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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7878898 No.7878898[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Do you like or hate /a/?

If you like /a/, then why are you on /jp/?

If you hate /a/, then why do you hate this video, since this video pisses off /a/?

Does my paradox frustrate you?

>> No.7878908
File: 4 KB, 169x169, 1314251281177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7878909

I can't believe someone actually made this video.

>> No.7878914

I think /a/ sucks butt.

KoG is cool though. He has like autism/OCD about numbers, but it's more a quirky and fun trait than annoying. I thought it was neat when he analyzed the Sudo pig wallpaper yesterday:


>> No.7878913

I loved /a/ like father with Munchhausen's.

But its just too fast.

>> No.7878916

I like how the soothing music just makes my rage boil that much more, as if it's the credits to some amazing video game.

>> No.7878917

>If you hate /a/, then why do you hate this video, since this video pisses off /a/?
Flawless logic.

>> No.7878919
File: 136 KB, 850x992, Cirno - Tongue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7878925

Did you just make a thread about your dick on kc?

>> No.7878926

You have never heard of KoG.

His autism is beyond anything we have ever seen.

>> No.7878929

is it true that you are kog?

>> No.7878932

I remember when moot stickied KoG's 303033300 on /b/.

I also remember his 22000000.

KoG makes autism fun.

>> No.7878932,1 [INTERNAL] 

T-That wasn't me!!

I swear!
My dick is perfectly fine...

It's probably another BR trying to make me look bad...

>> No.7878932,2 [INTERNAL] 

>KoG is cool though

Shut up, ZUNbar, you think everyone is cool.

>> No.7878932,3 [INTERNAL] 

implying /jp/ hates gets
