a hipster could do or wear would ever affect you emotionally. But you are insecure about your own authenticity - "Do I wear what I wear because I want to? Do I listen to my music because I truly like it? I'm certainly not like those filthy hipsters!"- so you project those feelings onto others.

>> No.7882351
File: 58 KB, 640x480, 8vnCM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a rats ass if people translate the games I like or not. I enjoy them because I like them. If you have such a problem with /a/ and /v/ getting their hands on stuff go play otome games. No one hardly translates those. But be ready for a shit ton more vocab and flowery language.

>> No.7882360

And lots of shitty stories.

>> No.7882398

So it basically boils down to "no one can agree what a hipster wears or listens to".

That's exactly the point. If they can agree on something it would be too mainstream for them. Each of them has their own obscure favorites. And unlike what you think, popularity is an objective metric, and shunning something because of its popularity is an act you can not mask by empty rhetoric. A hipster can be categorically defined.

And you forgot the last part of the copy pasta : "tl;dr: if you believe hipsters exist, you are a plebeian." I doubt you're more than a spambot unable to think anyway.

>> No.7882425
File: 235 KB, 600x450, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty stories do depend on opinion, but as they're made for ladies, they're melodramatic as all hell and just filled with different stereotypes akin to galge but without the moe and dere stereotypes and shiny samefaces.

>> No.7882450

What is up with /jp/ and false dichotomies/dumping a thesaurus into your post in an attempt to sound pretentious in your assertions? Seriously, these pasts are worse than the ones on /a/, at least they don't mask their points behind pointless rhetoric.

Also, even though this is a pasta, it's still wrong. Hipsters can't be defined into a single preference because their obscure tastes change all the time with what is popular or not.
I also like how you left out the last line of that post, the one indicating how pretentious the person writing that really is. Perhaps you don't want to come off as such; yet, still want others to believe you are correct through your big words?

>> No.7882762

If you're fluent in Japanese, there's no real reason to limit yourself to hanging out with the tiny nothing of a sub-culture that exists in English. Go to 2ch instead and stop thinking of English speakers as peers that matter.

>> No.7882841

both 2ch and 2chan block my ISP, and looking for new proxies all the time is quite bothersome.
Also, I generally prefer to hang out with Westerners. Japs have shitty taste and no sense of humor, even Germans are incredibly funny jokers compared to them.

>> No.7882854

And that's perfectly fine, just don't bitch about visual novels getting translated into English on an English image board

>> No.7882906

Most ppl go vidya>anime>vn or japculture>anime>vn
So crying over having ppl from those boards playing vn's are stupid. And if you are afraid that we will have mainstreamers here you can relax because 1. EroGe 2. Not all about graphics 3. Only fan translates
Following your way will only kill the whole non-japanese fanbase (but that's probably what you want)
+ If you actually knew some japanese you would realize that vn's are a lot more 'mainstream' in Japan(aka a smaller % of english speakers play vn's compared to Japanese speakers).

>> No.7882925

I know that feel bro

>> No.7882962

I know what you mean. But what can we do? At least we can still play all the new releases while they have to wait. I've decided to hide threads talking about English releases, and pretend that the translation reading losers don't exist. The part that really irks me though, is they aren't even real fans, considering they can't put the minimal effort to read the titles they want, and instead complain for months about translations taking long or no translations.

>> No.7882992

>But what can we do?

Circle jerk on IRC with other people like yourself, use Japanese sites with plenty of other people who are playing these games, stay here and not vocally bitch about people on an English site wanting to play games in English, not give a shit if others like what you like, the options are endless.

>> No.7883040

No need to be hostile just because you're a lower class fan.

>> No.7883225

ITT: English-only secondaries complaining when people who've graduated from translated babby's first shit want them to fuck off from their hobby.

>> No.7883292 [DELETED] 

i think /jp/ is too mainstream now thakns to translated eroge
i need to find a new board

j/k i love shitting up /jp/

>> No.7883297

Did you spell HIPSTER?

>> No.7883300

Its hilarious when you fucks get a look at what you act like. You do realise you are just looking in a mirror. You? Them? Are just the same people. You feeling bad is just you coming to terms at what an embarrassing fanbitch you really are.

>> No.7883301

This is what the VN general threads are for. What a stupid complaint.

>> No.7883305

Dry your tears, English-only peasants. How unsightly.

>> No.7883332

The irony is that the cult between a very small minority is at westerners, while VN mainstream is at the East.

Also, INB4
>> konnichiwa, makao-san desu, doesn't it suck when those filthy westerners try to badly translate our sacred visual novels art?

>> No.7883344

Sorry, I have aspergers.

>> No.7883340

We have a general VN thread for those playing Jap only games, and a thread for translated visual novels in general and regular posts for specific English translated games. I fail to see the problem, just stick to the threads that you are good with and ignore the ones you aren't.

>> No.7883398

I'm pretty sure everyone here feel the same way. Not all of us are honest with ourselves though.

>> No.7883939

>this thread

Elitism that includes me = good
Elitism that excludes me = hipster

>> No.7883986

>this thread
stop being a faggot

>> No.7883994
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Don't really care because after reading hailed masterpieces such as Muv Luv, KnS, C+C I realised I don't like VNs.
Now I only ATLAS fetish nukiges or read disney shit like Katahane or Inganock.

>> No.7888140

If it's any consolation, 99.9999999% of translation projects never finish.

>> No.7888174

Nice bump.

>> No.7888694
File: 168 KB, 800x600, TROLL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can avoid the bad fanbases by reading obscure VNs no one gives a shit about

for example Sharnoth got translated recently and no one gives a fuck about them

>> No.7890108


>> No.7890117

You're welcome.

>> No.7890225

Testing the posting function on my new iPad 2.

>> No.7890232

gtfo nerdster

>> No.7890243

Who gives a shit.

>horrendous fanbase forces you to dissociate yourself from it.
I dont see /jp/ disliking TOUHOU anytime soon.
You can fuck off back to >>>/a/ or >>>/v/ and enjoy talking to the shit fanbase since you speak as if you know them well.

>> No.7890249

are you retarded

>> No.7890257

This thread is filled with people from /a/ and /v/
Please go back to your respective boards.

>> No.7890268


>> No.7890264

Capitalization and question mark, do you know them? Fucking retard.

>> No.7890429

Watch the way you speak to your superiors, boy.

>> No.7890433

Can you people name even one translated VN that doesn't have a shit, /a/-level fanbase?

>> No.7890447

It doesn't even have one

>> No.7890476

Medieval Lance and Freud's Doorway, you've probably never heard about them.

>> No.7890485

>This VN has became too mainstream, I don't like it anymore.
Typical hipster faggot

>> No.7890490
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>> No.7890530
File: 1.35 MB, 214x119, geeathiscomputer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you tell them casual faggots who don't properly appreciate glorious nihon like we do.


>> No.7890537

I'm sorry that my mastery of another language offends you. I truly am.

>> No.7890564

There really are no true Scotsmen are there brohan?

>> No.7890586


>> No.7890587


Pretty much everyone screaming LOLHIPSTER is from /a/.

>> No.7890590


>> No.7890612

so much /a/v/ butthurt ITT. Cry more retards.

You fags are worse than /b/.

>> No.7890671

How so though?
OP is just going on about how he dislikes people translating games, and how a horrible fanbase, that wouldn't even be on /jp/ would force him to dissociate himself from it.

>> No.7890672
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>> No.7890685
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>this whole thread

>> No.7890694
File: 93 KB, 329x439, ymkmizukiblue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't put the minimal effort to read the titles they want.
>learning an entire language
>minimal effort
>Copying every line into a translator
>minimal effort

>> No.7890696

>/a/ status

>> No.7890698

>dissociating yourself from something you like because of annoying people on the internet

holy fucking autism

>> No.7890703

This so bad.

>> No.7890710

>100+ posts
>not buttowned
yeah, sure. keep telling that to yourself.

>> No.7890708

/jp/ is merely /a/ with a /b/-style LEGION mentality.

>> No.7890711

>unfunny /a/ memes

>> No.7890713

Oh man that /a/ thread is hilarious. They are so buttdevastated.

>> No.7890718

So, I assume everyone on /jp/ also reads their VNs untranslated then?

>> No.7890721

>/jp/ is merely /a/ with a /b/-style LEGION mentality.
This is the most funny thing I've heard today. It's funny because /jp/ never cries about tripfags, unlike other boards.

>> No.7890727
File: 98 KB, 406x480, 1294998652363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7890728


>> No.7890730

even though I agree with the implication that /a/ is retarded..
you radiate virginity, please stop it.

>> No.7890733

>says the guy "invading" from other board
lol, it's you who make threads about us, buttcheeks.

>> No.7890737

Though, I'm not sure if the way /jp/ treats them can be considered 'crying'.

Help me out here.

>> No.7890738

Many of us do. But that aside, /a/v/b/sp/ styled posting is easily detectable.

>> No.7890739
File: 462 KB, 1280x720, 1309742684039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was created by /jp/ therefiore buttdevastated it's /jp/-related

>> No.7890746

What happened to arc?

>> No.7890748

We bully sudo and arc. Others are either dead or ignored.

>> No.7890750


Instead, they circlejerk with them and praise them like gods.

>> No.7890751

Well, to be honest I don't even care about the boards I go on, I would probably be on here If I could be bothered to learn japanese.
Anyway, thanks for that, I suppose I'll bugger off and do something more interesting.

>> No.7890753

I'm not sure if you're really retarded or just pretending.

>> No.7890754

So we agree that /jp/ is the supreme board and every other board is shit?

>> No.7890757

Hong and Fujiwara are cool guys.

>> No.7890761

Yep, others might say otherwise, but they are outsiders.

>> No.7890767

Of course.

>> No.7890773

Choose whichever, for I myself am not sure.
/jp/ - Tyrants of the Darkest Parts of The Internet

>> No.7890774

/jp/ needs an elitists superstructure within elitist superstructure.
Of course we are. Look at all these buttplundered jelly fags raiding /jp/

>> No.7890778


More like:

/jp/ - Fattest Weeaboos in the Basement

>> No.7890781

It's funny because that's /a/. It's clearly visible by those photos they post in their /soc/ and anicon threads.

>> No.7890783


>> No.7890784
File: 108 KB, 640x960, 1249781866508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to /a/, kid.

>> No.7890786

Ok, well I know I don't go on /jp/ but, even If you're the elite of the elite, you're still a board on 4chan, and you're still at your computer screen, I don't see why you would make yourselves seem so important on the internet, Anonymously.

>> No.7890787

But that's /cgl/...

>> No.7890789

You obviously don't pay enough attention to your(?) board.

>> No.7890792

then teach me. 'cus I wanna learn japanese but I cant find any course/class for it.

>> No.7890795

>I don't see why you would make yourselves seem so important on the internet
Nobody is making anyone important. We just want peace, we don't need a fat, no-life bunch of neckbeards raiding us 24/7.

>> No.7890797

Tell me, where else can you be an elitist asshole and get away with it? Real life? /a/?

Just do it away.

>> No.7890803

Oh, so you don't mean actual elitism.
You mean you would prefer specific people on your board.
I get it now.
Sorry to make you post.

>> No.7890807

Eroge every day

>> No.7890815

>you radiate virginity
No shit Sherlock, next you'll tell us how fire is hot and water is wet.

>> No.7890816

well first I need to be able to read the characters. which I have a hard time to read, cus I'm slightly dyslectic.

>> No.7890821

I love the way /a/ projects it's pathetic uselessness on others.

>> No.7890822

That feel when you don't radiate virginity and people ask you how your wife and kids are doing.

Then you have to tell them you don't have a wife or children.

>> No.7890823 [DELETED] 

>Being elitist over shitty eroges

How fucking pathetic can you get? Eroges are shit to begin with, you're just making it worse.

>> No.7890826

Aw shit, get out of /jp/, you fucking waste of space.

>> No.7890827

Oh boy, I hope /jp/'s arguments are better than /a/'s.

>> No.7890829

i fucked ure mom nerd

>> No.7890833

If your not a virgin you don't belong on /jp/.
Normals have so many shitty sites they can go to I don't get why they don't leave us alone.

>> No.7890834

But you are from /a/ anyway.

>> No.7890835 [DELETED] 

Apparently not, see

>> No.7890842

Oh well, you'll be back on /a/ soon enough.
It won't matter much.

>> No.7890843

Do you seriously think that anyone in his right mind would waste time arguing with an autistic retard of your level?

What's the point, may I hear?

>> No.7890852
File: 59 KB, 400x624, The_Fox_and_the_Grapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7890847 [DELETED] 


Sure. Let's play the waiting game.

>> No.7890850

Some /jp/ intelligence in the flesh, how interesting.

>> No.7890854

I lurk /a/, as well, and I know full well that you're a Bleach-loving Park Ranger level shithead.

So seriously, fuck off.

Also, what kind of arguments do you expect when you just went and called all eroges shit, despite not having read any of them?
Why the fuck should we argue with you?

>> No.7890858 [DELETED] 


The point is to prove that you're not close-minded retards who get butthurt every time someone expresses an opinion you disagree with.

>> No.7890860

Why would you assume that?
I've been exclusively /jp/, /m/ and /tg/ for over a year now.

>> No.7890866


/a/ is full of self-hating /a/sswipes sucking the /co/cks of /co/cksuckers, /b/itches, /v/irgins, newfags and all the 13 year olds in existance. In other words, its shit, garbage, whatever ya what na call them.

>> No.7890867

>Being elitist over shitty eroges
>you're just making it worse
That's exactly why. Can you see it now?

>> No.7890868 [DELETED] 

>I know full well that you're a Bleach-loving Park Ranger level shithead.


I'm Triple A by the way, newfriend

>> No.7890872

An opinion is something that has basis.

>Eroges are shit to begin with
does not.

>> No.7890874

Please ignore !!BJiYgff8zf2 he is just an autistic teen who loves encyclopedia dramatica.

>> No.7890875

>The point is to prove that you're not close-minded retards who get butthurt every time someone expresses an opinion you disagree with.

And I ask again -- what's the point? Do you really think that you're so important?

>> No.7890889

He does.

>> No.7890891

I hate you, you reek of autism. welcome to /jp/ you fit right in.

>> No.7890896 [DELETED] 

You're confusing me with a tripfag who only trips to have an identity, like you do.

I am greatly insulted by this.

>> No.7890904

Well, that's a nice opinion(delusion) he has there, but no one cares.

Carry on your aspergers back to /a/, !!BJiYgff8zf2.

>> No.7890907

from that I can clearly see your like bleach and naruto, look at how much you mention it, your probably watch it every week and fap to sakura.

Not even people who like those animes, mention them as much as you do.

>> No.7890909 [DELETED] 


>Also, what kind of arguments do you expect when you just went and called all eroges shit, despite not having read any of them?

I expect you to defend the value of eroges.

First of all, what's the point of having an erotic game? If the purpose is merely to induce blood flow to the penis, you could accomplish that using viagra.

Erotic images and texts are nothing but trash. They feed the most primal of human drives - the drive to reproduce - without producing anything of value in return.

Science fictions at least stimulate the human mind to think about scientific issues, for example space exploration.

Eroges on the other hand provide no intellectual stimulation and are equivalent to massaging your penis. It is valueless.

Hence my judgment that eroges are shit.

>> No.7890911


Oh, boy, another fastboarding clown.

>> No.7890917

Oh boy, you're taking It on seriously now aren't you?

>> No.7890920 [DELETED] 

Imagine, for example, that you were unaware of porn, and watching one of those softcore "erotic thrillers" on late-night cable. Within minutes you would notice that it was no ordinary thriller, that something about the storytelling was a bit off. You might wonder if it was strictly necessary, from a narrative standpoint, for the characters to disrobe and hump each other every five minutes. You might wonder why random, pointless characters are introduced just to be fucked, and why the plot is contrived in such a way as to allow all the leading characters to hook up in every combination a heterosexual male might care to see. To one expecting a conventional narrative, the porn narrative has a demented, obsessive appearance; it is static, repetitive, moves only in circles.

>> No.7890924


Go back to your shitty /a/ and go suck /co/'s /co/ck, like you normally do.

>> No.7890927

Translations generally piss me off, but it's not really because I don't want things I like to not become popular.

When I started learning Japanese, there were very little eroge translations, almost exclusively really old stuff. But now, there's a significant chance of any new and popular release getting translated. Even with doujinshi, translators these days are practically fighting to be the first to translate the newest doujinshi from the popular circles. And thanks to simulcast, you'll be able to watch subbed anime before the raw comes out, so you can't even feel superior to western fans in that way either.

Also, I'm still a very slow reader when reading Japanese, so it really frustrated me when the translation of Steins;Gate finished in shorter time than I would have been able to read it, which shows that even after all that studying, I can still be outpaced by someone just waiting for the translation.

Fucking cheeky gaijins, know your place.

>> No.7890936

I don't want to spend money on viagra fool.
>producing anything of value in return.
Orgasm, you should try one, they feel good mang.
But you hate steins;gate.

and what no value to stroking a penis? go stroke your penis now! you'll see.

>> No.7890936,1 [INTERNAL] 

I am !!BJiYgff8zf2

I am here to continue the debate, if anyone wants to.

Otherwise I win by default.

>> No.7890943

And what if the eroge has so little ero in it that it can be ignored?
And what if it's not even an actual eroge, but a VN with no sex scenes?
And what if it's a sci-fi VN or eroge?

Close-mindedness at it's finest.

>> No.7890945

/a/ found you're thread.

>> No.7890948

>I expect you to defend the value of eroges.
Why should I?

First of all, what's the point of having an erotic game? If the purpose is merely to induce blood flow to the penis, you could accomplish that using viagra.
Yes, but I think it's better to use onahole since it's less dangerous.

Erotic images and texts are nothing but trash. They feed the most primal of human drives - the drive to reproduce - without producing anything of value in return.

Science fictions at least stimulate the human mind to think about scientific issues, for example space exploration.
Confirmed for fags;gayte reverse troll.
wow, you're fucking trash.

Eroges on the other hand provide no intellectual stimulation and are equivalent to massaging your penis. It is valueless.

Hence my judgment that eroges are shit.
That's okay, everyone has a right to have an opinion, even if it's shit.(I'm referring to you, buddy)

>> No.7890949


LoL, you autistic or something? Maybe you got that from ED, or your /co/cksucking friends from the Urban Dictionary. Or maybe you got your /a/nus fucked. Lol

>> No.7890951 [DELETED] 

If there is no response, then I win this argument by default.

Anyone who wishes to continue this discussion after this thread 404s can do so on the easymodo archived thread.

I post with the tripcode !!ZRU4cuK5unw on the easymodo archive.

>> No.7890952
File: 45 KB, 362x450, bob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/mu/ here, great job pall.

>> No.7890955

I'm not trying to be insulting here, but you're just sounding like a person that wants to feel superior to other fans.
And that isn't really a good way to go around getting people's sympathy you know.

>> No.7890965

Watch us give a shit.

>> No.7890983

I argue you are retarded and lonely, how do you defend yourself?

- you don't know how to masterbate.
- you always use "my tastes> your tastes"
- you spent hours making shitty copyapasta
- you only feel good when people respond to you, most likely you grave attention, your like a whore who pays customers to fuck her.
- you use viagra.

>> No.7890975 [DELETED] 

>I don't want to spend money on viagra fool.
Then fantasizing with easily available porn would do the same job.
>Orgasm, you should try one, they feel good mang.
Orgasms have no intellectual nor physical value. They are a waste of time.
>But you hate steins;gate.
Yes, because Steins;Gate is ultimately about getting the girl rather than actual scientific achievement.
>and what no value to stroking a penis? go stroke your penis now! you'll see.
There is no value to it. It accomplishes nothing of use.

>> No.7890977
File: 592 KB, 224x129, laughing whore.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If there is no response, then I win this argument by default.
So what are you going to do? Attach yourself a medal for this?

Check if anyone gives a shit.

>> No.7890986
File: 81 KB, 249x254, 1314095903025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/a/ here

only a handful of us read VN's

Personally I think they're fucking boring

Also, OP, you're a fucking retard for not liking something just because the fanbase is awful.

>> No.7891005

/a/ and naruto
/a/ and elfen lied
and the list goes on

>> No.7890997

>- you don't know how to masterbate.
Tripfag's postings
>Eroges on the other hand provide no intellectual stimulation and are equivalent to massaging your penis. It is valueless.
I'm not supporting him but, stop being stupid.

>> No.7891000

>accomplishes nothing of use
so you making shitty arguments and shitposts what exactly does that accomplish, giving you attention, you should just post pictures of you in tights and a skirt if you want attention so much.

>> No.7891001 [DELETED] 

>Yes, but I think it's better to use onahole since it's less dangerous.
>Confirmed for fags;gayte reverse troll.
>wow, you're fucking trash.
I am not a reverse troll. I have repeatedly stated that Shit's;Gay is my most fucking hated anime in the world and nothing will change that.
>That's okay, everyone has a right to have an opinion, even if it's shit.(I'm referring to you, buddy)
Your conclusions are unsupported by reasons. Hence your opinion is invalid.

>> No.7891013

says the naruto hater

>> No.7891017

Why is /a/ always elite and full of themselves?

>> No.7891028

here, have more sage.

>> No.7891018
File: 16 KB, 381x365, 1233041224387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've never seen so much butthurt.

>> No.7891025

>Implying naruto is good in any way.

>> No.7891026

>/a/ is a single mind and everyone agrees with that

>> No.7891030 [DELETED] 

I am not retarded because I can write coherent arguments unlike the majority of posters in this thread.

I am not lonely because I have lots of people to talk to.

Your evidence is irrelevant to your argument.

>> No.7891036

sup narutard
you've just nullified the value of >>7890986's opinion.

>> No.7891037

You write that as if your opinion is valid.


>> No.7891045

Ahahahaha, another retard who thinks sage is an insult. Go back to ur'e lesser board, sucker.

>> No.7891046

No, It's a personal opinion, and I could list out a large bunch of reasons why I dislike It as well.

>> No.7891041


/a/ is full of trolls, newfags, and underage kids. That's pretty much it. Than people go batshit when you have a favorite thing or two criticized by mere opinions. Nothing more.

Yeah, I don't see a need for threads like this to be prolonged. They are normally counterproductive and distract both boards from doing anything well meaningful..

>> No.7891050

How are you doing in school? Are your parents rich? Do they love you?

>> No.7891052 [DELETED] 


Nice Strawman retard. I hate Shit's;Gay for many more reasons than just the fact that its theory is wrong.

The entire cast is made up of complete fucking morons. No, I don't give a shit about Dr Pepper, your fucking 2D waifus or TUTURU LOL XDD SO FUNNAY!

If you really want to argue with me on this go read one of the many copypasta threads I've made.

>> No.7891056 [DELETED] 


Irrelevant to your argument. You admit defeat by default since you are not addressing my arguments.

>> No.7891057

Stop replying to a confirmed troll.
Stop feeding the troll.
Stop being trolled.
Thank you for your attention.

>> No.7891060

It's funny because you state your opinion as fact.

>> No.7891063

Think about it this way: I've spent hundreds of hours of my life on learning this language, ignored dozens of translated eroge in favor of improving my Japanese by playing untranslated, and felt like a complete outsider on /jp/ where we mostly discuss translated stuff, yet not mastering the language well enough to be at home in a Japanese community.

All of that kinda sucks, so I must have continued to pursue it with a goal in mind. Obviously it's not because knowing Japanese will improve my job aspects or because I'm planning to move to Japan. The only reason I've had all along to go through all that shit is that is because I wanted to get something out of this hobby that other people couldn't get. Not to feel superior to them, but just because I fucking love this hobby and want to get the most out of it.

For that reason, it's frustrating when I see my rewards decreasing in value, as people suddenly obtain the same things as me through absolutely no effort of their own.

Oh, but don't get me wrong, I'm not the kind of person who needs to let out this frustration on others. Whenever some translation drama is going on, there's this slight temptation to remind them "this wouldn't be a problem if you knew Japanese, you know~", but I always restrain myself, since I'm not a dick.

>> No.7891064

that sentence doesn't have an ounce of coherence to it, because you argue shit coherently = you aren't retarded.

Stop deluding yourself, you are retarded and are lonely, do you talk to people outside of 4chan or gaia?

I'm just going to assume you'll lie and say you do to protect your ego, you need to learn that needing attention won't help you in the long run, learn to how not to be in the center of attention, you probably can't see how pahetic you are right now, but you'll see in the future.

well hopefully, if you didn't that be sad, wasting your life away..

>> No.7891061

Shitposting is fun.

>> No.7891067

Another /a/non here, and I completely understand OP, we have the same faggots on /a/ who hate things because of the fanbase.

Like Madoka, Death Note, Steins;Gate, and the list goes on, is stupid that people on /a/ complain about hipsters on /jp/, seriously.

>Personally I think they're fucking boring

Stop making look /a/nons like morons.

>> No.7891068 [DELETED] 

Wow, and I thought /jp/ was smarter than this.

For the supposedly most elite board on 4chan it sure is lacking in arguments to defend its favorite hobby.

Now I see, /jp/ is nothing more than 12yo manchildren playing shitty erotic games and shitposting anyone who challenges their flawed arguments.

It's okay though, since you've admitted defeat.

I'll hang around this board until someone continues this argument.

>> No.7891071

It's not like he's going to accept any other opinion. Arguing with him as the same as arguing with a wall.

>> No.7891072

But your shitty threads hurt my eyes, when i try to open them its like someone smeared shit on my screen... why would you want me to look at that..

>> No.7891077 [DELETED] 

>because you argue coherently = you aren't retarded.
>Stop deluding yourself, you are retarded and are lonely, do you talk to people outside of 4chan or gaia?
>I'm just going to assume you'll lie and say you do to protect your ego, you need to learn that needing attention won't help you in the long run, learn to how not to be in the center of attention, you probably can't see how pahetic you are right now, but you'll see in the future.
>well hopefully, if you didn't that be sad, wasting your life away..

You know I thought this board's intellectual level is above throwing irrelevant comments and ad hominems. Evidently I was mistaken.

I will hang around /jp/ to further continue this argument until someone finally responds with a cogent and relevant points.

>> No.7891081

> No, I don't give a shit about Dr Pepper, your fucking 2D waifus or TUTURU LOL XDD SO FUNNAY!
>If you really want to argue with me on this go read one of the many copypasta threads I've made.
lol you're fucking moron. fucking retard, jesus christ, you're an idiot.

>> No.7891082

OP is a fag. If you do like something, it should not matter what other think about it. So what if some terrible fanbase formed? Original won't change 'cause of this and if it was good it will remain so.
Those who shit on things they liked before, never actually loved them. OP is a hipster.

>> No.7891080

I get your point, I would have probably agreed with you, If I didn't mistake you for someone like OP, who doesn't want people to enjoy things.
Although to be honest, there's alot of things that won't get translated as well, so you're still in a zone where you can read/watch/whatever things other people can't.

>> No.7891086 [DELETED] 


>I hate reading

I am aware of your low literacy level and your inability to read more than 2 lines of words before going back to fapping to badly drawn females.

However, you can improve your reading abilities by trying to read my threads.

I know it's not easy, but the first steps are always the most difficult.

>> No.7891090

Good job proving.
>>7891071 >>7891060
It's funny to see how you dismiss arguments you don't like, but can't accept others dismissing yours.

>> No.7891095


What did those question hit home too hard? I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I'm just here to help you. want to talk through your pain? I think we should share e-mail, some things personal shouldn't be posted on 4chan.

my e-mail is in the e-mail field please contact me if you need someone to talk to. ( I'm sure I can help you sort your life out)

>> No.7891100

You still haven't answered
Why are you avoiding them?

>> No.7891098 [DELETED] 


It's funny how you can't come up with cogent and relevant points against my argument so you resort to ad hominems which are irrelevant to the argument, thus further proving my point that /jp/ are the least intellectually capable of 4chan's boards.

>> No.7891106 [DELETED] 


What did my argument hit home too hard? I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I'm just here to help you. want to talk through your pain? I think we should share e-mail, some things personal shouldn't be posted on 4chan.

my e-mail is in the e-mail field please contact me if you need someone to talk to. ( I'm sure I can help you sort your life out)

See, I can do it too. Now go back to refuting my argument or admit that you cannot, thereby admitting defeat and proving my intellectual superiority.


>> No.7891103

I kind of like this !!BJiYgff8zf2 guy.

It's like if Athens had a baby with Arc.

>> No.7891109 [DELETED] 


You still haven't answered

Refute my argument or admit that you cannot.


>> No.7891110

pumping lemmas are fun
i've got 2

>> No.7891117

That's cool, and understandable. To be honest though you should just take it further if you want something out of it—there are tons of comics, games, and even dare I say real literature that you can read with knowledge of Japanese.

I'm a writer, so part of the reason why I'm studying Japanese is to understand English better. I've always been fascinated by Japanese puns and Kanji readings that aren't possible in English, to say nothing of all the other differences that make the language unique. I think there is a lot to be gained personally through the simple act of learning another language, especially one that is so very different than English.

>> No.7891118 [DELETED] 


You've had a lot of dick JC but you ain't had mine

>> No.7891131

Its seem I might have upset you, but you fail to put your e-mail in the e-mail field? despite your message saying the e-mail is there, its alright we all make mistakes.

Please provide your e-mail, I can help with ego stroking and also provide you with a suitable IQ test that your frame on your wall (You can proud of how intelligent you are and show everyone!)

>> No.7891127

what's the bump limit here?

>> No.7891130 [DELETED] 


And once again /a/ proves the intellectually superior board to /jp/

To the surprise of no-one.

>> No.7891138 [DELETED] 


My email was provided in the field. Hover your mouse cursor above my tripcode and you shall see.

Yes I am aware of your low intellectual capacity but that doesn't mean you can't learn new tricks such as discovering the email field.

>> No.7891133

Refute their arguments or admit that you cannot.


>> No.7891146 [DELETED] 


Too late, I've already checkmated you.

And now I claim my title as /jp/'s undefeated champion of intellectual debate.

Suck it weeaboos.

>> No.7891149

Well, wow, its pretty amazing how far this thread has gone. Some people are defending eroges. Others aren't. Its pretty understandable why /a/ doesn't like eroges much. In fact, most of the Western Anime/Manga fanbase are oblivious to them for the same reasons they aren't to kind to niche genres such as moe, fanservice, yuri, loli, josei, etc found in Anime/Mangas. It doesn't make these subgenres inferior, it just means they haven't been properly introduced.

Similarly, we haven't gotten that many great visual novels over the past years until recently. We have Mangagamer, and JASTUSA as two key players of the industry. Than we have Akysy Games who want to release Hakuouki, an otome game(an Otome game is a dating-sim for girls), for the PSP platform. Than there is Sake Visual, a small independent visual novel company trying to develop a market for Otome games.

Either way, I don't expect Visual Novels/Eroge to be widely accepted by the mainstream Anime/Manga fanbase anytime soon. And if there were any to appeal to Anime/Manga fans, they're most likely have to be localized to actually appeal to the fans. It'll probably be like this, short eyes, more gore, and less sex to none at all. Who knows what will happen.

>> No.7891143

>And once again /a/ proves the intellectually superior board to /jp/
>lol guys I'm talking to myslef

>> No.7891150 [DELETED] 

How does it feel to be intellectually checkmated by someone from the supposedly inferior board, weeaboos?

>> No.7891151

Well I'm glad I beat you at that naruto argument.
I can now claim I'm better than you.

>> No.7891158

So is your email "sage," is that @gmail.com ?

Also, your arguments are so full of ad hominem that you've really destroyed all of your credibility, not to mention your ludicrous fantasy that someone not responding to an argument makes you its winner—please ask your rhetoric and composition teacher to give you a tuition refund.

>> No.7891156

Heh, guess what I'm doing right now?

>> No.7891163

Oh dear.. I'm afraid sage isn't an e-mail address, you know name@.com or such are e-mails.
Its alright! go to hotmail.com and you can register an account there!

I'll be awaiting your reply, don't worry no one thinks less of you for not know what sage is, i'm sure anyone would confuse it for an e-mail address

>> No.7891171
File: 194 KB, 351x1697, 1308564907868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, Shithead from /a/.

You have never read a VN or eroge.
How can you expect us to seriously counter your uninformed arguments based on ignorance?
Such arguments aren't worth shit, you know.
Thus, the counter arguments will also be not worth shit.

/jp/ has saw right through you and handled you appropriately.

>> No.7891174 [DELETED] 

>Well, wow, its pretty amazing how far this thread has gone. Some people are defending eroges. Others aren't.

Indeed it is unfortunate that /jp/ is of inferior intellectual calibre, but that is merely a result of this board's orientation.

>Its pretty understandable why /a/ doesn't like eroges much. In fact, most of the Western Anime/Manga fanbase are oblivious to them for the same reasons they aren't to kind to niche genres such as moe, fanservice, yuri, loli, josei, etc found in Anime/Mangas. It doesn't make these subgenres inferior, it just means they haven't been properly introduced.

You're not addressing any of my fundamental arguments. The fact that /a/ doesn't engage in shit-tier activities is a result of their superior taste, rather than their ignorance of this genre.

>Similarly, we haven't gotten that many great visual novels over the past years until recently. We have Mangagamer, and JASTUSA as two key players of the industry. Than we have Akysy Games who want to release Hakuouki, an otome game(an Otome game is a dating-sim for girls), for the PSP platform. Than there is Sake Visual, a small independent visual novel company trying to develop a market for Otome games.

Completely irrelevant points. Eroges are fundamentally shit as a result of their conceptual definitions, not because of production values.

>Either way, I don't expect Visual Novels/Eroge to be widely accepted by the mainstream Anime/Manga fanbase anytime soon. And if there were any to appeal to Anime/Manga fans, they're most likely have to be localized to actually appeal to the fans. It'll probably be like this, short eyes, more gore, and less sex to none at all. Who knows what will happen.

More otaku and weeaboo pandering, and less intellectual content, that's what will happen.

>> No.7891177

I dont think you begin to fathom the anal devistation your superioer arguing have caused me. I feel obliged to suck your objectively perfect cock, if I may?

>> No.7891178

I'll award you autsim master. well done. wonder what would happen if people ignored your posts.. would you end up commit sucide. its a nice though we are keeping you alive. don't give on life, i'm sure people will keep replying to you.

giving you a reason to live!

>> No.7891179 [DELETED] 


What Naruto argument? Link it on easymodo.

>> No.7891189

Y'know Naruto VS Gurren Lagann.

>> No.7891184

what a load of bullshit. those are nothing but an empty statements, care to prove me wrong?
you might want to add some facts to prove your arguments which you take out from your ass.

>> No.7891185

Find it yourself, you should be able to do that much.

>> No.7891186 [DELETED] 


I'm afraid sucking my cock will be impossible, since it is too large to be handled by mere mortals.

You can, however, provide additional arguments for or against eroges, and I will address them accordingly.

>> No.7891193

I think eroges are shit because I think so! I'm like you too! can I touch your cock now? :3

>> No.7891190 [DELETED] 


To my knowledge I have not lost any arguments.

I'm not going to try to look for something that I know doesn't exist.

>> No.7891196

You admit your defeat then and are refuse to look at it.

Haha, you got beat and you try to hide that fact.

>> No.7891198 [DELETED] 


No, you have not provided any reasons to back up your opinion, therefore it is invalid.

>> No.7891194 [DELETED] 


Where exactly did I lose that argument? Point it out please.

>> No.7891201 [DELETED] 


Hah, you got beat and you can't admit it. Funny.

Hey look everybody I can do it too

>> No.7891207

and you're yet to provide any facts to back up yours.

>> No.7891208 [DELETED] 

OK, this is getting annoying.

>> No.7891203

Your intention of the argument was to prove TTGL was shonen shit, my intention was to prove It wasn't as bad as naruto.
In the end you agreed with me, meaning I was the victor.

>> No.7891205

ehhh, but can't be like you if i provide reasons, I think reasons are for mere mortals not like us :3

>> No.7891210

Fuck all that ``abstract bullshite".

>> No.7891218

OK, this is getting annoying.
I'm the guy who was in that argument.
This is my post: >>7891203
And nearly everyone else is fakers.

>> No.7891223

Everyone if you just ignore him he'll commit sucide.

Don't reply to anything he says, in fact i'm sure he samefagged replies to his "arguments".

>> No.7891230

Can you not make a trip and pretend to be me, you are as bad as him.

>> No.7891231

That's how he rolls.

>> No.7891233 [DELETED] 

New thread here:


>> No.7891237

Why don't you try killing yourself?
I have more respect for people that express their opinions than for people like you.

>> No.7891248

>enter a VN thread with an OP who doesn't like the fact that other people knows about his hobby
Might be good, you never know...
> !!BJiYgff8zf2 is posting
Goddammit, are you people still arguing with this shitposter? Let him be.

On other news, I'm that one anon who got his PC fucked every time I tried to change the locale to Japanese. I reinstalled Windows, now it works and I'm starting MuvLuv Extra. It will be a long journey to get through Extra and Unlimited, and then to the legendary Alternative. Wish me luck!

>> No.7891241

Eroges have many things going against them.

The anime industry is, currently, something like a 2D brothel that is masquerading as a massage parlor. Eroge lacks the plausible deniability of most anime because it actually contains canonical porn. It's more difficult to acquire and harder to discuss, outside of places like /jp/. VNs and eroge are obscure even in Japan, and let's be honest, like every form of entertainment, most of them are crap.

Additionally, there's the translation factor. Anime and Manga mostly consist of pictures, and even poor translations can float these because the greater half of what's going on needs no translation. Vns, on the other hand, have huge amounts of text and rely greatly on the quality of their writing, necessitating not only much more work and effort of translation, but very high english skills as well in order to convey the spirit of the text in another language. Because a great deal of eroge is masturbatory shlock, it's harder to even get people interested in it.

That said, trolls aside I don't think the community as a whole dislikes eroge, as the popularity of YMK, FSN, Sengokou Rance and others have proven.

>> No.7891244

Prove my arguments?? That's laughable my friend. In 4chan, opinions=lulz and trolls=trolls. And you fit that equation very well. The fact that you have the odyssey to continue to repel everyone around you and trying to make yourself stand out makes you the biggest loser in this thread. I wonder what your parents have to say about yourself. Either way, you outta feel ashamed of yourself focusing on nothing but troll culture. Are you unemployed or something?

>> No.7891273

"Why should I eat? Having to ingest organic substances is so primitive"
You know, as much as you may want, there are quite a handful of tasks a human has to complete in order to keep a healthy body. You may want to live in your anime, but you can't deny your own natural needs. Now whether you release it by masturbating or actually having sex doesn't matter.
Also, reading sci-fis doesn't make you smart, it just stimulates creativity, and that's as useful to scientists as it is for poets

>> No.7891316

Hmm.....Apparently, it seems Online troll culture has become quite popular nowadays. And its kinda sad actually because I don't consider "trolling" a hobby. Why don't you people pick up a good comic book, mango, or visual novel and make something for yourselves for once. Its really pathetic how people wear their stupid masks out in the public and make a complete farce of themselves.(BTW those masks are OWNED by Time Warner, so you're technically helping the enemy in the process.)

>> No.7891347


LOL. You do know that the NYtimes has been GLORIFYING troll culture lately. In fact, they and other mainstream media outlets are the reason why 4chan became more popular and subsequently lamer.

4chan has gotten an influx of newfags recently and with all the oldfags and guys that made 4chan great out, 4chan sucks now.

>> No.7891358

I don't even know if this is irony anymore.

>> No.7891368


^This and pretty much the reason I canceled my subscription with them. There's nothing great about 4chan now. Plus, Moots selling all your info to 3rd Party companies for his pathetic "Canvas" project. What do you 4channers make of that?

>> No.7891398

I'm glad I can read VNs and enjoy what the developers and artists created without having to learn japanese or worry about what other people think of the material.

>> No.7891475


Lurker here. I mostly browse around here for Illusion Mods, pics, niche games, and Touhou stuff. But I have noticed a lot of shitposting recently and is probably attributed to the fact 4chan got more popular.Its kind of what happened to Youtube back then before it became crap.

>> No.7891505

I always have to say this, maybe beacause I've been around 4chan for many years now, but /jp/ has been renowned for shitposting nearly from its inception—I'd say it was actually worse a few years ago, though it did get a bit better before reaching its current low.

These things come in waves, I'm not sure you can tie them back to the site getting more popular—/b/'s been huge for years.

>> No.7891510


I still consider 4chan a whole lot tamer when it comes to trolling than Youtube. Yes we have /b/, but Youtube has some of the most stupidest, most retarded commentators and videos you'll ever seen that it'll make you think twice about any hope for the human race.

>> No.7891584


That's why we're hoping Hongfire comes back pretty soon. Its an anwsome community. Much more better than being here.

Who shut down Hongfire anyway?

>> No.7891742


I'd say they're about equal. Its a given whenever online communities become enormous and popular, trolls and attention whores(like a certain someone ranting about visual novels/eroges) are likely to arise. In the end, it was all a waste of time and no one wins nothing out of threads like these.

>> No.7891778

I think it was literally hentaishare or some fuck-off pay for piratated software site buttmad that hongfire was giving stolen stuff out for free, as if to prove how retarded the DMCA is.

>> No.7891785

Hentaikey actually.

>> No.7891796


Doesn't Hentai Key steal stuff themselves???

>> No.7891805


Yes they do but for a profit.

>> No.7891842

oh boy looks like 4chan's gonna need moar mods. Its getting shittier around here.

>> No.7891862

Poor troll, he got checkmated too easily.

>> No.7891870

The opinions of others, no matter how retarded they are, doesn't affect me so no. I'd rather be able to read something while everyone else who's reading it is being annoying about it than be unable to read something.

>> No.7891901

Yes, they are huge fucking hypocrites using a law designed to prevent piracy in order to profit off of it themselves. This is why the DMCA is the biggest piece of shit to grace copyright law.

>> No.7891914


>> No.7892663
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